It has been a tiring couple of weeks recently. Work has been very busy, various other things are going on in life, and just taking stock of what's going on in the world every day seems to be exhausting. Spent a little bit of time cutting some things out that I've stopped enjoying so much, so I can spend energy on things that are more fun or valuable.
The weather here in North Texas is getting nicer again as autumn approaches. It's the best part of the year weather wise, which means more time to go out and ride my bike, do work in the garden, smoke meat, grill, and take the childen to the park on the weekend without melting. Just ordered a gas grill too, for more evenings of tasty grilled chicken and vegetables when the mood strikes... and when lighting the charcoal Weber seems like a bit of a chore. Have also been continuing to visit record stores, browse and buy some records, and then enjoy listening to them. Am doing the living room vinyl DJ thing quite a bit, and hanging out with tilde and SDF people a bit enjoying music on tilderadio / anonradio, and their company on IRC and COM.
Other than the streaming, IRC, and browsing the geminisphere and some Mastodon over my morning and evening cups of tea I'm not doing a lot of computing outside of work right now. Maybe it's because I'm just tired, maybe because I'm doing more ops/sysadmin in my paid work right now, but I stopped enjoying the self-hosting stuff. I'm now no longer self-hosting anything except this gemini site, which remains on a Pi4 at home. I've shut-down and cancelled the virtual and physical server I had out on the interwebs. While it was fun to set a bunch of self-hosted things up (again), and I believe that there are real benefits, dealing with software updates has lost its shine for now. Much software is now of course rather complicated, fast-moving, and throws up little niggles every now and again. Given I'm the only person using the services I don't have a responsibility to any one else that would drive me to push through these annoyances.
I was on a self-hosted Mastodon instance for the last 3 months, so had to move off of that as I shut things down. I'm back as, which is the very first Mastodon account I created... and had almost forgotten about until now. I have floated around very FOSS and computing focused instances to date, and fancied going somewhere a bit more general. Whenever I browse gemini these days I find myself drawn to reading the non-computing stuff. I'd like to get a bit more photography, gardening, music, and stuff like that in my Mastodon feed now. Should be easier to find on a very large general instance I hope.
The rest of my self hosted stuff that was out on the web is just gone... not replaced. I don't think I need much of it. No doubt this state of affairs won't last forever. I'm still a big computer nerd and self hosting is a fun hobby when I'm enjoying that kind of thing, or feeling strongly that it's important to self-host... because we can and should avoid just being beholden to our corporate overlords.
Am making a list of topics I think I might write about on this gemlog or as separate pages that aren't related to computing at all. We'll see how that goes! I quite like the idea of writing a couple of paragraphs with my tea in the morning, and getting together a post every few days or each week. Definitely settled into the habit of starting my day reading interesting snippets of allsorts on the smolnet now, rather than flashy and breathless tech news out on the web. I might even be found in a Gopher client on occasion. It all feels a bit more like reading and considering a good newspaper or intersting magazine over a morning cuppa, less like being blasted by the TV.