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     ||     ||     ||| ||   ||   ||
     || ||| ||||   ||||||   ||   ||||               Your
     ||  || ||     || |||   ||   ||
     |||||| |||||| ||  || |||||| ||||||             GEnieLamp Computing

     ||    |||||| ||    || ||||||                   RoundTable
     ||    ||  || |||  ||| ||  ||
     ||    |||||| |||||||| ||||||                   RESOURCE!
     ||    ||  || || || || ||
     ||||| ||  || ||    || ||

                      ~ WELCOME TO GENIELAMP A2Pro! ~

                     ~ HyperCard IIGS Comes to A2Pro ~
                 ~ HyperTalk Tutor 101 A2U Course Starts ~ 
              ~ Extended Control Mania ~ New ResLin Version ~
              ~ Splat! RTC Transcript ~ Tour of 8/16 Central ~
                    ~ HOT NEWS, HOT FILES, HOT MESSAGES ~

 GEnieLamp A2Pro   ~ A T/TalkNET OnLine Publication  ~  Vol.4, Issue 13
 Editor.......................................................Nate Trost
  Publisher.................................................John Peters
   Copy-Editor............................................Bruce Maples
  ~ GEnieLamp IBM ~ GEnieLamp ST ~ GEnieLamp [PR] ~ GEnieLamp Windows ~
        ~ GEnieLamp A2Pro ~ GEnieLamp Macintosh ~ GEnieLamp TX2 ~
          ~ GEnieLamp A2 ~ LiveWire (ASCII) ~ GEnieLamp MacPRO ~
                 ~ Solid Windows ~ Config.sys ~ A2-Central ~
              ~ Member Of The Digital Publishing Association ~
  GE Mail: GENIELAMP  Internet: genielamp@genie.geis.com   FTP: sosi.com

                              ~ March 1, 1994 ~

 FROM MY DESKTOP ......... [FRM]        HEY MISTER POSTMAN ...... [HEY]
  Notes From The Editor.                 Is That A Letter For Me?

  Directory of A2Pro Staff.              Great Programmers Magazine.

 LIBRARY BIT BONANZA ..... [LIB]        RTC WATCH ..............  [RTC]
  HOT Files You Can Download.            Tales from A2Pro RTCs.

 DEVELOPERS CORNER ....... [DEV]        OFF THE DEEP END ........ [OFF]
  News From Online Developers.           This month, Top-10 gone hyper.

 CAMPUS GREEN ............ [CAM]        LOG OFF ................. [LOG]
  New HyperTalk course.                  GEnieLamp Information.

  RTC Transcript.


READING GEnieLamp   GEnieLamp  has  incorporated  a  unique   indexing
"""""""""""""""""   system to help make  reading the  magazine easier.
To  utilize this system, load GEnieLamp into any ASCII  word processor
or text  editor.  In the index  you will find the  following  example:

                   HUMOR ONLINE ............ [HUM]
                    [*]GEnie Fun & Games.

   To read this  article, set your  find or search command to [HUM].  If
you want to scan all of the articles, search for [EOA].  [EOF] will take
you to  the last page,  whereas [IDX]  will bring you back to the index.

MESSAGE INFO   To make it easy for you to respond to messages re-printed
""""""""""""   here in GEnieLamp, you will find all the information you
need immediately following the message.  For example:

                    (SMITH, CAT6, TOP1, MSG:58/M530)
        _____________|   _____|__  _|O__    |____ |_____________
       |Name of sender   CATegory  TOPic    Msg.   Page number|

    In this  example, to  respond to  Smith's  message, log  on to  page
475 enter the bulletin board and set CAT 6. Enter your REPly in TOPic 1.

    A message number that is surrounded by brackets indicates  that this
message  is a "target" message and is  referring  to  a "chain"  of  two
or more  messages that are following the same topic.  For example: {58}.

ABOUT GEnie   GEnie's monthly fee is $8.95 which gives you up to four free
 """""""""""   hours of non-prime time access to most GEnie services, such 
as software downloads, bulletin boards, GE Mail, an Internet gateway,
multi-player games and chat lines.  GEnie's non-prime time connect rate at
2400 baud is $3.00.  To sign up for GEnie service, just follow these simple

1.  Set your communications software to half duplex (local echo) 8 bits, no
 parity and 1 stop bit, at 300, 1200 or 2400 baud.

2.  Call (with modem) 1-800-638-8369.  Upon connection type HHH.

3.  Wait for the U#= prompt.  Type:  XTX99014,DIGIPUB and hit RETURN.

4.  Have a major credit card ready, as the system will prompt you for your
 information.  If you need more information, call GEnie's Customer Service
 department at 1-800-638-9636.

                 FROM MY DESKTOP /
Notes From My Desktop


                          >>> TOP OF THE PAGE <<<

A2PRO GETS HYPER   Yes, hyper!  A2Pro has licensed HyperCard IIGS
""""""""""""""""   and it's now available for download in the A2Pro 
      What is HyperCard IIGS?  In a nutshell it's a complete hypermedia
authoring environment that allows you to combine text, graphics and sound
in a highly interactive and configurable way.

It's way cool, and it's available for only the cost of a download.

      One feature of HyperCard IIGS is its scripting language, HyperTalk.
Since the normal HyperCard IIGS manuals couldn't be included with the
archives, A2 University has started a new course on HyperTalk!  Taught by
Brendan Bellina, this course has already begun, but you can still get in
on the action.  Be sure to check out the Campus Green column in this
issue for more on this exciting course.

      For more information on where to get the HyperCard files, 
look in this months Bit Bonanza column.  Also, A2Pro has reorganized the
Hypermedia Programming Category in the Bulletin Board (Category 18).  If
you have a question about HyperCard IIGS (or HyperStudio), that's the
place to ask!

      We also have another top 10 list this month intended for some people
(you know who you are :-) who might just be a little tired of seeing
HyperCard in every other sentence.  Enjoy.  :-)

      There's lots of other neat stuff going on in A2Pro, check it all out
in the Lamp, until next month, happy reading!

                                                 Nate Trost
                                               GEnieLamp A2Pro

By Nate Trost

       _____  ______      ______________________________________________
     /__/|__|  ___|__|         
    /__/_|__| /_____/         Your Sysops: Greg Da Costa    (A2PRO.GREG)
   /________|/__/       __ __ __           Todd P. Whitesel (A2PRO.TODDPW)
  /__/   |__|__/______ /_//_// /           Nathaniel Sloan  (A2PRO.HELP)
 /__/    |__|________//  / \/_/            Nate Trost       (A2PRO.GELAMP)


              HEY MISTER POSTMAN /
Is That A Letter For Me?
By Nate Trost



                 o   WHAT'S NEW?
                       o   PROGRAMMER'S TIPS

                             o   HOT TOPICS

                                   o   MESSAGE SPOTLIGHT

                      >>> BULLETIN BOARD HOT SPOTS <<<

 [*]  CAT9,   TOP7,   MSG{98}................Applesoft BASIC help please!
 [*]  CAT13,  TOP25,  MSG{1}.............................Universal Access
 [*]  CAT15,  TOP2,   MSG{116}.............................Memory Manager
 [*]  CAT15,  TOP15,  MSG{63}................................Menu Manager
 [*]  CAT16,  TOP2,   MSG{123}..........................Programmer's Cafe
 [*]  CAT22,  TOP26,  MSG{1}..........................Hypertalk Tutor 101
 [*]  CAT30,  TOP2,   MSG{85}.........................Using the GNO Shell
 [*]  CAT33,  TOP3,   MSG{3}.................................Wishing Well
 [*]  CAT36,  TOP10,  MSG{130}................................ORCA/Pascal

                        >>> A2PRO ODDS AND ENDS <<<

UPDATED BB INDEX AVAILABLE   Due to the recent restructuring of several 
""""""""""""""""""""""""""   parts of the A2Pro Bulletin Board, a new set 
of Cat/Topic indexes have been uploaded (thanks Bill!) they are available
in the A2Pro library as:

  File 3937 (ADB)
  File 3938 (TXT)

         (A2PRO.GELAMP [65-Nate-16], CAT1, TOP20, MSG:14/M530)

                            >>> WHAT'S NEW? <<<

NEW VERSION OF RESLIN   I've uploaded a newer version of ResLin (after the 
"""""""""""""""""""""   one that opens Macintosh resource forks) that 
allows ResLin Extras to have a go at converting resources as ResLin
copies them across to the IIgs.

      ResLin itself converts a number types itself, mainly just to 
rearrange the byte order of word and longword values, but nothing really

      Actually, I'm hoping Lunatic could write us an icon conversion Extra, 
and others could do font and sound converters.


(ResLin d0.44 should be out as soon as it gets cleared by you know who)

          (RICHARD.B [Richard], CAT16, TOP8, MSG:21/M530)

                        >>> PROGRAMMER'S TIPS <<<

APPLESOFT TROUBLESHOOTING   I am using a program from the Genealogy 
"""""""""""""""""""""""""   Library "Tiny Tafel Generator" (3028)
on my Apple ][e with a Vulcan 20 meg HD, a RamFactor, and a TransWarp.
Suddenly, while loading my old data in, I get the message "Illegal
Quantity in 810".   Line 810 reads...

          TM$ = RIGHT$ (AA$(J), LEN (AA$(J)) -15)

      This is a gremlin type of problem as it only happens with some of my 
data files, but I can not tell any difference between them.  Thinking
that my program might have become corrupted, I downloaded a whole new
copy from the library, but the same problem happens. 

          (D.KOPLEN [Texas Red], CAT9, TOP7, MSG:105/M530)

<<<<<   An illegal quantity error in BASIC means that you've tried to do 
"""""   something with numbers, and BASIC can't figure out what it was.  :)

   > TM$ = RIGHT$ (AA$(J), LEN (AA$(J)) -15)

In this particular case, there are three possibilites:

 1)  J is a negative number
     This is particularly unlikely because it looks like a loop to me.

 2)  More likely:  J is too big.
     Near the beginning of the program, there should be a line which
     contains the command "DIM AA$(XX)", where XX is the maximum number
     for which the variable AA$ is defined.  If J in line 810 is larger
     than XX, an error will occur.

 3)  Also likely:  AA$ is too short.
     The RIGHT$(BB$,XX) command tells BASIC that you want the rightmost
     XX characters of the string BB$.    In your case, the string is
     AA$(J), and the number of characters is 15 less than the length of
     the string (from the command LEN(AA$(J))-15).  If this quantity is
     negative, an error will occur.

         (A2PRO.HELP [Sloanie], CAT9, TOP7, MSG:106/M530)

>>>>>   Based on what Sloanie said, I have a couple suggestions for you to 
"""""   try.  Load in a database that you know crashes the TT program. 
When you get an error, do the following (this assumes that you are dumped
into BASIC, and should see a ']' prompt, which normally happens after
the error type you mentioned.):

   1. Type the following and report the response here:

      PRINT J

   2. Type the following and report the response here:

      PRINT AA$(J)

   3. Type the following and report the response here:

      PRINT LEN(AA$(J))

    (This is in case there are leading or trailing spaces in AA$(J))

   4. List out the program and find the DIM AA$(XX) statement, and list 
      that here as well.  You will normally find it in the first few lines 
      of the code, but it may be in a subroutine near the end, which will 
      be called in the first few lines by a GOSUB XXXX.  If it isn't right 
      in front, look for the GOSUB and go to the line it mentions and look 
      for the DIM statement there.

   5. What might also be useful is if you list a sample record.  I am sure
      many of us are unfamiliar with the type of data stored in a TT file. 
      A single record would suffice, not the entire database. :)

      The previous information, if provided, should serve to nail down the
cause of the problem, and allow some of the experts to hazard a guess at
a fix.  It may be a bug in the program itself, or possibly you are trying
to enter some incompatible data in your database.

Tim 'The Joat' Tobin, Lost Classics & R C Font Clearinghouse

                (A2.TIM, CAT9, TOP7, MSG:107/M530)

<<<<<   More specifically, AA$(J) is too short.  This seems most likely to 
"""""   me.  When it crashes, do the tests that everyone told you to do, but 
pay particular attention to the results of "PRINT AA$(J)" and "PRINT
LEN(AA$(J))".  If that last one is less than 15 characters, the problem
is that the string AA$(J) is shorter than 15 characters.

      Applesoft considers it an error to try to take the rightmost 15
characters of a string less than 15 characters long.


               (M.DEATHERAGE, CAT9, TOP7, MSG:108/M530)

>>>>>   My vote is than AA$(J) is too short.  Substitute these lines to 
"""""   eliminate the too short problem.  Adjust the line numbers as 

   1000  LE = LEN (AA$(J)) - 15

   1005  IF LE < 1 THE LE = 1 : REM Or whatever number you desire

   1010  TM$ = RIGHT$ (AA$(J), LE)

Hope this helps.

          (B.LUMPKIN [>>Barry B<<], CAT9, TOP7, MSG:109/M530)

<<<<<   Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but I have been 
"""""   off the board trying to get ready for a trip.  Here is what 
happened when I did what you said..... (all responses were followed by a
CR and LF_

   > 1. Type the following and report the response here:

     PRINT J responded with 42

   > 2. Type the following and report the response here:

     PRINT AA$(J) responded with W

   > 3. Type the following and report the response here:

     PRINT LEN(AA$(J)) responded with 1

   > 4. List out the program and find the DIM AA$(XX) statement, and list
   > that here as well.

I have finally found the "DIM" statement in line 390 out of 4270 lines

     DIM E$(150,8) DIM AA$(150): DIM N$(150):DIM R$(150)

   > 5. What might also be useful is if you list a sample record.  

     M236 1750*1803*MCDARMENT\VA/Spotsylvania Co., VA

          (D.KOPLEN [Texas Red], CAT9, TOP7, MSG:111/M530)

>>>>>   Here's your problem right here:

   > DIM E$(150,8) DIM AA$(150): DIM N$(150):DIM R$(150)
      There should be a colon (:) where the ^ is pointing.  The lack of 
that colon is confusing Applesoft.  It processes all the parameters it
needs for E$, and looks for either a comma or a colon.  First thing it
finds is the colon, which is after the AA$. :)

      You can DIM more than one variable in the same DIM statement by 
seperating them with a comma, such as DIM E$(150,8), AA$(159), etc...

                (JUST.DAVE, CAT9, TOP7, MSG:112/M530)

<<<<<   I might also mention that the string AA$(J) is too short.  To take 
"""""   the rightmost 15 characters of a string, it's gotta be at least 15 
characters long.  Well, in your example, AA$(J) is 1 character long.  :)

      This is your most serious problem, and possibly indicates corrupt 
data.  OTOH, the work-around which was posted a few messages ago should

         (A2PRO.HELP [Sloanie], CAT9, TOP7, MSG:113/M530)

SETTING 640 TEXT COLORS   How do you set the background text color to a 640 
"""""""""""""""""""""""   mode dithered color?

Mike Westerfield

                  (BYTEWORKS, CAT15, TOP4, MSG:113/M530)

<<<<<   Set bit 2 in the Font Flags word:  SetFontFlags (4) and then      
"""""   set the background color to a dithered value.  :)

      That is, use SetBackColor($EEEE) or something.  (See page 16-226 in

           (A2PRO.HELP [Sloanie], CAT15, TOP4, MSG:114/M530)

EXTENDED CONTROLS?   How does one determine if a control is extended? I 
""""""""""""""""""   haven't seen it documented, but it seems to be 
indicated by the hi bit of the ctlProc.

                (JAY.KRELL, CAT15, TOP16, MSG:73/M530)

<<<<<   As Tony said, many of the extended controls are defined by the 
"""""   system as resources, and have the $07FFxxxx format.  This is 
because system resources have IDs of $07FFxxxx. :)  The ones with the
high bit set are the ones which aren't defined in resources.  (Setting
the high bit of a resource ID is illegal, so these can't be resource IDs
:) Also, this value can be a pointer to a custom definition routine.  I'd
take a look at TBR III, page 28-89 and 28- 90.  The non-extended controls
have values listed on 28-89, and the extended controls have values
listed on 28-90.  Anything with the $07FFxxxx would also be extended
(such as thermometer & rectangle) and anything else is probably a
pointer to a custom routine, I'd guess :)

      In conclusion, I'd recommend just calling GetCtlID on a control 
handle and if it returns an error, then it's not extended. :)  (Only
extended controls have IDs :) (the error is $1007,
notExtendedCtlError...see page 28-28 in TBR III to learn more about
GetCtlID :)

         (T.BUCHHEIM [] Tim 'pi' [], CAT15, TOP16, MSG:75/M530)

>>>>>   Okay, my final post on this issue:  (Hey, I heard that sigh of 
"""""   relief!:)

      Jay said "How does one determine if a control is extended? I 
haven't seen it documented..."   Jay, it is documented in TBR III page
28-28, GetCtlID ($2A10):

"If the specified control is not an extended control, the resulting ID is
undefined, and an error is returned." The error is $1007,

      There.  That's what you wanted to know, and sorry for all this stuff 
about resource IDs and all that. :)  BTW, there might be a better way to
do this,  but not that I know of :)

         (T.BUCHHEIM [] Tim 'pi' [], CAT15, TOP16, MSG:79/M530)

<<<<<   What the _GetCtlID actually does is check the procRef field as you 
"""""   originally said, and if it has the high bit set, it is extended.

      This works with custom extended controls as well, as the Control 
Manager sets the high bit when you create it, and ANDs it off whenever it
needs to use the field procRef.

          (RICHARD.B [Richard], CAT15, TOP16, MSG:80/M530)

ORCA/M TO MPW IIGS   I intend to read the AsmIIGS manual, but does anyone 
""""""""""""""""""   have any tips for moving from ORCA/M to MPW IIGS? And 
from ORCA to MPW?

      BTW, the install script for the MPW IIGS Tools 1.3 uses a full 
pathname and fails when appending its help info.  The volume name is
"SR.71".  I wonder if those working on MPW IIGS already had the new
Powerbooks, or they just like that cool plane.

                (JAY.KRELL, CAT19, TOP15, MSG:91/M530)

>>>>>   I've uploaded a script here in A2Pro called "ORCAToMPW" that makes 
"""""   some things easier.

      The script is specifically tailored to my coding style, but you could
easily modify it to yours.  It is also based on the assumption that
SmartMacors were used in ORCA and are also being used in MPW IIGS.

      A scaled back version of the ORCA SmartMacros should also be here in 
A2Pro for MPW IIGS.

      Also, I keep meaning to upload some of my other scripts that I've 
enhanced (for example, MarkIt and SourceMenu) as well as my
UserStartUp*Bryan Zak script so people can get other ideas for
customizing their MPW IIGS setups.

         (SOFTDISK.INC [Bryan Zak], CAT19, TOP15, MSG:92/M530)

APPLESOFT REFERENCE BOOKS   Can you recommend a good reference book for 
"""""""""""""""""""""""""   Applesoft Basic for the IIGS with GS/OS 6.0.1?? 
I have a copy of "A bit of Applesoft Basic" by Critchfield and Dwyer but
this does not reflect the changes for the IIGS.  I'm particularly
interested in the easiest method to edit basic programs.  I thought one
could convert to a word processor (AppleWorks GS), edit and convert back
but it does seem to be very easy.  I can convert to a text file OK.  The
problem is to convert back to the basic format.  Apparently the EXEC
command is no longer available on system 6.  Your comments would be

 John W. Butler

              (J.BUTLER7, CAT9, TOP7, MSG:114/M530)

<<<<<   There are a number of good Applesoft Basic reference books 
"""""   including Apple's _Applesoft BASIC Programmer's Reference Manual_ 
and _Handbook of Applesoft BASIC for the Apple II and IIe_ by Roy Myers
and David Schneider.

      AppleSoft BASIC is built into the computer's ROM and does not 
_require_ any operating system.  It's there in the IIe, IIc, and the GS.

Anything that AppleSoft BASIC will do in a IIe, it will do in a GS.

      The easiest method to edit basic program, IMHO, is to get a copy of 
Alan Bird's _Program Writer_.  It operates under ProDOS.

      To EXEC a text file, you must first be in BASIC.  From the Finder, 
double click on the BASIC.SYSTEM file.  That will get you to BASIC.  Then
you navigate to the folder where the file to be EXEC'ed is located and
type -FILE (where FILE is the name of the file to be EXEC'ed).


             (C.HARTLEY3, CAT9, TOP7, MSG:115/M530)

>>>>>   John, what Charlie said.  Get Program Writer (it's a commercial 
"""""   Applesoft editor).  This is not really optional if you are doing 
any  kind of serious Applesoft programming. It is extremely similar to
Appleworks in usage and a real pleasure to use.

      To rephrase what Charlie said about the GS: Applesoft was designed 
for the Apple II+ and has never been significantly revised.  There is very
little that you can do with Applesoft on a GS that can't be done just as
easily on that II+.  You are restricted to about 35K or thereabouts of
free RAM, for example.

Pretty much ANY book on Applesoft will do just fine, for these reasons.


              (T.ZUCHOWSKI, CAT9, TOP7, MSG:116/M530)

<<<<<   The only _major_ change I can think of for Applesoft in its 
"""""   lifetime  is that versions on the IIc, _enhanced_ IIe, and IIgs 
will recognize commands in lower case.  (Versions for the original II Plus
and unenhanced IIe insisted on UPPER CASE commands only.)

      The "differences" referred to for Applesoft on the IIe, IIgs, etc., 
are usually misinterpretations of access to low-level machine features,
like enabling Super High Resolution graphics on the IIgs.  There is no
actual "support" for this built into Applesoft; the standard PEEK, POKE,
CALL, etc., commands are used to access low-level functions usually
documented in the hardware and firmware manuals for the specific

      In some cases, access requires writing routines in machine language 
(that is, you actually _leave_ Applesoft to execute a separate set of
instructions that do something Applesoft can't do).  If you're interested
in learning about this, one book that may still be around is _Machine
Language for Applesoft Programmers_.  (This involves starting another
learning curve, but if you want to write Apple II programs it's a very
valuable one. :)

      If you want to write software specifically using features of the 
Apple IIgs, you'll be better off investing some time in getting the full
IIgs documentation and a "native" IIgs compiler (one that generates
programs specifically designed to run under GS/OS).  It's a fair amount
of money and an investment of time to learn, but trying to access
anything but simple IIgs features through Applesoft will run you into a
dead end fairly quickly.  (There are probably some "tutorial" files on
IIgs programming in the A2Pro software library if you want to see what's
involved before jumping in.)

          (POWERPC.PRO [Dennis], CAT9, TOP7, MSG:117/M530)

MIDI DRIVERS   Couldn't decide on a good Category/Topic for this one...

      I recently had difficulties with a program loading in data from my 
hard drive...  I hadn't had these problems before and then suddenly,
there they were.  I was getting some really weird errors, even with a
Shift boot; BUT, when I booted from another partition, the errors did
not occur!  So I thought, "Well, the drivers are still being loaded,
I'll look at those..." It turns out that I had recently installed the
Apple.Midi driver when I wanted to take a look at Midi.Surgeon (and
erroneiously thought that the driver would be needed (: ).  As soon as I
removed that driver from my Drivers folder, the errors cleared up!  Does
the Apple.Midi driver have any known bugs or conflicts with other
drivers (like the RamFAST)?  How about when the driver isn't needed (I
don't have MIDI...)?


                (R.ADAMS48, CAT1, TOP21, MSG:33/M530)

>>>>>   All drivers are not the same.  GS/OS drivers are loaded and 
"""""   executed at boot time, but MIDI drivers are not.  See File Type 
Note $BB for more details.

      The only way it could be affecting things is if a) someone was using 
the MIDI Tools or MIDI Synth, or b) if someone was depending on a given
driver being in a certain place in the directory, which is extremely
unlikely.  I think you'll find a Finder Extension that starts up MIDI
Synth or something to be the culprit.


                           >>> HOT TOPICS <<<

RESOURCE EDITORS   I asked this question in Cat 16, but it might be better 
""""""""""""""""   to ask here.  I'm starting to learn toolbox programming 
and will want to use resources at some point in the near future.  That
means I'd like to use an editor/ creator that is more visual than Rez. 
As far as I can tell, my choices are:

     - Genesys (not listed in the Resource Central price list I have)

     - Foundation

     - Design Master

      Is there a comparison of these that I could read, or can some people
give me their opinions of the above?  Am I missing any in my list?  Is
Genesys (which I've seen in the credits of a few programs) still


         (M.POTTER [AppleNET Pro], CAT10, TOP26, MSG:39/M530)

>>>>>   Design Master is not primarily a resource editor...in fact, 
"""""   although it can create some resources (not many, mostly just 
windows and menus) it can't edit existing ones...Genesys and Foundation
are true resource editors.  I don't own either, but I've heard that
Genesys is a bit out of date and doesn't handle some of the newer
resources, but Foundation doesn't have editors for all the resource
types, either.  You might want to start by looking at ResLin, a freeware
resource editor here in the A2PRO library.  It doesn't have editors for
many resource types yet, but more modules are being written...the format
is documented, so you could even write modules to edit the resources you
need, if you wanted to do so :)

         (T.BUCHHEIM [] Tim 'pi' [], CAT10, TOP26, MSG:40/M530)

<<<<<   Genesys is by far the best visual resource editor.  It's a little 
"""""   bit out of date, but to get around that I layout stuff in Genesys 
then generate Rez source code which I tweak to play with System 6.0
features and what not.  Unfortunately, I don't know where Genesys is
available from.  Maybe you can pick up a copy used here in A2Pro.

