Launch HN: Deepnote (YC S19) – A better data science notebook

Author: Equiet

Score: 224

Comments: 55

Date: 2020-10-30 14:49:46


marapuru wrote at 2020-10-30 15:26:02:

Very nice. As a UX person who recently got into data science this is a breath of fresh air compared to the traditional jupyter notebooks. Website looks really fresh and I love the colors and font usage. Video could be slightly shorter to really show me the highlights and maybe show a bit more of the realtime collab (althought the gif below shows it well).

One thing that annoyed me a bit is that I could only register with github or google. Why can't I just create an account directly with your service?

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 15:29:32:

Thanks! Honest answer: it was faster to implement. Regular sign up via email should be coming soon.

marapuru wrote at 2020-10-30 15:33:59:

Understood. I was thinking it might have been a GDPR tackle tactic :-)

marapuru wrote at 2020-10-30 15:32:54:

Additional comments:

The tutorial is nice, I like how it guides me through the tool. But I struggled finding the publish button. As it was under the Share text. It would be quick win to make it more of a CTA (make it blue or something like that). Look at Figma for an example.

adlha wrote at 2020-10-31 01:41:49:

Hi, thanks for that feedback - will look into it!

abalaji wrote at 2020-10-30 15:28:41:

I'm playing around with it right now and right off the bat, I can say that load times are significantly faster than something like mybinder (maybe due to scale or caching?)

Overall this seems pretty cool! The realtime editing seems to be killer, google collab is close but not as good from my initial testing. Some of the python package integrations may be able to be replicated with open source tools (e.g. table visualization and


My big question comes down to vendor lock in. What's the vision here for compatibility with the Jupyter eco-system in the long haul? (e.g. do we see Deepnote features contributed back to Jupyter)

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 15:36:58:

Thanks! The difference between Deepnote and MyBinder is that we keep the pool of Docker images as small as possible. That means they are always in cache. You can still write your own Dockerfile, but they are layered on our base image. MyBinder has a lot of work that needs to be done (pulling the image, sometimes building it, etc) which we thankfully mostly avoided.

Regarding the lock-in, it's in our best interest to remain fully compatible. So yes, there'll always be a way how to export your project and run it in plain Jupyter. The hope is the more advanced features (comments, output visualizations, different cell types) will appear in Jupyter over time as well, but it's also up to Jupyter whether they want those features.

setgree wrote at 2020-10-30 16:33:40:

This looks great, thanks for sharing! I just signed up.

My main question is how/if DeepNote addresses issues of reproducibility. Is this a priority for your team? You mention it a few times in your post here, but there is not so much in the docs -- I looked it up in and got just to this:

Even though the Custom environment cache is implemented using Docker images, it doesn't primarily serve the reproducibility problem. The aim of the feature is to significantly speed up the start time of your projects. In other words, you should consider it to be only a cache at this point.

My experience with Notebooks suggests that the main (computational) reproducibility challenges were

A) 'hidden state' information (e.g. cells executed out of order, variables changed and then reverted but not re-run); and

B) no clear infrastructure for documenting/caching dependencies (I see you have a terminal option, and the web-based access should address some of this, but something like 'conda install environment.yml` doesn't seem possible out of the box.)

I would understand if these issues are not priorities for you, I don't think most data science projects _need_ to be run in the far future and most teams can informally sync their dependencies.

If reproducibility is a core priority, do you plan to write something about DN serves that purpose? I'd be glad to take a close look if you do (I have written/worked a fair bit on this in the past).

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 16:56:07:

Re Dockerfiles: Right now, we need to rebuild your docker images from time to time (e.g. when we make some changes to the kernel). That means that if you create a docker image with `RUN pip install numpy` and we need to rebuild it in a year, you might get a different version which might break things. The correct solution here is to encourage users to always use `RUN pip install numpy==1.19.3`. We already do this in Python cells (when you run `!pip install numpy` we query PyPI and suggest the last version to you), but we haven't added it to Dockerfiles yet. So to set the expectations we have this notice in the docs.

Regarding other issues: We currently record every execution in project history. That means even if you run cells out of order, you can still get a list of commands that shows how you got to the current state.

The next step for us is to start subtly notifying users when they are doing something that could be an issue later down the road (for example executing cells out of order). We already built this, but decided not to ship it yet because it needed more love. The second thing we are working on is interactive/reacting execution. This is very very very cool and brings the experience from the notebook to the next level (at least for me), but needs much more testing.

Reproducibility vs flexibility (in the sense of letting the user do whatever they want if they know what they're doing) is a difficult problem. In the end, it's going to be a combination of friendly nudges and much better experience if users are following the "reproducible" path. However, we never want to limit users in what they are able to do.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this and would be happy to chat about what you're thinking. Feel free to email me at

setgree wrote at 2020-10-30 22:30:44:

Thanks so much for the thoughtful reply! I will follow up when I've had a deeper dive into the product.

the21st wrote at 2020-10-30 15:10:37:

Deepnote team member here. It took a lot of effort to get to where we are right now – Deepnote is one of the most complex products I worked on. If you have any questions, engineering, product or otherwise, ask away!

