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[SPEC-CHANGE] lang parameter, minor line type changes, clarifications...

James Tomasino tomasino at lavabit.com

Tue Jun 9 21:51:20 BST 2020

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On 6/9/20 8:46 PM, Sean Conner wrote:

A graphical Gemini browser *might* render text between astericks with
italicised or bold text, to *emphasize* the emphasis that astericks imply.
A text based Gemini browser might instead decide to bold or recolor the
text, again to emphasize the emphasis.

I'm reading this in thunderbird, which has chosen to bold your examplesof emphatic text. It does not remove the asterisks, though. Also, if I_underline_ a word, it renders it as such, but preserves the characters.If clients are looking for good real-world examples to emulate whengoing above-and-beyond the spec, I'd point there.