              (PROCYON.INC, CAT10, TOP26, MSG:41/M530)

>>>>>   There are two options you didn't list; LLRE (Low-Level Resource 
"""""   Editor) and ResLin.  Both are available in the A2Pro library.  :)  
LLRE allows you to edit resources at a byte level; ResLin provides a few
editors but lacks the byte- level capacity.

      Though I don't own it, from what I've heard, Foundation is the 
superior product of the bunch.

         (A2PRO.HELP [Sloanie], CAT10, TOP26, MSG:42/M530)

<<<<<   You might also keep in mind that you don't want a resource editor.  
"""""   A true resource editor will do the job, but when you're creating 
original programs, what you really want is something to lay out the
visual aspects of your program.  A resource editor isn't really designed
for that.

      Let me give you just one firm example to explain the difference.  
Let's say you want to change the name of a menu in an existing desktop
application.  A program like DesignMaster can't do it at all, and Rez/
DeRez is clumsy at it.  Something like Genesis does a fine job.

      Now let's assume you're laying out a dialog for a program you are 
writing.  Woops.  Dialogs aren't resources -- so Rez and Genesis won't
work.  Design Master, though, is not a resource editor; it's a
programmer's CAD tool.  It will lay out a dialog very nicely, but will
refuse to put it in a resource fork, since there is no dialog for
resources.  It will, however, create assembly, Pascal or C source to
create a dialog.

Mike Westerfield

                  (BYTEWORKS, CAT10, TOP26, MSG:43/M530)

>>>>>   > Though I don't own it, from what I've heard, Foundation is the
"""""   > superior product of the bunch.

I guess it depends on your definition of superior.

      As far as I know, Foundation includes a low level hex editor, a 
couple of neat management utilities (parent/child dependency checking
etc.)  which you'd hardly use, and a scripting language to write your
own editors.

      Please correct me if I'm wrong, but apart from the management 
utilities, what does it have for the programmers to use immediately that
LLRE doesn't?

      It seems Foundation appeared in a flurry of excitement, but no one 
seemed to want mention it's failings.  I guess it had the makings of a
successor to Genesys, but personally I'd be real annoyed (putting it
mildly) if I'd bought it found out what it could(n't) do!

      Perhaps Jim could enlighten us a little as to why it never progressed 
passed a basic shell.

          (RICHARD.B [Richard], CAT10, TOP26, MSG:44/M530)

<<<<<   That's neat management utilties which _you'd_ hardly use, Richard.  
"""""   Other people find them quite valuable.  For example, if you're 
trying to copy a menu from one file to another, copying the menu resource
also copies all the strings that it requires.  That's a time saver for
people who share code and resources.

      ScriptEdit allows you to create custom templates for resource types, 
in a more visually powerful way than ResEdit does.

      And Foundation comes with some simple editors for native types, such 
as strings -- and the source code so you can write your own editors.

      What it lacks is native editors for the visual elements of the 
interface -- things that LLRE will _never_ have.  Comparing Foundation to
LLRE is like comparing Nifty List to the monitor.


               (M.DEATHERAGE, CAT10, TOP26, MSG:45/M530)

                        >>> MESSAGE SPOTLIGHT <<<

      Okay, so you have HyperCard IIGS, you have the  Script Language 
Guide, is there anything else?

Of course.  :-)

      If you want information on the stuff added to HyperCard IIGS v1.1 
(the version in the A2Pro library), you'll also need to get the HyperCard
IIGS Developers Kit Version 1.1.  The kit is a two-disk set available
from Resource Central for something like $15.  It includes ERS and
release notes for HCGS 1.1 and things like the Media Control Stack.  It
also comes with detailed XCMD and callback documentation and a _bunch_
of sample XCMDs.

      If you want to take advantage of HCGS 1.1 features or if you want to
write XCMDs, you need this kit.  Actually, you might want it
regardless...I think there are a couple errors in the Script Language
Guide that were corrected in the release notes on this disk...

          (A2PRO.GELAMP [Nate], CAT18, TOP3, MSG:1/M530)


    While on GEnie,  do  you spend most of your time  downloading files?
If so, you may be missing out some excellent information in the Bulletin
Board  area.   The messages  listed above  only scratch  the surface  of
what's available and waiting for you in the bulletin board area.

    If you are serious about your Apple II, the GEnieLamp staff strongly
urge  you to  give the  bulletin  board area a try.  There are literally
thousands of messages posted from people like you from all over the world.

              DEVELOPER'S CORNER /
News From The A2Pro Online Developers
By Nate C. Trost

                      >>> ONLINE SUPPORT IN A2PRO <<<

     ===  ===  =======
           2   DYA/DigiSoft Innovations Online
           8   Simplexity Software Online
          14   Quality Computers Q-LABS Online
          20   DreamWorld Software Online
          26   METAL/FV Software Online
          32   Kitchen Sink Software Online
          38   EdIt-16 (Bill Tudor)

     30        PROCYON, INC.
     33        GS+ MAGAZINE
     34        JEM SOFTWARE
     35        PRODEV, INC.
     36        THE BYTE WORKS

     Each month this column feature highlights and news from various
developers who provide support via A2Pro.

                        >>> NEWS FROM DIGISOFT <<<

>>>>>   And, we're STILL still alive :)

      Even though nobody has written any T2 modules, I'd still like to 
emphasize that it is very simple to write a simple T2 module without
setup.  Setup is a bit harder, but with our sample source it should not
be too difficult And if you get stuck, you can post right here!  C'mon!


NOTE our new email address.  Mail sent to DYA should also arrive okay, 

          (DIGISOFT [Jim - T2!], CAT29, TOP3, MSG:15/M530)

<<<<<   Well I wrote 2 modules for GS+ Magazine... so source code is 
"""""   definately plentiful.  One module was in C, the other Pascal, so 
everyone would be happy. :-)

             (JWANKERL [Joe], CAT29, TOP3, MSG:16/M530)

>>>>>   Ahh, yeah.  I had almost forgotten about the T2 Module Writing 
"""""   article in GS+!!!  Oops.  I'll start recommending it again :-) (the 
back issue, as well as the magazine)


          (DIGISOFT [Jim - T2!], CAT29, TOP3, MSG:17/M530)

                      >>> NEWS FROM PROCYON INC. <<<

REZ LANGUAGE TYPE   What is the language type using chtyp to change a 
"""""""""""""""""   source file to Rez?   I'm assuming that I can compile 
Rez files under GNO as well as Orca C.  Am I correct?

Have you had a chance to send "Sum" up here yet?



          (M.POTTER4 [AppleNET Pro], CAT30, TOP2, MSG:85/M530)

<<<<<   "rez" :)

   >I'm assuming that I can compile Rez files under GNO as well as Orca C.
   >Am I correct?

Indeed you are :)

   >Have you had a chance to send "Sum" up here yet?

Just uploaded it a few minutes ago.


               (PROCYON.INC, CAT30, TOP2, MSG:86/M530)

GNO PRINTERS AND THE ORCA EDITOR   I have a couple of questions on printing 
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   from GNO to an ImageWriter II.  Also,
I have a question on missing input from the keyboard.

      If I use >.ttyb to redirect output, no form feed is issued at the end 
of a page and unless the paper is perfectly lined up printing on the
perforations occurs.  Also, the left margin is too small.  I looked at
the termcap file for the imagewriter and the codes looked ok, but
changes I made to the termcap file had no effect.  It's as if ttyb
doesn't know about the imagewriter termcap file.

   Question 1: How do I redirect output to an imagewriter?

      If I use lpr to print to the imagewriter, the perforation problem 
disappears.  However, the left margin is smaller than I like and a default
header is added to the printout.  There is no manpage for lpr that I
could find.  The options look like they might help ( -h ); however, they
don't seem to work.

   Question 2: How do I use the options in lpr to control a
               header, footer and left margin?

      I started to type this note with the ORCA editor run from the GNO 
shell.  However, I found that too many keystrokes were missed as I typed. 
Going back and adding the missing keystrokes was so unproductive that I
switched to the ORCA editor run from the ORCA shell.  No more missing
keystokes with this approach.  I had not added any background processing
when I was using GNO.

   Question 3: Is there a problem with multi-tasking causing missed
               keystrokes or is their something wrong with my GNO

      When I quit the ORCA editor and return to the GNO shell, I frequently 
get a series of shell prompts some of which have strange commands.
(Probably the missing keystrokes).  What is really un-productive is when
the last command is to go to the ORCA editor.  This causes a never
ending cycle of quit editor, goto editor, quit editor that can only be
broken by a properly timed escape, a few swear words and other
keystrokes until the shell deceides to stop returning to the editor.

   Question 4: Is there any way to eliminate the unasked for prompts
               and the occasional cycle to the editor?

      If the problem is an incompatibility between the ORCA editor and GNO 
can you recommend an editor that is compatible?

Joe Norman

               (S.NORMAN1, CAT30, TOP2, MSG:91/M530)

<<<<<   You have to change the aux type of the editor file to warn GNO that 
"""""   the ORCA editor "breaks" GNO's rules for keyboard reading.  I 
changed it and use the editor all the time with no problems.

The command is: chtyp -a \$DC00 filename

      Use "edit" as the filename (while in the correct directory) and you
shouldn't have any more problems.

          (M.POTTER4 [AppleNET Pro], CAT30, TOP2, MSG:94/M530)

>>>>>   .ttyb is a "raw" device; that is, it does no processing on the data 
"""""   you send to it.  This also means it doesn't do anything with the 
termcap file.

      As far as lpr options go, give me a day or so to work on that and 
I'll spiffy it right up :-)

      Page 50 in the GNO/Shell manuals explains how to fix all the problems 
you were having with the editor.


               (PROCYON.INC, CAT30, TOP2, MSG:100/M530)

                     >>> NEWS FROM GS+ MAGAZINE <<<

POSTSCRIPT FONTS AND LASERWRITERS   I have an early LaserWriter and a ROM 1 
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   IIGS.  I would like to send PostScript 
fonts to the LaserWriter from the IIGS.  I have at least two programs that
I can use to send a font to the LaserWriter over Appletalk.  My problem
is that I do not know PostScript language and I do not know how to
prepare an IBM text type font or a Mac font that has the resource fork
removed, so that it will be in the format that the LaserWriter can use.
I would like a nice "Script" font.  Can any one help ? 


                 (T.BURFORD1, CAT33, TOP3, MSG:3/M530)

<<<<<   Well, I normally don't pre-announce stuff, but...

      I figured out how.  I've been downloading PostScript type 1 fonts to 
our LaserWriter IINT today like crazy testing the thing.  (In the
process, I had to write a complete read-only macintosh resource manager.
:-)  There are a couple of rough areas to iron out still, but I expect
the program to be in the next one or two issues.  (Hopefully I'll get it
in the very next one.)

               (JWANKERL [Joe], CAT33, TOP3, MSG:18/M530)

SHELL VERSION OF MIDI SURGEON   Here's something interesting for those who 
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   receive the Jan/Feb issue of GS+.

      I've uploaded some C source code to turn MIDI Surgeon from a desktop 
program into a non-interactive shell program.  This is the early form of
the program that only does MIDI translation of a single file.  The
interface is midi2gs file.mid file.seq where file.mid is the existing
MIDI file and file.seq is the resulting MIDI Synth sequence file.  When
done, you need to change the file type of the sequence file to $D5, aux
type 1 for it to be recognized by MIDI Surgeon or synthLAB, and you have
to use one of those programs to assign instruments.

"What's the benefit with that?" you may well ask! I can think of a couple:

      You might have a whole batch of MIDI files you want to translate. 
You  can set up a script to do the translations in batch while you do
something else.  When they're done, you can use MIDI Surgeon to fine tune
the instruments.

      If you have access to a UNIX workstation, you can compile midi2gs and 
do the initial translations there.  This has worked out quite nicely for
me on my HP 9000/700 at work, where I have access to the Internet.  After
translation I run them through the UNIX version of synthfile:

      synthfile -v *.seq | grep -v Note_o > list 
to get a listing of all the MIDI controls that are embedded and are
candidates for removal.

      Anyway...try it out if you get the GS+ magazine and disk. 
Instructions are included on which files are used for compiling under

 -- Dave Tribby

P.S. It's file # 3875 in the A2 Pro library

               (D.TRIBBY [Dave], CAT33, TOP3, MSG:8/M530)

MISCLIB AND ~TOOLERROR   The routines don't set the ~ToolError variable if 
""""""""""""""""""""""   a toolbox error occurs, do they?  I'd like to see 


                (R.ADAMS48, CAT33, TOP7, MSG:25/M530)

<<<<<   No, no ~ToolError variable is set.  The reason is because MiscLib 
"""""   doesn't know what environment you're calling it from.  C?  Pascal? 
Modula-2?  (There'll be a Mod-2 interface file for the next misclib.)
Assembly?  I'll see if I can improve on this, though.