ZephyrBlu wrote at 2020-10-30 22:28:16:

What makes it so complex compared to other products you've worked on?

lhnz wrote at 2020-10-30 15:33:55:

Super cool product.

Do you hire remote engineers? I'm London based.

anna_sco wrote at 2020-10-30 15:48:13:

Thanks! We are open to that, get in touch at and we'll take it from there.

ianbicking wrote at 2020-10-31 00:40:57:

Watching your video, I see a bit of a start with errors and inspection, but there's SO much more you can do there.

I no longer know what the best implementations of web-based error handling are, but this 15 year old(!) approach still seems to beat the state of the art in notebooks:

You have a rich interface, showing textual tracebacks is unnecessary!

I'd do inspectable values as well (not just relying on __repr__, but making any top-level object interactively inspectable), but that's more involved. But probably worth it!

dfsegoat wrote at 2020-10-30 18:16:21:

This looks great!

I'd be curious to see a detailed feature comparison between this and Google Colab / Colab pro [1,2]? I think others might find this useful as well.

1 -

2 -

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 18:28:23:

Quick summary:

- real time collaboration

- integrations (databases, S3 buckets, environment variables)

- persistent (and much much faster) filesystem

- hardware doesn't shut off

- many more features like variable explorer or automatic visualizations

- much nicer interface so you can share with non-technical people

- paid plan so you can build your data science team around it

- no GPU/TPU machines yet, but that's coming

fghorow wrote at 2020-10-31 01:25:53:

I've got my Jupyter computational environment running on a high-end workstation on my LAN. Is there some way to connect your service to my workstation for real-time collab with colleagues?

amirathi wrote at 2020-10-30 17:48:17:

Notebooks as we know them today have many pain points (versioning, reproducibility, collaboration)

Absolutely. We're solving a small part of this by making notebooks play nicely with GitHub (

). Code reviews & collaboration for Jupyter Notebooks, essentially.

Happy to see more products taking a stab at this problem. I'd be curious to know how you implement version control (git or something else) & what kind of experiences does that translate to for the user. Congrats on the launch!

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 18:37:04:

At the moment we have GitHub integration, so you can easily commit changes like you're used to. We also have project history (so you can see all the actions that lead to the current state of the project and review what happened while you were away).

But I'd like to improve on this experience. There are many ways how to do it (great job btw), but we want to explore how a versioning system native to notebooks would look like. We're still iterating on that.

taigi100 wrote at 2020-10-30 21:10:57:

Been using this for 1-2 weeks now. Compared it with pretty much all the other options I found out there. The experience it's just so much better.

I fully recommend you try it - it's awesome.

All that's left which I want are dark mode mainly and maybe a cheaper alternative to more powerful GPU / something along those line. Tho, with the long-running tasks I don't really mind.

Great job and congrats on launching!

beisner wrote at 2020-10-30 15:10:48:

Looks interesting, there are definitely a lot of pain points when using the Jupiter notebooks for more complex explanation. One thing I would love to see you in a Jupiter notebook, which some of the various deep learning experimentation start ups (wandb, etc) have is a local visual sink for time series data. For instance it would be great to be able to dynamically plot (maybe in the left or right margin of the window) loss over time for multiple runs, maybe with some dynamic ability to group graph.

I could envision hooking up the outputs of multiple executions of the same (or different) notebooks to these visualizations.

You can kinda get something like this with matplotlib or plotly but it has always felt kinda missing something.

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 15:18:22:

Agreed. The way how I see it, it's not a core competency of a notebook though (it's important to keep the medium itself versatile enough), but of an extension. As you mentioned, there are some startups working exactly on this (thus very likely a much better job than a notebook), so it's probably a problem of a missing link (like a nice API for UI extension).

Speaking on behalf of Deepnote, there's no such an API yet, but it's something that I'd definitely like to see and build.

WClayFerguson wrote at 2020-10-30 16:12:18:

Hey Jacob, check out this platform:

A "collaborative notebook" would be one very good way to describe what Quanta is as well. I'm the developer of it, by the way.

kndjckt wrote at 2020-10-30 22:47:09:

This looks great. We’re very much fed up with collaborating on Jupyter notebooks. Sadly my team can’t use Deepnote yet because all our datastores are behind VPN. Is there a future where we could run Deepnote on our own AWS instances?

adlha wrote at 2020-10-31 01:39:04:

No self-hosted/own cloud options yet. At the moment, managing the hardware ourselves allows us to be more agile and iterate on the product faster. But definitely something we're considering for the future, thanks for the comment!

tpetry wrote at 2020-10-30 15:44:32:

A notebook service without any gpu machines is a kind of very strange decision. Whats your target audience with this service? As any machine learning workload would practically take forever.

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 15:50:30:

Ship early, ship often. GPUs are coming.

rsweeney21 wrote at 2020-10-30 16:03:09:

Kind of a random question: why wait so long to do your launch HN? It looks like you've had a working product for quite a while now.

When I see a launch HN from over a YC batch over a year ago I assume there was a pivot or they had trouble getting traction. Doesn't seem like that happened in your cases and it might not happen in most cases, which is why I'm asking.

