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Join the Cyberpunk revolution that never happened! -> A new issue of Legowelt's
SHADOW WOLF CyBeRzInE!! Your yearly cyberpunk internet glossy ZINE in ASCII
format. I got a lot of blurbs/articles/stuff sent in this year, some didn't
make it - not because they weren't acceptable or good but because it would be
too much/too long - anyways I want to thank everyone that send in material - it
is much appreciated!

We are extremely excited to have an interview with Inter-Dimensional music
pioneer IASOS. This interview was recorded two years ago when I visited him in
Marin county - somehow it got lost but it was found recently and transcribed
just in time for this issue! We also have an interview with Italian electronic
music legend Alexander Robotnick, articles about overtones in synthesis, how
to start lucid dreaming, how to sneak binaural beats into your music, a guide
to Ethiopian scales, An acount on manufacturing a synth in China, a recepy for a
psychdelic Garlic Space Chocolate Focaccia, Hot studio tips, music and movie
reviews, a Synth Quiz, an ASCII Ski Simulator and lots more!


Shadow Wolf


In this issue:

1. Shadowwolf meets IASOS
2  ASCII Synth Quiz
3. Nightwind Records news
4. Franz Falckenhaus - Tupolev System
5. Over & Undertones in Synthesis
6. A Guide To Lucid Dreaming
7. Ethiopian Scales
8. Alexander Robotnick interview
9. More ASCII Art
10.Neural Oscillation Bran Wave Modulation with Binaural Beats

11.Love & Saucers

12.Hot Studio Tips
13.Pearl River Delta Cradle Of Music Things
14.Legowelt Midwinter Soup DJ mix
15.Train Thoughts
16.Fresh Garlic Space Chocolate Focaccia
17.Essential Trip Music
18.Poetry Corner
19.Video Advice
20.New N.Y.C Synth Repair Store
21.Yamaha U99B Magic Stomp Review
22.ARPIE a cool pocketknife MIDI Arpeggiator
23.ASCII Ski Simulator




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It is  1975 - a mysterious artist called IASOS releases his debut album
"Inter-Dimensional Music Through Iasos" on the Unity records label - later
released on his own label. It is a record that would - along with Steven
Halpern's Spectrum Suite - pioneer the new age music genre. Music so different
- so strangely majestic and otherworldly - that its influence would seep deep
into the consciousness of numerous artists and music styles.

In the 1980s the New Age music genre was quickly exploited by the record
industry: a bunch of dolphin sounds under a synthesizer pad with some cliche
mystical concepts were pushed to an audience hungry for any spiritual
enlightenment countering their 1980s Reaganomics consumer lifestyles.

IASOS however remained the real deal, in an ocean of endless new age
drabble, his music remains particularly different - experimental and
full of fresh and wonderful ideas.

Whether you think his ideas are metaphysically peculiar or not, one
can not deny the uniqueness of his music and the effect it has on the mind.

Music historian Douglas McGowan's liner notes of the 2013 I am the Centre
new age compilation says it all:
"one of the most startling musical debuts ever...I would go so far as to say
that posterity will gradually reveal this former Bay Area dollar bin staple
as one of the 20th century's most significant works of music"
- something
that I can fully concede with.

IASOS was born in Greece, immigrated to the USA and in the late 1960s,
attended Cornell university before moving to California to immerse himself
in the psychedelic counterculture. At this time -probably not entirely
without cause - he started to hear strange music in his mind - music that
didn't yet exist. He called it Inter-Dimensional Music and soon he figured
out this was transmitted to him by a higher dimensional light being
called Vista. It took him a few years before he was technically able to
translate these transmissions into an earthly cohorent music 'format'.

It is September 2015. I am in Marin County California, north across the bay
of San Francisco - it is a beautiful - almost Arcadian place, a region with
extreme bio diversity: Oak woodlands, redwood forests, green pastures all
immersed in the scent of a pacific ocean. The land of IASOS - surroundings
that fit his music perfectly.

In the distance a car parks and a figure steps out. It is IASOS, still
almost the same like in the 1970s footage I saw of him on youtube.

We order some food at a Greek deli and sit down for a long conversation -
one that will span many subjects - from heavenly reverb to the danger of
distortion ripping holes in your consciousness to being a musical time
architect and many many other topics.

This is an edited transcription of that interview. It was presumed lost
for a few years but was fortunately unearthed recently.


SW: What would be the best way to listen to your music?

I: The closer you hear it the way I’m hearing what I created, the more you get
my intended experience. And the closest way to hear the way I’m hearing it, is
by listening with AKG-K240 headphones and with your eyes closed.
They have a very flat response. Meaning they don’t emphasize some frequencies
more than others. Many sound systems have an unbalanced EQ response. That means
they boost the very highs and they boost the very lows but not the middle.
But hmmm, I like the AKG-G240 headphones because they’re a balanced response
throughout the spectrum. So if you do it that way, listen to that, and with your
eyes closed, you will hear it the way I really intended it to be heard.
Because that’s how I’m hearing it when I created it. So all the EQ adjustments
are exactly for those headphones.

SW: Should the listener be in a special place?

I: Well, it depends on the music. For example, for Bora bora 2000, it’s tropical
dance music so, put it on and dance, you know. Don’t wear headphones just put on
loud speakers and dance. But for other stuff like meditative stuff like Angelic
Music or Timeless Sound, you can have it on any reasonably balanced headphones,
speakers, or headphones. You might want to lie down or sit in a meditation
position and just, space out. It’s very unique, depending on the piece.

SW: This maybe a strange question.

I: Good, I love strange questions. Go for it.

SW: I always like to have the outside sounds leaking into the studio ambience.
Like the rain, storm sounds, my garden the birds, they seem to create some
merging layer that makes everything more at place and less sterile.
Like a green noise that glues everything together. I think it helps in a strange
way even if it’s not in the recording itself. Do you have anything similar?

I: No...I have my headphones on and when I use microphones. You know, for example
if I’m recording a flute. A tiny mic is right next to the mouthpiece so there’s
not going to be any outside sounds anyway. And I try not to have leaks of outside
sounds. If I want outside nature sounds I will intentionally put them in.
For example on my new album, I have a piece called Warm Tropical Rain. Yeah.
And I record a lot of rain. And I record a lot of people splashing their feet
in the rain. And I did that intentionally. So when I want nature sounds in there,
I’ll put them in. But if I don’t want them in, then I don’t want any leakage.
BUT...Both approaches; your approach and my approach, are perfectly valid
approaches. Both of them are perfectly fine ways of working.

SW: I want to talk about VISTA, your higher dimensional being that transmits
information to you. How do you receive a new piece of music in your mind from
vista. Do you open up for it in a special way or can it come at any moment of
the day? Does it happen automatically? Is it always there?

I: It usually happens in the evening when I’m focusing on music. And it doesn’t
happen very often. Usually the way it happens is: I’ll get an idea to compose
something. I’ll start working on it, before long I have a vision of the whole
piece in my mind. And they honour my free will. Vista honors my free will, so
he never forces me to do anything. But he tries to seduce me to do it. He tries
to get me to fall in love with a piece of music so much that I say, “Ok, I commit
to manifesting this piece of music, I commit to making it a reality.” And then
if I commit to it, it will happen no matter what happens in my life.
I will create it.

SW: So, a large part of it is yourself that makes the music?

I: Yes. Well, two things, first of all. They’ll sneak in the mental image of the
overall piece, that’s the main thing. Which is the music technical ideas on how to
create it, how it will effect people. And then when I’m working on it, he keeps
giving me ideas on it. Like try this, try that, put it through reverb, play it
backwards, you know, get the sound. I get a lot of ideas while I’m working on it.

But to a great extent, I was trained by Vista very very clearly before I was
born. So for a big extent we are on the same page. We have similar understandings,
similar preferences.

SW: Ok. Because he’s an angel? Or what, is he or she?

I: No, in my understanding there are three kingdoms. There’s a human kingdom,
when you evolve from being human you will eventually become an ascended master.
There’s the angelic kingdom, when an angel evolves, it gradually becomes an
archangel. And an archangel eventually becomes a Maha archangel. And there’s the elemental nature kingdom. Like fairies, elves, dwarves, when they evolve they might become a Deva of a mountain. And eventually they may become a deva of the
whole planet.

And eventually they may become a high level Elohim. And vista is the Elohim
of the Fifth Ray. Which is a very high position, even higher than the Archangels,
although it’s in a different level of the evolutionary scheme. But they separate
it out like a prism. The spiritual energies that the sun radiates, and then they
give it to the archangels, who then distribute it to the angels that then work
with them. So, he’s from the elemental nature kingdom. But it’s sort of like an
archangel but a little bit higher.

SW: Ok. I’m gonna ask a few more questions about this if you don’t mind.

I: I don’t mind! Just ask everything. Don’t be shy, go for it.

SW: Are there any parts of the information that vista transmits that cannot be
translated to music you can hear? Like do you get information about frequencies,
melodies for sounds that cannot be heard or even comprehended by humans. Or that
don’t even exist in our dimension. If so, could you even describe it vaguely or,
is it impossible?

I: Most of what he transmits is music that can be recorded. Otherwise what’s the
point of transmitting it? You know we made an agreement to work together. We made
an agreement before I was born. ‘Iasos you’re part of the game, you will incarnate
on earth. You will become proficient with music and then I’ll transmit music ideas
to you, and then youre task is to make it manifest it, get it out, publicly, so
it can benefit people, so it can help them raise their vibrations, as our whole
planet is raising its vibrations.’

So there’ll be no point in him sending me music that can’t be manifested. However, there’s certain things, that are hard for some people to catch. Let me give you an example. If a person is sad and depressed almost all the time, and you play music
that’s happy, he won’t resonate with it, because happiness is not in his emotional
body. It's outside his emotional range. Likewise, if you have a person that’s
feeling very brave, and is never afraid; if you play music with fear in it, he
won’t resonate with it because it’s outside his emotional range. He doesn’t feel
fear. See?

So, I created a piece recently that emotionally speaking, is so in high vibrations
that I do not expect most people to be able to really sense it. For them it would
just be strange sounds. It’s on my new album, Essence of Lumuria, and the piece is called, Infinite Mercy and Compassion. And it’s emotionally at such a rarefied high frequency that I don’t expect most people to really feel those emotions. There will
be a few here and there that do, maybe two percent, but most of them, it will just
be, you know, strange sounds.

SW: How did you make that then? What is exactly the part of it that is so high? How
does it translate into the sound?

I: Well, most of the sounds are created with violin sounds, and later in the piece
female voice sounds. But what makes it special is what I call paradox harmonics.
Which is; each octave can have a different chords, but all those chords fit the
same scale. And since each chord produces a particular emotion, different chords
at different octaves produce different emotions simultaneously. All of which fit
together nicely.

SW: So like an emotional chord, or something?

I: Exactly. Exactly. And that’s unusual for earth music. In fact, I haven’t heard
much of it. I played with this idea a little bit when I did 'The Angels of Comfort'.
But this piece, Infinite Mercy and Compassion is a much further developed version
of that same idea. Yeah like an emotional chord if you play them simultaneously.
But they all blend nicely.

SW: Ok, and how do they blend nicely? Do you research that - is it some science?

I: No it’s all intuition I don’t use science. I’m not gonna wait for science to
catch up to what I’m doing. Maybe in another 50 years. See, science can’t even
measure emotions. They can measure body responses to emotions, but they’re not
directly measuring emotions. I’m talking about emotions, I’m saying things about
emotions and they go, “How do you know? Prove it!” And I can’t prove it, because
science cannot yet measure emotions, they can only measure your body responses.
Like the galvanic skin response or electric brainwaves. But they’re not really
measuring emotions. And emotions vibrate on frequencies. Negative emotions vibrate
on lower frequencies, positive emotions vibrate on higher frequencies. The border
between them is in the range of melancholy.

Melancholy is  just a little bit lower than that middle range. And from melancholy
you keep getting lower and lower frequencies all the way down to zero. And zero
is being frozen in fear. When you are frozen in fear your emotional body actually
stops vibrating. It’s got zero vibrations, see. Now that’s a limited range because
it goes from zero to only a finite range, but positive emotions go up up up many
many octaves. Just like on a piano keyboard you can have a-flat, an octave higher, a-flat, an octave higher, a-flat, octave meaning twice the frequency. The same
thing with the emotions. You can have octaves of emotions for example, you can have
the emotion of, “I’m glad,” emotion an octave higher, “I’m happy,” an octave higher,
“Joy,” an octave higher, “ecstacy” an octave higher, “rapture,” and it keeps going
without any upward limit. So positive emotions have an unlimited range whereas
negative emotions have a limited range.

Now, the intensity is different than frequency. You can have a high intensity
negative emotion like anger, or you can have a low intensity negative emotion of
like, “I’m a little sad,” you know. And so intensity is a separate issue, likewise
with positive emotions. You can have a low intensity positive emotion like, “I’m
feeling good,” But you can have an intense version of it, high intensity, high
amplitude, like, “I’m feeling extatic!”.
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SW: Your music is always quite ecstatic, right?

I: Yeah, it’s my specialty.

SW: But in your structure of your music did you ever think about first making a
part melancholic and after that more ecstatic?

I: I would never, in my life, even if you pay me ten million dollars, I would
never ever ever create any music that has negative emotions. Because that exactly
contradicts the whole reason why I’m here on earth.

SW: But wouldn’t that make it stronger if you use it as some kind of contrast?

I: No, you can have plenty of contrast without having to go negative. As a matter
of fact my music does have that. Example in my Realms of light you can listen to
Rapture of the Heart, or on my new album you can listen to, Smooth Sailing Over
Enchanted Lands
. It has three orgasms in it, it has three emotional peaks. It gets
really intense, it has quiet parts, as a matter of fact it get very very quiet,
then it gets really intense but it’s all positive. It’s all positive emotions. You
don’t need to go negative to have a contrast between high intensity and low
intensity. So those are examples of two pieces that have wild contrast.

