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Lead isotope ratios for mediterranean ores

Notes for full database (medoresall.txt)

Data assumed to be repeat analyses or repeat publications of the same sample are grouped together.
Seperate data points are separated by a blank line

The Oxford group has published a number of 'definitive' lists of analyses of samples from certain regions carried out in their laboratory.
These are separated from the main list for that country by two blank lines, they are not included in the main section for each country.

The Turkish samples from the Taurus mountain region have a group description attached to the location (e.g. '2A', or 'outlier')
These groups are statistical entities constructed by the authors of the papers. They have no geographical meaning

An edited version of the database is avaliable (medoresedit.txt)

Data is from publications up to 1997

Key to references:

Key	Author	Year	Title	Source
1	Graeser, S. & G. Friedrich	1970	Zur frage der altersstellung und genese der blei-zink-vorkommen der Sierra de Cartegena in Spanien	Mineralia Deposita 5: 365-374
2	Brill, R.H. & W.R.Shields	1972	Lead isotopes in ancient coins	Special Publications of the Royal Numismatic Society 8: 279-303
3	Barnes, I.L., W.R. Shields, T.J. Murphy & R.H. Brill	1974	Isotopic analysis of Laurion lead ores	Archaeological Chemistry, ed. C.W. Beck.  Amercan Chemical Society, Washington. pp. 1-10
4	Eiseman, C.J.	1978	The Porticello shipwreck: lead isotope data	MASCA Journal 1: 18
5	Gale, N.H.	1978	Lead isotopes and Aegean metallurgy	Thera and the Aegean World I.  Thera and the Aegean World, London. pp. 529-545.
6	Doe, B.R. & R.E. Zartman	1979	Plumbotectonics, The Phanerozoic	Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, I.L. Barnes.  J. Wiley & Sons, New York. pp. 22-70
7	Wagner, G.A., W. Gentner, H. Gropengiesser & N.H. Gale	1980	Early Bronze Age lead-silver mining and metallurgy in the Aegean: the ancient workings on Siphnos	Scientific Studies in Early Mining and Extractive Metallurgy, ed. P.T. Craddock.  British Museum, London. pp.63-80
8	Gale, N.H.	1980	Some aspects of lead and silver mining in the Aegean	Thera and theAegean World II.  Thera and the Aegean World, London. pp. 161-195
9	Chamberlain, V.E. & N.H. Gale	1980	The isotopic composition of lead in Greek coins and galena from Greece and Turkey	Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Archaeometry and Archaeological Prospection, eds E.A. Slater & J.O. Tate.  National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, Edinburgh.  pp.139-155
10	Gale, N.H., W. Gentner & G.A. Wagner	1980	Mineralogical and geographical silver sources of Archaic Greek coinage	Special Publications of the Royal Numismatic Society 13: 3-49
11	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1981	Cycladic lead and silver metallurgy	The Annual of the British School at Athens 76: 169-224
12	Gale, N.H., E.T.C. Spooner & P.J. Potts	1981	The lead and strontium isotope geochemistry of metalliferous sediments associated with Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks in Cyprus, Syria, and the Sultanate of Oman	Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 18: 1290-1302
13	Stos-Gale, Z.A. & N.H. Gale	1981	Sources of galena, lead and silver in Predynastic Egypt	Actes du XX Symposium D'Archeometrie, vol III, Bulletin de Liaison du Groupe des Methodes Physiques et Chemiques de L'Archeologie Supplement 1981, pp. 285-295.
14	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1982	Bronze Age copper sources in the Mediterranean: a new approach	Science 216: 11-18