      The mac resource reading routines I mentioned in the Wishing Well 
topic are going to be in misclib - I followed Inside MacIntosh fairly
closely in designing the routines, and the way you find out if an error
occurred is to call mlResError which returns the last error that
occurred.  Perhaps that can be put in to misclib globally somehow.

               (JWANKERL [Joe], CAT33, TOP7, MSG:26/M530)

>>>>>   > The reason is because MiscLib doesn't know what environment 
"""""   > you're calling it from.  C?  Pascal? Modula-2?

      Joe, they all use ~TOOLERROR and if assembly stuff, you can just tell 
the programmer to do this:

               DS 2

That way assembly programmers don't have any problems when linking...


         (SOFTDISK.INC [Bryan Zak], CAT33, TOP7, MSG:27/M530)

<<<<<   Actually, you don't have to define ~TOOLERROR in assembly, either.  
"""""   The linker will pull the proper segment into the program for any 
assembly program that references ~TOOLERROR.  If you save tool errors in
~TOOLERROR, it will work with any ORCA language.

Mike Westerfield

                  (BYTEWORKS, CAT33, TOP7, MSG:28/M530)

                      >>> NEWS FROM PRODEV, INC. <<<

MORE DDT Q&A   I tried booting into Prodos 8 as you suggested, but without 
""""""""""""   any luck.  Just to provide a baseline, I tried tracing my 
little program without any T range in the PW window.  Prodev traced okay,
going into the Monitor Home subroutine as was to be expected.  It did
this regardless of whether I had I = 0 or I = 1.

      I then entered T00.0304.0306 into the PW window (still in Prodos 8, 
of course).  ProDev traced okay up to the JSR to the Home subroutine.  The
next instruction displayed was "00/01DD:00  BRK".  I had I = 0 on at the

      Still in Prodos 8, and with the T range intered in the PW, but with 
I = 1 this time, I tried again.  Got the same result, except the BRK
looked like this "00/01D9:00  BRK".

      Incidentally, I have an intermittent problem with the QUit command 
when I want to get out of ProDev.  Sometimes it takes me back to the
Monitor, but much more frequently it simply leaves me in ProDev with
another display of the last instruction previously displayed added to
the screen.  When this happens I can't get out of ProDev no matter how
many times I repeat QU (or QUit).  I just get another display of the
latest instruction added for each try.  Usually I'm trying to quit from
the T: command.  I've tried entering PC=300 and then from simple :
cursor entering QU; same unhappy result.

      Chuck, I guess we could go on this way for some time.  To short 
circuit this, I'm mailing you a zerox copy of the original program from
Roger Wagner's book and a 3.5 disk with his unaltered program on it
(Loop.Demo.4) plus the program as I altered it (Loop.Demo.4X) by addding
3 do-nothing instructions at the very beginning.  I did this, you may
recall, to avoid having the first instruction be the JSR to the Home
subroutine (which would also be the start of my T range).

      Could I impose upon you to try tracing this little program through 
ProDev? I'd really appreciate it and it might save us a lot of time.  Then
you could tell me (in detail) exactly how you did it and I could try to
repeat the process.

      If I don't succeed, following your detailed steps, well who knows, 
maybe I have gotten hold of a defective ProDev board.  It could happen.

      Incidentally, no need to return my disk; and you can reply either on 
GEnie or by mail at your option.  In the latter case, I'd be happy to pay
the postage.

                (R.HOYER1, CAT35, TOP2, MSG:23/M530)

<<<<<   I received your question in the mail the other day.  I thought I 
"""""   would post the question and answer here for the benefit of other 
DDT users who may be having similiar problems.  { Note! I have had trouble
getting on Genie lately, I was getting busy signals?}

   Question -

      How do you trace your code without tracing through all the 
monitor routines your code may call?

(ProDev - A similar problem is how to avoid getting yanked away from 
the code you are trying to trace by a system interrupt.)

   Answer -

      You have several ways to avoid tracing sections of your code, be it 
monitor routines or areas of your own program that are already  debugged.

      Use the "RT" command - The "RT" (Real Time) command can be used when 
you are at a "JSR" instruction.  The program will run at full speed until
it reaches the instruction following the JSR.  Just type "RT <cr>" at the
DDT prompt to use this command.

      Use the "ER" command - The "ER" (Execute to RTS) command will take 
you to the next RTS in your code.  Your code is not run at full speed but
it does go much faster than tracing.

      Set a Trace range in the Protection Window - This method is sort of 
like an automatic "RT" mode.  To set a Trace range type "PW <cr>" at the
DDT prompt.  This will put the cursor in the Protection Window.  Go to a
free line and type "T 00/F000.FFF0".  Press "esc" to return to the DDT
prompt.  This example would run all code between address $F000 and $FFF0
at full speed.  Once the Trace range is set use "TR" or "ST" to trace or
step through your code.  Now use "TR" or "ST" to trace or step through
your program.  Any subroutines inside the trace range will be run at full
 speed.  When you trace a JSR $FDED you will go to the first instruction
at $FDED just like a normal trace operation.  Now when you press "return"
instead of tracing the next instruction the DDT will start the code
running at full speed until it returns to the instruction that follows
the JSR $FDED.

      This is how it normally should work.  However in the process of 
testing the various methods of doing this I discovered a possible bug in
the DDT software that involves masking system interrupts.  It seems some
of the IIGS monitor routines enable interrupts even if GSOS is not
booted.  They also seem to overide the I=1 flag setting of the DDT.  If
you find yourself suddenly at location $C074 you have just been
interrupted.  Try setting I=1 again in the DDT and put the program
counter back where it should be with the PC= command.  Not all of the
monitor routines enable interrupts so you may not encounter a problem.

P.S. An important note on the "T" range in the Protection Window -- The
address you put in the "T" range is the address you are doing a JSR to.
For example if you want to run the monitor routines at full speed you
would put T 00/F000.FF00 in the protection window.

I hope this helps.


             (PRODEV [Chuck], CAT35, TOP2, MSG:24-25/M530)

                     >>> NEWS FROM THE BYTE WORKS <<<

NEW FEATURE IDEAS WANTED   Well, I'm still waiting on a new hard drive.  
""""""""""""""""""""""""   The promised version won't be delivered.  The 
company was backordered, and just heard from their supplier -- Apple
bought all of the available drives for new Macs.  :} ANyway, a different
one is due in next week.  Once it's here, I'll have more disk space to
streatch out, and will start working on updates.

So why should you care?  Just this:

      I'd like to hear from all of you about your favorite pet features 
you'd like to see in the next release of the ORCA software.  These should
be small changes, not major new software releases.  In short, things
like Pascal returning strings, or labels in the editor, not C++ or
BASIC.  So what would you like to see?

Mike Westerfield

                  (BYTEWORKS, CAT36, TOP3, MSG:76/M530)

ORCA/C Q&A What do we need to do to get the latest version of ORCA/C?

We have 2.0.0 (the rVersion says 2.0b1).  Can we get it electronically?

          (SOFTDISK.INC [Bryan Zak], CAT36, TOP11, MSG:124/M530)

>>>>>   On the ORCA/C disks there are a bunch of header files in the 
"""""   Apple.SEA, all of them have a date of 1 Jan 93.  Which header 
files should be used?  I know Mike said that the ORCA header files were
optimized.  Also, would all of the header files have to be re-compiled?

  Ken "KAZ" Kazinski

               (K.KAZINSKI, CAT36, TOP11, MSG:125/M530)

<<<<<   Bryan:  The rVersion was a goof.  It's 2.0.  You can update for $7, 
"""""   which includes shipping in the US.  You can order electronically, 
but you can't get the update electronically.  Once you have the update,
you can ask for access to the private ORCA libraries, which gives you
electronic access to intermediate releases of the software.

      Kaz, we give you our interfaces and Apple's.  Apple's interfaces 
are there for reference and to help port old code written with APW C or
very early versions of ORCA/C.  They should not be used for new

      Our interfaces are not optimized.  There's really no such thing as 
optimizing an interface.  Our interfaces are prototyped, though, taking
advantage of ANSI C's ability to do some of the type checking available
in high-level languages.  Apple's interfaces were designed for APW C,
which is a K&R C.  It doesn't support prototyping, so Apple's interfaces
are not prototyped.

      Finally, in ORCA/C, headers are not compiled.  That's true in most 
Cs.  ORCA/C does produce "precompiled header files" in the form of .sym
files, but these are created when you compile your program, not when you
install the headers.  The short answer, then, is no:  You don't have to
recompile the headers.

Mike Westerfield

                  (BYTEWORKS, CAT36, TOP11, MSG:126/M530)

HYPERLOGO CONTEST   I'd like to propose a challenge to anyone who is 
"""""""""""""""""   currently using 3D Logo or HyperLogo.  In an attempt to 
"kick off" HyperLogo in Studio City I'm willing to offer a prize to the
best HyperStuio stack that utilizes HyperLogo and explains how it was
done.  Alternately, if you have a cool 3D Logo program that can be moved
to a HyperStudio stack I'd liek to see those as well.

      Mike... Would you go for such a proposal and perhaps sweeten the pot 
in terms of a prize for such a competition? Does anyone else have any
ideas that would help HyperStudio users and Studio City subscribers get
a sampling of HyperLogo?

Cheers... Bill Lynn, Managing Editor, Studio City

         (BILL.LYNN [Switched On], CAT36, TOP32, MSG:101/M530)

                     CAMPUS GREEN /
New A2U Course Begins
Nate Trost

HYPERTALK TUTOR 101   Is a new course that has just started in A2U!
"""""""""""""""""""   This course, taught by Brendan Bellina, 
serves as an introduction to the HyperTalk scripting language that
is built into HyperCard IIGS.  If you have HyperCard IIGS and have
been wanting to do more with it, don't miss this course!  The only
cost of A2U is any online charges incurred while downloading lessons,
attending RTCs, etc.

You can sign up at any time by posting in Category 22, Topic 24 
(just say, "I want to take the HyperTalk course!").

The first two lessons are available (as HyperCard stacks) in 
the A2Pro library, they are files 3929 and 3944 respectively.

For help with the course, post in Category 22, Topic 26, which is
the official topic for the HyperTalk Tutor 101 course.

Live help is available every Thursday night at 9pm EST as Brendan
hosts a Real Time Conference in Room 3 of the A2Pro RTC.

                SPLAT! TRANSCRIPT /
Transcript from the Splat! RTC
Nate Trost

<JUST.DAVE>     OK, first off, I'd like to welcome everyone to tonight's
                conference.  The first thing I'm gonna do is give you a
                little time to read all the stuff I just typed above (or
                at least I'll type slow) :)

                Tonight's special conference guests are Jawaid Bazyar
                (publisher) and Mike Hackett (Author) of Splat!.  I'll
                let Mike explain a little:

<A2PRO.GUEST>   If you program in Orca/C or Orca/Pascal (or Modula 2) you
                need it! :-)  It's a source-level debugger for any Orca
                language (except assembler) that runs under Orca, GNO, or
                outside of these environments.

                Hmm, I think Jawaid would be better at this overview
                stuff.  But basically, it is a text-based debugger
                (similar to Orca/Debugger) with a desktop-like interface.

                It runs under GNO, which none of the Orca debuggers do,
                and it does support the new Orca 2 languages.  You can
                debug virtually any type of program with it, including
                NDAs, INITs, CDAs, FExts, and even Twilight II screen

                OK, the basics.  A source-level debugger lets you step
                through your program a line at a time, to see what's
                happening.  Previously, you would have to use GSBug,
                which works only at the machine-language level, which is
                very confusing for new comers.

                You can also view the contents of your variables and the
                displays your program generates as you step through it. 
                You can also run through sections of the program
                automatically, so you don't have to step through every
                line. If you program in the Orca or GNO text shells, the
                only difference between compiling a program normally and
                preparing it for debugging is to include a "+d" on the
                "compile" command.  You can get finer control over the
                process if needed.

<M.POTTER4>     Ok, Mike, I have Splat! and am learning to use C and
                desktop programs.  I like the way it displays my
                variables so I can see what my program is doing.  You
                mention in the docs that you're working on new features. 
                Anything in particular?

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Well, nothing yet, except for the minor update to fix the
                exit() bug.  In the future, I am planning on adding
                things like expression evaluation, mouse control, and
                two-monitor debugging, to name a few things. Expression
                evaluation means that you can put conditional breakpoints
                and watches on your code.  Two-monitor debugging is
                really nice for developing desktop programs, since you
                can view both your program's and Splat!'s display at the
                same time. This will be supported through either a Video
                Overlay Card and/or GNO external terminals.  