SW: I’m gonna ask you a question about your first album, 1975 Interdimensional
Music Through Iasos

I: Hahaha yeah 1975

SW: With the music technology that was available to you it must have been...

I: Let me tell you what I had then. I had a stereo tape recorder, a Sony 7,5 inch
quarter-inch tape stereo. You could record two channels, flip it over. Record
another two channels. And I had another one that was like that with only four
channels, so I could be recording all four channels. Fill those channels, mix it
into stereo in the other machine, then put that back on here, so two channels are
full and the other two channcels are empty...and then I’d record two more, mix that,
and that would be the piece. So basically, you get the result of six channels.
That’s how I did it.

And a lot of it was electronic processing of acoustic instruments. And the
electronic processing of acoustic instruments is very simple, like spring reverb,
or univibe to give it vibrato or phaseshifter...very simple stuff.

SW: Did you have a synthesizer that you used? For that album?

I: Not really, I had an organ that I used in a few places.

SW: Oh, because some if it sounds really like a synthesizer

I: Yeah, not really a synthesizer.

SW: Just effect boxes?

I: Yeah for example, I borrowed a vibraphone from a friend of mine, and I’d
record things on it and I’d play the tape back at double speed and you’d get
these wonderful tinkly bells. THen I put an Echoplex through it, so wonderful
tinkly bells with a very high fast echo. I’d record piano runs and put the tapes backwards so you’d get twiiuuup twiuuuup twiuuuuup...

SW: And as the music technology advanced I guess it became easier to translate the information you got from Vista?

I: Yeah that’s exactly correct.

SW: Could you give us some examples of things you couldn’t translate at first but
now its possible?

I: Sure I’ll give you two examples. On my 2015 album, "Essence of Lemuria", you can
listen to the second piece, Smooth Sailing Over Enchanted Lands, which sounds like
a symphony orchestra and you can listen to the fourth piece, Buddhic Spherical Consciousness, which sounds like a cosmic universal space. I couldn’t do those

SW: Ok and that’s because you can use computers and VST's?

I: VSTs primarily, yeah.

SW: In the 1980s you started using synthesizers? Or late 1970s?

I: I don’t keep track of time, for when I started. But I can tell you that when synthesizers started coming out I didn’t like them at all. To be honest, they
sounded very very cold, I didn’t like them at all.

SW: Sterile.

I: Yes, sterile. I didn’t like them. Finally, one came out: it was the RMI-Keyboard computer, it was made by an organ company, but, you could change the waveshape,
by sticking these computer cards, you know these old computer cards that have
holes punched into them?

SW: Yes, punch cards

I: Yeah, and each card has 32 numbers on it, and those 32 numbers define the first
1/4th of a waveshape, and then by playing it backwards you’d get the second 1/4th,
then the negative gives you the third 1/4th, then the negative backwards gives you
the fourth 1/4th. So you'd create a waveshape with those numbers.

So I could get different sounds just by slipping in different cards, and I could
have combinations of four sounds that way.

SW: And what album did you start using that for the first?

I: Elixir (listen here).

SW: And you never used MOOGS or, you used an ARP right?

I: I used, and I still have, an ARP PRO DGX, I like it very much. It’s monophonic,
only one note, but it’s great for melody work.

SW: It has really nice Aftertouch and stuff right?

I: it has the best aftertouch of anything. Because Aftertouch and Breath are very intuitive ways to emotionally control music, because if a person is feeling more intensely emotional, it’s natural to press harder. And if a person is feeling
more intense emotions its natural to blow harder. So both Breath controllers and Aftertouch are wonderfully intuitive way to modulate the emotionality, the
emotional intensity of whatever you’re creating as a melody.

SW: Do you also use other controllers like, for example hand controllers?

I: Yeah, I have a harp controller.  it’s a metal box that has two plastic strips
and each strip has many buttons underneath it, and each button corresponds to a
different note on the scale and you can program what scale and what key. Like
drrring, I get the note and scale, drrring, I get a different scale. And so just
by strumming it with your fingers it’s like strumming a harp. Although it doesn’t
have to sound like a harp. It can sound like anything.

SW: Did you make that yourself?

I: No I worked with a company that produced it. I was their musical test pilot,
gave them ideas on how to improve it. But then they decided to not actually market
it because they figured it wouldn’t make any money, which I think is a crazy idea,
but I got to have one. Hahahaha.

SW: What’s it called the machine or it never got a name?

I: Harp controller as far as I know. I personally call it the golden harp.

SW: Your music is mostly high frequency...they always sound very soft and round.
You never use a lot of harsh distorted low frequencies.

I: I would never. I try to create beautiful sounds – when you go to heaven
listening to music, there won’t be any distortion there. So if you’re a lover of
fuzz guitar, you’ll be very disappointed when you go to heaven because there’s no distortion there, at all! So right now distortion is very fashionable in earth
music, but it’s gonna be totally absent when you go to heaven because, believe me,
it’s not there. There’s no distortion. Just harmony. Just just just only just
harmony. And extreme harmony.

SW: And why is that? That distortion...?

I: It rips holes in your emotional body, in your etheric body, it’s very harmful.
You can kill plants with it.

SW: Hmm.

I: Just put on distortion guitar in front of a plant and play it for a few
days,the plant will shrivel up and die. It’s bad for you. It creates holes in
your aura. Now the reason guitarists like it is because it creates passion.
But you can still create passion, in fact, if you start with distortion guitar
and you filter out the high frequencies, which amounts to smoothing out the
corners and the sharp edges. If you look at a wave distortion it’s got sharp
corners, because they clip it.

Those sharp corners, like a chainsaw, it cuts holes in your emotional body.
But if you filter out the high frequencies, it’s like rounding the corners.
If you look at it through an oscilloscope, it like, rounds the corner , and so
it makes it a smoother sound. That way you can still get the passionate effects
which is what fuzz is good for, without having the effect of really ripping
holes in your etheric body and your emotional body. And so sometimes, in rare
cases, I might start off with some distortion but then I will significantly
filter out the high frequencies to round out the corners, so it’s not harmful.
  _   _   _   _   _   _   _
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |           __---__      __---__     __---__
_| | | | | | | | | | | | | |__        -       -    -       -   -       -
   | | | | | | | | | | | |        ----         -  -         - -         ----
   |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|                       -           -

SW: Are there any particular angelic scales, chord-harmonies that are typically,
like angelic, or come from the world of Vista? Like certain scales?

I: No, they can use many different scales. The interesting thing is, each scale
is a relationship of frequency-ratios, and it doesn’t matter what the actual
frequencies are. You can change the key, but the relationship of frequencies
remains the same, even though the actual frequencies are different. If you go
from C-Sharp to F-Major you know, etc. But each scale, which is a relationship
of frequency-ratios, produces a unique emotional effect. So, a classical composer
that is a master of harmony, has a palette of emotions at his disposal. And if he
wants one particular emotion, he can use a scale that will generate that emotion,
and if he wants a different emotion he can use a scale that generates that emotion.
And it doesn’t matter what the key is because no matter what key you’re in, that
scale will generate that emotion.

Now, the angelic beings- they use many different scales but there are certain
scales that they tend to not use because they have a depressing effect. The most significant one they won’t use is the Blues scale, because it has an extremely
depressing effect. After all it is called the Blues scale. What does that
mean? It means you get sad. So it really does have a depressing effect so, they
wouldn’t use something like that. But they use many different scales though.

The important thing is harmony. The key word is harmony. And the key thing is,
listen to your heart. See how it makes you feel, if it makes you feel good; use it.
If it doesn’t make you feel good, don’t use it. Simple.

SW: I wanna talk about the sounds themselves a little bit. The ones you synthesize
and program. How do they evoke certain emotions, like certain sounds do you have
tricks for that?

I: Well the main trick is that I have a library, as a WORD document. And
typically a musician creating music will be hearing a sound in his mind and will
be looking for a sound right here that is close to the sound in his mind. And if
you waste a lot f time trying to find that sound, you forget the music you were
initially trying to create.

The idea is to find that sound quickly and efficiently.

So, I developed a system to find it quickly and efficiently, which is that I have
a sound library as a Word document. You know a word processor. And just like on a
webpage you can have links that can go to another part of the same page. Likewise
in Word you can have links within that page, so at the top I might have. “Strings
brass, woodwinds" etc. But if I click on "Brass", it will go to sub-categories.
It might go to trumpet, French horn, flugel horn, trombone, etc.

And then if I go further, I click on French horn, there’ll be further subdivisions, single French horn, or "French Horn ensemble" If I go to single "French Horn", then
I’ll have all the sounds from all my synthesizers. All my software, VSTs, all my
hardware synthesizers, they’ll be all in the sound that I like, and it will tell me
the address of where to find it. It will say, go to this synthesizer, go
to this bank, it’s program number 23, stuff like that. And it also has a description,
how it compares to all the other French horn sounds, and I also give it a number
from 0-100, scaling how likely I am to be using that particular sound. And so the
first thing on the list is the highest number.

I have all these numbers at the top of the list. So if I see a French horn sound
I might see one at 98, which means I’m very likely to want to use that one, I might
have another one from another synthesizer which is 95, I still might want to use it
so. I check them out, that way I can quickly find the sound I’m after.

SW: Ok, what I wanted to know is how do you evoke certain emotions, with the sound.
Like with the use of vibrato, tremolo or filters, or do you have any systems for
that or?

I: Well intuition is the only thing I can answer to that. I let my intuition guide
me. Of course when a person is feeling something and then the feeling gets more
intense. There’s certain sound equivalents to the feeling getting more intense.

One, the sound gets louder. The other is there’s more high frequency content in the sound. And the third one is the vibrato becomes more predominant. So those
correspond to feeling something and then the feeling gets more intense. Louder,
brighter and more vibrato.

But in general, I just let my intuition guide me. There’s no set answer for that.

SW: I wanna talk about echo and reverb effects. For me echo and delay effects are
very important, because it does something strange with time I think.

I: What’s strange is using pre-reverb. Where the reverb precedes the sound.

SW: How do you think this echo or reverb effect changes the sound. Is it some kind
of uhmmm, something in a space-time dimensional or in a higher dimensional context?

I: Both. First of all, what’s the difference between reverb and echo?
Reverb is having so many echoes that are so closely spaced that it’s one continuous sound. So reverb is really many closely spaced echoes. So they’re really the same
thing but the spacing is primarily the real difference. In heaven, there’s a lot of reverb, because there’s a lot of space.

When you add echo or reverb, it subjectively creates the sense of a bigger space.
As a matter of fact, many people when they’re mixing, they can control how close
or far a sound is by how much reverb or echo they add. They want the sound close:
they don’t add any reverb or echo. If they want the sound far away, they make the
volume less but add a lot of reverb to it. So it’s like a front back control to
how much reverb you have.

It’s a wonderful way to create spaces in different spaces and the wonderful thing
is now with convolution reverb: it enters a magical world and for those who don’t understand convolution reverb, here’s how it works: Let’s say I want to create the
s sound of me talking in a cave. Let’s say I go to the cave and I blow up a
balloon and I have a portable recorder and I record the sound of popping that
balloon. Pop! So the recorder records the sound of the balloon popping, which is basically all frequencies but very briefly. The recorder records the echoing
through that cave. Now I can bring that sound back into my studio and I can
record me talking, dry.

No echo - no reverb just me talking. And then convolution is magic. What
convolution does is it multiplies one sound with another. if I multiply the sound
of my voice talking, with the sound of my balloon popping in a cave.,
with convolution reverb, the result is: it sounds like I’m talking in a cave.

If I hit a timbale drum, BOOM, and I record that sound and I convolute the sound
of me talking with hitting the timbale drum, it sounds like I’m talking inside a
timbale drum. If I record the sound of a balloon pop or a pistol shot inside the
Taj Mahal, then later on I convolute that into the sound of me talking or any
sound really, then it sounds like me talking in the Taj Mahal. So convolution
now is wonderful and totally magic because it allows you to superimpose the
ambiance of any space onto any dry recorder sound. It's really really magic, really
potent, but people use it just for reverb. You don’t have to just use it for reverb.
You can use it for all kinds of wild effects. For example, I made a sound of just
white noise and then I made that ramp up in volume. So it goes from quiet and then
it ramps up in volume.  If I convolute that with an other sound, it’s like hearing
that sound with pre-reverb. You can get all kinds of incredible wild effects.
Outrageous playground.

SW: Is there any kind of higher dimensional context?

I: Yeah the higher dimensional context is; there’s a lot of heaven, there’s a
lot of reverb in heaven. There’s a lot of reverb in the music of the higher
dimensions. So here on earth if you play music with a lot of reverb, it tends to
remind people of heavenly realms.

SW: And where do you see delay then? Do they also have delay in heaven or is it
mostly reverb?

I: Mostly reverb. When Paul Horn released Inside the Taj Mahal, for the first time
many people were hearing music that was like heaven music. Because it had a lot of
reverb. Before you didn’t have a lot of music with such a long reverb. It’s the
reverb of the Taj Mahal, an eight second reverb, and for many people it triggered something deep inside them cause it’s like a subconscious reminder of music from
the heavenly realms..

SW: I’m going to continue about the echo and the time, more about the time
itself in tracks...

I: When I did Crystal*White*Fire*Light, one of the pieces on my Elixir album,
there were a lot of time manipulations in there. But especially pre-echo and
pre-reverb. Which tends to stimulate a persons’ precognitive abilities. A persons’ ability to sense the future before it happens. Yeah you can stimulate that by
letting people listen to pre-echo and pre-delay.

