Kevin Sangeelee kevin at
Thu Sep 10 09:11:40 BST 2020
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I'd argue that, for the moment at least, the more wheels being invented,the better! As I see it, all current wheels are square (ok, maybe some areoctogonal).
What we have is many services copying Twitter and Facebook, yetcommunication is a very nuanced thing - something they have taken anddistilled, genetically modified, mass-produced, and used to flood themarket.
Yet, real human communication is truly nuanced. Consider the differencebetween a joke well told vs badly told, sometimes it's not even the words,it's just the timing, or intonation. There's a lot to explore to move frombeing merely 'engaging' to 'enriching'.
On Thu, 10 Sep 2020 at 06:40, Leo <list at> wrote:
twtxt seems more aligned with the mindset of Gemini, and is already
supported by gemini servers and clients.
Can we adapt twtxt instead of reinventing the wheel, I don't think it gets
simpler than that anyway. Just a text file with one line for tweets.
One advantage is that only the clients are involved and if I don't check
your feed, there is no cost. Or is the plan for the servers to be more
actively involved like Fedi?
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