My gemlog.
2020-10-30 : The limits of modifying language
2020-10-26 : Oversimplified notions of 'fluidity'
2020-10-26 : On the word 'gender' and the phrase "gender is a social construct"
2020-10-20 : Dualism, polarities and cishetnormativity
2020-10-06 : Re: Does being queer and/or TGD contraindicate STEM? pt 2
2020-10-05 : Re: Does being queer and/or TGD contraindicate STEM?
2020-10-04 : Re: Does being queer and/or TGD contraindicate STEM?
2020-10-03 : Does being queer and/or TGD contraindicate STEM?
2020-09-30 : A convention for gemtext footnotes
2020-09-29 : "[T]he irreducibility of rejection to negation"
2020-09-26 : Re: Attack Vector for FOSS
2020-09-18 : Recent Linux kernel issues
2020-09-15 : You think /you/ have debugging problems?
2020-09-12 : Programming language evangelism