15	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1982	Thorikos, Perati and Bronze Age silver production in the Laurion, Attica	Miscellanea Graeca 5: 97-103
16	Stos-Gale, Z.A.	1982	A puzzle of the Bronze Age silver-lead on Cyprus	Acts of the 2nd International Cypriot Congress, Nicosia, pp. 67-72.
17	Stos-Gale, Z.A. & N.H. Gale	1982	The sources of Mycenaean silver and lead	Journal of Field Archaeology 9: 467-485
18	Swainbank, Shepherd, Caboi & Masssoli-Novelli	1982	Lead isotopic composition of some galena ores from Sardinia	Periodico di Mineralogia 51:275-286
19	Spooner, E.T.C., & N.H. Gale	1982	Pb isotopic composition of ophiolitic volcanogenic sulphide deposits, Troodos Complex, Cyprus	Nature 296: 239-242
20	Pernicka, E., G.A. Wagner, K. Assimenos, C. Doumas, F. Begemann & W. Todt	1983	An analytical study of prehistoric lead and silver objects from the Aegean	The Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Archaeometry, eds. A. Aspinall & S.E. Warren.  University of Bradford, Braford. pp.292-302
21	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1984	Cycladic metallurgy	The Prehistoric Cyclades. eds. J.A. Mac Gillivray & R.L.N. Barber.  Department of Classical Archaeology, Edinburgh.  pp.255-276.
22	Gale, N.H., Z.A. Stos-Gale & J.L. Davis	1984	The provenance of lead used at Ayia Irini, Keos	Hesperia 53: 389-406.
23	Pernicka, E., T.C. Seeliger, G.A. Wagner, F.Begemann, S. Schmitt-Stecker, C. Eibner, O. Oztunali & I. Baranyi	1984	Archaometallurgische untersuchungen in Nordwestanatolien	Jahrbuch des Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseums Mainz 31: 533-599
24	Stos-Gale, Z.A., N.H. Gale & G.R. Gilmore	1984	Early Bronze Age Trojan metal sources and Anatolians in the Cyclades	Oxford Journal of Archaeology 3: 23-44
25	Seeliger, T.C., E. Pernicka, G.A. Wagner, F. Begemann, S. Schmitt-Strecker, C. Eibner, O. Oztunali & I. Baranyi	1985	Archaometallurgische untersuchungen in nord- und ostanatolien	Jahrbuch des Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseums Mainz 32: 597-659
26	Gale, N.H., Z.A. Stos-Gale & G.R. Gilmore	1985	Alloy types and copper sources of Anatolian copper alloy atrefacts	Anatolian Studies 35: 143-174
27	Vavelidis, M., I. Bassiakos, F. Begemann, K. Patriarcheas, E. Pernicka, S. Schmitt-Strecker & G.A Wagner	1985	Geologie und Erzvorkommen	Silber, Blei und Gold auf Sifnos, eds. G.A. Wagner & G. Weisgerber.  Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, Bochum. pp. 59-80
28	Pernicka, E. & G.A. Wagner	1985	Die metallurgisch Bedeutung von Sifnos im altertum	Silber, Blei und Gold auf Sifnos, eds. G.A. Wagner & G. Weisgerber.  Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, Bochum. pp.200-211.
29	Boni, M. & V. Koeppel	1985	Ore-lead isotope pattern from the Iglesiente-Sulcis Area (SW Sardinia) and the problem of remobilization of metals	Mineralium Deposita 20: 185-193
30	Wagner, G.A., E. Pernicka, T.C. Seeliger, O. Oztunali, I. Baranyi, F. Begemann & S. Schmitt-Strecker	1985	Geologische untersuchungen zur fruhen metallurgie in NW-Anatolien	Bulletin of the Mineral and Exploration Institute of Turkey 100-101: 45-81
31	Dayton, J.E. & A. Dayton	1986	Uses and limitations of lead isotopes in archaeology	Proceedings of the 24th International Archaeometry Symposium, eds. J.S. Olin & M.J. Blackman.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. pp. 13-41.
32	Stos-Gale, Z.A., N.H. Gale & U. Zwicker	1986	The copper trade in the South-East Mediterranean region.  Preliminary scientific evidence	Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 1986.  The Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, Nicosia. pp. 122-144
