solderpunk solderpunk at SDF.ORG
Tue May 12 19:23:15 BST 2020
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ``` On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 05:21:01AM -0400, Sean Conner wrote: > But there's really not much to log, other than remote address, request, > status, and potentially the issuer/subject of any given certificate (and > even that might be optional). I agree, there's not much to log, far less than HTTP. But there's somereal utility in having, err, utilities which can parse a log andgenerate basic statistics an admin might like to know: most popularresources, frequent requests resulting in 51 Not Found responses,average requests per day. And people are more likely to write thingslike this if there's one format to worry about and not one per server. This isn't a hard side-project by any means. Something very simple andeasy to read into existing data processing tools, like a comma separatedor tab separated value file with standardised names and/or order for thecolumns and an agreed-upon representation of time would do the trick. I am understanding of and sympathetic towards both admins who want tolog IPs for debugging or abuse-detection purposes and towards those whodon't want to so they can (rightfully) boast about their severs' respectfor privacy. So the standard format should include a column for remoteIP and also have a clearly defined behaviour for anonymised logs whichlog analysers can recognise and handle gracefully (as simple asspecifying a standard character, like "-", to be placed in that column).We could also define a half-way format, where a compact hash of the IP islogged, so that unique visitor statistics can be calcualted for thosewho want them, or e.g. malfunctioning bots can be spotted, but nothing. Cheers,Solderpunk