
author: admin

generator: pandoc

title: 'Antichamber/The Witness'

viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes'




Well, Jon Blow's *The Witness* is going to be released [exclusively on



That is in terms of its availability in the guise of a console game,

however. Those seeking the game on the PC or through an iOS device won't

be presented with a sweaty dilemma.

[![the witness


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always been magpie-like in my choice of console, and have usually

arrived at the conclusion after some time that my original choice was

pretty much outright wrong. This bit of experience, combined with the

fact that my respect for Blow and his

[ethics](http://jumpnshoot9000.com/2012/10/26/some-more-game-theory/ "Some More Game Theory"),

as well as his [design


makes me want to pick up *The Witness* as early as I can, makes me

question my initial disappointment that Blow didn't choose to make a Wii

U release a priority.

Well, never mind that for now. Blow featured *Antichamber* on *The

Witness*'s blog, a very different kind of first-person puzzle game. Take

a look at its teaser trailer:

\[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGsnm2nOnso\]

After watching part of this [walkthrough/let's

play](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvLUkMRycd0), it becomes obvious

that the fundamental concept that drives this game has borrowed from

quantum physics--the [observer

effect](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_effect_(physics)). It's


The reader can find its Steam page

[here](http://store.steampowered.com/app/219890/) (digital copies for

\$20, not unreasonable for an independently developed game), and its

website [here](http://www.antichamber-game.com/).