                Oh, if you have any suggestions, please send them to me

<JUST.DAVE>     That's if you come up with any suggestions after tonight,
                send them in EMail to M.HACKETT  :)

<M.POTTER4>     Mike, I have a few other comments about Splat! (all nice).
                I am a beginning level C programmer.  Before I bought
                Splat!, I only had a hazy idea about how my programs were
                working.  Now I can watch and learn.  The second thing is
                that the name is very popular with my computer
                programming friends, and the third is they all love your
                boot-up icon.

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Well, thanks.  I'm glad you like it.  Yes, source-level
                debugging is tremendously valuable to both beginning and
                experienced programmers.  And, BTW, the boot-up icon was
                drawn by my wife, her first foray into computer art. :)

<M.POTTER4>     I guess I'll close by saying that I have GNO and I'd be
                most interested in having the two monitor display so I
                could see my program and the variables (and code lines)
                as the program ran.  

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Yeah, I'm looking forward to that feature myself. :) 

<K.KAZINSKI>    Sorry I'm late, but what will splat do that prizm doesnt? 
                Or will it just do the same things only better?  Also
                will it include features of GSbug, such as templates? 
                What if I dont have GNO will Splat still be useful?

                Also, is there a demo version?

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Well, Splat! is text-based for one, which allows it to
                debug CDAs, etc.  Prizm only supports application
                debugging, and perhaps NDAs.  Also, I found Prizm very
                unreliable. It does support templates - in fact, it uses
                the same format as GSBug, with a few extensions, so you
                can use all of your GSBug templates right away.  However,
                if you are using an Orca 2.0 language, you shouldn't need
                templates, as these newer languages support viewing
                structures in the debugger. Splat! does not require GNO,
                it runs perfectly well under Orca, or outside of these
                environments.  It is the only debugger that DOES work
                under GNO, but it does not require it.

                And finally, no there is no demo version (yet).  I was
                just thinking about that today, but I'm not sure how to
                put together a package that's useful, without being too
                useful. ;-)

<K.KAZINSKI>    Great, thanks for the info.  Last quick quesiton, whats it

<A2PRO.GUEST>   I believe it's $39.95 from Procyon (direct mail-order
                only).  If Jawaid ever gets here, he can confirm that. In
                case he doesn't make it, the phone number for Procyon is
                (303) 781-3273. 

<JUST.DAVE>     There's also a 15% discount for those attending this
                conference tonight.

<JMICHAEL>      What does SPLAT stand for?  (My company has registered
                'SPLLAT munitions(r)'.  To us SPLLAT means Special
                Purpose Low Lethality Anti-Terrorist munitions.)  }:>

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Nothing - it's just "Splat!", the sound heard when a bug
                gets crushed. :-)

<A2PRO.GELAMP>  Can you elaborate more on the 'text environment that's
                like a desktop interface'?

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Sure.  Splat!'s display consists of a number of "windows",
                using MouseText to emulate a desktop-like display on the
                text screen.  If you've seen MouseTalk, you'll have a
                fair idea of what it's like, although I've taken it

                The 3 default windows are a Source window that fills the
                top half of the screen, and then the Variables and Output
                windows dividing the lower half.  You can also scroll
                around in these windows to see all of the contents.

                At this point, the windows are still fixed, although you
                can play with the configuration a bit if you don't need
                the Output window (it shows text only, of course).  A
                later version may add mouse support and add to the
                desktop interface.

                Many commands bring up dialogs with simple buttons and
                list boxes, and our file dialog is very much like the
                Standard File Dialog. I think you get the idea. Oops,
                forgot to mention, all commands are keyboard based, of

<K.KAZINSKI>    Does Procyon have a 1-800 number?  Will Splat! display
                arrays and pointers?  Also, is it a utility (in the
                utilities folder) or a stand-alone program.  Thanks.  

<A2PRO.GUEST>   No 800 number.  Yes, the contents of arrays and pointers
                (including the data pointed to) can be viewed in the
                Variables windows. You can also get a more detailed view
                by "expanding" the structure in a special dialog that
                allows you to see every element, and expand compound
                elements further.  Handles (or pointers to pointers) can
                also be expanded. Splat! comes in two forms: an Init and
                a shell utility.  The Init is probably preferable because
                it is always available once installed.  You just run a
                program with debug codes in it and it pops up
                automatically. The shell version can be used when memory
                is limited or you only use the program occasionally, and
                it is used just like any other shell utility. I think
                that's everything, isn't it?  

                One thing I should add is that Splat! does not work from
                within Prizm - it gets locked out.  You have to quit
                Prizm to use Splat!.

<K.KAZINSKI>    forgot what will have to do to to turn on debug from orca?

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Use "compile +d <sourcename>" (or cmpl, etc.). That will
                generate debug codes for the entire program.  To limit
                debugging to certain subroutines, you can use the
                "#pragma debug" preprocessor command in C (I forget what
                the Pascal equivalent is).  

<K.KAZINSKI>    thanks, I thought you were saying that I would need a
                different directive.  

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Nope, it's just one of the command options.  Take a look
                in the Orca manual for your language.  

<A2PRO.GELAMP>  Does Splat! have profiling?

<A2PRO.GUEST>   YES!  (short answer)

                You can view a profile of your program at any time with
                the Profile command.  

<PROCYON.INC>   Greetings!

<JUST.DAVE>     I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome Jawaid
                Bazyar, president of Procyon.  He's finally here :)

<A2PRO.GUEST>   'Bout time. :-)

<PROCYON.INC>   Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that Splat!
                is only one of a continuing series of great Apple IIGS
                software from Procyon! Did Mike mention how absolutely
                fantastically wonderful Splat! is? :)

<A2PRO.GUEST>   I've been fairly modest so far, I think. :)

<JUST.DAVE>     Yes, any of those questions you asked earlier that got
                deferred to Jawaid, now is the time to ask again :) 

<PROCYON.INC>   Questions? I _LOVE_ questions!

<M.POTTER4>     Mike, is there a way under Splat! to view memory
                locations?  I plan on using malloc() and would love to be
                able to see what was put into the location.

<A2PRO.GUEST>   If you define the pointer to that location as a certain
                type of structure, you can see what's in the structure
                with Splat!. If you allocating a block of bytes (or
                words, or whatever), Splat! will only show the first
                element.  However, you can use the pointer value
                displayed to view the memory with something like Nifty
                List (highly recommended). Better support may be added in
                the future. 

<M.POTTER4>     It would be helpfull to do a "dump" of a memory area while
                the program is running, but I guess I should look at

<A2PRO.GUEST>   I agree; perhaps in a future version.  However, Nifty List
                does memory dumps very well, and it's easy to use.  (And
                now, apparently, it's free too.)  

<M.POTTER4>     Is there a way to view variables as binary (1's and 0's)?

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Not yet.  That too is on the wish list for the future.  I
                would like to add a group of commands to let you view a
                value in binary, octal, or hexidecimal format (and I've
                already got the keys reserved for these).  Look for it in
                v1.1 (whenever that's comes out). :-)

<M.POTTER4>     Great!  I'd upgrade for that (done)

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Hey, Jawaid, before you disappear again, why don't you
                tell 'em all how to order. :-)

<K.KAZINSKI>    Just wanted to verify the price with Jawaid.   And see if
                there is a 1-800 number

<PROCYON.INC>   I think I'll do that... hm, GMTA Mike and Kaz! You can
                order Splat! by mailing a check or money order to:

                  Procyon Enterprises Inc.
                  PO Box 620334
                  Littleton, CO 80162-0334

                Normally, Splat! is $39.95, but for the attendees of this
                GEnie RTC, we are offering a special 15% discount! Which
                comes out to $34.  Also, our competitive upgrade offer is
                still valid until February 15. If you currently own
                ORCA/Debugger, you can upgrade to Splat! for only $24.95.
                Just mail us your disk along with your order, or mail a
                photocopy of the disk (if you mail the actual disk we'll
                mail it back) And, if you already own Splat!, we'll give
                you a coupon worth 15% off any Procyon product, if
                ordered directly from us. Did I leave anything out?

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Looks good to me. 

<K.KAZINSKI>    That's what Mike thought, just making sure.  What
                enhancements are you already looking at?   :)

<PROCYON.INC>   I know what I'd like to see, but maybe Mike has something
                else up his sleeve :)

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Nothing more has been done except to fix a couple of bugs
                in the first version.  I don't forsee an "enhancement"
                update coming for at least a couple of months, as I am
                working on a couple of other projects as well. But you
                never know. :-)  Let me know what you're looking for too,

<PROCYON.INC>   During those couple of months you can tell us what _you'd_
                like to see. One of Procyon's top concerns is molding
                products based on customer wishes and desires, and we
                will continue that tradition with Splat!

<A2PRO.GUEST>   Absolutely.  A number of the features included in v1.0
                were a direct result of beta-testers' suggestions.  

<JMICHAEL>      What is the current list of Procyon products?

<PROCYON.INC>   If you'd like a complete catalog, send email to
                PROCYON.INC with your address and I'll get one right out
                to you!

                But briefly: GNO/ME 2.0, Splat!, Pick'n'Pile and
                Switch-It!. With a lot more coming soon.

             TOUR OF 8/16 CENTRAL /
The Great Programmers Magazine
Chris Budewig

      A full directory of all files on each issue of 8/16 and 8/16-Central 
can be found in file #3382 (ESC.INDEX.BXY).  A condensed directory of the
contents of this issue is included below.  The code letters in
parentheses next to each item mean:

  S : Source code -- what you need to create a program
  X : Executable program -- you can run this directly!
  D : Documentation -- tells how the program works and what to do with it
  A : Article -- explains a subject and probably the source code that
      demonstrates it

            >> 8/16-Central - January, 1991 - File #3401 <<

 ..About.This.Disk    Introduction and complete catalog listing
 ..Contents           Table of Contents
 ....WhatsNew         About the latest in the world of Apple II
 ....LETTERS          Readers Write - The MLI and READ_BLOCK, Programming
                                      the Mouse (from BASIC), and
 ....AOL.SIGNUP       How to sign up for America Online
 ....GE.SIGNUP        How to sign up for GEnie
 ....AOL.TT           America Online TechTalk - Interrupts and Heartbeat
 ....GE.TT            GEnie TechTalk - Reading Lineedit and Popup Controls
 ....CharGen/         (SXA) How to 'print' characters on the hi-res screen
 ....ZBasic/          (SXA) ZBasic Zealot - A variety of string handling
                            routines: PurgeString (remove non-approved
                            characters from a string), ReplaceString,
                            BestMatchString (uses 'Fuzzy Logic' to find the
                            best match from an array of strings), ParseWord
                            (rip apart a source string into component
                            words), and WordCount
 ....HyperLab/        (A) Using HyperStudio as a development environment
 ....Hardware/        (A) Hardware Hacker - Building a Homebrew Sound
 ......AZ/            (XD) Shareware digitizing software for above
 ....GeneriPrint/     (SXA) A one-call-does-it-all routine to print the
                            current window's current TextEdit control
 ....Mr.Z/            (SX) Ever wonder how to put scrolling TEXT in the
                           border of a GS screen?  Mr. Z shows you how
 ....Mab.Anim/        (SX) Animation with shape tables in Micol Advanced
 ....NotesStack/      (S) Handy HyperCard stack to keep track of info
 ....ElMacro/         (XD) CDA keyboard macro program - GS/OS or ProDOS 8!
 ....ShapeScanner/    (SX) Applesoft program to automatically create shape
                           tables from hires pictures
 ....NDAFrame/        (SD) Merlin and ORCA source showing how to properly
                           set up and use an NDA

      Whew, lots of stuff this issue.  Ross Lambert returns in this issue 
with another installment of ZBasic Zealot to demonstrate some handy
string handling code.  These routines can be used equally well from
Micol Advanced BASIC, so the article says.  Ross also gives some
background behind the transfer of 8/16 to Resource Central.

      Ever want to do you own sound digitization, but didn't want to spend 
the bucks for one of those fancy stereo cards to do it with?  This
installment  in David Gauger's series of Hardware Hacker articles tells
you how to do it  with about $20 worth of parts from Radio Shack!

