---------------------------------- EdimCoder ---------------------------------- I have been using Solderpunk's VF-1 Gopher browser[1], and I really like it. It is a REPL like experience, almost like the Ed text editor, but with a prompt and a less complicated command system. I have seen some people say they use and like VF-1. So, I thought that I would make a post about a text editor I have worked on (and may consider continuing) that is very similar to VF-1, a REPL like experience, very similar to Ed (they're both line-editors), but also, with a prompt and color support. It also tries to make text editing easier through various means, like providing a prompt with information, the ability to open multiple files, switch between them, and see which one you are currently on, and giving context to every command that you use by printing, at the very least, the line before the line you are currently editing, printing, deleting, adding, etc. It also supports an outline view of c, c++, header files, and markdown files. Currently, the program only works 100% correctly on Windows. It does technically work on Linux, but it's buggy. I have not tested it on macOS. The name EdimCoder comes from a combination of the text-editors that I took inspiration from, ED IMproved 4CODER. Ed, coming from the Ed text editor of course, IMproved coming from VIM, and Coder coming from 4Coder[2] (a very good and fast graphical text editor made by Allen Webster, who is involved in the Handmade Network). You can download the Windows executable[3] or visit the GitHub page[4] [1] gopher://circumlunar.space/0/~solderpunk/files/vf1.py [2] http://4coder.net [3] gopher://circumlunar.space/1/~krixano/files/edim.exe [4] https://github.com/krixano/Edim