And the way you do that in the old days was with a tape. You put the tape
backwards on the tape recorder. While you record you put the reverb on another
channel, on another track, and once you’ve recorded the reverb, you make it
forward again; return the tape to it’s original direction, so now the echo or
reverb precedes the sound  rather than follow it. Nowadays, it's of course much

SW: That’s very interesting, I never thought of it.

I: Yeah and when you do that, it tends to stimulate precognition in the listener.
And "Crystal*White*Fire*Light" had a lot of that in it.

SW: Do you see time as linear? Or something that just happens all the time? Do you
see it more as a metaphysical thing?

I: I can talk a lot about time. First of all, as a musician I consider myself a
time architect. Someone that creates forms in time. According to many of the
advanced scientists, time is a spiral spiraling within a donut, continuously
in a loop, it’s spiraling within a loop. But the most profound thing is: Time is an illusion which each persons’ consciousness creates. The truth is there’s only the
eternal now, all things that have happened in the past are happening now, there’s
only now. But, our consciousness creates the sensation of the flow of time because
we experience it one moment at a time.

I can give you an analogy of this. In a movie theatre there’s a projector that has
a big roll of movie film. If you put it in the film projector, the projector shows
it one frame at a time, in rapid sequence, so you get the sensation of a smooth
flow of time. But if the projectionist takes that reel out of the projector, puts
it on the floor and opens it up, you can see all the frames at the same time.
That’s more like reality, seeing all frames at the same time. There’s only now. But
your consciousness is like the film projector, only one frame at a time. Billions of frames every second so you get the sensation of a smooth flow of time, which is an illusion that each persons’ consciousness is creating. And the irony for me is, well,
if I’m a time architect and time is an illusion, then all I am doing is creating an illusion hahaha. Makes me feel funny about my career.

SW: Would it be possible to give an example of that with sound, in music? If you
would do that with music, it would sound very chaotic, of course, it would be white noise, basically?

I: No no no, you can’t do it that way because you’re experiencing music through
your consciousness and your consciousness is flowing through linear time. And you
can only experience linear time while you are functioning in your consciousness.

Now, there are people, sometimes with psychedelic drugs sometimes with high states
of meditation, who achieve a state of sensing, ‘it’s all happening now.’ Many years
ago I had a lady friend here in Sausalito, she kept saying to me, ‘it’s all
happening now!” and I had no idea what she was talking about, it just seemed like
crazy talk to me.

Now, I understand what she was referring to then. Because there really is only now,
so what this means is. Have you heard of past life readings? You go to a psychic
and they tell you what you were doing in a past life. Well, you can have a past life reading, you can just as easily have a future life reading.
Because its all happening right now. All your lifetimes are happening right now.
Well, what does that have to do with free will, then I don’t have any free will.
Yes, you do because you pick how your going to steer that because it can go infinite different ways. So, while you’re in your normal consciousness, you can only
experience linear time, because that’s one of the definitions of having an earth consciousness is; experiencing linear time. And when we reincarnate we agree to experience it that way. You’re higher self, you are a projection from your higher
self. I’m a projection from my higher self. Your higher self is outside time, and
it projects many parts of itself as incarnations in many places. One might be
3000bc, another might be 1967, another might be 2015, anther might be 4312,
and from the point of view of the higher self all those incarnations are happening
at the same time, getting information through all of them simultaneously. But for
each one of us, we're in a time-space matrix. When you’re in a time-space matrix
there’s past present and future and there’s space. When you’re outside of it its
all happening in the here and now.

SW: As a musical time architect, is there some kind of control you can do with the

I: Absolutely not. I’m a linear consciousness. I can only do the linear rate of
time flow. I can speed it up, you can play a tape double speed, you know, I can
ramp things up faster or slower but its still linear time; past present future.
It’s vector, it can only go in one direction, I can't really play with that too

I can do funny tricks like pre-reverb and pre-echo. Jimmy Hendrix playing guitar backwards, it had great emotional effects that most music on earth didn’t have.
Because with normal earth music you either get a sound that builds up, sustains
and then goes down like playing a violin. Or you get a sudden beginning and a
gradual fade like plugging a guitar string. You don’t get sounds that build up
and suddenly stop.

That’s what you get when you play guitar backwards. So certain sounds are pretty
rare. And when I do my harp controller, one of the sounds I use is the sound for
every note builds up gradually, then suddenly stops, well, fairly suddenly stops.
And when you do a whole stream of these, like strumming a harp, you get
all these overlaps, beginnings of notes, which has a very unique emotional effect.

SW: Sort of like an arpeggio, a polyphonic arpeggio effect?

I: No nothing like that. It’s many sounds where each goes like *whhaaAAA, you know,
very gradually. But they overlap because you’re strumming the sequence. And so
as one is building up, the next one is building up, whilst the first one was still building up. So when you’re playing them simultaneously, all at the same time while strumming them, that has a very unique emotional effect that very little earth instruments have, none that I’ve heard, have that emotional effect. Very rare.

SW: Ok, almost the last question, on the paper. I read somewhere that you’ve been visiting alien worlds and hearing their music in your sleep?

I: (LAUGHS LOUD) You talk about ‘Nighttime .. sounds on planet allura?” is that
what you’re referring to? Yeah. At the bottom left corner it says, one. “All this
is purely imaginary, and two, your imagination is real.” However, this is what
I do do. If a musician wants to stimulate their idea of what music could be, rather
than staying in the rut of the conventional ideas of what earth music is, like
chorus versus chorus and stuff like that. What you can do is this, just before you
go to sleep at night, intend, “While I’m sleeping tonight I intend, that I’m going
to be visiting other civilizations around the universe and I’m going to be exploring
and experiencing their idea of music.” Now if you do that every night before you fall
asleep, when you wake up, changes are you wont remember any of it, but that’s ok,
just keep doing it. If you keep on doing it for about two to three weeks, pretty soon
unusual music ideas will bubble up to your consciousness from your sub-consciousness.

Things that you experience then, that you don’t remember consciously, will gradually
start bubbling up to your conscious mind, from your subconscious mind. All these
unusual music ideas. And all you have to do is experience them when you’re sleeping at night and all you have to do is set out a clear strung intention just before you fall

SW: That’s lucid, right? It sounds like lucid dreaming.

I: It can be lucid, but it doesn’t need to be necessarily. Even if you wake up and
don’t remember anything, even then you’re benefitting from it. If you can do it
lucidly that’s even better, but it doesn’t have to be lucid.

SW: Can you remember sometimes? Or is it all unconscious?

I: Let me give you an example. I heard music that sounded like a beaded curtain
and how can I do that with sound? I finally figured out a way and you can hear
that in a piece of my new album "Essence of Lemuria" in the piece called Warm Tropical
where each raindrop, coming down independently of each other, and all the drops
fit a chord with the notes and as the chords change, the notes change, but it’s all
just beaded drops of sounds coming down. So that’s an example. I got that idea by visiting other civilizations, exploring their idea of music.

SW: But do you also see the architecture these civilizations have?

I: If my intention was: I want to experience the architecture of other
civilizations, then I’d probably remember that. But that was not my intention.
I could start tonight saying, I want to explore other civilizations and explore
their architecture. But I can tell you this already, they tend to have curves
and avoid right angles. Because angles are very unsupportive to life.
So you won’t find right angles at all. And many of their buildings  are made by
crystalline substances controlled by consciousness, and they can grow
their homes, for example they’ll have a crystalline home, a clear wall where you
can see the backyard. And if you want to have privacy you can telepathically tell
the wall, ‘please go opaque,’ and the wall will go opaque. Please, I want to have
a couch now, and a couch will grow out of the wall. A couch you can sit on.
And its wonderful. You don’t need anymore, you need the space. "You can go
away now", and it will retract back into the wall. It’s crystalline material that
is highly responsive to consciousness. And a lot of them I know, have that.

SW: You are kind of like an alien dream anthropologist?

I: [laughs out loud] I’ve never been called that. Once, a woman said, “You’re an
animal from another dimension.”

SW: You were talking about how VISTA gives you inspiration, he also tells
you what equipment to use?

I: No he tells me technical ways to achieve the sound effects.

SW: You also said that at the same time, the technology has evolved. So then would
you say that because the message was the same right? Or would you say that, while
the technology evolved, because the earth is vibrating on a different frequency,
that the messages are automatically tuning in into those developments. So it’s all
one flow.

I: Yes, it’s all one flow. Basically, VISTA adjusts his technological suggestions
to what equipment he knows I have available then. He knows I have this; I don’t have that. He’ll adjust it to what’s available.

SW: So you could say that you’re music evolves, and the equipment you use evolves,
we can mirror the involvement of the earth-

I: Yes, see, everybody is going really fast pace now. For example, no one can keep
up with all the VSTi’s that are available. They keep on going faster than anyone can
keep up, because they keep on going faster with their mind, whilst they are creating
these wonderful synthesizers. In one synthesizer, there’s a whole galaxy of sounds.
It took me three months to explore the sounds in Omnisphere...to explore every single
one of them. And I logged the ones that were of interest to me. Which were
maybe 2 or 3% of the sounds. But it was worth it. And so I go through all of them,
and it takes a while because these synthesizers have such a vast realm of

SW: What other art forms can be inspired through VISTA. Film?

I: Yes, as a matter of fact, there’s one called" Crystal Vista" HAHA. If you’ve seen
my DVD called "Realms of Light - the DVD", you can see examples of it on YouTube.

SW: You get the images also from VISTA?

I: Oh yeah, I had my music album … after I finished I thought this is very visually inspiring music. I’d like to make it into a DVD .. but nobody was doing the kind of celestial visuals that I  wanted to see with my music. So I, thought, I will do it
myself.  So it took me four years to master video special effects, and another 3.5
years to create the visuals to synchronize with the music. So it was a 7.5-year
project for that DVD. BUT, if you want to see Vista's ideas on visuals. Go see
Realms of Light the DVD.. You’ll see

SW: Do you do that on a computer? What kind of program?

I: Yeah I was also using Premiere and After Effects. But most of what I did was
through plugins in After Effects. Most of the time I was studying plugins.

They don’t call him VISTA for nothing. His specialty is the All Seeing Eye of God,
which really means a highly evolved third eye. And they call him VISTA because his specialty, even more than music, is god vision. Divine visions. The musical
outpour of divinity through sound and visions, through visuals.

And the reason why I like to do visuals, like in my DVDs, but also in all my concerts...since 1973 I’ve always had visuals in my concerts. The reason is because they’re very powerful when they work together. Because music has the potential of,
not the obligational role but the potential to induce divine emotions. And visuals
again, not  the duty or the responsibility, but they have the potential to induce
divine thought forms. And when they’re working together: the music creating divine emotions and the visuals inducing divine thought forms, when they’re working
together synchronistically and synergistically, their combined influences can ignite
a person into a higher and more expanded state of consciousness. And that’s the whole point of my multi media concerts and my dvd’s.

SW: One more last question. Do you think there are also demons, that some people have
a demon evil minded being controlling them?

I: Yes, of course just listen to heavy metal...See there are many floors to reality.
From the lowest frequency negative, to the highest celestial angelical heavenly. And
each person gets to pick where he focuses his attention. It's his life - every single
human being. Musicians are merchants that selling emotions served on the platter of
sound. What musicians are really selling is not sound, but emotions, and people get
the emotions through the sound. And so for every emotion that you can imagine, there
are musicians who specialize in exactly that emotion. For example, I specialize in
inducing the emotion of ecstasy.


Time's running out on the recorder and we decide its time to stop. We make some
pictures and say goodbye. Iasos drives off into the forested distance of Marin
county. Indeed like the wild animal returning to his own dimension.

Visit IASOS homepage
check out his bandcamp here

transcribed by Sierra Nobo III

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Ok, its not really a quiz I guess, then I have to ask some questions - I just
like to use the word QUIZ - you don't use the letters Q and Z in a word that
often. So this is more a guessing game...

Can you guess which synthesizers these are?
A great game for the whole family or by yourself.


    /\                                                                /\
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Satomi Taniyama's long awaited EDEN IN A SEA OF MISERY album will appear on Nightwind
records early 2018 - 2xvinyl CD and cassette versions are being prepared. it will come
with a graphic novel revolving around Satomi's backpacking adventures in an eerie
seaside holiday village.


The LOCH NESS Commodore 64 original videogame soundtrack gets a tape & CD release - entitled LOCH NESS EXPANDED SOUNDTRACK - the release will include new unreleased
material made on the Commodore 64 SID soundchip and brand new artwork//

Nightwind records is going to re-issue some classic Strange Life releases -
Smackos - Computer Day & Sammy Osmo - Schaduw Horizon will be the first ones.
The albums will be remastered and recorded on CHROME Type II cassette with lots of
info  in the inlays. Maybe they will come with more stuff too, we will see.
Expect early 2018.


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              .     | | |   |    |      |             |   |       \_ |
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        |__________|_| |_|__________|   .    /          \ |     |                |
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| |


*** TOP SECRET ***

Let's return to the height of the late cold war - circa 1987
BONN was the capital of West Germany - the CHAOS COMPUTER CLUB ruled supreme -
the Commodore AMIGA was the most advanced home computer on the market -
New Wave and Punk were making way for a new strange electronic subculture


Giallo records is going to release a compilation of previously CD only

It will be the first time this material will be released on vinyl and will
come with a full color artwork sleeve. Releasedate somewhere in February.

For those who don't know - Franz Falckenhaus is a fictional cold war spy who
released four albums on the defunct Strange Life records - mostly in the minimal
wavish cold war electro soundtrack genre. He made four albums between 2006 and
2010. The first two ones were made in a couple of days on an EMU Vintage Pro
through a Korg Ampworx FX unit. Later on Falckenhaus switched to a DX7IID and

There was also a videogame based around him called TRIDENT CRISIS.
This came out on the Commodore 64 in 2010 and was programmed rather hastely
for an Intergalactic FM benefit auction event. The game came with the Secret Microcassettes release  - of which only 1 copy exists which sold at the auction
for 200 UK pounds to someone in England.

