Show HN: URLZap – Your own static URL generator

Author: brunoluiz

Score: 12

Comments: 3

Date: 2020-10-29 17:28:42

Web Link


brunoluiz wrote at 2020-10-29 18:58:38:

Author here.

Static site generators, published on Github Pages, are quite popular nowadays. But what about a static URL generator, which allows me to redirect URLs based on static files?

I've never heard about such a thing, and usually I would end-up setting up a server with redirects for this. That is why I ended up creating a small tool called "urlzap".

It generates URLs using files and HTML wizardry, allowing users to host their own URL redirects into Github Pages.

gitgud wrote at 2020-10-29 22:09:00:

Very clever! I guess it's a JavaScript redirect right?

The config file could probably be simplified even more to be simply:


Just an idea

brunoluiz wrote at 2020-10-29 22:42:03:

1. There is a little explanation on how I manage to do it on the README, but it uses HTML meta tags for this

2. I left it in `urls` it allows the YAML to be extended. For example, you can define a `http` field which allows you to run the project in a server (if you want to migrate from static and use 301). But yeah, that was something I was on the fence when deciding the YAML model.