Price Project Report U.S., June '94 This information has been collected through e-mail from a number of helpful people who contributed data. If your environment isn't listed below or if you have more information about it, please send your information (as brief as possible, please) to me ( You can send information anonymous to me in several ways: - Put an "X-Anon-To:" headerline in mail to (note misspelling!). You can request information about this remailer with an empty message to . - Put the same headerline in mail to , or mail to if you can't add headerslines. Information can be requested with an empty message to . - The Cypherpunk anonymous mailers; for instructions please read the file ['s.remailer.gz]. All mail received will be sanitized. You may wish to encrypt mail before letting it leave your machine; see my .sig if you have PGP. This list is posted every month on alt.drugs. The latest list can also be obtained on as /pub/drugs/misc/ and [note: not dated entries are from before spring '93] Total contributions to the report: 119 -Contents- Alabama: Birmingham Fairhope Arizona: Buckeye Phoenix Tucson California: Berkeley Incline Village area (North Lake Tahoe) Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco Santa Cruz South Bay Area Colorado: Boulder Denver Delaware: Newark Florida: Daytona Beach Gainesville Miami Palm Beach county Hawaii Illinois: Chicago Indiana; Portage Iowa: Des Moines Kansas: Manhattan Kentucky: Bowling Green Maine: Brunswick Orono Maryland Massachusetts: Amherst Boston Michigan; Lansing (East) Minnesota: Duluth Missouri Nevada: (Incline Village area) New Mexico New York: Brooklyn Buffalo New York Ohio: Columbus Oberlin Oregon: Portland Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh Rhode Island Texas: Austin Dallas/Fort Worth Houston Utah; Salt Lake City Virginia; Washington DC Washington; Seattle Wisconsin: Madison Milwaukee State: Alabama Date: June '94 Location: Birmingham Pot: $450 to $500/Quarter-pound; $40-45/Quarter-ounces. Quality: Most of this pot is the standard stuff....not light, but not dark green, and usually takes about 3 good bong hits to be stoned for a while... * Light green fluffy stuff: $170 an ounce, or $50 a quarter ounce. Acid: When available, $5 a hit, $7 to $10 to the younger people. Date: June '94 Location: Fairhope Pot: $400/quarter-pound, sometimes a pound for $1200 or so... Acid: $5/hit. Easier to get than in Birmingham Shrooms: "So plentiful that there is no market...everyone goes and gets them can pick 2 or 3 pounds of them by yourself in an hour or so, if you go to one of the better fields..." State: Arizona Location: Dead Concert, Buckeye Lake Date: June 11, 1993 Marijuana: $25/eighth, $45/quarter. Good quality. Color: Light to middle green Location: Phoenix Date: June '94 Weed: $250-300/ 1/4 lb, $750/lb. Dark green with very small buds, none bigger then about 1 inch in length. The smoke is mild, with a quick reponse. High ranges from intense with visions to mild and depressed. Appears to be a strain of indica and stavia mixed, or perhaps its the fruits of a stavia and indica harvest mixed together. Supposedly a import from South America. * Mexican Weed: $5.00/gram, $15.00 1/8th oz, $25.00 1/4 oz, $40.00 1/2 oz, $75.00 1 oz, $160.00 1/4 LB, $300.00 1/2 LB, $500.00 1 LB, $8000/20 kilo. Location: Tucson Marijuana: Mexican: $65-$70/oz [June '93] Low quality: $100/quarter pound [July '93] State: California Location: Berkeley Date: March '94 Lsd: $750/1000 doses- Orange suns on a yellow background. [2nd source, June '94] Lsd: 5 hits $10. "Disappointing quality" Location: Incline Village area (North Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada border) Date: February '94 Marijuana: * Mex (shitweed): $25/eight. It's actually better than what the name says. I got really worked on this stuff. * Green: $50/eigth. This had some really KIND bud in it- juicy and thick. The smell was wonderful, and you can get pretty high after three bong hits. Unfortunetly kind of expensive for