Trident Crisis is considered to be one of the worst videogames ever on the
commodore 64. Presented as an exciting cold war 'interactive spy novel' it was
a text only adventure game with an extremely basic unintelligible A.I.parser.

The aim of the game is to escape from the eastern bloc state Dagavonia,
dodging enemy agents and police, finding a covert way to escape on a
train to the west.

You can download it here and run it on a Commodore 64 emulator.

coming on GIALLO RECORDS February 2018

A1 – My Cold War
A2 – Siberian Missles
A3 – Rainy Roads Through Gypsy Forest
A4 – Transylvania Airlines
A5 – MIT Research Theme
B1 – Falckenhaus Cosmic Dance
B2 – Alpenland Detective
B3 – The Europa Judgement
B4 – Manhunter
B5 – The Tragic Sadness Of F. Falckenhaus


     o       .            .       .        .          .            .    
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| | '_ \  / __| | | | '_ \| __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| / __|       .
| | | | | \__ \ |_| | | | | |_| | | |  __/\__ \ \__ \            .
|_|_| |_| |___/\__, |_| |_|\__|_| |_|\___||___/_|___/      

     .       o     .       o   .           .             .

        o                         o              o             o
  .             .      _____
     /\    o          |     |  .        |\            |  |
    /  \              |     |           | \         | || |
___/    \    ____   __|     |    ___ ___|  \____  _|||||||||__
         \  /               |   |                   | || |
          \/                |___|                     |  |
  .  o          o       o           .  .   o      o          o

         .          .        .                .             .   

Synth sounds can sound very sterile sometimes, especially if you only have
1 waveform - one oscillator - a static cold flat wave.

Of course, you can add some vibrato with an LFO on the pitch to make it less
sterile and more alive. But you can also add soft 'overtone harmonics'
to make it sound more 'organic' and less harsh.

An important factor in real instruments, and what gives them their character,
is how certain harmonics resonate in and outside the instrument.

For example:
When you hit a note on a piano you don't just hear the pure pitch of the
note you just played. Inside, certain other strings apart from the one you
just hit also vibrate, a lot softer in volume, almost unnoticeable....
but enough to give a certain harmonic content and character to the sound.

Nature has its way and these harmonic frequencies always follow the same
path, we won't go in too much scientific blablah here now if you want to
know more about that look it up in google.

So the frequencies that give these harmonics, which are always pretty
much the same, are called overtones or partials.

And these are the notes/frequencies of these overtones:

C  - C(1 octave up) - G - C(2 octaves up) - E - G

With these notes in mind its easy to create 'natural' sounding overtones
on a synthesizer.


Let's say we have 5 oscillator synth, a modular system of some sorts.
and we want to add some overtone harmonics:

 ________________                                       ______________
|       whatever |                                     |              |
| osc 1 you want |______________ volume 100% __________| filter       |
|________________|                                     | env etc.     |_______

 _________________                                     |______________|       |
|           pitch |                                                           |
| osc 2 sine +12  |_____________ volume 20% __________                        |
|_________________|                                   \        ______________ |

 _________________                                     \      |              ||
|           pitch |                                     \     | filter.      ||
| osc 3 sine +19  |_____________ volume 10%______________\____| env etc      ||
|_________________|                                      / _/ |______________||
 _________________                                      / |          |        |

|           pitch |                                    /  |          |________|
| osc 4 sine +24  |_____________ volume 5% ___________/   |              |
|_________________|                                       |              |
 _________________                                       /             mixer

|           pitch |_____________ volume 2% _____________/           maybe other    
| osc 5 sine +28  |                                                 filter vca
|_________________|                                                 env etc.

                                                                        \ /

Oscillator 1 is the main fundamental frequency tone - tuned neutral on C

Oscillator 2 Tune 1 octave up (+12 ) volume 20%
Oscillator 3 Tune 1 octave + 7 notes up (+19) volume 10%
Oscillator 4 Tune 2 Octaves up (+24) volume 5%
Oscillator 5 Tune 2 Octaves + 4 notes up (+28) volume 2%
(If you have more oscillators you can tune oscillator 6 to 2 Octaves
 + 7 notes up (+31) volumet 1% etc.etc.etc.

Of course you don't have to follow the laws of nature, try any different
frequency and see what eerie vibes you can give to your sounds -
from a universal parallel dimension were our laws of physics do not

If you have a more common 3 oscillator synth like a minimmoog, novation
nova, Waldorf Blofeld etc. you can add only 2 more overtone notes -
either G, C, E...experiment see what gives the best result.

Some stuff to check:

Give different volumes to different oscs..use keytracking, randomize
the volume etc. It should be barely noticeable, slightly within the
human hearing range. Let the volume of each oscillator gradually go
down, the lower ones louder, the higher ones softer.

If possible give each oscillator or at least the overtone ones its
own VCA envelope, higher pitches overtones have shorter sustain/release
then the lower ones.

Try different waveforms, maybe even for the different partial oscillators:
A sinewave might be more suited to the high overtones, a soft square to the
low- but it can also be the other way around.

To finish it off add an almost unnoticeable amount of noise to blend
everything together in a nice organic soup.

If you have a pitchshifter that can do more then 1 tone at the same time
(Harmonic pitchshifter or whatever these things are called) -
you can set the pitches to the overtone series and put the dry/wet mix
really low so you can barely hear it but it does effect the sound.

                                                   /  /
By Prof.Dr.Emiel EmmerEend University of Texel.   /  /


                     _     _        _                               
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| | | | |/ __| |/ _` |  / _` | '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _` |

| | |_| | (__| | (_| | | (_| | | |  __/ (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| |
|_|\__,_|\___|_|\__,_|  \__,_|_|  \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
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      .              _______/     \____      /         /   __/
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                  \ \                               /       \
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                    \ \________                \    \__|____/  / ___/
         .           \         \   .            \_____________/--
    .                /       /  \       .
             O O O   |  /____\  /\             /\     .     . O O O O O O
    _________|_|_|____\ |____| /__\___________/__\____________|_|_|_|_|_|_
          O            ||    ||               | ^|  
       O  |            ||    ||       ________|  |   
       |               ||    ||      /\  ____  \ |  
                       ||    ||     /  \__|+|___\| 
                       ||    ||     |  | . . . .|| 
                       ||    ||     |__|________||      

By Dr. Z. van Zerval

I. The lucid dreamer

Lucid dreaming - the act of dreaming while in a state of awareness – is a skill
that can be practiced, improved, and mastered. A lucid dreamer has the ability to intervene in dreams, leading to an expansion of the outer limits of his or her consciousness. Lucid dreaming has formed an integral part of the belief systems
of aboriginal groups such as the Nabesna, Atna, Wetsuwet’in and Dénés of Northern
Canada, for centuries.  At the heart of their customs is the belief that dreams
are more than mere individual experiences; rather, they belong to the community,
and dream wisdom is passed on from generation to generation. [1] With some
practice, a passive dream-state can easily be transformed into an active extension
of waking life, where everything becomes possible. Through lucid dreaming, one can navigate and explore the infinite depths of perceptions and reality. It is also
super fun! Here are some tips to achieve daily boundless mind adventures.

II. How to lucid dream

1) Mnemonic induction is a method whereby lucid dreams are triggered through memory
cues. It is one of the most effective techniques to practice lucid dreaming.
The first step involves identifying ‘reality cues’. This can be done anywhere and
anytime, in both waking- and dream states of consciousness. A famous technique is
the digital clock test.  To perform this exercise, stare at a digital clock for a
few seconds (eg. a golden digital casio watch will do the trick), look away, and
look back at the clock and ask yourself: am I dreaming? If the numbers appear normal, then you are probably awake. In dreams, numbers typically appear jumbled or scrambled
(or do weirder things like recite a verse from Dante’s Inferno in Uzbek). Try to do
this exercise several times during your waking-day (like at your boring day-job) and
in your dreams. Another fresh trick is the mirror test. In dreams, images reflected
in a mirror are typically nebulous and tend to morph rapidly. The same applies to
text, whether a book or a street sign; letters and words rarely stay together or
remain consistent in dreams.

After some practice, you will become an expert at spotting these classic ‘dream anomalies’ and distinguishing between waking- and dream states. Bringing awareness
to your dream state through mnemonic tricks will allow you to lucid dream. Don’t
worry if you don’t succeed at first, lucid dreaming takes practice. Once you’ve
joined the ranks of the international society of lucid dreamers, let the
adventures unravel!

2) Dream journaling
is a good way to improve your lucid dreaming skills by recording
your observations and results from all your mnemonic experiments. Also, writing down everything you can remember from your dreams, even when it is only a vague or
ambiguous idea (eg. a color, a feeling, an object), will enhance your chances of
lucid dreaming. This is because dream journaling reinforces your dream existence
through the very act of recording it, fostering the development of lucid-dreaming
skills. It also allows you to keep track of progress. After you start lucid dreaming
on a regular basis, one major challenge is retaining control over the lucid dream.
Often, (especially if you are a beginner) upon triggering, lucid dreams quickly
spiral out of control and the dreamer wakes up, which can be disappointing.
But don’t give up! Record every progress made and develop your own tricks and tips
to lucid dreaming.

3) External triggers such as sound and light can help trigger lucid dreaming. For example, programming sounds to match the frequencies at which your brain operates
during REM sleep, including dream-state frequencies (between 4 and 8 hz) can help
unlock lucid dreams (see article on binaural beats in this SWCZ issue). Lights are
also effective lucid dreaming triggers. By programming a light to turn on during
REM sleep (when dreams typically occur), this light may ‘translate’ in the dream
in a different form (for example, an external light may appear as shimmer over water
or as a fire in the dream). Once you make the connection between the external
trigger and the dream, you become lucid and gain the ability to control and intervene
in your dreams.

Hot tips:
- Mental pollution: avoid screens or overburdening the brain with information and
 input before bed. Before falling asleep, you want to focus on your objectives and project yourself becoming lucid in your dreams.
- Drugs and alcohol: be aware that drugs and alcohol affect sleep cycles and dreams
in different ways.

- Stretches: doing stretches before bed creates blood flow throughout the body and
to the brain, improving dream performance.

[1] Marie-Françoise Guédon, ‘La pratique du rêve chez les Dénés septentrionaux’,
18 Rêver la culture 2, Université Laval, p. 76


      _   _     _             _                        
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 / _ \ __| '_ \| |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \            
|  __/ |_| | | | | (_) | |_) | | (_| | | | |           
 \___|\__|_| |_|_|\___/| .__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|           
                     _                      _          
 _ __ ___  _   _ ___(_) ___   ___  ___ __ _| | ___  ___

| '_ ` _ \| | | / __| |/ __| / __|/ __/ _` | |/ _ \/ __|
| | | | | | |_| \__ \ | (__  \__ \ (_| (_| | |  __/\__ \
|_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/_|\___| |___/\___\__,_|_|\___||___/

                    __/  \
                 __/    o Aksum
                |          \      
                |          o Mek'ele
                /              \
               /    o Gonder    \_
              |                   \_
             /                      \__
            /     o Bahir Dar          \
         __/                            \
        /                                |
        |                            /\_/
    _   /                            /
   / \_/                            /___--_
  |                               o Dire Dawa      
  |                 o Addis Abeba           \__
 _|                                            ---____--
/_                                                     /

  \                                                ___/
   \                                           __--

    \__                                ______--
       |                   __      ___/
       \_____           __/  \____/
             \__     __/

There is something unique with a lot of ethiopian music - it has a tantalizing
effect on the human soul. Its full of melancholy and possesses a peculiar
mystifying enchanting undertone. Ancient and otherworldly, taking you to other
places. Due to its mysterious nature traditional ethiopian music flowed into
a more jazzy style with ease - in the 1960s ETHIOJAZZ was born, one of
the coolest music styles in the world.

Ethiopia is big and therefore we can't really talk about one all encompassing
music style - there are many regions with their own distinct forms but
generally we see that ethiopian music uses a pentatonic scale. This means
that there are 5 notes in a scale.

A system of four pentatonic scales is used - these scales are called ki

    | |Db | |Eb | | | Gb| | Ab| | Bb|  | | Db| | Eb| | | Gb| | Ab| | Bb|
    | |   | |   | | |   | |   | |   |  | |   | |   | | |   | |   | |   |
    | |C# | |D# | | | F#| | G#| | A#|  | | C#| | D#| | | F#| | G#| | A#|
    | |___| |___| | |___| |___| |___|  | |___| |___| | |___| |___| |___|
    |   |     |   |   |     |     |    |   |     |   |   |     |     |
    | C |  D  | E | F |  G  |  A  | B  | C |  D  | E | F |  G  |  A  |  B
                                       |_________ next octave ___________|


C  Db.  F  G  Ab

A scale from the Gonder & Wollo regions - that is often used in songs with
historical subjects. The tears will flow like waterfalls - an intense
emotional mode to squeeze out feelings you thought you never had. Almost
like a musical therapist. My all time favorite scale. Also very jazzy.

TIZITA listen

C  D   E   G  A

The Tizita scale stands for 'longing' a certain melancholia - there is not
really an english word for it - The words tesknota in Polish or sehnsucht in
German come close. The Saharan Tuareg Assouf scale is similar...a very
'Bluesy' scale.

BATI listen

C   E   F   G   B
This is a more uplifting and less melancholic scale then Ambassel and Tizita.
But it still has a very modest, subdued feel of melancholy. A very pensive
and sensual scale.


