
generator: pandoc

title: '2010-10-23-strange-love'

viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes'


I'm forever changed from having watched *Doctor Strangelove*. I've

actually seen it now. It really has everything, it almost sums up who we

are without leaving three locations. I think Aristotle was right when he

said dramas should have a unity of setting - or something along those


that it's incredible what people can do when the circumstances are dire.

I'd say imagine you're on the phone to the president with a nuclear

strike's termination code whenever you make a decision, however big or

small. Imagining you've got the whole world on your shoulders as often

as possible should surely help you make the right decisions.

Me, you; surely we've all got to jump.