           >> 8/16-Central - February, 1991 - File #3402 <<

 ..About.This.Disk    Introduction and complete catalog listing
 ..Contents           Table of Contents
 ....WhatsNew         (A) About the latest in the world of Apple II
 ....HyperLab/        (SA) New Hyperstudio XCMD's GetText & SetText
 ....VAPORWARE        (A) Murphy Sewall's industry snapshot
 ....LETTERS          Readers Write
 ....AOL.SIGNUP       How to sign up for America Online
 ....GE.SIGNUP        How to sign up for GEnie
 ....AOL.TT           America Online TechTalk - More memory for Applesoft
 ....GE.TT            GEnie TechTalk - HyperCard IIgs & System 5.0.4
 ....BTREES/          (SXA) Using binary trees from BASIC!
 ....Menus/           (SXA) Menus Made Easy - first in a three-part series
                            on desktop windows and menus for the Apple II
 ....RESOURCES/       (SXA) Custom resource types - how to use the SysErrs
                            file that comes with ORCA (and APW)
 ....Pics.3200/       (SXA) How you can display 3200 color pictures in your
                            own programs - includes three sample 3200 color
                            pictures (Almaden, Eagle, & Plane) and a
                            program to create more from GIF pictures
 ....SSC.Driver/      (SXD) Interrupt-driven P8 Super Serial Card driver
 ....MacDown/         (XD) Convert downloaded Macintosh files for use on
                           your Apple II - extracts Mac's equivalent to
                           Binary II, unpacks PackIt compressed files, and
                           converts MacPaint files to hires screens
 ....SFMultiGet/      (SX) Demo source code for the SFMultiGet2 tool call

      This issue's Apple II section has an article on Binary Trees and how 
you can use them in your programs to make finding an item in a database
an order of magnitude faster than a sequential search.

      On the IIGS side, have you ever wondered how those guys displayed the
pictures with 3200 colors?  Derek Young shows you how in his article on
the subject which comes complete with source code and a routine to do
the job from Applesoft!  Also included is a program by Jonah Stich that
converts  GIF pictures to Apple Preferred or 3200-color pictures so that
you can  create your own high-color screens.

             LIBRARY BIT BONANZA /
HOT Files You Can Download
By Tim Buchheim

                       >>> HyperCard IIGS!!! <<<

HyperCard is copyright 1992, Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
HyperCard IIgs requires_ 1.5 MB of RAM and a single disk volume
greater than 3 MB and System 5.0.4 or later.

      Files containing the 6 HCGS disks:

File # 3904  INST.TOUR.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 440K (d/l time approx. 34 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive is a 3.5" disk image of the Installer/Tour disk, one of 
six disks required to install HyperCard IIgs from floppy.  All six disks
are _required; if you want to install from disks, you must download this
and the other five disk archives in the set with keyword "HCGSDisk".

File # 3896  HCGS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 460K (d/l time approx. 35 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive is a 3.5" disk image of the HCGS Program disk, one of 
six disks required to install HyperCard IIgs from floppy.  

File #3910  STACKS1.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 400K (d/l time approx. 31 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive is a 3.5" disk image of the first HCGS stacks disk, one 
of six disks required to install HyperCard IIgs from floppy.

File #3911  STACKS2.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by APRO.HELP
About 441K (d/l time approx. 34 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive is a 3.5" disk image of the second HCGS stacks disk, one 
of six disks required to install HyperCard IIgs from floppy.

File # 3897  HCGS.HELP.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 437K (d/l time approx. 34 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive is a 3.5" disk image of the HCGS help disk, one of six 
disks required to install HyperCard IIgs from floppy.  

File # 3902  HTALKHELP.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 266K (d/l time approx. 20 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive is a 3.5" disk image of the HCGS HyperTalk help disk, 
one of six disks required to install HyperCard IIgs from floppy.

      File containing the entire HCGS package

File # 3901  HCGS.WHOLE.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 2498K (d/l time approx. 190 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the _entire_ HyperCard IIgs installation, 
completely installed.  It includes the program, the home stack, the help
stacks, all the Apple stacks (including the Tour and Stack Checker
stacks), the Read Me file from the Developer CD, the icons and FTD for
System 5.0.4 and all sample XCMDs with source.  It requires 2.5 MB of
disk space to download!

      Files containing individual parts of HCGS

File # 3900  HCGSSTARTER.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 459K (d/l time approx. 35 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the "HyperCard IIgs Starter Kit" -- the 
HyperCard IIgs application and the "home" stack -- the bare minimum files
for HyperCard IIgs to run.  This archive contains no icons for System
5.0.4, no supporting stacks, no sample source code and no HyperCard
introductory material, all of which are available in A2Pro in other
archives, but it is the smallest set of files necessary to use HyperCard
IIgs stacks.

Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 185K (d/l time approx. 14 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the HyperCard IIgs TuneBuilder stack from 
Apple.  A very cool stack -- this lets you enter musical notation into a
staff and not only hear the results with different instruments -- it
will actually create a HyperTalk command to reproduce the tune for your
own stacks!

File #3913  TOUR.STACK.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 407K (d/l time approx. 31 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the "Your Tour of HyperCard IIgs" stack from 
Apple. This stack introduces you to the concepts in HyperCard such as
stacks, fields, backgrounds, cards, scripts and buttons.  These may not
be the same as in other "hyper" environments you've used, so if you're
new to HyperCard, running this stack is a good first move. 

File #3912  STORYBOARD.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 78K (d/l time approx. 5 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the HyperCard IIgs "StoryBoard" stack from 
Apple.  It's an unedited story by two children showing how it's possible
to make multimedia stories and such in HyperCard.  This stack also
includes a floating tool palette, which is a cool addition. 

Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 14K (d/l time approx. 1 minute 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains Apple's "Stack Checker" stack -- a stack that 
checks other HyperCard IIgs stacks for corruption and other signs of

File # 3908  SCRIPTTOOLS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 321K (d/l time approx. 24 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive is a scripter's dream!  It contains dozens of XCMDs, 
XFCNs, sounds and scripts you can use in your own stacks, complete with
documentation and installation instructions!  Several of these tools are
used in Apple's stacks to do things like insert menus into the menu bar
from a stack.  Gotta have it!

File # 3907  SAMPLE.XCMD.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 145K (d/l time approx. 11 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains source code to Apple's sample external commands
(XCMDs) for HyperCard IIgs:  "Beep" (in assembly, C and Pascal),
ListWindow, MemState, Media Control, Picture and the XWindow Shell in
assembly, C and Pascal.  All source is in MPW IIgs format and some files
have been renamed from their HFS originals to fit ProDOS naming

Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 44K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains Apple's "PicturePuzzler" stack for HyperCard 
IIgs. PicturePuzzler lets you take a screen-sized picture and splits it
up into a puzzle waiting to be reassembled.  You can provide your own
pictures, or use the techniques in your own stacks! 

File # 3905  MEDCONTSTAK.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 45K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes 30 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This stack contains examples of how to use the provided MediaControl 
XCMD to access the Apple IIgs Media Control Toolset (provided under
System 6.0 and later).  The Media Control tools and XCMD allow you to
control video equipment, video overlay and more from your own stacks! 

File # 3903  ICONEDITOR.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/9/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 45K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes 30 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the HyperCard IIgs Icon Editor stack from 
Apple.  The Icon Editor allows you to use HyperCard's paint tools to
create your own icons for use in your own stacks, or in other programs. 

File # 3899  HCGS.ICONS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 1K (d/l time approx. 6 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the Finder icon file and File Type Descriptor 
file for HyperCard IIgs 1.1 from Apple Computer.  This is necessary if
you are using System 5.0.4 only.  The icon file expects the HyperCard
IIgs folder to be named "HyperCardIIGS" and be at the root level of your
boot volume; you'll have to edit the icon file if this is not the case
on your system.  These files are superceded by HyperCard's rBundle
resources under System 6.

File # 3898  HCGSHLPFILE.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 407K (d/l time approx. 31 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the HyperCard IIgs "help" stacks -- the "Help" 
stack and the "HyperTalkHelp" stack.

File # 3895  CALENDAR.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 15K (d/l time approx. 1 minutes 30 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the HyperCard IIgs "calendar" stack from Apple.  
It includes an appointment calendar, a "to-do" list and links to the
addresses and home stacks.  Since it's fully modifiable, you can build
your own personal information manager and this is a great starter!

File # 3894  BUTTONIDEAS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 91K (d/l time approx. 8 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the "ButtonIdeas" stack from Apple.  
ButtonIdeas contains hundreds of buttons you can use in your own stacks
for applications, navigation, help, information, switches and other
goodies. The stack includes information on how to copy buttons and ideas
for what to do with your buttons.

File # 3893  BIRDS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 89K (d/l time approx. 6 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the HyperCard IIgs "Birds" stack from Apple.  
This stack contains pictures and information about seven kinds of birds,
along with sounds of their calls.

File # 3892  ARTIDEAS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 143K (d/l time approx. 11 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the "ArtIdeas" stack from Apple.  This stack 
contains hundreds of pieces of clip art you can use in your own stack,
organized by twelve different themes and also searchable!

File # 3891  ADDRESSES.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.HELP
About 14K (d/l time approx. 1 minutes 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the "Addresses" stack from Apple.  It allows 
you to enter name and address information for an unlimited number of
people (one per card), sort their information, print reports and dial
phone numbers for them through a speaker or modem.  It also links to the
Calendar stack.  You can enter notes for each person as well.

                  >>> A2U course: HyperTalk Tutor 101 <<<

Uploaded on 2/17/94 by A2.HNAGTIME
About 67K (d/l time approx. 5 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      Course and lesson #1 stacks for the HyperTalk/HyperCard course in
A2Pro. The course stack is necessary to launch all lessons for this
HyperTalk course. Shrunk with GS-Shrinkit. All stacks should be placed
in the same folder.

File #3944  HYPERTALK TUTOR 101 L2  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/24/94 by A2U.PROF1
About 51K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes 30 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This is Lesson 2 of the HyperTalk Tutor 101 Course. Both the lesson
and install stacks should be decompressed into the same folder as the
course stack and then the install stack should be run to update the
Table of Contents for the course.  After the install stack is done
updating it is no longer needed.

                         >>> RTC Transcripts <<<

File #3932  RTC.SPLAT.TXT  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/18/94 by A2PRO.GELAMP
About 16K (d/l time approx. 1 minute 36 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This is the official A2Pro RTC transcript for the Real Time 
Conference held with Mike Hackett and Jawaid Bayzar of Procyon, Inc. in
regard to Procyon's Splat! debugger for the Apple IIGS. This is a text
file that may be downloaded or <L>isted.

File # 3890  RTC.HYPLOGO.TXT  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2PRO.GELAMP
About 16K (d/l time approx. 1 minute 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This is the official A2Pro RTC transcript for the HyperLogo RTC held
with Mike Westerfield of The Byte Works, Inc.  Mike talked about and
fielded questions regarding the HyperLogo language for HyperStudio. This
is a text file that may be downloaded or <L>isted.

                         >>> 8/16-Central <<<

File # 3883  ESC.TOUR.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/5/94 by K.FLYNN
About 29K (d/l time approx. 2 minutes 54 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This file contains the full text of Your Tour of 8/16-Central, a set 
of guided tours of every issue of 8/16-Central magazine.  If you have
been following the ongoing installments in Category 1, Topic 23 of
A2Pro, then you have seen everything in this file.  Enjoy!

                    >>> Sample resource definitions <<<

File # 3888  FND.RRECT.BNY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/8/94 by A2.LUNATIC
About 4K (d/l time approx. 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This is a de-rez of Finder's rRectList, with LOTS of added equates 
and comments, allowing you to easily customize several parts of your
Finder, including:  Default window positions, folder colour, comma
character, preferences, quit setting, Trash icon position, trash window
position, clipboard window position, and desktop pattern.  (Note:  The
quit settings default doesn't work under System 6.0, and the clipboard
window position MAY not work under System 6.0.1, since Finder no longer
creates its own clipboard -- I haven't actually bothered to try that one
under 6.0.1.) This is an unshrunk source code file with a Binary II
wrapper (it's so small that using ShrinkIt on it isn't worth it).

File # 3880  RBUNDLEDEMO.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/3/94 by SOFTDISK.INC
About 4K (d/l time approx. 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Recently I was asked to supply a submitter with sample code for an 
rBundle -- this is the result. The enclosed Rez demonstrates an rBundle
with three oneDocs (application, help system and document). It's
decently commented and gets the job done.

                     >>> Sample Source Code <<<

File # 3870  W6.SRC.V2.4.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 1/29/94 by KEN.GAGNE
About 106K (d/l time approx. 10 minutes 36 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Source code for Warp Six BBS public domain version 2.4. Requires 
Merlin 16 or Merlin 16+ to assemble. Includes XModem send/receive, YModem
send, and IIgs modem port driver written in assembly language that can
keep up with XModem 4K uploads at 19200 bps with LAPM and hardware
handshaking and supports up to 38400 bps. Written by Jim Ferr, for the
public domain. Released November 23th, 1993.