me. LSD: $5 a hit, or about $3 if you buy a lot of it. Quality is unknown. Mushrooms: $20 for an eight, about enough for 2 people. Quality also unknown. -Everything else is pretty hard to find. Actually, shrooms and not pot are the most common and easy-to-get drug around here. Location: Los Angeles area marijuana: $25 a quarter -- mediocre stuff, but it gets the job done. hashish: $10 a gram. No point of comparison, but it's pretty potent. [other source August '93] Marijuana: $60 per oz for decent sens. - dark green, not too seedy. LSD: $3-5 hit of blotter (Celtic Shields, Suns, Purple Shields, UFO�s, Robots) $ 80-120/sheet (100), $ 600-750/book (1000), $ 5-10/microdot MDMA: $20 per - Pink, purple, brown, white pressed tabs - usually speedy. Small white capsules occasionally - very good. $ 7-12 for >100 2C-B: $10-15 per $5-7 for >100 Crystal Meth: $20-25 1/4 gram Shrooms: (rare) $125-150oz. [2nd source, December '93] Marijuana: $25-35/Quarter [3rd source, December '93] LSD: Strawberries (kind of old) and Celtic shields: $50/sheet wholesale, $60/sheet if 2nd in line, $100/sheet if not. Shields are uneven in quality--tends to be either high or weak in quality. A few dud hits per sheet as a rule. [4th source, March '94] Weed: Mex: $20/eigth on the street, $60/ounce from most Mexicans 'Ganje' Killer dope $60/eighth for *fat* eights. Might be $50-55 for slightly lesser grade. $320/oz if you can find the right person. "Best Weed Santa Barbara has ever seen!" High Times quote) Hash: not too bad quality, ~30/quarter. Hits/Shrooms: Very hard to find, but average prices ($3-5 'cid, $20/eight shrooms). Opium: Be real careful here. There is some shit going around that smells like Jasmine. I think it's that Black Opium insence found in the back of HT. It's $20/eighth, but don't waste your money. *Everything above except for the Kind prices are from around the Venice beach area. The 'ganje' I've only been able to find up in Santa Barbara, but it's well worth the trip. Location: San Diego Date: April '94 Speed: $20 per 1/4 gm, $80 per 1/16 oz [2nd source, May '94] Mexican 'dirt' weed: $100/ounce, $15/eighth, $25/quarter Bud: up to $65/eigth "one or two hits cause you to trip" Location: San Francisco Date: June 93 Marijuana: Killer Green from emerald triangle (northern california) ~$60/ 1/8 ounce. Mexican brown ~$40/ 1/4 ounce, maybe $350-400/ 1/4 pound. Acid: ~$75/ sheet of 100. Mushrooms: psylocybe cubensis ~$75/ ounce. Methamphetamine: $100/gram MDMA: $150/gram (10 hits) "gone up a lot lately due to rave scene...used to be $75/gram last year." U4Euh: (Verbosamine, Intellex, Ice) $125/ gram 2CB: $100/ gram heroin: $200 gram cocaine: $75 gram mescaline: $50 gram [2nd source, Bay Area, December '93] LSD: Purple shields $4/blotter, very weak (Suns are stronger, medium) Location: Santa Cruz Date: April '94 Shrooms: $15/eighth, $25/quarter, $500/half pound. High quality. Location: South Bay Area (Mountain View, Cupertino, West San Jose, Sunnyvale) Date: May '93 marijuana: - Green Bud #1: Light green in color. Totally covered in red hairs. Full, big, mature buds (Some weigh in at 15+ grams each) good smell, great high. Good availibility. $60 3.5 grams $425 1 oz. - Green Bud #2: Dark green nuggets. Very dense and squishy. Intoxicating aroma. Burns well due to moisture content (not too dry, not too wet). This is the one hit shit. It comes around twice a year from Humboldt County. Very hard to find, rarely available in quantities. $55 3.0 grams $400 1 oz. (If you can find someone who can keep this much around) - Brown Mexican Bud #1: Shitty, shitty, shitty. It looks shitty, smells shitty, and tastes like burnt dirt. A friend found a rusty screw in a 1/4 lb. sack. $20 3.5 grams $150 1 oz. $500 1/4 lb. $1700 lb. State: Colorado Location: Boulder Marijuana: - "Kind Bud": medium to very light, bright green. Orange "hairs" and white/translucent "crystals". Very sticky and heavy when wet, but very light and fluffy when dry. Buds are large and shapely (meaning: recognizable, not