._________________. |.---------------.| || >_ || || || || || ─────────|| ||────────── || || ||_______________|| /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.\ /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.\ /.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.\ / / \ \ /________/________\_______\ \_________________________/
Do this on a separate machine, not the laptop which will become your Freedombone server
Download freedombone-main-all-amd64.img.xz and extract it.
wget -c https://freedombone.net/downloads/freedombone-main-all-amd64.img.xz
If the direct download desn't work then there are some Magnet links and you can use a bittorrent client to obtain them.
You can use the unxz command to extract the image file.
You can also download the signature and check it using this public key (CC2536191FA7C33F)
──▄▀▀▀▄─────────────── ──█───█─────────────── ─███████─────────▄▀▀▄─ ░██─▀─██░░█▀█▀▀▀▀█░░█░ ░███▄███░░▀░▀░░░░░▀▀░░
wget https://freedombone.net/downloads/freedombone_public_key.txt
gpg --import freedombone_public_key.txt
wget https://freedombone.net/downloads/freedombone-main-all-amd64.img.xz.asc
gpg --verify freedombone-main-all-amd64.img.xz.asc
Or there is a version which only uses onion addresses, which means that you don't need to buy a domain name or set up dynamic DNS.
wget -c https://freedombone.net/downloads/freedombone-onion-all-amd64.img.xz
wget https://freedombone.net/downloads/freedombone_public_key.txt
gpg --import freedombone_public_key.txt
wget https://freedombone.net/downloads/freedombone-onion-all-amd64.img.xz.asc
gpg --verify freedombone-onion-all-amd64.img.xz.asc
Plug in a USB drive or connect an SSD which you'll use in the server, then find its device name, which usually begins with /dev/sd. One way of doing this is with the command
ls /dev/sd*
Before and after attaching the USB or SSD drive
Now copy the extracted image to the USB drive or SSD. This may take quite a while
sudo dd bs=1M if=freedombone-main-all-amd64.img of=/dev/sdX conv=fdatasync,sync,noerror
You may want to make sure that you use the whole of the available disk space on the USB drive or SSD, using a tool such as gparted to resize the partition
Remove the USB drive or SSD and plug it into the laptop which will be your server. If it's a USB drive then plug it directly into the laptop, not through a USB hub. If the laptop has EFI then make sure it's deactivated in the BIOS.
Plug your server laptop into one of the ethernet sockets on your internet router using a USB patch cable (cat5 or cat6). Also make sure that the server laptop has a mains power supply
Power on the laptop and boot from the USB drive or SSD. You may need to change the BIOS settings so that it boots from this drive by default
Ensure that mDNS/zeroconf is enabled on your internet router. The router settings are often accessed via or or
If avahi is not available on your laptop (not the Freedombone server) then make sure you install it
On Debian
apt install avahi-utils avahi-dnsconfd
On Arch/Parabola
sudo pacman -S avahi nss-mdns
sudo sed -i 's|hosts:.*|hosts: files mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname|g' /etc/nsswitch.conf
Browse the local network with
avahi-browse -at
If eveything is working you should notice that a system called freedombone appears in the list, with a http service
Open a web browser which is not a Tor browser and navigate to http://freedombone/admin, or if that doesn't work then try http://freedombone.local/admin. If your new server isn't named "freedombone" on your local network then log into your internet router and see what local name or local IP address it has been assigned. If all else fails then navigate to [server local IP]/admin.
Congratulations! You are now ready to begin setting up the server and installing apps. You will need (if you don't use the onion-only version) to have purchased a domain name, and have a dynamic DNS account or equivalent arrangement so that the server domain name is resolvable from the wider internet. If you use the version which only uses onion addresses, you don't need to buy a domain name or set up dynamic DNS as your freedombone sever will be reachable through the Tor network and having assigned an [address].onion url.