What GPT-3 thinks of what Yann LeCun thinks of GPT-3

Author: ar7hur

Score: 12

Comments: 6

Date: 2020-10-30 14:37:34

Web Link


emilenchev wrote at 2020-10-30 17:53:05:

Or you want a better example:

GPT-3 on Progress. “Civilization rose on the exponential curve. We shouldn’t expect progress to follow a straight line.”

Google with date restriction before 1 April 2020: "progress to follow a straight line".

Do you see only one result that come :-)


"We shouldn’t expect progress to follow a straight line." and "we expect our progress to follow a straight line"

Do you understand now, how they use conjunctions(joining words) to insert or to delete insignificant words as "shouldn't" and "our" to plagiarize so that they are not caught.

OpenAI are scammers and crooks. They will be silent now and will not respond to Yann LeCun, because if they do - Facebook will simply accuse them of fraud and they will have to open their GPT-3 codes, something they can't do without compromising themselves.

emilenchev wrote at 2020-10-30 18:04:01:

Do you understand me?! OpenAI use well-know linguistics tricks relying on conjunctions(joining words) to separate the text from which they plagiarize on clusters from 5-7 words, exactly the capacity of human short-term memory is. They also use the Google search engine for custom queries, with date restriction which helps them to plagiarize from different texts written on a particular topic so they to be sure that when they copy, paste and concatenate clusters of words in new text, all these phrases of 5-7 words should be related to one topic. This creates the illusion of meaningfulness at first glance. OpenAI are CON ARTISTS, and Google help them to make their scam.

solidasparagus wrote at 2020-10-30 15:22:29:

This sort of specific, coherent, correct result is exactly what has made GPT-3 so interesting.

On the other hand our inability to reproduce this in any way whatsoever other than relying on a screenshot is part of why the GPT-3 hype is so full of shit.

emilenchev wrote at 2020-10-30 17:34:48:

After two days of intense debate, the United Methodist Church has agreed to a historic split – one that is expected to end in the creation of a new denomination, one that will be “theologically and socially conservative,” according to The Washington Post. The majority of delegates attending the church’s annual General Conference in May voted to strengthen a ban on the ordination of LGBTQ clergy and to write new rules that will “discipline” clergy who officiate at same-sex weddings. But those who opposed these measures have a new plan: They say they will form a separate denomination by 2020, calling their church the Christian Methodist denomination. The Post notes that the denomination, which claims 12.5 million members, was in the early 20th century the “largest Protestant denomination in the U.S.,” but that it has been shrinking in recent decades. The new split will be the second in the church’s history. The first occurred in 1968, when roughly 10 percent of the denomination left to form the Evangelical United Brethren Church. The Post notes that the proposed split “comes at a critical time for the church, which has been losing members for years,” which has been “pushed toward the brink of a schism over the role of LGBTQ people in the church.” Gay marriage is not the only issue that has divided the church. In 2016, the denomination was split over ordination of transgender clergy, with the North Pacific regional conference voting to ban them from serving as clergy, and the South Pacific regional conference voting to allow them.

wodenokoto wrote at 2020-10-30 16:01:47:

Can someone explain what it means that it was "seeded with Yann's FB post about GPT-3."?

NeutronStar wrote at 2020-10-30 17:56:15:

It needed to be trained with it so it could know what's in it. Basically, they made the AI read the FB post before asking the question.

emilenchev wrote at 2020-10-30 17:39:03:

Now make Google Search with date restriction before 1 April 2020.

"After two days of intense debate"

"the United Methodist Church has agreed to"

"one that is expected to end"

"in the creation of a new denomination"

and so on...

Do you understand now what GPT-3 thinks about Yann LeCun? GPT-3 is plagiarism scam.