The Vault

You step gingerly over to the man in black. He doesn't move -- the arrow in his face makes sure of that. You step over his carcass to survey the inside of the Vault.

You can't really make out what's inside due to the glare. There's some kind of mysterious light emanating from within. You step a little closer, hoping there's not another trap.

There's not. The Vault had only one trap -- after all, its owners had shelled out for a full-time guard, hadn't they? Guiltily, you step further into the room.

As the glare lessens, you can see a figure made entirely of gold, lit by a complex system of mirrors leading up to a hole in the top of the mountain. It's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

You remember you have lunch waiting, so you run out and get it down from its shelf in the antechamber. You eat your sandwich in front of the golden statue, then return to your post.
