Well, I guess that’s it. After a bit more than a week of browsing and reading stuff on (and about) Gemini, and a few days of hacking a server software together, I finally have my capsule set up!
I hope I will stick to this a little more than my Gopher hole, where I never took the time to write a phlog. I guess part of the reasons were the schism between menu and document I always found awkward, the frustrating state of text encoding and lack of encryption… All of which Gemini fix! Cool!
I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking for around here. I kind of miss the small communities of forums and blogs of the 2000s. I like reading long thought-out posts asynchronously. My brain has a really hard time keeping up with how modern social platforms work so I don’t feel really comfortable on these, even the Fediverse… (which I can’t properly host an instance on my very weak servers anyways)
Just like many of you (from what I could read) I want to slow down and be more mindful of the time I spend on the internet. And have more meaningful connections and conversation.
I’m on the autism spectrum with some attention deficit: the modern web feels like torture to me. Gemini space is so uniform and clear in comparison! Nothing but content. People often only think of blindness or deafness when talking about accessibility, but cognitive disabilities also exist, and Gemini wins on that point!
Anyhow! My plans for the near-future include: