RE: Why I'm starting to prefer console programs

Why I'm starting to prefer console programs at Clarissa's gemlog

A fantastic post!

GUIs have more "discoverability" because everything is right there in your face. Harder to use but easier to get started with.

Although as Cabel pointed out the other day,

even UI apps can be confusing, overwhelming, have stuff that you need to discover, are looking for, but you can't find.

I kind of divide console applications into two camps. CLI and TUI.

CLI are super great, they're easier to combine with each other (just as Clarissa says), easier to automate, everything. The downside was that the learning curve was, while not steep at all, it was a very, very long walk up that admittedly gentle slope.

TUI on the other hand are the worst of both worlds. They're ASCII art GUIs, I don't see the appeal. I use some but they're rarely my first choice.


Emacs has modes that make it look a little bit more like Word Grinder.