------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 18, 2020: My Gemlog ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I wanted to talk quickly about the temporary Geminilog/Gemlog over at my new pubnix server, PoNIX. I've currently set up a temporary log so that I can write about my developments over at PoNIX leading up to PoNIX's eventual release. This is a temporary log as currently user directories for the Gemini server (molly brown) aren't working on PoNIX atm. Hopefully I can get this figured out. I've posted the first post there today, which talks about a new interface to Gopher (and eventually Gemini) that will expose all of Sefaria's jewish texts, both in Hebrew and English (although, par - the program that formats text - doesn't work so well when it tries to justify hebrew). All the texts are going to be printed nicely (word-wrapped and justified) for Gopher, and poetry will also be formatted the way it's supposed to be. I have also just recently created a Gopher interface for Hebcal to expose a Hebrew Calendar of jewish holidays and the weekly and daily readings (sedra - parshah and haftarah, and daf yomi). These will eventually link to the Sefaria interface to provide details on either the jewish holiday or link directly to the text to be read on that day/week. gemini://pon.ix.tc gopher://pon.ix.tc/~krixano/hebcal