Prosthetic Conscience

This is my Gemini log (gemlog? nilog?). I've had it for a while, but haven't kept it up to date much. I'm going to try to do better. The theme of this journal is "stuff that isn't polished enough or generally-interesting enough for my [weblog]", and isn't on-theme enough for [President Xi, Send The Nukes]. It isn't purely technical, or purely Gemini-focused, but I'm making no attempt to *avoid* those topics, like I do in Send The Nukes.


President Xi, Send The Nukes

Odds and ends

Commonplace Book: a randomly-updated microblog of snippets

Archived Commonplace Book entries

Entries (newest at top)

Strategy for writing drafts in a gemlog?

Finally some recreational computering


Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup

Answers to August's 5Q

Colemak (reply to Cadey)

Haha, router go 'bzzt'!

What am I doing instead of writing?

Pens (reply to acdw)

The Smol Internet – Mostly Replies

Washing Dishes Is Self-Care

Germinal update!

A placeholder on Gemini replies

Replies to Solderpunk and Shufei

Laptop cable snafu

Slow morning

Misc personal




A Gemini server in Python?

The Geminiverse

Germinal update

Text wrapping

brutaldon pondering

Link syntax


Nothing Much


The feed, if you like reading XML