
After decades of oppression by the Cetacean hegemony, the Sharks have finally set up their own kingdom with their own laws and relations with the other kingdoms in the land of The Source. Sharks speak Common and have an understanding of the Cetacean language L'ewa.

Racial Bonuses

Sharks do not require any weapons for basic attacks, They can either savagely bite their opponents or clobber them with their tail. Sharks also can stay underwater indefinitely as long as they keep moving. Sharks also suffer in deserts, requiring a lot of drinking water.

Sharks can learn a Tail Stun advancement that allows them to stun enemies for 1d4 turns if they win a dexterity roll.

Character Profile: Leana

Leana is an Artificier Thresher Shark that used to work for the Royal Society of Engineering for the Cetacean Hegemony. She had become used to wearing the uniform of the society she spent 15 years in service to, but her pants are the pants of the people. Leana is not afraid in battle because she can use her tail to stun opponents and flee.

Leana comes from commoners. She worked up to being a respected engineer from nothing, even though she was oppressed in the Cetacean society due to her race. Despite everything, she keeps an upbeat and positive attitude. She wears custom-made magical gauntlets that function as her forge engine, allowing her to engineer things together into genius creations.