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I was referred Jon Hopkins's "1/1 Singing Bowl (Ascension)", an amazing
meditative track.
It helped me work out how the rest of my novel is going to go.
The novel is about the remnants of a civilisation of beings who, in their
natural form, are non-corporeal. They descend from energy-beings into the third
dimension, in an artificial space, because they redevelop class society.
In this part of the novel, 'the rest of it', Stephanie and the other three space
anarchists use up the energy of transcendental apperception gathered from the
communist revolution that has been triggered on Earth. They have three 'doses'
of the human spiritual energy to consume.
Each dose of the energy allows them to descend into the three layers of the
'political arena' of the class society that the space people live under. The
first layer is the authoritarians, which is carried out in the writing style of
a long Aesop's parable. Rayan, the old man of the group of space people, and
Stephanie, walk along a big long road and they pass through a hotel halfway
through their journey. There is a framing of a murder of one of the
authoritarians by another authoritarian faction.
The authoritarians descend into infighting, and when Rayan and Stephanie reach
their destination, the end of the trip on the apperceptive energy, they are told
that the publicly secret alliance among the authoritarian neoliberals and the
neoconservative war hawks has ended and there has been a power shift in the
space colony.
The second trip on the transcendental equivalent of LSD deals with another
parable, and another journey. This one is based on the 6 part documentary called
The Beach (2020). All of Stephanie's space friends go along with her in a diesel
four wheel drive with no roof along an enormous day long trip up the coast of a
continent. Virtually all of it is driven on the beach.
There they leave behind Lutrin, in a dwelling on the beach, because she has to
go into hiding, due to poor health. She may be dying. Leaving her behind will
most likely see her live.
The third trip does not involve Stephanie, and I have it written down in my
journal. The revolution is carried out in the space colony. They use the
transcendental LSD to hack the primitive computer system of the space people's
life-force extraction facilities and trigger a general strike.
All of this is told to Stephanie sometime after she returns to Perth, on Earth,
and lives through the communisation and destruction of the state in Perth. A
statewide revolution is carried out in Western Australia. She is lonely. She
misses her friends from Malasrion, the artificial three dimensional projection
of space where the failed beings of energy live.
The means of production are seized, in the colony. Soon the fetters of the
parasitic state and ruling class are removed, leading to a tremendous outpouring
of what Hegel would call Absolute Spirit, allowing the beings to leave the third
dimension and become beings of energy once more.
I imagine the third trip would not be the most important part of the novel. The
beach driving and the conversation Stephanie has with Lutrin before she gets
left behind.
I will have good descriptions of the sensation of moving between these states of
Anyway I have progressed in this new version of the novel, and I am happy.