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[ANN] Titan - a Console-based Browser Written in Java

colecmac at protonmail.com colecmac at protonmail.com

Fri Jul 3 21:51:26 BST 2020

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lel wrote:

[...] but no one had formalized anything about it yet [...]

This, and the rest of the paragraph, is correct as far as I know. I'd like to seemore discussion around the gemini write / titan protocol, so that we can get somethingthat people can agree on, and clients and servers can actually implement.

I've talked kensanata / Alex, who created CommunityWiki on IRC, and we've discussed howhe was experimenting and pushing things ahead, but I don't think I'm alone in saying thatthere should definitely be more discussion, an official spec, Solderpunk chiming in, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that there's real code and stuff that works.

Is there somewhere else (an IRC channel, another mailing list,
etc) where Titan development has been discussed?

There's #gemini on the tilde.chat IRC, some things have been discussed there, butanything big will probably happen here.
