GUS - Gemini Universal Search


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These figures are representative of the aggregate size of Geminispace at the time the current index was last updated on 2020-09-23 12:13:09.743600.

Page Count      : 38562
Domain Count    :   232

historical data

By Content Type

These figures are representative of the number of pages seen per content type at the time the current index was last updated on 2020-09-23 12:13:09.743600.

24026 - text/gemini
 5704 - image/jpeg
 3033 - text/plain
 1542 - image/png
  838 - application/octet-stream
  767 - audio/mpeg
  631 - application/pdf
  542 - text/html
  291 - image/gif
  222 - audio/midi
  122 - text/x-lilypond
   95 - image/svg+xml
   81 - application/zip
   79 - text/css
   56 - audio/flac
   46 - application/gzip
   42 - text/markdown
   35 - application/xml
   32 - video/mp4
   32 - text/xml
   25 - application/javascript
   20 - audio/x-mod
   20 - application/x-shockwave-flash
   17 - text/x-python
   17 - application/font-sfnt
   16 - application/epub+zip
   16 - application/atom+xml
   15 - application/x-gzip
   14 - application/json
   11 - image/bmp
   10 - audio/x-wav
   10 - audio/ogg
   10 - application/x-dosexec
    9 - audio/x-s3m
    7 - video/x-ms-wmv
    7 - image/webp
    7 - application/x-sh
    7 - application/font-woff
    6 - application/x-tar
    6 - application/
    5 - application/x-python-code
    4 - text/x-sh
    4 - image/
    4 - application/x-mobipocket-ebook
    4 - application/rss+xml
    4 - application/postscript
    4 - application
    3 - video/quicktime
    3 - text/x-shellscript
    3 - text/x-c
    3 - application/x-stuffit
    3 - application/x-iso9660-image
    3 - application/
    3 - application/pgp-encrypted
    2 - video/webm
    2 - inode/x-empty
    2 - image/vnd.adobe.photoshop
    2 - chemical/x-pdb
    2 - application/x-trash
    2 - application/x-perl
    2 - application/x-gtar-compressed
    2 - application/x-executable
    2 - application/vnd.nintendo.nitro.rom
    2 - application/
    2 - application/pgp-signature
    2 - application/pgp-keys
    2 - application/hackvr
    1 - video/x-msvideo
    1 - video/x-flv
    1 - text/x-tcl
    1 - text/x-pascal
    1 - octet/stream
    1 - model/mesh
    1 - message/gemini
    1 - image/x-3ds
    1 - image/jpg
    1 - audio/unknown\011e
    1 - application/x86-image
    1 - application/x-troff-man
    1 - application/x-mspublisher
    1 - application/x-msdos-program
    1 - application/x-mpegURL
    1 - application/x-doom
    1 - application/x-compressed
    1 - application/x-7z-compressed
    1 - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template
    1 - application/vnd.ecowin.chart

By Charset

These figures are representative of the number of pages seen per content type at the time the current index was last updated on 2020-09-23 12:13:09.743600.

  417 - utf-8
   68 - us-ascii
    2 - UTF-8
    2 - US-ASCII
"I went to the doctor and all he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr. Acula." --- Mitch Hedberg

See any missing results? Let GUS know your Gemini URL exists.

Index updated on: 2020-09-23