I've been working on a tool to query/update data structures from the commandline. It's comparable to jq/yq but supports JSON, YAML, TOML and XML. I'm not aware of anything that attempted to do this so I rolled my own. Let me know what you think
This seems very handy, thank you very much.
It would be great if it could support perfect roundtripping: Comments, ordering, whitespace,... are not touched. It would make fearless updating of config files a breeze.
This I understand would be a huge undertaking, requiring writing your own parsers.
Not that I want to be ungratefull. This looks a very usefull tool as is.
Only if it would support EDN (
) too... :)
Although I was satisfied with Jet (
) so far.
Great work! I can totally see the usefulness of this. And your examples of `dasel` side-by-side with `jq` and `yq` are very much appreciated because you're making it easy to learn.
Really nice, I can see several use case where a simple bash script + Dasel would save me some higher level coding. I will try it soon! Thanks
yaml for configuration really should die a fiery death. any tool that helps work with it before that happens is very welcome.