C   Db   F   Gb   A

Almost microtonal in nature this is the most authentic of Ethiopian scales, 
it has a more 'celebrational' feel to it. But like all Ethiopian scales,
underneath its celebral nature it can also have a
devotional sacred attitude,
reminding us of ancient sites or what we percieve in the west as 'rudi v
alentino 1920s desert movie music'

This above is all a ***very*** basic briefing on ethiopian music, hopefully
to spark your interest - Just sit behind a keyboard and jam out on these
scales - its a lot of fun! if you want to know more, like the different
variations and of each mode you can read (PDF):
Ezra Abate's Ethiopian Kiñit: Analysis of the Formation and Structure of the
Ethiopian Scale System



       _                          _            
  __ _| | _____  ____ _ _ __   __| | ___ _ __  

 / _` | |/ _ \ \/ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__| 
| (_| | |  __/>  < (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |    
 \__,_|_|\___/_/\_\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|    
           _           _         _      _      
 _ __ ___ | |__   ___ | |_ _ __ (_) ___| | __  

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|_|  \___/|_.__/ \___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\  

                          /      \
                         /        \
                         |         \
                         | __    __ |
                         / /      \ +
                        | ( O   O _| |
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                          | |    \ |
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                           \  _   /\
                            \    / \
                             \__/   \
                                /      \
                               /        \
                              /         +
                             /    /      \
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                   /||_/____/    / /   /   /
                   \   |        / /   /   /
                    \_ |       / /   /   /
     ------_____     / +------/ /   +___/
      \         ----/           \    \  \
        \                       |     \\\\
         \                      |       \\\
           \                    |
            \        ____       |
             \      \    |      |
               \      \  |      |
                 \_____\ |      |
                   \  \  |      |
                     \ /||       \
                     /  | \       \
                     |  |   \      \
                      \ |     \     \
                       \|       \    \__
                                  \     |
                                    \   |

An interview with Alexander Robotnick send in by Panos Pandis
let's start with the lyrics of his classic 'Problemes D'Amour':

Les Yeux que tu regardes
J'ai peur qu'ils semblent pas humains
La main que tu caressesm
tu sais qu'elle n' a pas l'exacte chaleur, aua

Aua! C'est le cri d'un robot souffrant d'amour aua
Aua! Meme sans ses larmes il pleure toujours aua

La bouche qui veux t'embrasser
Tu vas bien t'apercevoir qu'elle n'a pas de gout, aua

Aua! C'est le crie d'un robot souffrant d'amour, aua
Aua! Même sans ses larmes il pleure toujours, aua

Mais l'amour n'a pas de règles
Ça reste le même dans les siècles
La nuit je ne ronfle pas
Et le matin mon haleine n'est pas mauvaise

Aller, je t'invite chez moi ce soir
J'ai pas de toilette, pas de cuisine mais viens quand même, aua.

Aua! C'est le crie d'un robot souffrant d'amour, aua
Aua! Même sans ses larmes il pleure toujours, aua

J'aimerais tellement faire l'amour avec toi
Même si on me juge vachement mécanique, aua.

Aua! C'est le crie d'un robot souffrant d'amour, aua
Aua! Même sans ses larmes il pleure toujours, aua

Mais l'amour n'a pas de règles
Ça reste le même dans les siècles
La nuit je ne ronfle pas
Et le matin mon haleine n'est pas mauvaise

(Lyrics of Alexander Robotnicks' Problemes d'Amour -
Maurizio Dami 1983 Firenze Italy)


MAURIZIO DAMI, aka Alexander Robotnick, aka the TB-303 wizard.
His iconic hit "Problèmes D'amour", a flop according to him, since
"it only sold 10.000 copies", had a huge influence on the
Chicago and Detroit scene in the early 80's.

Maurizio did not start producing until his early thirties. In fact he
began learning jazz guitar at the age of 27. Knowing that it was
unlikely to become a professional guitarist at that age and having
already been exposed to the sounds of Kraftwerk et al, he turned to
electronic music instead.

In case you need a refresher or you are unfortunate enough to never
have heard any of MAURIZIO's music, here are some representative
+ Problèmes D'amour - Alexander Robotnic's signature track.
Produced using a TB-303, a TR-808, a Korg Mono/Poly, a guitar and
lyrics by himself.
+ Dance boy dance - Some say that this track is probably Robotnick's
second biggest hit. It was originally produced as the sound track to a
theatrical play.
+ The Analog Session - A fairly new project by MAURIZIO and LUDUS
PINSKY (Lapo Lombardi). A live performance with full analog equipment
featuring LUDUS handmade modular synthesisers.

PANOS met with MAURIZIO in Firenze Italy and had a long chat about
music, synthesisers and some totally unrelated stuff.

## How did you start making music?
My father and my mother knew how to play the piano. So when I was a
child there was a pianoforte in my house. Back then every time I
would play the piano my father would yell at me to stop, because, as I
understood later, I had a curiosity for all the odd intervals, as they
sounded more interesting to me. I was playing a note and then a sharp
5th and then a sharp 2nd etc. So I did not think about music for many
years but then in the 70's I went to Morocco with some friends by
auto-stop (hitch hiking), all the way from Italy. One afternoon I was
in the Marrakech square, in a little, lets say coffee shop. Old people
would go there to smoke weed and the trick was that after you inhaled
from the pipe you would try to blow the smoke as far as you could. It
was like a game, the one who would go the furthest would win a free
pipe, the worst of all would have to pay for all the others. These
people had spend the last twenty years of their life doing this. So I
joined them with a friend of mine and in front of us there would be
two people, one playing a socra, a primitive oboe from Morocco and the
other one playing a hand drum. And you know, smoking this weed for an
afternoon a day, playing this game with old people and listening to
this music, every next day I would still hear the music in my head.
And one week later I still had this music in my head. And I would
start to add different instruments, or play with my mind only the bass
sounds or the drums or make some chords. So I said to myself, ok I can
make music now, because if I can make music in my head then I can also
make music outside of it. That is how I started and I started with a
guitar because at the time the most affordable instrument was the
guitar. I got a second or third hand guitar. By that time I wasn't
very young, it was 77', I was already 27. One year later I went to a
popular school in Florence to learn music and I learned modal music,
popular jazz music. And this is how I still compose music.

## How easy was it back in the day to obtain your equipment?
I don't come from a wealthy family, for me most of the time it was
hard to buy these synthesisers. In the late 70's and early 80's
synthesisers where still very expensive, you needed to work for six
months maybe to be able to afford one. I started with a Casio keyboard,
the kind of stuff for kids and then came the TB-303, the 606 and then
the 808 that I exchanged with an amplifier because I was a guitarist
at that time.

## Do you regret selling the 808?
No, honestly, no. I think it is important to have an analogue
synthesiser, at least one, in your studio. But, an analogue drum
machine, why? I think there is no difference between a sample of an
808 and an 808. You can not really listen it. Maybe if you make
something really obscure where the 808 plays a big role and you can
listen to the very subtle difference between one hit and another...
and then the 808 has no shuffle and this is not good for me, for my
music. The 909 has this possibility and is much better and I think the
bass drum of the 909 is unforgettable and still relevant. For the rest
you can use a plugin!

## Earlier you mentioned tapes, do you still use tapes?
Yes I do sometimes, I like to use them to compress the bass.

## While talking about hybrid synths...
When memory was added to the synthesisers, the possibility to memorize
a sound, for us was like science fantasy. When it came out we where
enthusiastic about it. But 30 years later I think that it is better
not to save any sound. I don't save any sound.  Every time I find it
again, because every time there is something different, it depends on
your mood it depends on the situation.

## What about India and the Indian TexPress?
I started going to India in the 80's because I like Indian music, I go
there every year. I have a couple of friends there that are into
production and are also djs, I told them about my idea of a
compilation of dance music by young Indian artists and they brought me
in contact. Also, I met some of them while playing music in India.
Sometimes they might not understand why I prefer one of their tracks
over an other, but I have a vision about this project to be something
that you can listen to from the beginning to the end and not just a
compilation. You can read more about the Indian TexPress here

## Any suggestions to future artists?
Go local! Build an audience on your block and then on your city and
then in the club you use to hang out. Don't think about the whole
world immediately because the world is just the sum of little things.
To me nowadays it is important to get local and build an audience that
you can turn to when you are not famous anymore. Dutch musicians for
example, their music was really in fashion in the early 00's when I
started dj-ing, Rotterdam and music from the Netherlands and Belgium
in general. Three or four years later it was not in fashion anymore
because house music came back again. But these musicians had deep
roots in their cities and in France etc, because they had local
audiences they managed to resist and reach their next peak.

## Thank you MAURIZIO!

## Studio equipment list
  + Oberheim SEM
  + EDP Wasp
  + Roland JX-3P
  + Roland JUNO-106
  + Roland TB-303
  + Rolad SH-101
  + Roland Space Echo RE-201
  + Korg Mono/Poly
  + Korg Stage Echo
  + Korg Microkorg XL
  + Vermona drum machine


 _ __ ___   ___  _ __ ___           
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|_| |_| |_|\___/|_|  \___|          
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       .        .             .         .                 .          .      .
      .          .          .        / /\    \    .    .            .
                                          /\  /\    \

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      .         .              /________/|   \   \    \    .     \ \  .           .
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| . . . | . . .| | |. . . |.| |_________||. . . . | |  | . . . .  . . .  . . . . ||

| . . . | . . .| | |. . . |.| |_________||. . . . | |  | . . . .  . . .  . . . . ||
| . . . | . . .| | |. . . | / |_________||. . . . | / /| . . . .  . . .  . . . . ||

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. . . . . ||_______| |  |. . . . | | /   |. . | |    ____|. . .  |/______________/ |

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. . . . . . . .  | |        |_____________| |          |. . . . |  ||. . . . . . | |

. . . . . . . .  | |        |_____________| |          |. . . . |  ||. . . . . . | |
. . . . . . . .  | |        |_____________| |          |. . . . |  ||. . . . . . | |

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. . . . . . . .  |O OO O OO |_____________|O O OOO O O |. . . . | / |. . . . . . | |


Neural Oscillation Brain Wave modulation with

 _     _                             _   _                _      
| |__ (_)_ __   __ _ _   _ _ __ __ _| | | |__   ___  __ _| |_ ___
| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | | | | '__/ _` | | | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __/ __|
| |_) | | | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | | | |_) |  __/ (_| | |_\__ \
|_.__/|_|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|_| |_.__/ \___|\__,_|\__|___/

    \___                                ______\
        \______                        |                      ____
               \______                                  ______\
                      \     __-------------____   ______\
                           /                   \

                          /         _________   \
                         /         /         \   \
                       _/         /           \   \__
                      /  |    ___/             \ |   \
                     /   | __/                  \|    \
      /\        /\  |    ||   _              _  ||    /\
     /  \      /  \      ||    -___-    -___-   ||   /  \    /\    /\
____/    \    /    \  /\ ||                     || _/    \  /  \  /  \_______
          \  /      \/    |                    |       \/    \/
           \/            |         ___       |      \
                         |                   |       \
                 /          (       _____     )         \
                /            \       ---     /           \
        _______/              \             /             \_______
       /                       \___________/                      \

A Binaural beat is not a beat from a drummachine or drumkit - it is,
quite simply, a remarkable auditory illusion that occurs when you
play two different sinewave frequencies in your right and left ear
seperataly on headphones.

Somehow your brain will percieve the interference pattern of these
two frequencies. A new frequency that is the substraction of the two
different frequencies.

An example: On headphones, in the right ear we play a pure sinewave
tone of 600 Hz. In the left ear we play a pure sinewave tone of 605 Hz.

                              | 5 Hz |
      _--_                     ------      _--_
    _-    -_   _       ______   o        _-    -_   _
            -_-       / ____ \ o                 -_-
      600 HZ ___     / /    \ \       ____ 605 HZ
                |_\  /|,_ ,_ |\  /___|
                  / | |  (   | | \
                     \|  __  |/
                 /                 \

Now we deduct these two frequencies:

605 hz - 600 hz = 5 hz

Our brain will perceive a 5 Hz tone. This is well below our normal
auditory perception range of 20 hz - 20 kHz.

It happens that 5 Hz is also a brain wave frequency.

What are brain waves???

The brain operates at certain frequencies - All kinds of mental
states  operate on different neural oscillation frequencies - dreaming,
focusing, deep relaxation, flow, hypnosis, various forms of altered
states of consciousness, deep sleep etc.

It is theorized that we can influence these frequencies with external
stimuli - like light & sound. The brain's neural oscillations can be
'entrained' to follow the frequencies of these stimuli - like the
interference patterns we can perceive created with binaural beats.

So these brain waves/neural oscillations operate on the following

Basically the lowest brain wave possible -
near the threshold of non existence. This is what you start out with
in the womb. Every night you go in this state when you sleep.
The Delta wave is associated with slow-wave sleep - the deepest
stage of NREM (Non Rapid Eye movement) sleep.

THETA WAVES 4 - 7 HZ Asociated with deep relaxation, drowsiness,
hypnotic states, dreaming. Colourfull visions inside your mind.

ALPHA WAVES 7.5 - 12.4 Hz Ascociated with a relaxed mental state.
BETA WAVES 12.5 - 30 Hz
ascociated with focus and problem solving

So in theory if we create any of these frequencies with our
binaural beat technique and play them for a while on headphones
our brain should entrain to it and we can make ourselves feel
relaxed, drowsey, dreamy etc. This is ofcourse quite whiseywashey
science but fun nevertheless!

Lets say you want to make some THETA WAVES to get a bit drowsey,
or even better put it in your music to influence the listeners

We need two sound sources that can produce pure sinewave tones
and these sources need to be panned hard left and right.
So a mixer comes in handy to do the panning stuff.

As for the sound sources we can use two synthesizers, or a
DAW, sampler, tone generators, whatever can make a pure sine-waves.
If your synth can make triangle waves you can use the filter to
soften it to a sinus.
       /\                                    _     -
      /  \          Lowpass Filter   -->  __-       -        -
_____/    \  /      that sh****                       -     -
           \/                                          - _ -

Now the difficult thing in this whole venture is to measure the
frequency of each synth. We have to know the exact frequencies.

