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Interrupt List, part 9 of 18 Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown --------E-21E3------------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - ISSUE REAL INTERRUPT AH = E3h AL = interrupt number ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AH=E1h"OS/286",INT 31/AX=0300h --------T-21E3------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - ADD CHARACTER TO KEYBOARD BUFFER OF CURRENT JOB AH = E3h AL = character Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h buffer full (128 characters) SeeAlso: AH=E1h"DoubleDOS",AH=E2h"DoubleDOS",AH=E8h"DoubleDOS" SeeAlso: AH=F3h"DoubleDOS" --------N-21E3------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION CONTROL AH = E3h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01885) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01886) Return: AL = status 00h successful else error code Note: supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Ah,AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=64h,AH=E3h/SF=C8h Format of NetWare request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01885) 00h WORD length of following data 02h BYTE subfunction number (see also AH=E3h/SF=01h,AH=E3h/SF=02h) 00h login 03h map object to number 04h map number to object 05h get station's logged information 06h get station's root mask (obsolete) 07h map group name to number 08h map number to group name 09h get memberset M of group G var depends on subfunction Notes: the above subfunctions are not described in _NetWare_System_Calls--DOS_ see separate entries below for other subfunctions SeeAlso: #01886,#01887,#01890 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01886) 00h WORD (call) length of following buffer space for results var depends on subfunction SeeAlso: #01885 Format of NetWare object property: Offset Size Description (Table 01887) 00h 1-16 BYTEs property name (see also #01888) N BYTE flags bit 0: property is dynamic bit 1: property is a set rather than an item N+1 BYTE security levels (see #01889) ??? (Table 01888) Values for names of well-known NetWare properties: ACCOUNT_BALANCE ACCOUNT_SERVERS GROUP_MEMBERS GROUPS_I'M_IN IDENTIFICATION user's name LOGIN_CONTROL NET_ADDRESS OPERATORS PASSWORD SECURITY_EQUALS (Table 01889) Values for NetWare security levels: 00h "anyone" everyone may access 01h "logged" only logged-in clients may access 02h "object" only clients logged-in with object's name, type, and password 03h "supervisor" only clients logged-in with supervisor privileges 04h "NetWare" only NetWare may access Note: the above values are stored in a nybble; the high half-byte is write access and the low half-byte is read access (Table 01890) Values for NetWare object type: 0000h unknown 0001h user 0002h user group 0003h print queue / print server 0004h file server 0005h job server 0006h gateway 0007h print server 0008h archive queue 0009h archive server 000Ah job queue 000Bh administration 0021h NAS SNA gateway 0024h remote bridge server??? 0026h remote bridge server 0027h TCPIP gateway 002Dh time synchronization server 002Eh archive server dynamic SAP 0047h advertising print server 0053h print queue uwer 0048h-8000h reserved FFFFh wild (used only for finding objects) --------N-21E3--SF01------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - CHANGE USER PASSWORD (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 01h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01891) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01895) Return: AL = status 00h successful else error code Note: supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Ah,AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=64h,AH=E3h/SF=C8h Format of NetWare "Change User Password (old)" request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 01891) 00h WORD length of following data 02h BYTE 01h (subfunction "Change User Password (old)") 03h BYTE length of user name 04h N BYTEs user name BYTE length of old password N BYTEs old password BYTE length of new password N BYTEs new password SeeAlso: #01895 --------N-21E3--SF02------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - CHANGE USER PASSWORD (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 02h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01892) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01893) Return: AL = status 00h successful else error code Note: supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=01h,AH=E3h/SF=03h,AH=E3h/SF=0Ah Format of NetWare "Get User Connection List (old)" request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 01892) 00h WORD length of following data 02h BYTE 02h (subfunction "Get User Connection List (old)") 03h BYTE length of user name 04h N BYTEs user name SeeAlso: #01893,#02162 Format of NetWare "Get User Connection List (old)" reply packet: Offset Size Description (Table 01893) 00h WORD (call) length of following buffer 02h BYTE length of connection list 03h BYTE number of bytes in connection list 04h N BYTEs list of connection numbers in use by user SeeAlso: #01892,#02162 --------N-21E3--SF03------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - MAP OBJECT TO NUMBER (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 03h DS:SI -> request buffer ES:DI -> reply buffer Return: AL = status 00h successful else error code Note: supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=01h,AH=E3h/SF=02h,AH=E3h/SF=0Ah --------N-21E3--SF0A------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - ENTER LOGIN AREA AH = E3h subfn 0Ah DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01894) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01895) Return: AL = status 00h successful Desc: change the login directory for the calling