                         >>> AppleWorks <<<

File #3924  BIG402D.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/16/94 by BRANDT
About 126K (d/l time approx. 12 minutes 36 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      These are all of the files needed to covert AW 4.01 to 4.02. As well 
as the MAKE402 patcher, the TimeOut Paint docs and various updated sample
files are included.

File # 3879  FILEFORM.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/3/94 by BRANDT
About 22K (d/l time approx. 2 minutes 12 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the file formats for AppleWorks 4.

                         >>> Apple Assembly Line <<<

File # 3863  AAL.SEP.87.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 1/24/94 by M.DEATHERAGE
About 51K (d/l time approx. 5 minutes 6 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the files and source code from Volume 7, 
Issue 12 of the Apple Assembly Line magazine created and published by Bob
Sander-Cederlof (September 1987).  THIS FILE IS AN A2PRO EXCLUSIVE; IT
MAY NOT BE UPLOADED ELSEWHERE.  See the 'Read.Me' file enclosed in the
archive for details. This issue contains articles on fast circle
drawing, some IIgs demonstration programs, a warning about JMP on the
65816, the classic 'eight queens' puzzle, nifty sonic signals and the
first look at Apple's eventually-doomed GSBASIC language by John Arkley.

File # 3862  AAL.SEP.86.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 1/24/94 by M.DEATHERAGE
About 40K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      This archive contains the files and source code from Volume 6, Issue 
12 of the Apple Assembly Line magazine created and published by Bob
Sander-Cederlof (September 1986).   This issue contains articles on a
short symbol table listing, even yet more on DOS 3.3 and BRUN, S-C
assembler stuff, MLI calls and the monitor 'L' command, the other
integer square root and some thoughts on the ProDOS bit map. 

                         >>> Shell Utilities <<<

File # 3875  MIDI2GS.1.0.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/1/94 by D.TRIBBY
About 7K (d/l time approx. 42 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Midi2gs is a shell interface to the MIDI Surgeon program, which was 
published in the Jan/Feb 1994 issue of GS+ magazine. If you haven't
purchased that issue, this code will do you no good. But if you have the
MIDI Surgeon code, these routines allow you to recompile its code as a
non-desktop program under the GNO or ORCA shells on the Apple IIGS, or
under various shells  available on UNIX. (I have compiled and run it on
an HP 9000/700.) usage: midi2gs [-v] [-h] [midifile] [seqfile] Archive
packed with GSHK. Written by Dave Tribby.

File # 3861  SYNTHFL.1.5.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/24/94 by D.TRIBBY
About 55K (d/l time approx. 5 minutes 30 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Synthfile version 1.5, a program designed to be run under the ORCA or 
GNO shell, prints a description of the contents of MIDI Synth sequence,
wave, and instrument files and will also optionally play the sequence
files. Complete ORCA/C source code is provided, with enough comments so
a programmer can learn the "secrets" of using the MIDI Synth toolset.
This version adds options to read instrument files from a separate
directory, to play songs in random order, and to loop back through the
songs when done. Freeware by Dave Tribby. Packed with GS Shrinkit.

                            >>> GNO/ME <<<

File #3946  SCPP1.1.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/24/94 by B.TAO
About 102K (d/l time approx. 10 minutes 12 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      A selective C preprocessor.  It will only interpret directives
that it is told to interpret.  This makes scpp useful for making source
files easier to read by removing unnecessary code (such as that for
other architectures). Version 1.1, requires GNO 2.x.

File # 3887  DRWM1.10B21.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/7/94 by B.TAO
About 48K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes 48 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      The Davius Rex Window Manager for GNO brings a convenient desktop
interface for GNO users who want to access their NDA's and CDev's without
having to start up the Finder.  Version 1.10b21 adds a drwmrc file to
automatically open a place NDA's on startup, plus a better root menu
system.  Written by David J. Roberts.

File # 3873  STTY.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/30/94 by PROCYON.INC
About 16K (d/l time approx. 1 minute 36 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This is a new version of the stty utility for GNO. This version 
supports printing the current terminal parameter settings if no command
line arguments are specified.

File # 3872  SUM.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/30/94 by PROCYON.INC
About 10K (d/l time approx. 1 minute @ 2400 baud)

      "Sum" generates a checksum of files or of stdin, or combinations
thereof.  This is a  pretty straight port of a standard Unix util.

File # 3858  DMAKE.PS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 71K (d/l time approx. 7 minutes 6 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      PostScript version (landscape) of the dmake man page.  See also
DMAKE0.43B.BXY in this library.

File # 3857  DMAKE0.43B.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 152K (d/l time approx. 15 minutes 12 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      First public release of dmake, a Unix-ish make program.  It automates
the compilation based on source file dependancies.  The manual page is
included, and a PostScript version is available as DMAKE.PS.BXY in this
library.  Ported by G. Devin Reade.

File # 3856  FIXKERN204.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 3K (d/l time approx. 18 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This patch fixes a bug in the GNO 2.0.4 kernel where memory could
be corrupted under certain conditions.  Readme file is included in
the archive.  Written by Nathan Mates.

File # 3855  XNDAS1.00.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 32K (d/l time approx. 3 minutes 12 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      XLoad, Load, XBiff, and eSuspend require GNO/ME v2.0.x or greater to
operate.  They might work with earlier versions, but have not been tested
with them.  XLoad also requires uptimed 1.1 to operate properly (see
UPTIME1.10.BXY in this library).  This is a series of NDAs which mimic
the X Windows utilities of the same name.  Man pages are included. 
Written by James Brookes.

File # 3854  UPTIME1.10.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 21K (d/l time approx. 2 minutes 6 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This update to uptime and uptimed implements a new messaging scheme
that better handles concurrent requests for information from the uptimed
daemon.  It is required for the use of the XLoad and Load NDAs (see
XNDAS1.00.BXY in this library).  Written by James Brookes.

File # 3853  REMINDERS.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 31K (d/l time approx. 3 minutes 6 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      "Alarm" runs in the background and alerts you with several beeps and
an optional message to stdout when a specified time interval has elapsed,
or when a specific time has arrived.  "Calendar" scans your ~/calendar
file for entries dated for the current day.  Source code and man pages
included.  Written by Christopher Neufeld.

File # 3852  MULTIUSER.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 153K (d/l time approx. 15 minutes 18 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      This is init 2.0 and the accompanying multi-user utilities (init,
initd, getty, login, date, sendmail, uname and who).  Binaries, config
files, documentation and man pages are included.  Source code will be
released in the future.  Written by Phil Vandry.

                         >>> comp.sys.apple2 <<<

File #3952  CSA2PROG.09.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/25/94 by B.TAO
About 60K (d/l time approx. 6 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.programmer Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Feb. 12, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 72 messages):
   o  16-bit divide in 6502
   o  Call differences betwen systems
   o  Is rez compiler buggy?
   o  reserving memory under ProDOS 8 using the memory manager
   o  System-Level Cursor Info, Please
   o  XCMDS & RTLs

File #3951  CS2GNO.09.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/25/94 by B.TAO
About 50K (d/l time approx. 5 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.gno Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Feb. 12, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 54 messages):
   o  dialing out and dialing in.
   o  Gno with Finder...hmmmmm
   o  UUCP Polling under GNO

File #3950  CS2SUBJ.09.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/25-94 by B.TAO
About 8K (d/l time approx. 48 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Subject listing for the comp.sys.apple2, csa2.comm,
csa2.marketplace, csa2.gno and csa2.programmer digests
for the week ending Feb. 12, 1994.

File #3935  CSA2PROG.08.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/18/94 by B.TAO
About 28K (d/l time approx. 2 minutes 48 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.programmer Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Feb. 5, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 37 messages):
   o  16-bit divide in 6502
   o  Help with HyperC
   o  how to get info from Window Record?
   o  Quickdraw II to Screen

File #3934  CSA2GNO.08.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/18/94 by B.TAO
About 34K (d/l time approx. 3 minutes 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.gno Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Feb. 5, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 56 messages):
   o  login problem
   o  remote login
   o  GNO startup procedures

File #3933  CSA2SUBJ.08.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/18/94 by B.TAO
About 5K (d/l time approx. 30 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Subject listing for the comp.sys.apple2, csa2.comm,
csa2.marketplace, csa2.gno and csa2.programmer digests
for the week ending Feb. 5, 1994.

File # 3886  CSA2PROG.07.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/7/94 by B.TAO
About 43K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes 18 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.programmer Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Jan. 29, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 54 messages):
   o  How to use occ?
   o  HyperCard XCMDs and Orca/C 2.0
   o  Significance of hex $EE
   o  Using SHR direct Access from GSOS
   o  Widget Help: spin boxes

File # 3885  CSA2GNO.07.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/7/94 by B.TAO
About 40K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.gno Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Jan. 29, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 58 messages):
   o  A list of 5 GNO/ME related bugs...
   o  Fileport
   o  GNO New User General Questions
   o  init 5 crashing the machine

File # 3884  CSA2SUBJ.07.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/7/94 by B.TAO
About 6K (d/l time approx. 36 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Subject listing for the comp.sys.apple2, csa2.comm,
csa2.marketplace, csa2.gno and csa2.programmer digests
for the week ending Jan. 29, 1994.

File #3851  CSA2PROG.06.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 26K (d/l time approx. 2 minutes 36 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.programmer Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Jan. 22, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 29 messages):
   o  For those wanting Orca-compatible Gno programs.
   o  Using SHR direct Access from GSOS
   o  WANTED: APW or GS info
   o  ZBasic users

File # 3850  CSA2GNO.06.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 40K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      Digest of messages from the comp.sys.apple2.gno Usenet
newsgroup, for the week ending Jan. 22, 1994.  This week's
highlights (total of 51 messages):
   o  A few Questions about GNO
   o  CDA/GNO/busy flag problem
   o  namespace problem?
   o  New Multiuser package

File # 3849  CSA2SUBJ.06.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 1/23/94 by B.TAO
About 4K (d/l time approx. 24 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Subject listing for the comp.sys.apple2, csa2.comm,
csa2.marketplace, csa2.gno and csa2.programmer digests
for the week ending Jan. 22, 1994.

                         >>> Assemblers/Compilers <<<

File #3947  LISA3.4D1.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/24/94 by B.TAO
About 58K (d/l time approx. 5 minutes 48 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      The complete set of files required to run the LISA assembler under
the ANIX shell are contained in this file and in LISA3.4.D2.BXY (also in
this library).  Files in this B2 file are: ANIX.SYSTEM, DS, LISA.64K,
LISAC02.64K, LISAC802.64K, and SETUP.LISA64K.

File #3948  LISA.3.4.D2.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/24/94 by B.TAO
About 105K (d/l time approx. 10 minutes 30 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Contains all of the configuration and installation files necessary
to implement LISA and the ALE editor.  Files in this B2 file are:
to create your own version of LISA and/or ALE.

File #3945  XLISP2.1F.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/24/94 by B.TAO
About 750K (d/l time approx. 75 minutes @ 2400 baud)

      XLISP Plus is a port of the LISP language to the Apple IIGS.
Requires a shell (tested under GNO and ORCA; should work with Prosel-16
and ECP/16).  Includes full documentation and sample source code. 
Ported by Stephen Voss.

                         >>> ResLin <<<

File #3922  RESLIN.BXY  V0.44  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/16/94 by RICHARD.B
About 72K (d/l time approx. 7 minutes 12 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Allows you to manipulate resource forks. This small update allows
ResLin Extras to convert Macintosh resources if they wish.
This should have been in d0.43, but it got left out accidentally.

                         >>> Miscellaneous <<<

File #3939  ZAKS.MPW2GS.SIT  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/22/94 by BYAN.ZAK
About 43K (d/l time approx. 4 minutes 18 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      A newer version of SourceMenu, a better MarkIt, a Comment script that 
works  with AsmIIGS source files (.aii), my UserStartUp script so you can
see how I customize my menus. I think there is more, but I can't
remember. Oh yeah, my ORCAToMPW script for converting source code,
SmartMacros and PowerTools (the last two are macros :) Since this is a
Macintosh item, it is archived with StuffIt Lite

File #3938  A2PNDX9402T.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/21/94 by A2.BILL
About 11K (d/l time approx. 1 minute 6 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      An index of A2Pro RT categories and topics as of February 21, 1994, 
in plain ASCII text (TXT) form.  Packed with ShrinkIt GS v1.1.

File #3937  A2PNDEX9402D.BXY  (ALL)
Uploaded on 2/21/94 by A2.BILL
About 12K (d/l time approx. 1 minute 12 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      An index of A2Pro RT categories and topics as of February 21, 1994, 
in AppleWorks database (ADB) form.  Packed with ShrinkIt GS v1.1.