There are probably some hardware devices that can measure the
exact frequency of a tone, some modular oscilloscopes can do it
like the Mordax DATA or ED702 Synth-a-Scope, maybe some tuners?

You might have a synthesizer were you can exactly program
the frequency you want, but this is one of those things that
seems super easy on paper but more difficult in reality.

Some DAW's have a build in frequency analyser - we can do it
in Ableton for example with the TUNER (you can find it in the
Audio Effects map):

put the Tuner on the channels that have the soundsource -
click on CT to set it to HZ mode. Now you can view the exact
frequency in HZ coming in.

We want to get some Theta waves, these operate roughly between
4 and 7 Hz...we have to tune the two sound sources so the
difference will be within that range. The frequencies can not be
lower then 1500 Hz and should be within the audible hearing range.

Lets say we take 64.5 HZ and 70.5 HZ - This should result into
a 6 Hz interference binaural beat.

Pan one soundsource to the hard left and the other one to the
hard right. Put on some headphones, check out your binaural
beat and start experimenting with neural oscillation brain wave
modulation in your music!

An easier way to skip the whole measuring process is to use
a tone generator where you can exactly enter your frequencies.
Like this online wave generater:

enter any frequency you want (below 1500 and within the audible
human hearing range) and save it to your computer. Enter another
frequency so its difference is within the brain wave frequency
range you want to use. Save that one too and import both audio
files to your DAW, pan them hard left & right and now you can
start mucking about with them.


-Headphones should be used - the two different frequencies have to be
seperetaly fed into each ear

-The frequencies should be audible, within the human hearing range.

-Both frequencies must be lower then 1500 Hz

-The difference between the two frequencies can not exceed 40 Hz

-Pure tone sinewaves should be used.



 _                   ___                                      
| | _____   _____   ( _ )    ___  __ _ _   _  ___ ___ _ __ ___

| |/ _ \ \ / / _ \  / _ \/\ / __|/ _` | | | |/ __/ _ \ '__/ __|
| | (_) \ V /  __/ | (_>  < \__ \ (_| | |_| | (_|  __/ |  \__ \
|_|\___/ \_/ \___|  \___/\/ |___/\__,_|\__,_|\___\___|_|  |___/

                          .                      ____                 .
      .                                         -    -
                                              ( )    ( )_      .
                .                            \    / / \
                            ____            /_\  \  / // \\
                           /    \          // \\  ''_//  //
                          /      \        //   \\/ __/
            ___           \_  /   \       \\    \ /         .          .
           /   \           \      /_       \\  / /
          /     \           \____/  \       \  \ \
         |       |             \  /  \          \ \
         | \  /  |_____        / /    \          \ \
      ____|     //____ \      / /\     \         / /
     /     \   /\|', '\|_____/ /__\     \       / /           .
     \   \-------|  [] | ___/ /__/\\    /        \\
     /\  \_____   \___/ / \__/   "' \  /     
    / /\_______\       |             \ \
    \/\  |     /       /              \ \
         )    /       /                \ \             .              .
        /  /\/_______/                \ \
       /  / /|      /                    \/
      /  / / /  /  /          .
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Love and Saucers is a new feature film documentary from Brad Abrahams, who
made the 'Swansong of Skunkape' documentary a few years ago.

It is the strange story of David Huggins, a 74 year-old man who claims to
have had a lifetime of encounters with otherworldly beings - including
an interspecies romance with an extra-terrestrial woman (with whom he lost his
virginity to). As a form of self-therapy, he chronicled it all in surreal oil
paintings, few of which have ever been seen.

Filmed in an intimate, nonjudgemental style, the film lets David tell his story,
and in turn lets the audience decide what is fact, fiction, and everything

Watch it on loveandsaucers.com


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   .                              .                   .         .

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Back in the 1970s/80s and well into the 90s hifi systems came with cool
graphic Equalizers.  Do not disregard them as useless junk, these can be
powerful sound shaping devices. Put them behind your synthesizer, drummachine,
in an effects chain or  wherever and tweak those frequency bands. With some
good finger action you can even create off worldly filter sweep effects.

Empower your music with a "different set of hands for your mind". If you
wear gloves your instruments will feel different.
Satin gloves will make your instruments feel more delicate - leather
cyberpunk gloves will result in a more stronger powerfull though experience.
This will ofcourse affect the course of your music.

You want to drone out on your synth/keyboard but it doesn't have a hold/latch
function and you need your hands to tweak the parameters & FX? There are many
ways - tape, toothpicks, tablecloth clamps to hold down drone notes. Best is
a thin but sturdy piece of long rectangular cardboard so you can fold it to
hold down more then one note.

A real low budget "sound absorption silent recording booth" to get
rid of excessive reflections and ambient noise/hums when recording with
a microphone. Take your microphone, recorder, laptop or whatever under the
blanket in your bed. This will create a makeshift but probably useful
soundproof recording space.


Guitar stands also make great vertical mixer stands for on your desk.
you will have room to put something else on the horizontal space were the
mixer used to be.

Guitar amp modellers sound great on synths - instant lo-fi minimal wave
raw vibes. These FX boxes simulate the sound of mic'd up valve guitar amps
and most of the time have some cool FX too - guitar orientated stuff like
autowah compressor sustainers etc. which sound very cool on synths but also on
drummachines. These were all the rage 10 years ago, crap like the Behringer
V-AMP's  (that looks like a cow dung), Korg AmpWorx, Line6 PODs, ZOOM
G-series etc.etc. can sometimes be bought second hand for next to nothing.

A field recording tip from Jimi Elektrovolt
try some cheap piezo discs from a musical greeting card and solder the wires
to a mini jack connector and use your field recorders mic input. Stick the
piezo disc to a table, window, singing bowl, fish tank or wherever you like
and enjoy some eerie sounds! You might want to turn up the recorder gain a bit,
causing noise to enter the recording but that is just part of the magic sounds
you will get.


                       _        _                      _      _ _       
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                  |  |   |  |        ___      |    |    ____
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                  |  |   |  |       |   |     |    |   |    |

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A few semi ill-informed lines on music gear manufacturing in Guangdong Province
of China, by our special reporter BoeufStroganoff.

We've all heard about South China being the Factory of the world, the Mecca of electronics, the Vatican of consumer good, the Wall Street of plastic and metal processing,... You get the idea. But aside from these lousy stereotypes, what's
the deal ? Is the bad picture usually depicted about work conditions any true ?
How do you get something manufactured up there ? What is life like in the place
that makes all our lovely music toys and tools ? All those questions won't get
any answers, but chillax, pour yourself some spiced-up hot wine, open your
shakras, and here we go.

There is a massive probability that most items you own come from the Pearl River
Delta. This ancient name is even more relevant today, as all cities surrounding
that delta do indeed touch each other, like pearls threaded on a necklace.
This area is forming de-facto a megacity of more than 120 million people and very
soon, all the subway systems for each cities will be connected. You might want to
take something to read if you ride the  130km subway trip from Hong Kong island
all the way up to Guangzhou. Here's a schematic map of the place :

