Uber Eats faces lawsuits over free delivery from Black-owned restaurants

Author: newbie578

Score: 9

Comments: 3

Date: 2020-10-30 16:42:07

Web Link


eiji wrote at 2020-10-30 17:03:52:

Reminds me of this:


Another example of woke-ness going terribly wrong.

newbie578 wrote at 2020-10-30 17:27:52:

I shared this because I am honestly intrigued by it. Do the lawsuits have valid grounds? Where can we draw the line?

jaclaz wrote at 2020-10-30 17:54:52:

Try reading it reversed, i.e.:

Uber ditching delivery fees for category X

can be also read as:

Uber charging delivery fees for those not belonging to category X

The net effect is anyway that a same meal, with the same list price will arrive at your home with - say - 20% different (+ or -) cost due uniquely to the race of who prepared it.

Sure it is a form of discrimination, whether it is "good" and/or made in "good will" and for a "good cause" should be irrelevant for the Law, of course it has to be seen.