File #3930  EFAX.BXY  (GS)
Uploaded on 2/18/94 by D.BROWN109
About 57K (d/l time approx. 5 minutes 42 seconds @ 2400 baud)

      Efax 0.5a is a Unix-based C program which will take a t.4 fax image 
and handle the transmission protocols of sending it through a Class 2
Fax/modem.  This archive contains the source code.  Efax is protected by
the GNU Public License.

                   RTC WATCH /
Bits and Pieces from A2Pro Real Time Conferences
By Tim Buchheim

                      >> Off-screen GrafPorts <<

<M.POTTER4>    I have a question about quickdraw.

               I'm still not getting how to write to memory instead of the

<A2PRO.HELP>   All you do is create a GrafPort (with OpenPort) and specify
               off-screen coordinates.

               Then, just write to it like you would any other port.  (ie 
               use drawing tool calls, or whatever you want).

<M.POTTER4>    Then I can use the Grafport handle(?) to find the memory 
               block used so I can fax encode the pixel map there?

<A2PRO.HELP>   No.  Use the ptrToPixImage from the LocInfo subfield within 
               the GrafPort itself.
               (see page 16-277 of TBR II for more info).

<M.DEATHERAGE> Read Apple IIgs Technical Note #80 for the primer in drawing

<A2PRO.HELP>   Which is available in the A2Pro library if you don't already
               have a copy, of course.  :)

<M.POTTER4>    Sloanie and Matt, thanks, especially for the technote #
               (I have it on disk)

                      >> GS/OS OptionLists <<

<A2PRO.HELP>   Will GetFileInfo return a bufferTooSmall if the buffer for 
               the optionList is too small?  The documentation isn't 
               particularly clear (it's not listed as a possible error).

<M.DEATHERAGE> Yes, it will.  Unless the size is 3 or smaller, in which 
               case it doesn't try to return the optionList at all.

<A2PRO.HELP>   OK.  I figured that was why I was getting that error. The
               strange thing is that I'm using a buffer of $2E bytes, 
               which should be enough, I thought.  (using ProDOS).  AND... 
               if I STEP through the code in GSBug, it works fine.  If I 
               let it go by itself, I get an error.

<M.DEATHERAGE> You'll get bigger optionLists than that if HFS info is in 
               the ProDOS optionList.

<A2PRO.HELP>   I can't imagine why there'd be any HFS info. It's the Time
               Control Panel.  Will it fill the buffer to the size I 
               provide, or do I need to make the call again?

<M.DEATHERAGE> I don't know off the top of my head, Sloanie.  If you don't
               care, pass nil.

<A2PRO.HELP>   But I do care.  You told me to get the fileSysID from the
               OptionList.  :)

<M.DEATHERAGE> I think it does fill in as much of it as will fit, but 
               you'll have to try it to be sure.

<A2PRO.HELP>   I tried to look and see if it was filling it. But, when I 
               did, the Control Panels NDA saw one of the keypresses, 
               sending it back through my code, which promptly called 
               SysFailMgr, since a toolbreak on SysFailMgr won't work if 
               GSBug is already active.

               re-entrancy is fun.  :)

<M.DEATHERAGE> Sloanie, use the Exerciser.  Takes about 20 seconds, no 

<A2PRO.HELP>   Ahh... good call.  :)  (For some reason these things don't 
               occur to me.  Don't bother saying it, Matt.  ;)


                      >> Scrolling the SHR screen <<

<R.NIELSON1>   Nate.. how'd you do that awesome scroll in the intro to 
               Pensate?  I can't get over how smooth it is!  Wow!

<A2PRO.GELAMP> Each line is compiled as a code segment.

               It caches frequently used values and pushes them onto the 
               shadow screen with PHA/PHX/PHY, PEA is used for the rest.

               So I have about 140 little code segments, one for each line.
               (I'm talking about the bottom part)

               The mountains are just scrolled with a normal PEI scroll.

               The stars are scrolled with a routine that draws just the 
               dots and then erases them, it isn't really a scroll.
               (so much empty space, it was faster just to draw/erase)

<R.NIELSON1>   so the dots are moved a pixel at a time.. same as the scroll

<A2PRO.GELAMP> Vertically, yes.

<R.NIELSON1>   Still.. I have no clue how you got those AWESOME digitized
               pictures for the background... phew especially the 
               background behind the PENSATE title!!

<A2PRO.GELAMP> The agate and marble tiles were rendered with Persistence of

<R.NIELSON1>   isn't that an IBM windows program?

<A2PRO.GELAMP> Nope, general purpose rendering program, there are versions for
               the PC, UNIX, Mac...the concrete side panel was scanned and 
               touched up with PhotoShop

                      >> RTC Humor <<

<K.GRAY11>     Sloanie, could you possibly find me a control algorithm 
               for the robot I'm working on :)

<A2PRO.HELP>   Kelly:  Uh.  I don't think so.  :)

<K.GRAY11>     It was worth a try.


<A2PRO.HELP>   How about:
               6x-4y+18z-41a+3=mplxrvn; if v> 118 then die else say "hello"




                 OFF THE DEEP END /
Return of the Top 10 List
By Nate Trost

  >>> Top 10 Signs You're Spending Too Much Time With HyperCard IIGS <<<

10. You got hungry, created a pizza stack and tried to eat it
 9. When the phone rings a little voice inside your head says:
     "on phoneUp...."
 8. You walk out to your car in the morning and look for the
    Script... button
 7. You can't stop trying to click on Tom Brokaw's head during
    the evening news.
 6. When picking out new wallpaper for your computer room, you
    choose the pattern that looks like lots of 3"5"s
 5. You walk in slow motion
 4. After 20 hours of work, you finish digitizing and retouching
    a picture of your house for the PERFECT Home stack icon
 3. When a relative dies, you don't go to the funeral but simply
    delete their card in your Family Album stack
 2. Your own personal 'Button Ideas' stack fills a four
    gigabyte hard drive
 1. You start stalking HangTime

                         LOG OFF /
GEnieLamp Information

    o   COMMENTS: Contacting GEnieLamp

         o   GEnieLamp STAFF: Who Are We?

GEnieLamp Information   GEnieLamp is published on the 1st of every month
"""""""""""""""""""""   on GEnie page 515.  You can also find GEnieLamp on
the main menus in the following computing RoundTables.

 RoundTable      Keyword  GEnie Page     RoundTable      Keyword  GEnie Page
 DigiPub         DIGIPUB      1395        Atari ST        ST          475
 Macintosh       MAC          605         IBM PC          IBMPC       615
 Apple II        A2           645         Apple II Dev.   A2PRO       530
 Macintosh Dev.  MACPRO       480         Geoworks        GEOWORKS    1050
 BBS             BBS          610         CE Software     CESOFTWARE  1005
 Mini/Mainframe  MAINFRAME    1145        Programming     PROGRAMMING 1445
 Data Comm.      DATACOMM     1450        (Windows Coming Soon!)

     GEnieLamp is also distributed on CrossNet, Internet, America Online,
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     o To reach GEnieLamp on Internet send mail to genielamp@genie.geis.com
       OR jpeters@sosi.com

     o Our Internet anonymous FTP address is: sosi.com.  All current
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     o Current issues of all versions of GEnieLamp as well as back issues
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       SysOps should use the following "magic names" to request the current
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                     Platform                    Magic Name To Use
                     """"""""                    """""""""""""""""
                     GEnieLamp IBM .................. GLIBM
                     GEnieLamp ST ................... GLST
                     GEnieLamp A2Pro ................ GLA2PRO
                     GEnieLamp Macintosh ............ GLMAC
                     GEnieLamp TX2 .................. GLTX2
                     GEnieLamp A2 ................... GLA2

     o Back issues of GEnieLamp are available in the DigiPub RoundTable
       Library #2 on page 1395.  M1395;3

     o GEnieLamp pays for articles submitted and published with online
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     o We welcome and respond to all E-Mail. To leave comments, suggestions
       or just to say hi, you can contact us in the DigiPub RoundTable
       (M1395) or send GE Mail to John Peters at [GENIELAMP] on page 200.

     o If you would like to meet us "live" talk to us every Wednesday
       night in the Digi*Pub Real-Time Conference, 9:00 EDT.  M1395;2

     o The Digital Publishing RoundTable is for people who are interested
       in pursuing publication of their work electronically on GEnie or via
       disk-based media.  For those looking for online publications, the
       DigiPub Software Libraries offer online magazines, newsletters,
       short-stories, poetry and other various text oriented articles for
       downloading to your computer.  Also available are writers' tools and
       'Hyper-utilties' for text presentation on most computer systems. In
       the DigiPub Bulletin Board you can converse with people in the
       digital publishing industry, meet editors from some of the top
       electronic publications and get hints and tips on how to go about
       publishing your own digital book.  The DigiPub RoundTable is the
       official online service for the Digital Publishing Association.  To
       get there type DIGIPUB or M1395 at any GEnie prompt.

                           >>> GEnieLamp STAFF <<<

  GEnieLamp    o John Peters         [GENIELAMP]    Publisher/Editor
        IBM    o Bob Connors         [DR.BOB]       EDITOR
        """    o David C. Leithauser [D.LEITHAUSER] HyperRead Editor
               o Brad Biondo         [B.BIONDO]     IBM Staff Writer
               o Tippy Martinez      [WIN.LAMP]     IBM Staff Writer
               o David Holmes        [D.HOLMES14]   IBM Staff Writer
               o Don Lokke           [D.LOKKE]      Cartoonist

   WINDOWS     o Tippy Martinez      [WIN.LAMP]     EDITOR
   """""""     o John C. Osarczuk    [J.OSARCZUK]   Windows Staff Writer
               o Brad Biondo         [B.BIONDO]     Windows Staff Writer

  MACINTOSH    o Richard Vega        [GELAMP.MAC]   EDITOR
  """""""""    o Tom Trinko          [T.TRINKO]     Mac Staff Writer
               o Bret Fledderjohn    [FLEDDERJOHN]  Mac Staff Writer
               o Ricky J. Vega       [GELAMP.MAC]   Mac Staff Writer

   ATARI ST    o John Gniewkowski    [GENIELAMP.ST] ST EDITOR
   """"""""    o Mel Motogawa        [M.MOTOGAWA]   ST Staff Writer
               o Sheldon Winick      [S.WINICK]     ST Staff Writer
               o Richard Brown       [R.BROWN30]    ST Staff Writer
               o Al Fasoldt          [A.FASOLDT]    ST Staff Writer
               o Fred Koch           [F.KOCH]       ST Staff Writer
               o Sandy Wolf          [S.WOLF4]      ST Staff Writer

 ATARI ST/TX2  o Cliff Allen         [C.ALLEN17]    EDITOR/TX2
 ATARI [PR]    o Bruce Faulkner      [R.FAULKNER4]  EDITOR/GEnieLamp [PR]

   APPLE II    o Doug Cuff           [EDITOR.A2]    EDITOR
   """"""""    o Tara Dillinger      [TARA]         Co-Editor
               o Phil Shapiro        [P.SHAPIRO1]   A2 Staff Writer
               o Mel Fowler          [MELSOFT]      A2 Staff Writer
               o Darrel Raines       [D.RAINES]     A2 Staff Writer
               o GEna E. Saikin      [A2.GENA]      A2 Staff Writer
               o Steve Weyhrich      [S.WEYHRICH]   A2 Staff Writer

       A2Pro   o Nate C. Trost       [A2PRO.GELAMP] EDITOR
       """""   o Tim Buchheim        [T.BUCHHEIM]   Co-Editor

       ETC.    o Jim Lubin           [J.LUBIN]      Add Aladdin/Scripts
       """"    o Scott Garrigus      [S.GARRIGUS]   Search-ME!
               o Bruce Maples        [B.MAPLES]     Copy Editor
               o Mike White          [MWHITE]       (oo) / DigiPub SysOp
               o Susie Oviatt        [SUSIE]        ASCII Artist

 Bulletin  board messages  are reprinted verbatim,  and are included in
 this publication with permission from GEnie and the source RoundTable.
 GEnie, GEnieLamp Online Magazines,  and T/TalkNet Online Publishing do
 not guarantee the accuracy or suitability  of any information included
 herein.   Opinions expressed are  those of the individual,  and do not
 represent opinions of GEnie,  GEnielamp Online Magazines, or T/TalkNet
 Online Publishing.

 Material published in this edition may be reprinted  under the follow-
 ing terms only.  Reprint permission granted,  unless otherwise  noted,
 to registered  computer user groups and  not for profit  publications.
 All  articles must  remain unedited and  include the issue  number and
 author at the top of each article  reprinted.  Opinions present herein
 are those  of the individual authors  and does not necessarily reflect
 those of the publisher or staff of GEnieLamp.  We reserve the right to
 edit all letters and copy.  Please include the following at the end or
 the beginning of all reprints:
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