             o Guangzhou
                 \ \
     Foshan o     \ \
                  /  \
                  \  | o Dongguan
               (\  |/
               _\\/ \__/\
               \\\       \                _____
                \'  ~~~   \            __/
 Zhongshan o   _/ ~~  ~~~  \           \_ ~~~   ~~~
              /     ~~~    / __o Shenzhen\_  ~~~~
             (_/) ~~~  ~~  \/  / /_   \___/   ~~~ ~~
      Zhuhai o  /   ~~~~   ___/    \
                \         /__   o Hong Kong  ~~   ~~~ ~~~
            /|  o Macau  ___/__    /            ~~~  ~~ ~~~~
           / | /        /__ /  \__/ ~~~ ~~  ~~~
           \ \/            '  ~   ~~ ~~~ ~~~~  ~~~
 __________/ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~    ~~~    ~~~~   ~~~   ~~~

  ~~~    ~~~~~~        ~~~~ ~ ~ ~    ~~~~      ~~~~   ~~

Let's zoom into the Shenzhen area for a bit. 30 years ago the local water
buffaloes and fishermen saw their place designated as a Special Economic Zone.
Some dudes from Beijing clicked on the map like in SimCity, foreign capital
poured in, and factories mushroomed from the rice paddies in the tens of thousands.
Then millions of peeps moved in from all over China, creating the most cosmopolitan
city of Chinese culture. It's cool because you don't need to travel all around
china to try the different cuisines, it's all there. Because initially nobody was
born in that place, the people of Shenzhen enjoy a strange sense of freedom.
Eccentricity is not frowned upon, and the definition of what is socially permitted
is much more flexible than anywhere else in China. When your family is 2000km away,
there is less pressure to comply to social constructs. No heads will turn if you're shopping at the supermarket while cross dressing in a tight leather string and
dominatrix boots.
There is a few reasons to visit Shenzhen, especially if you like absurd surreal
holidays. As a hardcore synth DIYer you would probably go to Huaqiang market, the
now well-known electronic component neighbourhood. This place is made out of
multi-story malls full of millions of booth selling electronic components. But it's
also an entire ecosystem with a fauna and flora endemic to this place, feeding on
the only available resource : ultra-spicy instant noodles, corn cobs, and hardcore cigarettes.

After school hours, many kids join-in and wait for their parents to be done
with their adult weirdness. Dressed like modern samurai's they are always at war,
running around with swords made of integrated-circuit packaging tubes, discarded
resistor boxes as armour, and helmets crafted with diode's reels. Close your eyes, imagine a deep winter wasteland. You can hear them, shouting like fierce warriors,
you can hear the cracking sound of fresh snow under their steps as they rush to
burn the enemy's village. It's of course just bubble wrap on the floor and the
air-con jacked to the max because it's freaking hot outside, but what a childhood!

This place can be overwhelming. If you're a bit too shy to ask for the price of
these cool switches or this nice LED matrix, you can always go right outside and
get some much needed sparkling hoppy beverages. A couple of those will work like a
charm. Now you're quite mellow and tipsy enough to appreciate this wonderful
environment and engage in the occult art of deal making with weird gestures and
pocket calculators. While you're there, just ponder a bit about the economy of the
world that is happening in front of your very eyes. Everywhere you look, packages
are being sent around the world. It's almost like every time your hear that typical schrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitchhhh sound of wrapping tape being pulled, the stock
market goes up! But I digress.

After fiddling with modular synths I realized that, as awesome as it is, the
complexity of having millions of modules in a big case was not really helping my
musical output. I wanted a minimal set-up, and a way to turn this austere format
into an expressive instrument, especially for the cool new digital modules. So
why not trying the adventure of  manufacturing a device/case just like that ?

Let's bypass the design process, irrelevant here. But once you're fairly confident
that it will work, it's time to find some cool people that will help you building
it. You need to find two factories. One for the metal, and one for the circuit

After firing a bunch of pre-formatted emails to weird companies having retro
flash-based websites, some will reply. After this initial contact, you must
perform the traditional seduction dance together, to see if they can do what you
want, and if they want to work for your puny project. You're not exactly the perfect client for them, since you won't need to make 10.000 piece of your cool gear.
To improve your chances of making a deal, why not avoid saying the total truth about
the exact numbers ? They kind of expect you to do it anyway, so make it look like a
big order ! Once you have successfully hooked a few of them you can now send
schematics of your design for a precise quote. Some will not answer, some will be ridiculously expensive. But there will be like 2 or 3 of them you could work with.

Now comes the best part : Going up there, meet them in person, and check if the
factory looks cool and uses eco-friendly soap in their toilets. It usually goes like
this : You arrange a meeting with the guy you emailed with, somewhere right after
the border or at the airport. After an hour of driving on urban highways and
realizing communications in this customized English might be more difficult than envisioned, you will get to a gated compound filled with hundred of small factories.
Your cell phone case, hispter-bike's rubber tire, bamboo furniture, flamingo neon
sign, and all your LED stuff come from a place like this. 

Factories come in all flavours. Even if you can determine quite quickly that you
might not work with them, it is always an adventure to see the conditions and the
way the workers are doing their thang. In the worst ones you will see dudes smoking
over vats of highly flammable chemicals while wearing underwear only, because the
boss think that air-con is too expensive. Some of those visits feel like they are
very well rehearsed, North Korean style. Workers fake it to make the floor look
super busy and professional. Sometimes you can even get a glimpse of fear when
their eyes accidentally look at yours, because the boss forbids interacting with visitors.  Go with your instinct, go for the ones you can truly communicate with
and where the workers are smiling and laughing in your presence. The PCB factory I
ended up working with has a neat program to help their workers own a car and an apartment. They even send their staff to university to keep them interested and
happy. You'll see the worse and the best.

It is also fun to check the "sample room", a place full of shelves where you can
see products previously manufactured by the place. It gives you a lot of ideas.
You can also recognise some products from other brands. Ha ! So this famous audio compressor brand is doing things here ! Oooooooh but I recognise this drum-machine enclosure !

After the visit, tradition has it to take you to dinner  in the compound and get
you drunk on booze that the EU labs would rather classify as industrial
window-cleaning chemical. But close your eyes and take it in like a man.
The price of your product might suffer if you don't comply.

I must mention here that my first visit to a factory and what eventually led to
this project, is totally linked to this very cyberzine. Because of an article in
the second issue of Shadow Wolf, I was able to meet a cool Swiss dude travelling
to this part of the world for work. He took me to a LED factory he was working
with, and we had a blast. I still fondly remember the exoticness of being
constantly burped in the face by the factory owner, downing beers and baiju on
little plastic chairs like there is no tomorrow. It was hard to remain serious,
but that boss gave me plenty of very good advices, and my factory contact. Other
memories are more bitter-sweet.  Like that time rushing out of a meeting with a
power-supply manufacturer without the luxury of giving them an explanation,
running around the factory with a livid face. That face being a ISO9001
international standard, you'll be quickly pointed to the nearest gentlemen's
(or lady's) room to release the dangerous Szechuan food / baiju  mix your body
was naively trying to process. But those visits are mostly fun and you'll
collect many cool weird memories doing it !

Most worker spend their only day-off playing League of Legends until way too late
at night, crammed in the unisex dorm provided by the factory. It's not so comfy but
they can save more money staying there. I'm still not totally aware about how they
fulfil some of their more primal needs, I should investigate. After spending many
days with some of them, I'm glad that this experience allowed me to befriend cool
people in China. Those guys really feel like they are improving their living
standard for themselves and their families and are happy to move forward in their
life, compared to where they came from. Of course you will always find people who
think that Shenzhen industrial suburb is a hell hole, where everything is dirty
and where people live shitty lives. But this conclusion is held most probably by
people who fail to see things from a worker's perspective, in a company that is
not crushing them. It's not all rosy, and there's some harsh conditions, but so
far there's still plenty of jobs and it is easy to leave yours and get another
one next door if you'renot happy.

Then comes manufacturing time. First rule : Everything that can go wrong WILL
go wrong. You must quadruple check everything, and nothing works better than
photoshopping red circles on pictures, when being present physically is not
possible. The factory is not fucking-up the production on purpose but there is
a charming sense of clumsiness to it all. Communication-wise it is important to
remember that they are not trying to rip you off. Manage your frustrations.
From their perspective, the quality of their work is way ahead compared to
the local competition. But they won't tell you exactly what they do, and they
themselves use other subcontractors to do processes that they are not equipped
for. This is usually where problems happens : because it is your baby and not
theirs, they don't have the same level of quality control than you would,
when stuff comes back from the subcontractor.

One cannot avoid being horrified by a trip to the region's countryside. Or what's
left of it. The landscape is a never ending forest of chimneys, electric poles,
bizarre pseudo Greek-looking property developments and skyscrapers lost in the
middle of nowhere. Quite dramatic at night with a loud drexciyan soundtrack. A few
dark rivers lay sandwiched between all this grey concrete and destroyed ruins of
old villages turn to rumbles. Some very optimistic people even farm vegetables
where there is a bit of space left. Those rivers look more like an open-air oil transportation system actually, so I wonder what those veggies taste like.

Industrial development is the only thing that matters and its cost is tremendous
for the environment and people's health. Working hard and giving better education
and life opportunities to your kids is priority number one. But the price they are willing to pay to allow that may be considered far too expensive in the future.
Their kids will probably despise the previous generation for their choices.
Having a good diploma is no use if your health isn't good enough to make the best
out of it. Is it because they feel like that they can always go back to the
beautiful countryside of their childhood, a nice and comfy 1000 km away, that
people seem to have no sacred connection with the land here ? Of course, all of
this is easy to say when you come from a European background, where the same
process occurred during the industrial revolution, so far away in time from now.
Do we curse our ancestors who cut the forest to build coal mines and steel
processing plants back then, so we can enjoy pondering about what eurorack
module we want to buy next, instead of having our mind crushed by labour
intensive manual work ?

Politically, things are moving forward, but it seems pointless. For example the
Shenzhen prefecture, suffocating on weird chemicals, has banned PCB manufacturing industries in its area. The growing middle class wants to live in nice pollution
free districts, so the pressure grows on officials to make things change.
Gentrification is also going on at full steam. Understandable, the money is good.
But just a little further away, in places still not affected by pollution, there
are countless smaller cities, eager to cash-in on industry tax. So in this example, instead of regulating what chemicals can be used, cities who have "made it" just
ban those chemicals and the problem moves on to a new area where it is perfectly
fine to use them. Seen from above, polluting industries move in a similar way to bacterias in a Petri dish, leaving a corrupt land behind them. The future seems
grim, so being able to work with factories that can prove the non-toxic nature
of their processes is a priority. It is not something that we usually think about
when we give-in to our gear addiction syndrome, but whenever you buy anything
making blips and boings, remember that you are the most powerful actor of this
whole chain of events. Consume with a clear and well-informed mind.

The project is now done, it works and I forgot the frustration of all the things
that went wrong. It took almost 2 years from start to finish and now it's time
to make some real music again ! But part of me can't wait to sit again on a
plastic stool shooting anti-freeze down my hatch and exchanging google-translated
jokes with some cool crazy Chinese boss. If you're interested to see what that
machine ended up looking like, it's here  >> www.mtblsm.com


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     //    /                   |                      |  

Listen / download here
217.9 MegaBytezzz


Palmbomen II - Messed it up
S612 beat + Dr.C. Stein Loop
Boom back - Roadblock AcidHall Remix
Delroy Edwards Buy The Car E.S.G
Lo-Key - On That Devil Shit (instrumental)
Ron Crowfort - I Am Normal
Chemise -  She Can’t Love You
Legowelt - Cruise Till The Sun Shines
Transient Sun - ESFOF
Ceeephax Acid Crew - The Zone
John Heckle - Shape Of The Universe
Richenel- Autumn
In sync Tape Jam 1991 3
SCI Uprising Legowelt DX200 AphexTwinBassdrum mix
Roy Of The Raversr Entrance 10
Jungian archetype - The lost Contact
Motorbass - Les ondes
Japanese Telecom - Remote Transmission
M+M I wanna House
Boston 168  - Vapour
Change - The End
Johnny Nash & Suzanne Kraft - See Yourself Out Of The Way
Siege Shinto - The World  II
Dwight Sykes & Jahari - Walk With Me


 _             _         _   _                       _     _      
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 \__|_|  \__,_|_|_| |_|  \__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_|\__|___/

TRAINS, the best hobby for every sophisticated lady and worldly gentleman.
You might ride them everyday - but what do you really know about them?
A person should always know the train model type he or she travels in -
Transform the mundane everyday commuter honor into an exciting adventure
of a lifetime.

Here are some classic trains to get your interest sparked:

    _/__/  /__/__/  /____   _____   _____     __  __/\___
 2 |___|_|/|___|_| | -|- | |___|_| |___|_| 1 |  |   -'   \
   |_____| |_____|/||_|_|| |_____| |_____|   |  |         |
  /  /  /  /  /  / |  |  |                   |  |        _|
_/__/__/__/__/__/__|__|__|___________________ --        |_|
   \__/---------\__/                    \__/-------\__/

MAT 64 NS Dutch Railways 1964 operational until 2016
The iconic dutch train of bygone years

                         _________/ /___________________----------------_--------
----          --------------------  |||||   |||||    |||||
                  /   -, ---.  ________________________________________    ___  _
          ____--------- /___| / --  _---  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  __
      __--                   / |  | | - ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||    ||
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    /  |  _                 \_ | _| | - |________________________ _  ____ _   _
    |  | (_)                   |__| |   |    
    \  |                             ---

    /                                   _____________________________ ___ ____
   /_____________-----------------------  _______   __      __    _    ____  

0 Series Super Express Japan Railways 1964
The first and most iconic train series of the high speed Shinkansen-lines

________________---------------|          /__|__\____________
________________/_________________________/      ---____     -----___
________________________________________________________  --__      \|               
____     _____    _   _      _    _  _____ ___ ___  _   \     --_    \
____|   |_____|  | | | |    (_)  (_)   /  /-_ /-_  (_)   \       --_  \      
____|___|_____|__|_|_|_|_________________________________/          -_ |
                 |_| |_|                                              -|
\___/       \___/                            \___/          \___/

This is the train serenaded in Kraftwerk's Trance Europe Express


  __               _                                       
 / _|_ __ ___  ___| |__    ___ _ __   __ _  ___ ___     
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| (__| | | | (_) | (_| (_) |_____| (_| | (_| | |  | | | (__
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  __                          _                      o    o              
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|_|  \___/ \___\__,_|\___\___|_|\__,_|             

                                        -      o
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                                       | |  o        o
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                                     |     |       _______
               )   )   O     )   ).  |     |      |       |
              (   (         (   (    |     |      | flour |

                ____-------____      |     |      |       |
            _--- .. . . . .. . ---_  |     |      |       |

           -  . . . - . . . - . . -  |     | __ \  /      |
           - . - . . . . - . . . -    -___- /_/ _\/_      |

   _\__     -__ . - . . . . ._ -       /_/_/_/ //| \\_____|
        --\-__ -------------          /_/_/_/  \ |///
    __----- __---____                /_/_/ __   ----
     /       /                             \_\  /
                                              /  \

A new sensation in the psychedelic cuisine - a Holy trinity of powerful
substances: Weed - Chocolate - Garlic

0.5 gram of your favorite weed, ground with a grinder
half a cup of High content cocoa Dark Chocolate - 85% - 99% - cut/shred
into small pieces
3 Cloves of Garlic (or more)
Herbs like a fistful of Rosemary leaves
Sea Salt
half a cup of Olive Oil
2 Cups of flour
1 cup of Lukewarm Water
1 tablespoon of yeast

Add 1 tablespoon of yeast to the lukewarm cup of water - leave for a few

Pour water and yeast mixture into bowl with the 2 cups flour.

Heat up the olive oil in a little pan, don't let it sizzle/cook only heat it
up -add the ground weed and stir with the oil. Add the shredded garlic and
herbs and stir.

Heat it up for a few minutes - turn off as soon as it starts sizzling.

Pour 2/3rds of this olive oil weed garlic herb mixture into the dough mixture.
Leave at least 1/3 of the oil mixture for use later in this recipe.

Add shredded chocolate pieces.

Stir and work the dough with your hands, if necessary add more flower or water
to make the right dough consistency. Massage the dough for at least 5 minutes
so the gluten get more flexible.

Shape the dough in a disc sized "flat bread form" about the size of a plate
put it in an oven dish or tray with baking paper.

Leave in refrigerator to rise for a few hours (2 or 3 should be enough).

poke holes on the bread surface with a fork - every 2 cms / 1 inch in rows
also use your finger to poke more shallow holes every 3 cm's.

Pour and spread the rest of the oil weed garlic herb mixture over the bread
so it drips into the holes. Add some seasalt on top of the bread.

Preheat an oven 210 degrees celsius/410 fahrenheit
Put the Foccacia in for 20 minutes or longer if needed.

Don't eat too much - it will take some time before the psychedelic effect


                          _   _       _       
  ___  ___ ___  ___ _ __ | |_(_) __ _| |    
 / _ \/ __/ __|/ _ \ '_ \| __| |/ _` | |      
|  __/\__ \__ \  __/ | | | |_| | (_| | |      
 \___||___/___/\___|_| |_|\__|_|\__,_|_|      
 _        _                             _     
| |_ _ __(_)_ __    _ __ ___  _   _ ___(_) ___

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| |_| |  | | |_) | | | | | | | |_| \__ \ | (__
 \__|_|  |_| .__/  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/_|\___|

    |    _______________________________  o |
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    |  |    |  ___   \       / ___  |    |  |
