Boston, MA -- February 11, 1992 -- At NetWorld 92 Boston, XTree Company (Booth #430) will expand its product line to include the most comprehensive network virus detection, prevention, and elimination utility ever -- ViruSafe/LAN. ViruSafe/LAN sets the standard for protection against known and unknown viruses and, unlike other programs, can even learn from unknown viruses to modify and enhance its defenses. ViruSafe/LAN has been created to work on all networks, including Novell LANs. The $595 utility comes with a license for ten users. New network specific features include: automatic Supervisor notification of a virus attack on a workstation and unsurpassed flexibility in installation and configurability. ViruSafe, licensed by XTree Company for distribution in North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, was created in Israel by EliaShim Microcomputers in 1987 to combat Jerusalem B (the first virus to attack microcomputers). After years of use and hundreds of thousands of worldwide installations (with clients ranging from the Israeli Defense Ministry to Hewlett Packard and NASA) ViruSafe has emerged as a Fortune 1000 and government standard in comprehensive virus detection, prevention, and elimination according to Moti Dover, President, EliaShim Microcomputers, Inc. ViruSafe/LAN, now in its fourth major release, has earned the reputation for being the most complete virus protection product available. ViruSafe is a "user friently product that can be used by everyone in your organization, it found more viruses than any other product tested," says Bob Cartwright, of Chevron Information Technology. "It is the most comprehensive packaged I reviewed." "ViruSafe/LAN is active, not reactive," explains King Lee, XTree Company CEO. "ViruSafe's technology does not rely simply on known virus signatures -- it knows how to detect activity prior to infection... as well as after." Lee adds, "ViruSafe is time-tested and the only total solution for protection against infection from known and unknown viruses on the market today." ViruSafe/LAN - The Complete Virus Terminator ViruSafe/LAN monitors, detects and removes viruses in memory, file allocation tables (FATs), boot sectors, partition tables, and root directories as well as in executable files (or in all files). The network utility works on both Net BIOS LAN and NetWare. ViruSafe/LAN is designed to give the network administrator unsurpassed flexibility in installation and configurability. For example, ViruSafe/LAN will display all the users on the network. From there the supervisor can select individual users and uniquely configure ViruSafe/LAN for their system. When the user logs on, ViruSafe/LAN will automatically configure and copy the appropriate ViruSafe/LAN modules to the local workstation and update the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (if desired). This unique time-saving feature allows supervisors on all types of networks to individually configure and maintain hundreds of users from one location. This module will also automatically collect and combine virus-checking reports from each work station and send it back to the server where the supervisor can monitor virus-checking activity. ViruSafe/LAN contains six modules -- Anti-Virus Resident Monitor, Memory Virus Check, Scan and Remove, Program Integrity Check, Disaster Protection and Recovery, and PC-Checkup System Information. All of the ViruSafe/LAN modules are self-immunized against virus infection. If they are attacked by a virus, the programs can dynamically reconstruct themselves without forcing the user to reinstall. All modules are available in the easy menu interface or at the command line. ViruSafe/LAN allows the supervisor to define when ViruSafe/LAN should be active -- continuously, when scheduled, or only run manually -- as well as which portions of the system should be checked. ** ViruSafe Monitor (VS.EXE) is a totally-configurable, real-time Anti-Virus Filter TSR module (transparent to the user) which provides continuous monitoring. (TSR uses only 12K -- 9K without help screens -- half the size of competitive products. And it will load high, occupying as little as OK on a 286 or 386 system.) If selected, VS will: � Prevent unauthorized access to critical areas like Boot Sectors, Program Files and Memory. � Prevent viruses from entering memory before they have a chance to replicate. � Prevent any writes to your hard disk the first time a new program is executed. � Automatically check floppy diskettes for viruses the first time they are read. � Check for changes in memory sizes or interrupt values that would indicate a virus is present. � Provides a virus-free copy function that checks any files to be copied for viruses. ** Virus Check (VC.EXE) checks memory for any viruses and can be run from a batch file to give protection each time the computer is turned on. Virus Check can detect and neutralize known and unknown viruses trying to infect programs. Once it has determined the activity pattern and identifying signature of the virus, Virus Check can provide that information to the other modules so that they can update their own defenses. For the first time, new virus types can be identified and stopped instantly without having to receive a software update from the publisher. ** UNVIRUS scans and removes viruses from all files and boot sectors. This is useful for users who may already have a virus and want to remove it from their system. In most cases, ViruSafe/LAN can safely remove a virus from files and leave the original file intact. ** Program Integrity Check (PIC.EXE) registers signatures of user selected files (or all files) and boot sectors and identifies unauthorized changes to them -- guarding against known and unknown viruses. PIC can reconstruct the boot sector and partition table if a change is detected, completely neutralizing viruses. More Than a Virus Terminator ViruSafe/LAN goes beyond being amazingly powerful by providing: � Easy Installation -- Easy Interface. Simple user interface includes mouse support and point-and-shoot menus. � Creation of a "safe" floppy diskette to restore PC to health -- if needed. � Password protection to prevent tampering with the ViruSafe system. � Viewers to see memory or contents of boot track (to scan for virus messages). � Comprehensive list of viruses and mutations with descriptions of symptoms. (New virus signatures may easily be added to the program.) Pricing, Availability. Requirements The introduction of ViruSafeLAN is accompanied by new customer service programs at XTree Company. New virus information and updates to the ViruSafe/LAN database can be downloaded from the company's bulletin board service (BBS). These updates provide additional virus identification and removal instructions for ViruSafe/LAN. In addition, a CompuServe forum will be available soon, as well as a fax service that allows users to call for the latest product and virus information. An update service will allow ViruSafe/LAN customers to receive quarterly updates of new virus signatures. All registered users will receive their first update at no charge. ViruSafe/LAN retails for $595 and includes a license for ten users. XTree Company also offers corporate volume purchase agreements and site licenses. ViruSafe/LAN is also available through the vendor's distributor network, which includes Ingram Micro, Kenfil, Merisel, Software Resource, and XTree Authorized Resellers, which include CompUSA, Egghead, Software City, Software Etc., and other nationwide chains. Other Products XTree Company also publishes XTreeGold 2.5 and XTree Easy, the industry standards in disk management software for the IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 and compatible computers; XTreeNet, the leading file and disk manager for Novell network administrators; and the just-released Xtree for UNIX systems, the leading file and disk manager for multi-user Intel-based UNIX applications. Project Green In 1990, XTree Company launched "Project Green" and became the first major publisher to produce software products using recycled and/or environmentally sensitive materials. ViruSafe/LAN continues the "everything except the floppy disk and the shrink-wrap can be recycled" practice. (The company is currently looking for alternatives to shrink-wrapping their products.) Further, for every ViruSafe/LAN user registration card returned, XTree Company will plant a tree in conjunction with the American Forestry Association's Global ReLeaf program. Xtree Company, 4330 Santa Fe Rd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-541-0604 +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From the America On-Line & PC-Link New Product Info Services | +===============================================================+ | This information was processed with OmniPage Professional OCR | | software (from Caere Corp) & a Canon IX-30 scanner from data | | provided by the above mentioned company. For additional info, | | contact the company at the address or phone# indicated above. | | All submissions for this service should be addressed to | | BAKER ENTERPRISES, 20 Ferro Drive, Sewell, NJ 08080 U.S.A. | +---------------------------------------------------------------+