33	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1986	Oxhide copper ingots in Crete and Cyprus and the Bronze Age metals trade	The Annual of The British School at Athens 81: 81-100
34	Barnes, I.L, R.H. Brill, E.C. Deal & G.V. Piercy	1986	Lead isotope studies of some of the finds from the Serce Liman shipwreck	Proceedings of the 24th International Archaeometry Symposium, eds. J.S. Olin & M.J. Blackman.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. pp.1-12
35	Wagner, G.A., E. Pernicka, M. Vavelidis, I. Baranyi & I. Bassiakos	1986	Archaometallurgische Untersuchungen auf Chalkidiki	Der Anschnitt 38: 166-186
36	Wagner, G.A., E. Pernicka, T.C. Seeliger, I.B. Lorenz, F. Begemann, S. Schmitt-Strecker, C. Eibner & O. Oztunali	1986	Geochemische und isotopisch charakteristika fruher rohstoffquellen fur kupfer, blei, silber und gold in der Turkei	Jahrbuch des Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseums Mainz 33: 723-752
37	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1987	Oxhide ingots from Sardinia, Crete and Cyprus and the Bronze Age copper trade: new scientific evidence	Studies in Sardinian Archaeology 3  Nuragic Sardinia and the Mycenaean World.  BAR IS 387: 159-198
38	Hamelin, B., B. Dupre, O. Brevart & C.J. Allegre	1988	Metallogenesis at Paleo-spreading centers: lead isotopes in sulfides, rocks and sediments from the Troodos ophiolite (Cyprus)	Chemical Geology 68: 229-238
39	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1988	Recent evidence for a possible Bronze Age Metal Trade between Sardinia and the Aegean	Problems in Greek Prehistory, eds. E.B. French & K.A. Wardle.  Bristol Classical Press, Bristol. pp. 349-384.
40	Ludwig, K.R., R. Vollmer, B. Turi, K.R. Simmons & G. Perna	1989	Isotopic constraints on the genesis of base-metal ores in Southern and Central Sardinia	European Journal of Mineralogy 1: 657-666
41	Stos-Gale, Z.A.	1989	Cycladic copper metallurgy	Old World Archaeometallurgy, eds. A. Hauptmann, E. Pernicka & G.A. Wagner.  Selbstverlaf des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums, Bochum. pp.279-291
42	Gale, N.H.	1989	Archaeometallurgical studies of Late Bronze Age ox-hide copper ingots of the Mediterranean region	Old World Archaeometallurgy, eds A. Hauptmann, E. Pernicka & G.A. Wagner.  Selbstverlaf des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums, Bochum. pp.247-268
43	Gale, N.H.	1989	Lead isotope analyses applied to provenance studies  a brief review	Archaeometry, Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium, ed. Y. Maniatis.  Elseiver, Amsterdam. pp. 469-502.
44	Pernicka, E., F. Begemann, S. Schmitt-Strecker & A.P. Grimanis	1990	On the composition and provenance of metal artefacts from Poliochni on Lemnos	Oxford Journal of Archaeology 9: 263-298
45	Gale, N.H., H.G. Bachmann, B. Rothenberg, Z.A. Stos-Gale & R.F. Tylecote	1990	The adventitious production of iron in the smelting of copper	The Ancient Metallurgy of Copper, ed. B. Rothenberg.  Institute of Archaeology, London. pp.182-191.
46	Gale, N.H., Z.A. Stos-Gale & W. Fasnacht	1990	Copper and copper working at Alambra	Alambra, A Middle Bronze Age Site in Cyprus, J.E. Coleman, J.A. Barlow, M.K. Mogelonsky & K.W. Schaar
47	Yener, K.A., E.V. Sayre, E.C. Joel, H. Ozbal, I.L. Barnes & R.H. Brill	1991	Stable lead isotope studies of Central Taurus Ore sources and related artifacts from Eastern Mediterranean Chalcolithic and Bronze Age sites	Journal of Archaeological Science 18: 541-577
