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Feed format for gemini (alternative to rss feed)

James Henderson henderson.j at protonmail.com

Sun Sep 6 22:15:10 BST 2020

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Hello everyone,

As content starts growing on gemini there may be cause for an rss style feed for the platform.

rss is fine but it’s fairly verbose and Allows for things like embedding images and the like which don’t seem to fit well with gemini.My proposal is a simpler format where each line in a file is an item in a feed with fields separated by three colons and the line ending \r\n.The four fields would be date, link, title, text description e.g.

yyyy/mm/dd ::: link_to_article ::: title ::: text describing the content \r\n

A format like this is easily parsed and displayed in a client. If the gemini protocol defines a mime type for it in the standard it would be easily recognised.

I am just throwing the idea out there, what do people think?-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: <https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/attachments/20200906/0dfdcd7d/attachment.htm>