Either way, looks like an awesome product. I sent it over to the Data Science team at my company and they were pretty impressed.

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 16:13:54:

We're building a pretty hard product. We had a nice working demo a year ago, but there's a lot of work to make a platform like this stable. Real-time collaboration is pretty difficult by itself (especially when you're not syncing just text), but we also had to build a computing platform where users can run arbitrary code. That opens us up to everything from a large attack surface to a huge number of quite inventive crypto miners. So we kept building in a private beta until we were confident enough to launch publicly.

Interestingly, ever since we started almost 2 years ago we've been pretty laser focused and there were minimal changes to the vision overall. But we also knew what we were going into and that it'd take time.

chrisaycock wrote at 2020-10-30 15:39:59:

The Jupyter hosting space is getting crowed. Even with collaboration and versioning, there's Saturn Cloud and CoCalc. How does Deepnote plan on differentiating?

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 15:55:02:

Well, we are not a Jupyter hosting service. There's definitely a lot of work being put into embedding Jupyter into data science platforms (mostly putting Jupyter into an iframe). But at the end of the day, there are limitations to this approach so some things won't work that well.

Reebz wrote at 2020-10-30 18:27:34:

Congratulations on the launch! Do you see Gradient (paperspace) as a competitor, how do you compare?

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 18:47:25:

Paperspace is doing a great job providing infrastructure for data science workloads and mlops. The target users are data scientists/engineers. The ability to share with non-technical users is quite limited.

We built Deepnote so that the work you do as a data scientist can be shared with both engineers and non-technical folks. We're not really an mlops platform. We make a really good notebook that integrates with other platforms.

Reebz wrote at 2020-10-30 19:01:17:

Thanks for the reply. To clarify, I was referring to their Gradient Notebook specifically [1], which seem to have feature parity and have the additional benefit of vertical integration.

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 20:07:22:

Got it. I can't speak of Gradient's roadmap, but as of right now they are using Jupyter as a notebook and focusing on infrastructure around it. We are innovating on the notebook itself.

Huge part of it is simply the UX. There's a wide range of what kind of work a data scientist does. Some train models that go into production, some analyze the datasets and build reports. Probably best to try both products with your workload and see what works better.

loehnsberg wrote at 2020-10-30 21:52:06:

This looks very promising! Great work and I’d love to give it a try. While I do use Python, I also use Scala and R kernels. Does or will Deepnote support other kernels?

epiteton wrote at 2020-10-30 22:11:01:

Hi, Deepnote supports any other Jupyter compatible kernel. Check out docs for details (we have guides for both Scala and R)

joebo wrote at 2020-10-30 16:58:36:

Looks good. We use CoCalc for similar collaboration benefits. There is a self-hosted option which was important to us. CoCalc has been a game changer as we've all moved remote. Once Deepnote adds the self-hosted / cloud option (I see it coming soon) we'll check it out.

franklampard wrote at 2020-10-31 00:34:12:

I’ve been using it. The collaboration aspect is much better than Colab

epiteton wrote at 2020-10-30 15:06:56:

Saw this back when it started vs today, amazing job!

threatofrain wrote at 2020-10-30 16:28:52:

Deepnote + Racket kernel + docker:

zopper wrote at 2020-10-30 15:53:59:

Loving Deepnote so far. Being able to seamlessly collaborate with others during the pandemic is a lifesaver!

It would be great if you had automatic versioning similar to Google Docs, using Git with notebooks is a nightmare.

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 15:56:20:

Thank you! Actually I'm working on that right now.

bravura wrote at 2020-10-30 21:11:27:

Once you add GPU support, how do you differentiate with respect to paperspace and floydhub?

adlha wrote at 2020-10-31 01:27:23:

Paperspace solves the pain around mlops, FloydHub improves deep learning workflows - both target purely technical users. The notebook of choice in both cases is Jupyter/JuperLab.

With Deepnote, our focus is improving usability of notebooks as a medium for both data scientists and non-technical users. We want to build a really good notebook experience that plays well with the rest of your stack and helps data science teams work better with the rest of the organization.

jsty wrote at 2020-10-30 15:09:00:

Quick FYI - clicking the NavBar's "pricing" link on the "about" page links to "/about#pricing" rather than "/#pricing"

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 15:11:25:

Thanks, fixing

lowdanie wrote at 2020-10-30 18:20:16:

Looks very useful!

prashp wrote at 2020-10-30 18:25:35:

How does debugging work in Deepnote vs Jupyter?

Equiet wrote at 2020-10-30 18:31:00:

We are using the same kernels as Jupyter, so features like debugging work out of the box. However, we don't have an interface for visual debugging yet.

desmap wrote at 2020-10-30 16:10:17:

No GPUs with tensor cores?

adlha wrote at 2020-10-30 16:34:02:

Hi from Deepnote! We've pulled GPUs temporarily so that we can focus the roadmap on improving the notebooks experience. Will be back sooner or later for sure.

29athrowaway wrote at 2020-10-30 15:18:31:

Please add corgi mode and kitty mode.

jensidean wrote at 2020-10-30 16:06:07:

Good job!