Compiling a Lisp to x86-64: Labelled procedure calls

Author: tekknolagi

Score: 92

Comments: 13

Date: 2020-10-29 15:31:08

Web Link


jsmith45 wrote at 2020-10-29 17:41:09:

_Because I have not yet figured out how to start executing at somewhere other than the beginning of the generated code, and because I don’t store generated code in any intermediate buffers, and because we don’t know the sizes of any code in advance, I do this funky thing where I emit a jmp to the body code._

_If you, dear reader, have a better solution, please let me know._

Assuming you know the byte offset into the code buffer, of your "main" equivalent label, you should be able to use the following:

byte* start_address = buf->address + offset;
  JitFunction function = *(JitFunction*)(&start_address);
  return function(heap);

I'm guessing you were running into the issue that you can't do this in one line while also suppressing the warning about the data pointer to function pointer.

The "normal" way to do this would be the following, but it has the downside of the compiler warning:

JitFunction function = (JitFunction)(buf->address + offset);
  return function(heap);

tekknolagi wrote at 2020-10-29 17:47:30:

So I was doing this (storing the main entry point) but it was crashing. I'll have to try again, I suppose.

oso2k wrote at 2020-10-29 23:39:51:

Is `kLabelPlaceholder` an absolute or relative address? If it's absolute, you start executing at `kLabelPlaceholder`. If it's relative, you start executing at `buf + kLabelPlaceholder`. You could see the final value if you compile with debug info and run the binary under `gdb` or some other debugger.

It might help to read skeeto's blogs [0][1][2].




tekknolagi wrote at 2020-10-30 01:17:02:

It's a placeholder. It's meant to fill in before actual addresses are filled in. But all the call targets are relative addresses.

tekknolagi wrote at 2020-10-30 05:42:54:

Alright, I got it to work! I think I might have done something stupid like forget to move the prologue, too, in the past revision. Now it works. Thanks!

I've updated the post.

amelius wrote at 2020-10-29 20:11:13:

Somewhat related question: which book is the modern-day equivalent of the Dragon Book? And does it cover subjects such as JIT, the innards of virtual machines and concurrent garbage collection?

icandoit wrote at 2020-10-29 20:52:01:

I like these resources. The most general are first, more specific toward the end.

Language Implementation Patterns

Create Your Own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages

by Terence Parr (Antlr)

by Bob Nystrom

Writing An Interpreter In Go

by Thorsten Ball (also has a compiler book)

The Implementation of Lua 5.0 (short)

A Deep Introduction to JIT Compilers: JITs are not very Just-in-time

by Carol Chen

video series: JIT programming language development in C

by Dmitriy Kubyshkin

tekknolagi wrote at 2020-10-29 20:34:27:

I have not found one book, but there are a lot of different papers and blog posts floating around about different aspects. Some focus on GC, some codegen, ...

tekknolagi wrote at 2020-10-29 16:58:03:

I'd love to hear feedback!

z3phyr wrote at 2020-10-29 17:52:36:

I discovered this writing a few weeks back, and enjoying it. Just the thing to go through after Lisp in Small Pieces, very well written!

Looking forward to more content from you! Thanks!

tekknolagi wrote at 2020-10-29 18:18:54:

Glad you're enjoying! Let me know if you come across things that could be better explained, etc.

UncleOxidant wrote at 2020-10-29 17:25:19:

Could you do a series like this targeting ARM or RISC-V?

tekknolagi wrote at 2020-10-29 17:39:13:

I think that would be a lot of fun! I'm vaguely planning to target RISC-V eventually, because I bought a couple of dev boards. But for now you should check out Vladimir Keleshev's book! His book targets ARM.


rcgorton wrote at 2020-10-29 20:17:45:

Not sure why Lisp is actually relevant IN THE REAL WORLD.