For Complex Applications, Rust Is as Productive as Kotlin

Author: todsacerdoti

Score: 21

Comments: 3

Date: 2020-10-29 11:27:38

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holoduke wrote at 2020-10-29 22:07:42:

We ditched kotlin as a server side language.

We initially were very enthausiastic about it, but it turned out to have quite some annoying bugs.

On Android it works probably pretty ok, but for serverside I would not recommend it. Not in the current state.

There are a couple of crucial outstanding bugs already open for more than a year.

Rust is designed to be a serverside language. Kotlin is designed to be a multiple platform targeting language. Well it turns out only to be working in Android. Thats it.

jgulbronson wrote at 2020-10-30 12:29:41:

I'd be curious which annoying bugs you ran in to. I introduced Kotlin to my current company (Faire), and we've been very happy with the decision. Better type system, amazing Java interop so we could keep using all our favorite libraries, and cleaner syntax around things like map, filter, etc.

We've since grown the backend team to around 40 developers without issue, but perhaps your requirements were different? Were you using Java before Kotlin?

nsonha wrote at 2020-10-30 08:18:12:

Do you have examples?