crushed, compared to "shwag" Mexican). Usually no seeds, but if you're lucky :-) you'll get a couple. Not widely available. "stoned with one hit", "high quality" [Summer '93]: $50/eighth ounce [Winter '92/93]: $40/eighth ounce - "Shwag Bags": dark to medium green and brownish. If brown, it smells like dirt and will taste even worse. Plant is crushed and a large portion (sometimes up to 50%, if you really get screwed) of the mass is comprised of seeds and stems. Color is uniform (no orange hairs) and there are no crystals. Readily available. "smoke a whole bowl to get really high" "smoke more harsh" "not fresh" [Summer '93]: $40-50/quarter ounce [Winter '92/93]: $30-40/quarter ounce Location: Denver Date: November '93 Pot mexican commercial: $30-40/quarter, $100-120/oz, $875-1000/pound Kind buds, super killer: $80-100 a quarter, $3200-3600+ a pound Hash: $10-20 a gram, $250-325 an oz, $900-950 quarter pound XTC: $15-25 a hit, $1700-2400/oz. Availability is irregular, quality unknown. LSD: $2-5 a hit, $70-150 a sheet (100 hits), $700-1000 ten sheets. Availabilty irregular Mushrooms: $30-45 a quarter, $900-1100 a pound, $700-800 ten pounds+. Availability somewhat better than lsd Heroine (black tar only, no china white powder): $15-20 for a small piece 1/20 to 1/30 of a gram, $120-180 for a half gram. Availability is good but must be bought on the street. [2nd source, December '93] Marijuana: Good red hair commercial mexican- $90/OZ, $900/5 pounds [3rd source, March '94] MJ: 750-1000/pound for commercial mex. to get below $900 you need to know an importer, preferably a mexican insider. A friend got a pound for $650, but it was moldy and didn't smell too good. Still stony though. State: Delaware Location: Newark Date: July 24th '93 "Just about anything is available here, nobody seems to have any trouble finding weed, hash, LSD, speed, coke or crack. MDMA availability seems to be highly correlated with certain parties where there is little or no beer and many weird looking people dancing all night that happen about once or twice a month. Shrooms, microdots that are alledgedly mescaline (but more likely one of its more potent analogues), ketamine, PCP, heroin and various pharmacuticals are all available but if you don't know the right people it might take a week or two to find them. Alcohol: $1.75 domestics, $2.75 imports, $1.75+ mixed drinks. in a bar Marijuana: $45-55/quarter, decent stuff, good availability LSD: $4/hit; Recent brands: Snowmen, plain grey blotter; Availability: fair MDMA: $20-25/hit "variable, but usually good" Cocaine: $80/gram last summer for pretty good stuff, I don't keep track of coke prices because I don't buy it very often. State: Florida Location: Daytona Beach [April '94] Pot: 120-1OZ 60$-1/2 40$-1/4 20-1/8. Sometimes good sometimes not so bad. Locally grown: 5$ a oz, Really shitty but 2 jays get ya there Date: August '93 Location: Gainesville Pot - $40 / quarter ounce LSD - $5 a hit. Just starting to trickle back in after a 6 month drought. Nexus - $25 / capsule. Only place I know of to get it is a head shop. Shrooms - "still haven't seen them, only know of one person who has this summer." Location: Miami LSD: hits $5 each; sheets $135 (white THICK blotter) Location: Palm Beach County Date: February '94 LSD: Sporadically available. Hard to obtain, we dry out most of the time. * Orange Sunshine Blotter - $6 a hit. Larger quanities not usually for sale. Average quality. 8 Hour Trip... * White Blotter - $5 a hit. Larger quanites not available. Very good, "clean", and visual. 11-12 Hour trip. * Pink Flamingo Blotter - $3-4 a dose. FAKE! Blank paper. Don't buy... MJ: * Basic Mexican Weed: $120 per ounce. Nice, green, and nice pine smell. * Cheaper variety: $100 per ounce. Older looking and more seeds. Works fine, tho. Cocaine: Readily available, price unknown. Indoles and phenethylamines are not available. State: Hawaii Speed: $100 1/4 gram, $150 1/2 gram, $400 16th Oz, $700 8/th Oz, $3500-4000 Ounce. Clear, high-quality white crystal. State: Illinois Location: Champaign (UIUC campus) Date: March '94 MJ: $40 1/4. Beat-up, brown brick buds. Not too much smell. Decent high considering what the stuff looks like. You'll come down and be sleepy in an hour. Shrooms: $25 1/8 $50 1/4. Consistent supply. Type Unknown. 