generator: pandoc
title: '2008-06-10-my-god'
viewport: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes'
Like a brick\
like bricks and weights and infections\
anxiety and grave neurosis\
like a word used but not yet understood\
like pain\
dull, dull throbbing pain\
a hand within a chest\
islands betwixt seas removed\
galaxies and stars and dreams and space\
a cursed book, curse its powers\
curse my heart and curse my love\
curse the peace\
its wretched dove\
incompatible, and duly forced\
where lies the white glove?\
done unto myself;\
Love seeketh only Self to please,\
To bind another to Its delight:\
Joys in another's loss of ease,\
And builds a Hell in Heaven's despite.
for This is true\
I warn you all\
to watch yourself before you fall\
and tumble, tumble\
trip and graze\
grieve for all the better days\
I can only be sorry