Ask HN: Seriously, how do we stop Covid?

Author: dchuk

Score: 6

Comments: 11

Date: 2020-10-30 20:18:12


runawaybottle wrote at 2020-10-31 04:45:34:

Vaccine pretty much. It ruined every business that was operating at the edges, restaurants that were playing it loose financially couldn’t withstand it. It’s all pretty fucked up, and honestly we just have to take the L and wait for this vaccine.

Nothing to fix anymore.

sp332 wrote at 2020-10-30 20:30:22:

There are countries that have addressed this effectively. Maybe we could follow their lead.

But something being technically feasible doesn't mean it's politically realistic.

ganoushoreilly wrote at 2020-10-30 20:40:47:

We don't stop it. It's not going away and we have to treat it as such. We can't put that genie back in the bottle so to speak. Because of the western liberal ideals of freedoms Europe and the rest of the west will never be able to enforce a proper true 100% lockdown on the scale of Wuhan.

What we have to do is continue to mitigate risks and evolve medical treatments. We are making great strides in this regard. Many companies are working over time and we have proven treatment methods that help minimize and reduce negative outcomes. Now we need to scale these treatments. What we need most is Time and that's arguably the one thing none of us have excess off.

Wearing masks in public are fine, washing hands diligently are fine. These are good things. Long term though secondary effects of the disease are proving to be just as damaging to the world. Lockdowns aren't the fix and are arguably not likely to be legal.

Both the left and the right have to stop poo pooing advances and yelling at each other with blame. Yes, people aren't wearing masks as they should, thing is that was and will always be the case. We account for that by majority working with the system. There will always be a minority that fights against it and accounting for that is more important.

The #1 thing I think that will help with managing covid, is Civility. The more we respect each other, the easier it is to find common ground and social agreement on best steps to take.

We will get through this as we do everything else. We have to stop over dramatizing things for the sake of political points. No one disputes the harm of this virus, or the deaths it's caused. One death is too much, but we also have to recognize that we have people dying in large amounts because of a lot of issues.

Notably, the second thing that will improve our success in beating this long term, is emphasis on healthy life styles. The fact that I hear almost 0 about health and minimizing comorbidity issues is astounding. Yes, I realize people can't all of a sudden not have co-morbidities, but we can instill these behaviors now with evidence that may help prevent issues the next time something like this transpires.

TLDR: Being more civil with each other and addressing personal health issues will be the biggest impact to collectively reducing risk and improving survivability.

ambivalents wrote at 2020-10-31 02:14:35:

Replace a few words here and there and this almost sounds like how we deal with climate change, too.

Foober223 wrote at 2020-10-30 23:13:10:

We still haven't stamped out the older corona viruses (ie common cold). Those corona's have cycled through the population for so many centuries, everyone still alive has some resistance.

The same will happen with this new corona. A vaccine could make your first exposure to the virus much safer. Social distancing is meant to flatten hospital capacity curves and buy time for vulnerable people to get a vaccine before their first exposure.

Does any government have a goal of permanently ending corona virus? I'm not aware of any. It is with us for the next 5000+ years.

gt565k wrote at 2020-10-30 21:13:07:

How do we stop COVID? Be educating people to be healthy and conscious of their surroundings.

Physical exercise and proper nutrition prevent most diseases, but no one talks about it. Why? Cause big pharma would rather you be sick and pop pills for the rest of your life.

Make sure you take multi vitamins, eat healthy, are not vitamin d deficient, load up on vitamin C in the winter, exercise, meditate, breathe clean air and 90% of diseases wont touch you.

Keep proper distance, practice good hygiene, eat a balanced healthy diet, exercise.

Hey look! Those alone prevent obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. WTF? But what about the pills?

ambivalents wrote at 2020-10-31 02:16:25:

Sucks you're being down voted, half the battle is in prevention of the damn thing.

folli wrote at 2020-10-30 21:51:31:

That sounds like some New Age BS. Sure, a healthy lifestyle will be preventive for a lot of diseases. But especially for infectious diseases, I would be very cautious with such statements.

decafninja wrote at 2020-10-30 20:22:54:

Until a vaccine comes into play, I feel the logical thing to do is look at countries that have managed to curb the spread. Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand, Vietnam, amongst others. IIRC there was a report saying Taiwan has not had a single homegrown case in 200 days.

Granted, every country is different in terms of size, politics, culture, etc.

I don't think you can replicate what Taiwan or South Korea are doing in the USA for example because of. both size and cultural issues. However there are still elements you can take - i.e. wearing masks. Unfortunately even that has become a political/cultural issue.

ganoushoreilly wrote at 2020-10-30 20:45:57:

100% cultural difference are at play. Almost all of the asian countries have a strong sense of doing things for communal reasons over self issues. This is sort of against the freedom model of western liberal ideals. Most of the actions recommended for minimizing transmission have and continue to be standard behaviors people collectively adhere to in those countries.

At least in the US, the fact that both sides have extreme political views on a myriad of things, Covid has ended up becoming an issues vs people stopping and saying ok, how do we meet in the middle, treat each other as humans, and positively convince people to work for the better good. Yelling at someone and calling them a myriad of names because they don't want a mask, isn't going to win them over. Ironically it's the same root problem we have in politics. Both sides also have to accept that they don't have the answer, they have an answer with the truth lying somewhere in the middle.

These days though, i'm losing faith in the ability of people to be calm and collective in discourse. I guarantee just the discussions here will be downvoted when the opinions don't match 100%.

That's the real problem we're going to have to solve.

kleer001 wrote at 2020-10-31 01:01:49:

Go underground. Become Morlocks.