1/16 is good for about a 5hr trip. Location: Chicago Marijuana: $45/quarter "kicked in right away" "intense buzz" "not very potent" [north Chicago, Nov '93] Buds: $50/quarter. Quite potent, one or two bong hits will do ya. Fantastic smell (unburnt), pretty smooth going down. [north Chicago, Nov '93] [2nd source, March '94] MJ: $10/eigth. Shake, sometimes cut with parsley or oregano. Not much good. [3rd source] Heroin: $20 bag, about 60-80 mg. Very fine white powder. Cut with sleeping pills. High quality. Increasing availability. [West, Late February '94] Acid: $5/hit - blotter paper. "Ant"-acid. Common, but variable type. [North, Early March '94] Methedrine: $10 bag. Cut with caffeine. Large physical quantity, so so effect. Common. [Truckstop, Late February '94] [4th source, March '94] MJ: $35 1/8, $70 1/4. Very good quality. Light and dark green, small dense buds. Rather sticky with good skunky smell. Few seeds & stems, but not too bad. Good, long lasting high. [5th source, Hyde Park, June '94] Marijuana: $40/quarter. Almost all nice, green buds. Nice! State: Indiana Location: Portage Marijuana: $45 - 1/4 or $150 an ounce. Mediocre stuff, kinda dry. Hard to come by lately. [August '93] [2nd source, October '93] Marijuana: excellent stuff. Better than what has been available all summer. Moist, tastey. Stoned from a few hits. Availability is great. Very EASY to get. $45 1/4, $120 ounce. LSD: Very good stuff. $3/dose, $90 half-sheet of 50. Availibility is good. Usually takes a day to get. [3rd source, 20 December '93- Portage and surrounding cities] Marijuana: TIGHTLY compressed bud. Dark green, good 'skunky' smell. Strong hits, one joint gets even the heaviest smoker stoned. Very easily obtained. Delivered right to your door. $40 a 1/4 oz., and $120 an oz. Note: Slightly less than an ounce is only a misdemeanor in Indiana! They are searching a lot of vehicles, lately, so if you have an ounce or more, be careful, it's a stiff felony! Chesterton, Indiana, or neighboring city just spent a whopping $10,000 for a drug sniffing dog they now carry around to search vehicles on the spot. First month's statistics are 5 marijuana busts. Be warned! State: Iowa Location: Des Moines Date: April '94 Marijuana: 1/8 oz - $25, 1/4 oz - $45-50, 1/2 oz - $85-100, 1 oz - $140-170. From the sources I've seen, bags are mostly buds, very little shake. Buds are full of red hairs and have a strong, green odor, usually around 2-3 inches long. General rule is to get it when shipments first come in, and you'll end up with the longer buds with very few seeds, but a few big stems. Very intense high, 1 or two bong hits will send you flying, a couple bongloads will knock you on your ass. LSD: $5-6 Everyone says it takes a couple hits to work Shrooms: $35 for an 1/8 oz., but I haven't seen 'em. Pretty rare. [They really depend on how well you know the source, and availability. (Everyone seems to run out at the same time around here)] State: Kansas Location: Manhattan Date: 2/14/94 -All of these readily available- Mj: -Mexican commercial pressed, $45/quarter, $135/ounce. Average -- typical mexican weed -Good skunk bud, $55/quarter, $150/ounce. Very good -- 1-2 hit stuff. Cocaine (powder): $40/quarter-gram, $250/eight-ball 3.5g. Cut somewhat -- hard to tell how much Crank,Speed,Methamphetamine: $40/quarter-gram, $250/eight-ball 3.5g. Less than 50% pure -- cut with some white vitamin tablet ? LSD (blank blotter): $5/hit. Average dose -- ~75 micrograms Mushrooms: $10/gram, $60/quarter. Good shrooms...always fun State: Kentucky Lockation: Bowling Greene Date: April '94 Lsd: $5/hit. Good quality. State: Maine Location: Brunswick Date: October '93 Marijuana: $165-$185/oz. Green and brown, flat compressed buds. Doesn't