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The comp.sys.apple2 Usenet newsgroup Apple II FAQs originate from the Ground Apple II archive, 1997-2005. Administrator: Steve Nelson Csa2 FAQs-on-Ground ref: Csa2USERGRP.txt rev086 May 2005 Users' Groups 001- How can I find out about Apple II users' groups? 002- Where are Apple II users' groups I might contact? 003- How do I get our Apple II group listed? From: Rubywand 001- How can I find out about Apple II Users' Groups? Many Apple II users groups continue to meet, especially in major cities and on university campi. If a local group listing is 'missing' from your phone book, check for a Mac users group-- a number of Apple II groups merged with their Mac counterparts often as one or more SIGs (special interest groups). The Apple User Group Connection (800-538-9696 ext 500) may be able to steer you to a nearby Apple II (or Macintosh) User Group. You can find a listing of users' groups below. Of course, you can always post a question to comp.sys.apple2.usergroups and/or to Csa2 main (comp.sys.apple2). ____________________________ From: Rubywand, Willi Kusche 002- Where are Apple II users' groups I might contact? Here is a listing of Apple II users' groups: A2Central.com (on-line only) http://A2Central.com/ AAAC- Aurora Area Apple Core (Aurora, IL- Chicagoland area) http://www.syndicomm.com/~a2.howard/aaac.html ABCC- Apple Blossom Computer Club (Winston, OR) http://members.aol.com/TRBEditor/ ABUG- Apple Bits Users Group (Kansas City, Missouri) http://ChappellClan.com/abug/ AGGB- Apple Gebruikers Group Belgie (Belgium) http://www.apple.com/be/usergrps/aggb/homepage.html Apple BC Computer Society (Burnaby, BC, Canada) http://www.applesbc.bc.ca Apple Blossom Computer Club (Roseburg, OR) http://members.aol.com/TRBEditor/ Apple Core of Memphis (TN) http://memphisapplecore.com/ Apple Core of Siouxland (Sioux Falls, SD) http://cdb.apcug.org/rdrem.asp?EID=2453&ML=0 email: artsd@aol.com Apple Corps of Dallas (Dallas, TX) http://www.acd.org/ Apple Franklin Laser Users Group of Spokane (WA) http://www.aflug.org/ Apple IIs of Tacoma (WA) contact: Steve at 253-565-7172 (evenings and weekends) Apple Mousse (Alaska) http://www.gi.alaska.edu/~jesse/mousse/ Apple Squires of the Ozarks (Springfield, MO) http://www.pcis.net/aso/ Apple-Q (Brisbane, Australia) http://www.apple-q.org.au/ Applebyters (Quad Cities Iowa/Illinois area) may try: PO Box 2092 Davenport, IA 52809 USA AppleLinc (Lincoln, NE) http://www.AppleLinc.org email: Roy Miller millers@inetnebr.com AppleSiders of Cincinnati (OH) http://www.applesiders.com/ (see Apple II sig) AppleSPICE (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) http://thunder.prohosting.com/~spice/ AppleVan (Vancouver, WA) http://applevan.org/ AUG Sweden- Apple User Group of Sweden (G�teborg, Sweden) http://www.appleusergroup.org/ AUGE- Apple User Group: Europe http://www.auge.de/ email: Martin.Kaeser martin.kaeser@auge.de (II sig) email: Florian Delonge florian.delonge@auge.de (emu sig) AUSOM- The Apple Users' Society of Melbourne http://www.ausom.net.au/ BAUG- Big Apple Users Group (New York, NY) http://www.panix.com/~joreilly/baug.html email: joreilly@panix.com CAC- Carolina Apple Core (Raleigh, NC) may try: P.O.Box 31424 Raleigh, NC 27622 CALL A.P.P.L.E.