workstation Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=D7h,AH=E3h/SF=14h Format of NetWare "Enter Login Area" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01894) 00h WORD length of following data (max 102h) 02h BYTE 0Ah (subfunction "Enter Login Area") 03h BYTE number of local drives 04h BYTE length of subdirectory name (00h-FFh) 05h N BYTEs name of subdirectory under SYS:LOGIN where to find the login utility SeeAlso: #01895 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01895) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #01891,#01894,#01898 --------N-21E3--SF0C------------------------- INT 21 U - Novell NetWare - VERIFY NETWORK SERIAL NUMBER AH = E3h subfn 0Ch DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01896) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01897) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: if the network serial number to be verified is correct, the reply buffer will contain the corresponding application number SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=12h,AX=F217h/SF=0Ch Format of NetWare "Verify Network Serial Number" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01896) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 0Ch (subfunction "Verify Network Serial Number") 03h DWORD (big-endian) network serial number to verify SeeAlso: #01897,#02163 Format of NetWare "Verify Network Serial Number" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01897) 00h WORD (call) 0002h (size of following results buffer) 02h WORD (big-endian) application number SeeAlso: #01896,#02163 --------N-21E3--SF0D------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - MESSAGE SERVICES - LOG NETWORK MESSAGE AH = E3h subfn 0Dh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01898) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01895) Return: AL = status 00h successful Desc: append a line to the default file server's NET$LOG.MSG file Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E1h/SF=09h Format of NetWare "Log Network Message" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01898) 00h WORD length of following data (max 52h) 02h BYTE 0Dh (subfunction "Log Network Message") 03h BYTE length of message (01h-50h) 04h N BYTEs message (no control characters or characters > 7Eh) SeeAlso: #01895 --------N-21E3--SF0E------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET DISK UTILIZATION AH = E3h subfn 0Eh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01900) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01901) Return: AL = status (00h,98h,F2h) (see #01899) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the caller must have bindery object read privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=11h,AH=E3h/SF=D6h,AH=E3h/SF=D9h,AH=E3h/SF=E6h,AH=E3h/SF=E9h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=0Eh (Table 01899) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 98h nonexistent volume F2h not permitted to read object SeeAlso: #01866,#01902 Format of NetWare "Get Disk Utilization" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01900) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 0Eh (subfunction "Get Disk Utilization") 03h BYTE volume number (00h-1Fh) 04h DWORD (big-endian) object ID SeeAlso: #01901,#02164 Format of NetWare "Get Disk Utilization" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01901) 00h WORD (call) 000Bh (size of following results buffer) 02h BYTE volume number (00h-1Fh) 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID 07h WORD (big-endian) directories used by object 09h WORD (big-endian) files created by object 0Bh WORD (big-endian) disk blocks used by object-created files SeeAlso: #01900,#02164 --------N-21E3--SF0F------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVICES - SCAN FILE INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn 0Fh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01903) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01904) Return: AL = status (see #01902) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=B6h,AH=E3h/SF=10h,AX=F217h/SF=0Fh (Table 01902) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 89h not permitted to search directory FFh no more matching files SeeAlso: #01899,#01920 Format of NetWare "Scan File Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01903) 00h WORD length of following data (max 105h) 02h BYTE 0Fh (subfunction "Scan File Information") 03h WORD (big-endian) sequence number FFFFh on first call 05h BYTE directory handle or 00h 06h BYTE search attributes (see #01420 at AX=4301h) 07h BYTE length of filespec 08h N BYTEs ASCIZ uppercase filespec SeeAlso: #01904,#02165 Format of NetWare "Scan File Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01904) 00h WORD (call) 005Eh (size of following results buffer) 02h WORD next sequence number (place in request buffer for next call) 04h 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename 12h BYTE file attributes (see #01420 at AX=4301h) 13h BYTE extended file attributes (see #01804 at AH=B6h) 14h DWORD (big-endian) file size in bytes 18h WORD (big-endian) file's creation date (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 1Ah WORD (big-endian) date of last access (see #01665 at AX=5700h) 1Ch DWORD (big-endian) date and time of last update (see #01846) 20h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of owner 24h DWORD (big-endian) date and time last archived (see #01846) 28h 55 BYTEs reserved Note: the official documentation erroneously lists the field at offset 04h as 15 bytes and thus shifts the remaining fields by one byte SeeAlso: #01903,#02165 --------N-21E3--SF10------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVICES - SET FILE INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn 10h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01905) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01906) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX the caller must have modify privileges on the directory containing the file SeeAlso: AH=B6h,AH=E3h/SF=0Fh,AX=F217h/SF=10h Format of NetWare "Set File Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01905) 00h WORD length of following data (max 151h) 02h BYTE 10h (subfunction "Set File Information") 03h BYTE file attributes (see #01420 at AX=4301h) 04h BYTE extended file attributes (see #01804 at AH=B6h) 05h 4 BYTEs reserved 09h WORD (big-endian) file's creation date (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 0Bh WORD (big-endian) date of last access (see #01665 at AX=5700h) 0Dh DWORD (big-endian) date and time of last update (see #01846) 11h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of owner 15h DWORD (big-endian) date and time last archived (see #01846) 19h 56 BYTEs reserved 51h BYTE directory handle or 00h 52h BYTE search attributes (see #01420 at AX=4301h) 53h BYTE length of filename 54h N BYTEs filename SeeAlso: #01906 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01906) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #01905 --------N-21E3--SF11------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SERVER INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn 11h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01907) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01908) Return: AL = status 00h successful Desc: determine the version of software installed on the file server and how it is configured Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Eh,AH=E3h/SF=12h,AH=E3h/SF=CDh,AH=E3h/SF=D3h,AH=E3h/SF=E7h SeeAlso: AH=E7h"Novell",AX=F217h/SF=11h Format of NetWare "Get File Server Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01907) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 11h (subfunction "Get File Server Information") SeeAlso: #01908,#02166 at AX=F217h/SF=11h Format of NetWare "Get File Server Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01908) 00h WORD (call) 0080h (size of following results buffer) 02h 48 BYTEs server's name 32h BYTE NetWare version 33h BYTE NetWare subversion (0-99) 34h WORD (big-endian) number of connections supported NetWare 4.01 reportedly returns maximum simulataneously-used connections 36h WORD (big-endian) number of connections in use 38h WORD (big-endian) maximum connected volumes ---Advanced NetWare 2.1+ --- 3Ah BYTE operating system revision number 3Bh BYTE fault tolerance (SFT) level 3Ch BYTE TTS level 3Dh WORD (big-endian) maximum simultaneously-used connections NetWare 4.01 reportedly returns number of connections in use 3Fh BYTE accounting version 40h BYTE VAP version 41h BYTE queueing version 42h BYTE print server version 43h BYTE virtual console version 44h BYTE security restrictions level 45h BYTE internetwork bridge version 46h 60 BYTEs reserved SeeAlso: #01907,#02166 --------N-21E3--SF12------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - GET NETWORK SERIAL NUMBER AH = E3h subfn 12h AL = 00h BX = CX = DX = 0000h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01909) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01910) Return: AL = status 00h successful Desc: return the serial number and application number for the software installed on the file server Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ reportedly, the workstation crashes if AL,BX,CX, and DX are not all zero SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Ch,AH=E3h/SF=11h,AX=F217h/SF=12h Format of NetWare "Get Serial Number" request buffer: offset size description (Table 01909) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 12h (subfunction "Get Serial Number") SeeAlso: #01910,#02167 Format of NetWare "Get Serial Number" reply buffer: offset size description (Table 01910) 00h WORD (call) 0006h (size of following results buffer) 02h 4 BYTEs (big-endian) NetWare server serial number 06h 2 BYTEs (big-endian) NetWare application serial number SeeAlso: #01909,#02167 --------N-21E3--SF13------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - GET INTERNET ADDRESS (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 13h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01911) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01912) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=DCh"NetWare",AH=E3h/SF=16h,AH=EEh"NetWare",AX=F217h/SF=13h Format of NetWare "Get Internet Address (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01911) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 13h (subfunction "Get Internet Address") 03h BYTE logical connection number (01h-64h) SeeAlso: #01912,#02168 Format of NetWare "Get Internet Address (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01912) 00h WORD (call) 000Ch (length of following results buffer) 02h 4 BYTEs network number 06h 6 BYTEs physical node address 0Ch 2 BYTEs socket number SeeAlso: #01911,#02168 at AX=F217h/SF=13h --------N-21E3--SF14------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - LOGIN TO FILE SERVER AH = E3h subfn 14h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01913) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01914) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=D7h"NetWare",AH=F1h"NetWare",AX=F217h/SF=14h Format of NetWare "Login to File Server" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01913) 00h WORD length of following data (max B3h) 02h BYTE 14h (subfunction "Login To File Server") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object's name BYTE length of password N BYTEs password SeeAlso: #01914 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01914) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #01913 --------N-21E3--SF15------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - GET