smoke all that smooth but does the trick. It is everywhere now, though harvest is slowing down; prices will rise soon as the supply shifts to out of state sources. "kind bud": $45-$55 1/8 oz. Bright green with whitish crystals, nice nuggets. Haven't gotten a chance to try any, but all reports are that this is one hit dope. Harder to find. LSD: Sporadic availibility. Snowmen: $3/hit $150/sheet Plain ol' acid, nothing special, not particularly speedy but not particularly strong. White Blotter $4/hit. Got it once, similar to snowmen, couldn't tell the difference. Shrooms: Come and go, when they are here they are expensive but very good. $25-$35 1/8 oz. Location: Orono Date: April '93 LSD: $5/ hit "Quality varies slightly" Availability "sparce, arid, very undependable" State: Maryland Date: May '93 "Nothing but weed available" Marijuana: $25/eigth, average quality "Recently got a half of good stuff for $75" State: Massachusetts Location: Amherst Date: January '94 MJ: 30 1/8 oz good, fluffy greed; $50-55 1/4 good, fluffy green; $$25 1/8 oz for commercail, compact bud. $10 1/4 for leaf. 1 oz. = 130 for good bud; 1 oz. = 180 for KIND bud (no joke, the real thing) acid: $3 or $4 for a hit mushrooms: $25 1/8 oz. $50 1/4 oz. Location: Boston Date: September '93 Marijuana: ~$25/eighth. Quality varies. Probably good homegrown or maybe mexican. Seen some california kind but it's pricey. Have seen shitty shake on sale for $15/eighth. [2nd source, February '94] MJ: $75/qtr for good, green, sticky, few seeds, or $250 oz if you buy bulk! $40/qtr for mexican commercial grade, seeds'n'stems, gets the job done. [3rd source, March '94] MJ: 1/8 oz. $25, 1/4 oz. $45, 1/2 oz. $75, 1 oz. $125, QP $375-$450 (depending upon quality) [4th source, April '94] Ecstasy: $20-25 / hit State: Michigan Date: March'94 Shrooms: $15-$20/eighth Acid: $2-3/hit, $120/sheet Location: Lansing (East) Date: November '93 Marijuana: $25/Eight, $45/Quarter. Good stuff, little red hairs. State: Minnesota Location: Duluth Date: November '93 Marijuana: Generic commericial run of the mill green: $60 per 1/4, $220 per oz. or $125-175 per oz. depending on who you know. One-hit-fall-down-and-spasm-wonder-weed $100 per 1/4 or $325 per oz. depending on who you know. Availability scarce. State: Missouri Date: Early May '94 Acid: $5/hit. Blotter w/ Felix the cat print. Quality: "Absolutely AMAZING. I took three hits of Felix, a couple bong hits, and my world was awash in tracers and patterns, a veritable overload of visual information. Fairly mentally disorienting, but not the worst. VERY strong". Sometimes available in the rave scene. State: Nevada Location: Incline Village area (North Lake Tahoe) - see Californian entry State: New Mexico Date: February '94 MJ: * tex-mex $100 a z * local indica $175 a z * oregon sticky $250 a z State: New York Date: August '93 Location: Brooklyn ("Prices apply generally for the whole NY area") Shrooms: 1/8th $20 LSD: 1 tab (blotter square) $3 - $5 Marijuana: 1/8th $30 - $35 1/4 $45 - $50 *the MJ prices are for street quality, ie. its not specially grown and usually not called anything. sometimes referred to by name such as skunk, chocolate thai, etc but the credibility is left up to the buyer to decide *MJ is usually sold in Xbags rather than by weight. In other words you would get a 20 bag (for $20) and hope that its large. [other source, November '93] 2CB: $10/hit. Largish gelcaps, white powder inside. Takes effect in about an hour, very ticklish sensation all over, feels good to be touched, hallucinations kick in soon after and trip resembles acid thereafter. Ends abruptly without the sleeplessness or lingering burnt-out feeling of acid. Location: Buffalo Date: January '94 Weed: $30 1/8 oz, $55 1/4 oz. do to good, not to big. $45 1/4 oz shaggy bud (lot's o seeds) Acid: 1 hit, $5 Mushrooms (from New York) $50 per 1/4 oz. Location: New York Date: March '94 LSD: $5/hit State: North Carolina Date: Early-mid June '94 Acid: $250/sheet(100 hits) (Felix the Cat; see Missouri