48	Gale, N.H.	1991	Copper oxhide ingots: their origin and their place in the Bronze Age metals trade in the Mediterranean	Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean, ed. N.H. Gale.  Paul Astroms Forlag, Jonsered. pp.197-239
49	Stos-Gale, Z.A. & C.F. Macdonald	1991	Sources of metals and trade in the Bronze Age Aegean	Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean, ed. N.H. Gale.  Paul Astroms Forlag, Jonsered. pp. 249-288
50	Stos-Gale, Z.A.	1992	The origin of metal objects from the Early Bronze Age site of Thermi on the island of Lesbos	Oxford Journal of Archaeology 11: 155-177
51	Sayre, E.V., K.A. Yener, E.C. Joel & I.L. Barnes	1992	Statistical evaluation of the presently accumulated lead isotope data from Anatolia and surrounding regions	Archaeometry 34: 73-105
52	Schmidt-Strecker, S., F. Begemann & E. Pernicka	1992	Chemische zusammensetsetzung und bleiisotopenverhaltnisse der metallfunde von Hassen Hoyk und aus dem Graberfeld Hassek-West	Hassek Hoyuk, ed. M.R. Behm-Blanke.  Wasmuth, Tubingen.  pp. 108-123
53	Stos-Gale, Z.A. & N.H. Gale	1992	New light on the provenience of the copper oxhide ingots found on Sardinia	Sardinia in the Mediterranean: A Footprint in the Sea, eds. R.H. Tykot & T.K. Andrews.  Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield.  pp.317-345
54	Gale, N.H., O. Picard & J.N. Barrandon	1988	The archaic Thasian silver coinage	Der Anschnitt, beiheft 6:212-223
55	Stos-Gale, Z.A., N.H. Gale & N. Annetts	1996	Lead isotope data from the Isotrace Laboratory, Oxford: Archaeometry data base 3, ores from the Aegean, part 1	Archeometry 38: 381-390
56	Stos-Gale, Z.A. & N.H. Gale	1994	Metals	Provienience Studies and Bronze Age Cyprus: Production, Exchange and Politico-Economic Change, eds. A.B. Knapp & J.F. Cherry.  Prehistory Press, Madison Wisconsin. pp. 92-121
57	McGeehan-Liritzis, V. & N.H. Gale	1999	Chemical and lead isotope analyses of Greek Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age metals	Archaeometry 30: 199-225
58	Craddock, P.T., I.C. Freestone, N.H. Gale, N.D. Meeks, B. Rothenberg & M.S. Tite	1985	The investigation of a small heap of silver smelting debris from Rio Tinto, Huelva, Spain	Furnaces and Smelting Technology in Antiquity, eds. P.T. Craddock & M.J. Hughes.  British Museum, London. pp. 199-217
59	Chalkias, S., M. Vavelidis, S. Schmitt-Strecker & F. Begemann	1988	Geologische interpretation der blei-isotopen-verhaltnisse von erzen der insel Thasos, der Agais und Nordgriechenlands	Antike Edel- und Bunt metallgewinning auf Thasos, eds. G. Wagner & G. Weisgerber.  Deutschen Bergbau Museums, Bochum. pp. 59-74
60	Gale, N.H. & Z.A. Stos-Gale	1984	Lead isotope and chemical analyses of silver, lead and copper artefacts from Pyla-Kokkinokremos	Pyla-Kokkinokremos, by V. Karageorghis & M. Demas.  Department of Antiquities, Cyprus. pp. 96-103
61	Pernicka, E., G.A. Wagner & W. Todt	1983	Chemische und isotopische zusammensetzung fruheisenzeitlicher bleiartefakte aus Thasos	Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik Heidelberg 37: 1-17
62	Stos-Gale, Z.A., C.F. MacDonald & N. Gale	1991	New studies of Final Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age copper metallurgy in Cyprus	Decouverte du Metal ed.s. J.-P. Mohen & C Eluere. Picard, Paris.  pp.341-356
63	Stos-Gale, Z., N.H. Gale, J. Houghton & R. Speakman	1995	Lead isotope data from the Isotrace Laboratory, Oxford: Archaeometry data base 1, ores from the Western Mediterranean	Archaeometry 37: 407-415
64	N.H. Gale, Stos-Gale, Z., J. Houghton & R. Speakman	1997	Lead isotope data from the Isotrace Laboratory, Oxford: Archaeometry data base 4, ores from Cyprus	Archaeometry 39: 237-246