
I am Matthew Graybosch.

You found my gemini capsule.

Prepare to die (of boredom).

Sorry. I couldn't resist paraphrasing Inigo Montoya.


About Me

Capsule Log

Capsule Log Atom Feed

Contact Info

email: contact@matthewgraybosch.com

SDF commode: starbreaker@sdf


You can find me elsewhere on the internet if you look.

Gemini Space

I run this. Want an account? Email me.

gemini A site for my science fantasy writing.

This is where I indulge my edgelord tendencies.

World Wide Web

I've had this domain for a decade.

A www mirror of my Gemini posts.

Public git repositories on SourceHut.

My LiberaPay site. Donations are welcome, but not needed.

Social Media?

the Midnight Pub