
generator: pandoc

title: 'Laurie \#2'

viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes'



One of the perks of Laurie's Laundry was the sachet cappuccinos. On a

snappy-cold morning, they always hit the spot. I remember running to my

car with one of Laurie's foam mugs as it started to rain one morning.

The majesty of the curtain of rain unfolding up and down the street,

tinted orange from the sodium streetlights, struck me. I stood there in

his driveway in full view, risking the whole operation in my stupor. The

rhythm of Laurie's favourite word, 'gonna'--'gonna go get some bleach,

be back in a bit'--circled around in my mind with some rigorous

obsession. It was at that moment I seemed to gain a little glimmer of

the logic behind the entire bizarre business network.