Ben benulo at
Tue Jul 14 20:13:13 BST 2020
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One thing I like to do is build and test Gemini clients on my Linux system. It's interesting for me to follow their development, and this is currently what I track and build:
Graphical: alrisha, castor, kristall, moonlanderText: asuka diohsc
AV-98 of course is interpreted so I don't build it, but I do keep it up to date along with the rest. My system is currently unable to build projects written in Go, so unfortunately I have not been to test bombadillo though I have been wanting to. (I think there was one other client as well using Go.) The issue seems that I can't connect to Go's online repository, so it's an Internet/ISP problem that I'll have to figure out how to work around.
All of the clients are fantastic, but none of them are perfect yet! Except... elpher! When testing with my own Gemini pages, I find elpher renders them exactly how I want/expect. Generally graphical clients all have their own funny little quirks, though they are acceptable, while the text mode ones are all solid, so no complaints there.
If you have a client that I missed or don't know about I will be glad to add it to my system. I also haven't yet found an Android client I can use, though I ran across one in source form but can't/won't build things for Android so I'd go for a pre-built package.
-- gemini://