    |  |    | /   \   |     / /   \ |    |  |
    |  |    | \___/   |     \ \___/ |    |  |
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    |  |_________________________________|  |
    |       _________________________       |
    |      /      o           o      \      |
    |_____/  o                      o \_____|

Roberto Detree - Architectura Celestis 1982
Balmy ambient improvisations with a deep, almost ritualistic feel. Acoustic
guitars and additional self-made instruments are used, creating spheric layers
of what sounds like some kind of ethereal glass strings. It might be more of a
meditation- or wellness-record, but with something enigmatic about it!
(Review by Wormholio) listen

X.Y.R - Mental Joruney To BC 2015
Like a sonic time machine that takes you to the stone age. There you jam with
troglodytes in a nice upscale cave with a view on the forest treeline and by
a nice little freshwater lake. A safe area. Far removed from bear or sabre-tooth
tiger attacks. A littlebit simplistic at times - But the sounds are so nice
and uplifting its actually very ok and you wished it went on for another
20 minutes. listen here


Terekke - Plant Age (2017) L.I.E.S. -
A collection of eight feel-good reverby tracks, which feel like a slow
and soft spin into infinity.  Terekke’s debut album follows a succession of
EPs on L.I.E.S and a latest self-released 2015 album funnily titled “( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”.
Very much the same deep vibe like 154's Strike album - so #*@(*#(@ ethereal
and out there it seems like Terekke is some kind of vaporous mind energy being
from a Star Trek TNG episode (one with Will Wheaton and the traveler in it
ofcourse) Combines perfectly with any houseplant care ritual too.
(Review by Wesley Crusher) listen here

Fauli – Jugend Unsinn 1982 – Gry Records.

Jugend Unsinn is the first out of two albums released by Danish minimal synth
musician and film-maker (ie. punk cult movie "De skrigende halse") Søren Fauli,
which precedes the slightly better-known but equally rare Fauli til Dauli LP
(1983), released on Copenhagen's defunct Gry Records. Both albums have
surprisingly not seen a re-issue on any of the punk and minimal wave re-issue
labels. Jugend Unsinn is an enigmatic 11-track never-sold-on-discogs C40 tape
release with untitled tracks, which takes the listener on a maddening journey
of staggering industrial rhythms, D-I-Y punk aesthetics, sweaty jungles, unholy
organs, with vocals sung in Danish, English and German, and uncomfortable
(but catchy) falsetto back-up vocals by Fauli himself. Jugend Unsinn is a
collection of intimate and unabashed minimal wave gems that will take you for
a ride. (Review by Penelope Schnitzel)

German Army - Pyura Chilensis 2017 – Luce Sia.
Anthropological studies on a remote island, green moss growing
uncontrollably, basement goth parties, and vast uninhabited deserts, are
among the images evoked by prolific and entrancing German Army. Among 17
releases from the 2016-2017 period - including on Opal Tapes and Total Black
labels - Pyura Chilensis (described as a 'tunicate that somewhat resembles a
mass of organs inside a rock' and which has the ability to self-fertilize) is
on the mossy side of things. And it is addictive. The album artwork feels
intrinsically part of the album and so does German Army's extensive video work;
after buying PC on bandcamp this Fall I received an e-mail from Peter Kris -
founding member of German Army - five days later asking whether I wanted some
GA vids with my purchase. Off course, intrigued, I responded in the affirmative.
Two days later I received a wetransfer link to a couple dozen entrancing
GA videos, bringing new dimensions to the listening experience.
(Review by Penelope Schnitzel)

Wigsplitaz - Represent the Dead 2017 - Samling Recordings/Pop'Em Records
Recent cassette release of a 2013 digital album by Swedish horrorcore duo,
picked up at Today's Art festival in The Hague in September. I was mostly
drawn to the artwork (a bloodied hand holding a mic) and the format. The
tape revealed chilling synth melodies, deep vocals, and gruesome text, likely
influenced by memphis-rap. Just what you want to listen to when you feel like
drinking strychnine and frying brains for breakfast on a Saturday morning.
Zombie themes are arguably redundant, but at least they compensate in humor.
(Review by Penelope Schnitzel) listen


                  _               O   .    . .     o    .                                
 _ __   ___   ___| |_ _ __ _   _    ___ ___  _ __ _ __   ___ _ __
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| |_) | (_) |  __/ |_| |  | |_| | | (_| (_) | |  | | | |  __/ |  
| .__/ \___/ \___|\__|_|   \__, |  \___\___/|_|  |_| |_|\___|_|  
|_|                        |___/                                 

            /             \
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             |       )   /  |== |== |

       //     \    o    /   |_| |___|          ,
     _//       | ______/       \  /            \\
    / \        |------|        /-/
   // /       /        \______/ /

    \/\______/           ______/             
     \_______           |

2 Poems from Cal LaFountain check more of his stuff at

Goodly Charged

Recognized were the several,
and by committee, slaved.
Families sent to wage examinations
found seventy-six cents is not much
but maybe half a sandwich,
ordered from the right window.
Good therefore requires commonplace grounds,
a really first-rate courage.

But, to return,
to brown the strange details,
and honor the rot,
the numerous dignitary perversions,
violations of ethic and of stance,
first, well wishes must hurl
hours through the nimble shadow.

Why, in the experiment,
are the sick, philosophically,
the reasonable?

What is the constant worry making?

So save for a period of organization;
a period of people in all forms
and united in opposing
the changes forced on them.
The slayer obtained,
served the whole spiritual course,
apprehended in the city where man was god
only in saying.


Transmissions from a Worn Down Godhead

Here in eternal orbit, I’ve spawned throngs of ascendant guilds.
I’ve made galaxies my vestibules,
licked planetary surfaces,
and mouthed whole ecologies to cleanse my sacred palate.
I’ve flipped listlessly nations
in peak to sense
their minor gravities
feather my holy membrane.

Each sprite and pixie comprise me of obligation.    
Forever knee-high figurines tempt
my clemency through prayer and mantra.
With a morsel of motive
I could mist their bones,
rend their cores to purpled playthings,
and scrub their  compact histories from the universal lexicon.
But I refrain,
for their distant proximities and headstrong beliefs
are where I mine
my view.



       _     _                        _       _         
__   _(_) __| | ___  ___     __ _  __| |_   _(_) ___ ___

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 \ V /| | (_| |  __/ (_) | | (_| | (_| |\ V /| | (_|  __/
  \_/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/   \__,_|\__,_| \_/ |_|\___\___|


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          ===                        ===

                    /       /|

                   /       / /
                  /       / /
                 /       / /
                /_______/ /

1975 MEXICO Juan Lopez Moctezuma
BADASS highly controversial piece of mexican cinematography.
Two orphaned girls unleash a satanic force in a Catholic convent. Renowned
for its extreme explicit subject matters and dreamy mis-en-scene. A BIG
F.U to religious tyranny and stupidy. After a while the movie loses some
of its momentum and we get the idea, but horror & nunsploitation fans
should take notice.

1959 USA Roger Coreman*****
A Sinister comedy that takes place around a beatnik cafe/ art gallery, the
hippest spot to be. The workplace of Walter Pasley - a slow witted waiter
whose dream it is to be a respected beatnik artist. One day he decides to
try sculpturing - he seems to have a lack of inspiration until the
landlady's cat gets stuck in the wall. I won't spoil much further of the
plotline now, just go see it.
A great satire of the beatnik scene and for that matter any subculture around.
Replace beatniks with modern pretentious berlin techno wankers and you would
have a cool contemporary version. Lines like 'Nobody asked for your opinion
Walter, you are just a simple little farm boy and the rest of us are all
sophisticated beatniks" and "What ya havin'for breakfast? - Soy and wheat
germ pancakes and Garbonzo Omelets with smoked yeast" make this movie
timeless. watch here

1971 USA, dir. Walon Green, Ed Spiegel
A gloomy pseudo-documentary that takes you on a deep trip into the realm of
insects. Quirky scientist Dr. Hellstrom shares his sinister thoughts about
this underrated microcosm and its lurking dangers and potentials. Acting
pretty much as a prophet of insect-armageddon, his message is clear: THEY
will continue to breed, feed and kill, while our own lousy species is doomed!
It might be a bit over the top here and there... Anyways - the camera work is
excellent and features lots of atmospherical, colorful macro-visions from
flora & fauna. The mysterious, buzzy soundtrack was composed by no other than
Lalo Schifrin and is really another great asset here! An oddball niche-movie
for the whole family!
(this review was written by Wormholio Limburger)


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                         || |   \ \  ___________  \ \|     I
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For broken battered, won't turn on, needs tuning, updates, upgrades, or
whatever else can go wrong with your synth, drummachine, Technics 1200,
DJ Mixer, Effects Unit, Guitar Pedal, Sequencer, etc. Under the caring
hands of Chief Tech Chase Smith & customer relations specialist William
Burnett -> WE WILL HELP! We have affordable rates and fast turnover.

email: specssalesandrepair /_\t gmail . com

Private shop in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.


                             _                   _     ___   ___ 
 _   _  __ _ _ __ ___   __ _| |__   __ _   _   _| |__ / _ \ / _ \

| | | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | | | | | '_ \ (_) | (_) |
| |_| | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | |_| | |_) \__, |\__, |
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| .__/ \___|\__,_|\__,_|_| |_|  \___| \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/        

A review of the Yamaha UB-99 Magicstomp BASS amp simulator Fx box send in
by Ali Berger

A while back, maybe in 2007 or so, I was in high school and into playing
bass and wanted to get an effects pedal. My dad and I did a bunch of research
and came across the Yamaha Magicstomp series. There's not a lot of official
info available online these days: the Magicstomp had its own site,
www.magicstomp.com, which no longer exists, and there are manauls on the
Yamaha site but no actual product page. Google Trends shows some searches
for "Yamaha Magicstomp" being made as early as 2004 (that's as far back as
Google Trends goes) and "Yamaha Magicstomp II" starting in January 2005. So
it's from around that time.

Basically the Magicstomp is a very smartly-designed, versatile, powerful
digital guitar/bass FX box. Mono input with low/high level switch (for
instruments vs line level input), left and right outputs, a two-line
16-character LCD screen, 3 control knobs & "STORE" button under the
screen, 3 footswitches and a volume knob. There are 3 models--the UB-99
(for guitar), the UB-99A (for acoustic guitar), and the UB-99B (for bass).

As far as I can tell the only difference is what presets come on them and
the color of the casing. There are 99 factory presets and 99 user-editable
presets. Every preset has the 3 knobs assigned to 3 different parameters,
so there's some control already. But then it gets crazy...

By pressing STORE and then tapping the ON/OFF footswitch you can enter
"DEEP EDIT MODE" - this allows you to page through all the parameters of
a preset and modify them. Some of the effect types have 19 pages x 3
parameters per page = 57 parameters!! And you can change the effect type
for any preset as well--there are standards like distortion (which everyone
online says is bad on this pedal, they're mostly right but sometimes bad is
good), several types of phasers/flangers/choruses (inculding dynamic ones
which follow how loud your playing is, pretty cool), and then some wild
stuff--symphonic + reverb effects from expensive Yamaha rack units,
8-line multitap delay, amp simulation mega FX with 5 bands of parametric
EQ, and my favorite, a dual pitchshifting delay which sounds like Ableton's
Grain Delay. All this in a pedal that now costs like $150 on eBay. If you're
mostly a hardware person this is a cheap way to get yourself into some freaky
sounds outside of the standard stuff.

Bonus features include "NAME EDIT MODE" where you can name your patches
with capital & lowercase letters & special characters. Or hold down the ON/OFF
switch to activate the tuner mode, super handy if you have analog or modular
synths around--or if you're doing advanced maneuvers with a sampler. There's
also a software editor for it but it's not online anywhere now and I don't
have the CD that came with the pedal (maybe my dad does).

I can't recommend this thing enough, I've been using it steadily for 10 years,
from my funk bass days through to my current house/techno obsession. Pro tip,
it doesn't have a power switch, so make sure you unplug it when you're not
using it. Mine got too hot at some point and loosened the solder around the
power connector--luckily it's very easy to open up and resolder, I did it once
and haven't needed to since. Now go hit those auctions, and if you get one
with the CD please host the installer files somewhere!

                 _____    _____            _____
                 |   |    |   |            |   |
/                                                 \
|  AC IN        L/MONO-OUTPUT-R            INPUT  |
|                                                 |
|                                                 |
|                                                 |
|     (|)  \  /  /\  |    |  /\  |   |  /\        |
|    (\|/)  \/  /  \ |\  /| /  \ |__ | /  \       |
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|       | < E D I T - P R M : 0 3 / 1 9 > |       |
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|       | E   E Q 1 Q   E Q 2 F   E Q 2 G |       |
|       -----------------------------------       |
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|         /*  \        /  *\        /   \         |
|         |   |        |   |        |  *|         |
|         \___/        \___/        \___/         |
|                                                 |
|                      STORE-O                    |
|\                                               /|
| \-----                                   -----/ |
|    __ \                                 / __    |
|   /  \ \-------------------------------/ /  \   |
|   \__/                                   \__/   |
\                      ON/OFF                     /
 \   -                   __                  +   /
  \                     /  \                    /
   \                    \__/                   /
    \                                         /


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 \__,_|_|  | .__/|_|\___| |_| |_| |_|_|\__,_|_|         
                                   _       _            
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 \__,_|_|  | .__/ \___|\__, |\__, |_|\__,_|\__\___/|_|  
           |_|         |___/ |___/                      

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                    /                /
                  /  \             /  \

                 |    |           |    |
                 |    |           |    |

           |*   o RX     o CLK       o TX. *|
           |o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o |
           |[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ |
           |                                |
           | [] PAT     [] PLEN    [] MODE  |
           | [] SHFT    [] SPAN    [] RATE  |
           | [] VELO    [] GATE    [] INST  |
           | [] SYNC    [] CHAN    [] TRAN  |
           |  [] o                          |
           |*   HOLD                 ::::: *|
            ||// \\//||\\//|||\\ //||\\//\||

In 2018 I am going to use my midiERROR ARPIE more, because I am pretty
much an arpeggiator freak.

The ARPIE MIDI arppegiator hails from Eastbourne in East Sussex, England.
Designed by Jason Hotchkiss this little allround standalone MIDI
Arpeggiator box lets you arpeggiate any MIDI device - not just boring
up and down but all kinds of freaky stuff is possible!

-polyphonic gated chord mode
-1 - 4 octave span
-Force to scale option
-16 step play/rest pattern
-Accent patterns
-Interactive control over Note length, velocity, tied notes mode

and lots more! Check it a demo movie here



                _ _                                      
  __ _ ___  ___(_|_)                                     
 / _` / __|/ __| | |                                     
| (_| \__ \ (__| | |                                     
     _    _       _                 _       _            
 ___| | _(_)  ___(_)_ __ ___  _   _| | __ _| |_ ___  _ __
/ __| |/ / | / __| | '_ ` _ \| | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
\__ \   <| | \__ \ | | | | | | |_| | | (_| | || (_) | |  
|___/_|\_\_| |___/_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__\___/|_|  

An action packed videogame for 2 players

Put your mouse pointer on the start area.

Let someone else press the cursor down key so the screen scrolls down.

Your mouse pointer is the skier.

Move your mouse pointer and avoid all obstacles, trees, trunks, chalets.

If you make it to finish you WIN!

Of course there is no collision detection - the game counts on the players'
integrity & 'moral' correctness. This is sort of how some videogames worked
with the 1972 Magnavox Oddyssey videogame computer.

                     Place your mouse
                      pointer here                   
                            \ /           
                           (   )

                  .                                   .
                 / \                                 / \     .          .

                /___\                               /___\   / \        / \
                  |                                   |    /___\      /___\
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           .                     .
          / \                   / \

         /___\                 /___\
           |                     |


                                / \



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                                              / \

          .                                  /___\
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          |                     ____


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                |    |                 /___\   |      |        /\
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                |    |                 /___\                   /\
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  .   |                  /___\                                 
 / \                       |         


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                |    |                 /___\   |      |        /\
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                     |                 /___\   |      |        /\
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/___\           /___\          
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                        _-  -_________\
                      _- ___  -_________\
                       | |_|  |=========                      ____
                       |______|=========              _______/

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                     |                 /___\   |      |        /\
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                                   / \             |            _____
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                      _- ___  -_________\
                       | |_|  |=========

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                    / \                  .    / \    / \

                   /___\                / \  /___\  /___\
                     |                 /___\   |      |        /\
      .                                  |                    /  \
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                       | |_|  |=========  
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                      _- ___  -_________\

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         /___\  /___\               .             /___\
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/___\           /___\                                          ___/
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////////////////////////////////////////             //////////////////////


                                         YOU WIN!!!!!