entry). Availability: "Good luck! You'll have to be connected to find it, but it's there!" State: Ohio Location: Columbus MJ: Cnd$40-$60[~US$55-$82] [2nd source, June '94] LSD: $4/hit, $140/half sheet. Grey paper, medium dosage, nice visuals. Availability sporadic MJ: $25/ 1/8, $40/ 1/4. Lots of seeds, but some pretty tight buds as well. Location: Oberlin Marijuana: Decent quality, $25-$35 per 1/8 ounce. ($25 per 1/8 in a half, $35 for 1/8 by itself) LSD: $5 a hit blotter/liquid Shrooms: $30 an 1/8th. Nice. State: Oregon Location: Portland Date: October '93 Marijuana: $250/oz. - SE Pdx, "Sunnyside indoor green bud" - sensi indica, sweet, very dry but sticky, short but intense high. $125/oz. - Seems to be everywhere, Mexican "red hair", grade B+, sativa, seeds but lots of tight little buds, stoney for the price, "save your seeds". $160 - $200/oz. - NE & SE Pdx, "Afghani" hash - mild expansion, nothing like the "old days" but still works, on the dry side. [2nd source, January '94] MJ: $35 1/8 oz of GOOD bud, i mean good. Mushrooms= $400 1/2 lb. State: Pennsylvania Location: Pittsburgh Date: October '93 Marijuana: 1/4 lb for $515; 1/8th Oz for usually $25, 1/4 for 45, Oz for 150. Arcata California (home of THE kind bud of the world...): 1/8th for $50, 1/4 for $90. [other source, October '93] Marijuana: Brownish mexican pot (ok stuff, a little stale, gets the job done): $30/eighth. Northern Lights (killer green.. one hit stuff): $50/eighth Acid: $4-5/hit [another, November '93] LSD: $5/hit. Orange sunshine blotter. Very strong. 2CB: $10/hit. Largish gelcaps, white powder inside. Takes effect in about an hour, very ticklish sensation all over, feels good to be touched, hallucinations kick in soon after and trip resembles acid thereafter. Ends abruptly without the sleeplessness or lingering burnt-out feeling of acid. [4th, 20 January '94] MJ: 1/2 ounce for $90. Quality ok- all bud/no leaves,though a bit too seedy. Many busts lately, though availiability is still ok- but due to a new dealer the quality decreased, not nearly as potent] State: Rhode Island Date: November '93 2CB: $10/hit. Largish gelcaps, white powder inside. Takes effect in about an hour, very ticklish sensation all over, feels good to be touched, hallucinations kick in soon after and trip resembles acid thereafter. Ends abruptly without the sleeplessness or lingering burnt-out feeling of acid. [2nd source, March '94] Marijuana: $10/gram State: Texas Location: Austin Date: April '94 Marijuana: * Commercial Mexican: $25/quarter. Bricked, *very* dry, seedy. Greener than other recent batches, fewer red/orange hairs. Harsh smoke, lots of cough. High is somewhat shallow, but has a decent duration. * Commercial Mexican: $25/quarter. Same source as above, but much lighter green, damper. Better, smoother toke, fewer seeds and stems. Stonier. * G9: $90/qtr from the grower, $100+/qtr further down the line. This is supposedly a (Northern Lights x Skunk #1) x (a whole slew of hybrids). Whatever it is, it's the most potent smoke I've ever encountered in my life. Let me repeat that. In my life. It looks like a vivid green and red thai stick, with very little of the white crystalization seen on some of the other Kind in town. The sticks are approximately 1 inch wide, and about 1/2 inch thick. A .25 inch slice from a bud, cut into 4 pieces, will absolutely fry a half-dozen people. Frighteningly good. * Afghani Hash Plant: $100/quarter. Beautiful buds, a little loose. Leaves (when dried) are a lighter green than I'd expected from an Afghani, with whitish tints in some places, interspresed with brilliant shoots of deep red and orange. Very energetic, spacey high. * Green Spirit (Big Bud x Skunk #1): $90/quarter. Intense smell from the skunk, the dried bud looks like it's been dipped in a sugar glaze there's so much resin dried on it. High is very spacy, long-lasting (4-6 hours from 1 bowl) and good to groove on. Still around from last time (when I in- correctly identified it as Green Vision. I blame the drugs :-). * Local