- Apple PugetSound Program Library Exchange (on-line only) http://www.callapple.org/ CIAMUG Central Illinois Apple and Macintosh Users Group (Peoria, IL) http://www.ciamug.com/ E.A.G.L.E- Edmonton Apple Group Learning Experience (Alberta, Canada) email: tturner@ecn.ab.ca BBS: 403-481-3133 EAC- Erie Apple Crunchers (Erie, PA) http://www.erie.net/~eac/ Eamon Adventurer's Guild (NC) http://www.lysator.liu.se/eamon/ email: eamoncd@bellsouth.net Frederick Apple Core (Walkersville, MD) http://www.wap.org/frederick/ GAAB- Greater Albany Apple Byters (Troy, NY) http://homepage.mac.com/applebyters/ GSAUG- GravenStein Apple Users Group (Petaluma, CA) (Merged. See NCMUG entry.) HAAUG- The Houston Area Apple Users Group (TX) http://www.haaug.org/ HMAUS- Hawaii Macintosh and Apple users society (Honolulu, HI) http://www.hmaus.com/ HyperPomme-Paris- includes A2 sig (France) http://www.hpparis.org/ Klokhuis (Netherlands) http://www.klokhuis.nl/ Lancaster County Apple Corps (Lancaster County, PA) http://cs.millersville.edu/~katz/lcac/ LOGIC User Group (Toronto, Canada) http://www.logicbbs.org/ mini'app'les- Minnesota Apple Computer Users' Group (Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN) http://www.miniapples.org/ Mountain View Computer Users Group- multiplatform (Sierra Vista, AZ) http://www.mvcug.org/ NCMUG- North Coast Mac Users Group: Petaluma Sig (CA) http://www.ncmug.org/sig.html Northern Virginia Apple II Users (Arlington, VA) email: bob@racepacket.com or donaldbrown@earthlink.net Nova Scotia All Computer Users Group (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) http://www.chebucto.ca/Technology/NSACUG email: ab616@chebucto.ca OACC- Orange Apple Computer Club (Costa Mesa, CA.) http://www.oacc.org/ PACUG- Polk Apple Core Users Group (Polk County, FL) http://www.afn.org/~pacug/ PAMUG- The Pennsylvania Macintosh Users' Group; includes Apple II (Central PA at Penn State's University Park campus) http://www.pamug.org/ PAUG- The Peninsula Apple Users Group (Redwood City, CA) http://homepage.mac.com/ipaug/ PAUG- The Planetary Apple Users Group (Wichita, KS) no current contact info Princeton Apple II Users Group (Hamilton, NJ) email: info@pa2ug.org RIAG- Rhode Island Apple Group (Providence, RI) http://www.wbwip.com/riag/ S.W.A.C.K.S.- Apple II users in S.W. Florida jsprickett@att.net SAUG- Stockton Apple Users Group (Stockton, CA) http://www.saug.net/ SBACC- South Bay Apple Computer Club (Torrance, CA) A2 email contact: Jack Kells jckells@attbi.com Small Computer Users Club (Central IL) http://www.scusers.org/ SNAC- The Southern New Hampshire Apple Core (Nashua, NH) http://homepage.mac.com/applepower/ South African Apple II Users Group (South Africa) email: Stephen Shaw stephen@apple2.org.za T Apple- Tallahassee Apple Users Group (FL) http://www.tapple.org/ TAC- Tucson Apple Core (Tucson, AZ) http://tmug.com/tac/ Topeka Macintosh Apple User Group (KS) http://members.aol.com/TopekaMUG/ USA2WUG- Apple II World Users' Group (on-line only) http://apple2.org.za/gswv/USA2WUG/ WAMUG- Wadajima-net Apple & Macintosh User's Group (Tokushima, Japan) http://www.mandala.co.jp/WAMUG/ Washington Apple Pi Users Group (Washington, DC) http://www.wap.org/ WAUC- Wisconsin All-computer Users Club (Milwaukee, WI) http://www.wauc.info/ http://forums.delphiforums.com/wauc/start- Delphi on-line WAUGnz- Wellington Apple Users Group (New Zealand) http://www.welmac.org.nz/ A2 email contact: David Empson dempson@actrix.gen.nz Wausau Area Apple Users Group (WI) http://www.dwave.net/~dpregont/UG/WAAUG.html Other Users' Group Lists http://dmoz.org/Computers/Systems/Apple/Apple_II/User_Groups/ http://www.a2central.com/ugl/index.html http://www.apple.com/usergroups/find.html http://www.user-groups.net/resources/MEMBERS.html http://www.wap.org/external/wapusergrouplist.html http://www.wbwip.com/a2web/a2usegrp.html ____________________________ From: Rubywand 003- How do I get our Apple II group listed? It's easy to let everyone know about your Apple II group (or "special interest group" if part of some larger club). Send an email to the Apple II FAQs Keeper with this information: o- Name of the club (or club and SIG) o- Location (may omit if you meet only on-line) o- Web page or forum URL if you have one (necessary if you meet only on-line) o- Email contact address (may omit if you have a web page) Apple II FAQs Keeper email address: rubywand@swbell.net