Sloom Sloum Sluom IV (but just sloum is fine)



MUSIC MACHINE - A gemlog/nilog/capsule of poorly written album reviews

DRIFT THEORY - A growing archive of music I have made w/ new ascii liner notes

Sloum's gemlog @ Gemlog . Blue

Sloum's gopher phlog @ Circumlunar Space

Sloum's gopher phlog @ Colorfield Space


Spacewalk: A gemini blogroll, find something good to read (updated every 12 hours)

Geminews: News feeds from major news outlets (updated every 6 hours)

The Gemini Mailing List (updated every 20 minutes)

Gemini related software projects

I have built some cool tools for gemini. Check them out if you like (these are all web links):

Bombadillo - A client that supports gemini

Spacewalk - A feed aggregator for gemini

Vim syntax highlighting for text/gemini

Static git generator for gemini (stagit fork)

I write a lot of non-gemini software as well... but I dont feel like adding it here right now. In the links above you can find my tildegit and pages where I host git repos. Check 'em out if you are bored.