Ah, the self-righteous Google employees that demand to not have a single contract with government agencies.
Meanwhile, they sell/give our data to governments and make us all live in a dystopian world to get some ads $$.
Whenever it comes to Google and Facebook employees trying to claim a morale high ground, I only see hypocrisy and double standards.
Agreed. It's okay to make $400k helping people sell more drop ship yoga pants but selling web servers to the government is somehow evil.
Is this supposed to be ironic? It is, in fact, okay to sell yoga pants and evil to "lose" children in concentration camps.
Amazing right. Here we have a gigantic company making silly money paying employees silly money (mostly) and able to do so under the freedoms and protection of the US. And yet they go out of their way to pander to their employees about not supporting the very government and system that let them make so many billions. Oh the spoiled rich kid sad irony. So sick of all these self-righteous antics.