generator: pandoc
title: 'Pleroma-tan Pokemon Clone Game Mechanics'
viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes'
I think the biggest issue with basing this game on the TIC-80 game
creation software will be trying to fit everything into 64KiB of
storage. Luckily the ... paid version of the program (USD\$5) allows up
to 512KiB of bank switching, which is good. I think it is definitely
going to need bank switching, for all the graphics of the little
characters when you enter battle mode.
I think the 'battle mode' I might call 'love mode' (lol) where you have
to break the ice with a particular catgirl you encounter in the wild and
smarm/impress or attract them to you, so that they will become
Your party catgirls will live in a big sleazy coat that you wear, and, I
think I might stick with the traditional Pokemon party quantity of six.
Perhaps there's some logic to that number. Otherwise, I might just make
it possible to access all the catgirls you've attracted all the time,
because we're no longer bound to anything like BILL'S PC anymore in
I imagine the following terms from Pokemon could be translated as
Pokemon battle -\> Catgirl attraction Pokeball -\> Coat pocket Cursed
-\> Cancelled TM -\> ??? HM -\> ???
The standard Pokemon menu:
The following Pokemon words retain their formal meaning, but have a
completely new substantial meaning:
- Catgirl type,
- catgirl egg (rofl),
- asleep, confused,
- paralysed,
- Vitamin/Medicine
Catgirls cannot be burned, poisoned, frozen, faint, and there are to be
only catgirl attraction moves which are non-physical, which Pokemon
would deem moves related to 'special attack' or 'special defence'. You
cannot trap a catgirl in attraction (battle mode), and it is possible to
attract a catgirl by putting them to sleep, because they've decided
they're comfortable enough to trust you, and so you'll be able to pick
them up and put them in your pocket.
There will be no concept of gender in this game. I personally don't
really see the point because that would lead to philosophical and social
commentary I do not believe I am qualified or experienced enough to
Terms which are more or less identical to Pokemon are:
- evolution (yep, catgirls can evolve),
- experience points,
- levels (I might set the max level at LVL. 69 because I find it
- speed
- hit points and power points
I am going to explore what kinds of types of catgirls you'll be able to
have a little further tomorrow, I think, but my prima facie ideas on the
matter are the following types:
- Faerie
- Slime
- Hacker
- Political
- Ecological
- Snake
- Fennec or maybe just 'furry'
- Robot
- Magical
- Anime??
I kind of want to put 'cheese' type in the list just because I find
cheese to be quite a funny food/object.
If you'd like to help me fill out these types, that'd be much
I have some conception of how catgirl love mode ('LUVMDE') is going to
function, and the different types of catgirl love mode moves you'll be
able to make, but I think the description of that part of the game can
come later. A hacker type move, for instance, would be a 'CW' which
would make a wild catgirl respect you for helping people navigate the
fediverse without feeling upset. A furry move would be, say, 'REET'
which would be hella cute and help break the ice and lower the HP of the
wild catgirl that way.
i did a little daydreaming about the music i wanna put in the TIC-80
game, which i think i will be calling Pleroma-Tan, mainly because i just
discovered that the '-tan' honorific is meant to be an even more cutesy
version of '-chan'.
in the same way as digimon attaches the '-mon' suffix, i think i will
attach '-tan' to the names of each of the catgirls in the game.
anyway. i am going to adapt the groove-lines/bass-lines from the
following pieces of music for the game:
(forgive the use of youtube for the links, i am lazy this morning)
love-mode (i.e. battle-mode): frequent flyer by 'chromeo' (0:00-0:40)
title music: the grooviest part of count basie's cover of green onions
(2:27-3:16) (https://youtu.be/M6EH7PJ3MrQ?t=147)
music for some other purpose: the chorus groove from chameleon by the
australian band 'PNAU' (2:24-2:54) (https://youtu.be/lI8-D-xVxUA?t=144)
i think i can adapt portions of the melodies and beats from these pieces
of music without ripping them off too much and getting into trouble.
either way i could claim remix rights or fair use or whatever, i am not
actually planning on demanding any money for this video game, because i
never do. people can donate or sign up to my patreon etc. etc.