Skunk Bud, misidentified last time as Jamaican: $75/quarter. This was grown outdoors locally (allegedly 300+ lbs.). Big fat nuggets of smooth green smoke, a bargain at the price, especially considering that it is moderately-seeded. Lots of people are starting gardens from this stuff. The high is medium duration, but very strong and mellow. If the seeded bud is this potent, I can't wait to try some of the Sinse from it... * Reputable friends have reported seeing unharvested Hindu Kush #3, Northern Lights #2, Thai Skunk (Thai x Skunk #1), (Haze x Skunk #1), Skunk #1 and 4-Way (Skunk x NL x NL x Skunk). It sounds like upcoming months will be Kind indeed here at the home of the the Armadillo. Location: Dallas/Ft. Worth area marijuana: "$100/oz or $1050/lb - excellent quality - 2 to 3 toke high" [2nd source, September '93] LSD: 50 hits of Mindblaster (paper)/$2.50 per hit "A little on the weak side for me, 3 hits were okay, will try four next time. Friend said 2 were definitely not enough." - 50 hits of Black Dot (paper)/$2.90 per hit "Didn't get a chance to try this one" Location: Houston Date: Early august '93 Marijuana: Indica, Huge light green buds and stink really bad. (Not sinse, had fair amount of seeds)- Incredible killer dope. US$120 / quarter ounce [other source, October '93] Marijuana: Mexican: US$30 a quarter oz. Typical summer mexican buds - mostly greenish brown flat gnarly looking buds. Fortunately it's usually not too compressed. Will definitely get you high if you smoke enough... Loaded with small, smooth, black seeds... very stemmy. Always available unless it gets REALLY dry (hasn't happened this summer). Buy the kind instead of this if you can... - Kind buds: Thai: US$120 a quarter oz. Was available in august. Outdoor grow kind. No seeds. Big brownish kinda-dry buds with harsh smoke that tastes a bit like it has gasoline fumes in it... Gets you quite stoned with only one good hit though. Overall it's pretty good. Colombian gold hash buds: US$140 a quarter oz. also available in august. From same source as the Thai. No seeds. Big light brown (almost beige) buds with traces of green. Gets you VERY stoned in short order. Northern Lights: US$100 a quarter oz. was available in September. Local hydroponic grown... No seeds. Nice sticky dark green "fluffy" buds. Takes about 5 mins to kick in but gets you nice and high as opposed to stoned. Wears off rather quickly though (in about an hour or hour and a half)... :( Indica!: US$120 a quarter oz. Available in mid october (about a week ago). Probably outdoor grow skunk buds. Huge fluffy, sticky light green buds. Very fresh so it's most likely local grow. Moderate amount of seeds. Not quite as strong smelling or as nice tasting as it has been in the past but unbelievable nonetheless. One good hit gets you REALLY REALLY high. Two gets you very stoned. Awesome stuff. You bet I'm saving the seeds. [3rd source, november '93] mexican brick : usual winter mex. Small crushed buds, dark green, some red hairs evident in the shake, stemmy with lots of seeds. Not bad overall for brick, and at $25/quarter-oz I don't complain. kind bud#1: very dark green sativa. large dense buds but not very strong smelling. one or two seeds found. VERY high THC content - one large bong hit I was mortally wounded, which is unusual... $120/quarter-oz kind bud#2: exactly the same as #1, from the same source even, but with less THC. Probably just a different plant from the same stock. Excellent bud though. kind bud#3: some weird strain of indica. not as green or strong smelling as indica usually is. light green buds dappled with red. big and very lightweight fluffy buds with no seeds and not much stem, so nearly the entire bag was smokeable. lots of big crystals and very tasty... very potent and a great deal at $110/quarter-oz LSD: a clear liquid in a small vial. $5 for a couple of drops on a sugar-cube. good stuff [4th source, Southwest Houston, Jan 24, 1994] MJ: 1/2 lb $400.00, 1/4 lb $250.00, 1/16 lb $80.00- Med. green, compressed, mexican. State: Utah Date: October '93 Weed: ~$110-$135/oz. Killer bud ~$250/oz max. Location: Salt Lake City Date: May '93 Weed: $25-$50/eigth, fair-extremely good. Availability: constant Acid: $3-$10/hit, crappy-extremely good. Availability: erratic Shrooms: $20/eighth. Availability: rare Mescaline: $10/good dose [1/5 gram]. Availability: rare State: Virginia Date: June '93 Marijuana: $50-$80/ 1/4 ounce (good - better) Acid: $5 a hit (5-10 hits) to less than $1 a hit for more than a sheet Shrooms: about $60-$90/ 1/4 ounce "Availability varies widely. Although almost all drugs are available on demand to some, only crack is avaiable to those without connections. Those buying off the street are the frequently busted." [other source] Weed: $50-$75 1/4, depending on quality. $150 oz normal. Shrooms: $35-$40 1/4 Acid: $3-$5 hit, sheets vary widely. Shrooms and weed widely available, acid flakey. [other source] Location: Washington, DC Date: July '93 Marijuana: ~$200/ OZ (most common, actually a little expensive). Price most often depends on WHO is selling. High quality stuff gets around (in small quantities) but is generally cheaper (~ $100-150 / OZ). Not much "killer" stuff around. The most common is quite seedy and brown, but the buds are generally kind. When quality stuff makes it this far it tends to come from Oregon/N. California and is seedless, green smelly buds. The $200/OZ stuff can generally be scored in under a month. Everything else fluctuates tremendously as there are no other regular sources. Price has been steady for over a year now. Most of this, of course, depends on who you know... On the street you'll be easily ripped off. [other source, November '93] MDMA: $30/hit. White gelcaps. Took a long time to come on, but lasted a long time. K: Not sure how much this is going for, but I've seen it going around a lot at raves, usually just being shared, not sold. [2nd source, March '94] MJ: Kind bud, $50 / Eight State: Washington marijuana: $40 an eighth, "outstanding" Location: Seattle Date: August '93 Marijuana: $35/eight; Green, sticky, smelly, doesn't weigh and is of relatively low quality. Available pretty regularly (but always look for something better first). (South Seattle area) Mushrooms: dry, in a baggy, approx 3 grams, $20 (was asking $25, but I only had a 20 on me, and I saved him from getting nabbed by a cop in an unmarked blazer. Very potent, a good time was had by all. Purchased at a concert in Eastern WA, so a repeat performance can not be scheduled. MDMA: gelatin capsule filled with a white powdery substance $20 a hit. Available infrequently. Capitol Hill area(Seattle WA) State: Wisconsin Location: Madison Date: August 1 '93 LSD-25 : White blotter (.5 cm square), with picture of a barrel of monkeys labelled FUN. Very good quality.4 / dose. Marijuana : Homegrown, good quality. $10 / ~ 1.5 grams. Nitrous Oxide : Whippits! $7 / 10 carts, $16 / 24 carts, $25 / 4 carts. Location: Milwaukee (South Side/Suburban) Date: October '93 Pot: $40/quarter, brickweed; potency of 8 (on scale to 10) Shrooms: Yellow cap(?) $8/gm ($95/oz)... "Good buzz off of 2gms - kind of hard to get." Acid: $3-5/hit; quality and features unknown (blotter) - "Can't find hash, opium (always rare), or XTC anywhere in the milwaukee area." -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.2 mQCNAivX82sAAAEEAMLMJWpye3A5FBqCdLMwDM+IzPwK6PzLod+8wUNZllWvD+wS 1Ao8BYNHE8KjWxX+uV9THt1aRkgImty/VBtamStH8zrMJ40xIddeIlV8rkpgwau6 hv2tJSdNpRc5BAzny1spgitv6BMF5J1YNMnLcRFGj6LE202F9kkIFFhJlb3nAAUT tCpSaWNoYXJkIHYuZC4gSG9yc3QgPHJpY2hAd2VlZHMuaGFja3RpYy5ubD4= =VSSK -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- --- Please send your local info for the Drug Price report; anonymously by mailing through a Cypherpunk remailer, Charcoal or "...(Cocaine) policy and regulations take little account of these conclusions, just as drug regulations in the past have been based neither on science nor on sense." - C. van Dyke and R. Byck, "Cocaine", Scientific American, March 1982.