OBJECT CONNECTION LIST(OLD) AH = E3h subfn 15h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01915) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01916) Return: AL = status 00h successful Desc: this function retrieves a list indicating the connection numbers under which a bindery object is logged into the default file server Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=DCh"NetWare",AH=E3h/SF=16h,AX=F217h/SF=15h Format of NetWare "Get Object Connection Numbers" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01915) 00h WORD length of following data (max 33h) 02h BYTE 15h (subfunction "Get Object Connection Numbers") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object's name SeeAlso: #01916,#02169 Format of NetWare "Get Object Connection Numbers" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01916) 00h WORD (call) length of following results buffer (max 65h) 02h BYTE number of connections 03h N BYTEs connection list SeeAlso: #01915,#02169 --------N-21E3--SF16------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - GET CONNECTION INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn 16h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01917) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01918) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=D7h,AH=DCh"NetWare",AH=E3h/SF=14h Format of NetWare "Get Connection Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01917) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 16h (subfunction "Get Connection Information") 03h BYTE logical connection number (01h-64h) Format of NetWare "Get Connection Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01918) 00h WORD (call) 003Eh (length of following results buffer) 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID for object logged in on the connection 00000000h if no object logged in 06h WORD (big-endian) type of object 08h 48 BYTEs name of object 38h 7 BYTEs login time (see #01919) Note: much of the Novell documentation incorrectly states the reply buffer length as 3Fh instead of 40h, which corresponds to a results length of 3Dh (61) bytes instead of the correct 3Eh (62) bytes Format of NetWare login time: Offset Size Description (Table 01919) 00h BYTE year (80-99 = 1980-1999, 00-79 = 2000-2079) 01h BYTE month (1-12) 02h BYTE day (1-31) 03h BYTE hour (0-23) 04h BYTE minute (0-59) 05h BYTE second (0-59) 06h BYTE day of week (0 = Sunday) --------N-21E3--SF32------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - CREATE BINDERY OBJECT AH = E3h subfn 32h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01921) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01922) Return: AL = status (see #01920) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=33h,AH=E3h/SF=34h,AH=E3h/SF=38h,AH=E3h/SF=39h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=32h (Table 01920) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 96h server out of memory EEh object already exists EFh invalid name F0h wildcard not allowed F1h invalid bindery security level F3h not permitted to rename object F4h not permitted to delete objects F5h not permitted to create objects FCh no such object FEh server bindery locked FFh bindery failure SeeAlso: #01902,#01927 Format of NetWare "Create Bindery Object" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01921) 00h WORD length of following data (max 35h) 02h BYTE 32h (subfunction "Create Bindery Object") 03h BYTE object flag (00h static, 01h dynamic) 04h BYTE object security levels 05h WORD (big-endian) type of object 07h BYTE length of object's name 08h N BYTEs object's name SeeAlso: #01922 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01922) 00h WORD 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #01921,#01923,#01924 --------N-21E3--SF33------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - DELETE BINDERY OBJECT AH = E3h subfn 33h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01923) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01922) Return: AL = status (see #01920) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=34h,AX=F217h/SF=33h Format of NetWare "Delete Bindery Object" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01923) 00h WORD length of following data (max 33h) 02h BYTE 33h (subfunction "Delete Bindery Object") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object's name SeeAlso: #01922 --------N-21E3--SF34------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - RENAME BINDERY OBJECT AH = E3h subfn 34h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01924) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01922) Return: AL = status (see #01920) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=33h,AX=F217h/SF=34h Format of NetWare "Rename Bindery Object" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01924) 00h WORD length of following data (max 63h) 02h BYTE 34h (subfunction "Rename Bindery Object") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object's name BYTE length of new name (01h-2Fh) N BYTEs new name SeeAlso: #01922 --------N-21E3--SF35------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - GET BINDERY OBJECT ID AH = E3h subfn 35h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01925) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01926) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01927) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX the requesting workstation must be logged into the file server with read access to the bindery object SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=36h,AH=E3h/SF=44h,AX=F217h/SF=35h Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Object ID" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01925) 00h WORD length of following data (max 33h) 02h BYTE 35h (subfunction "Get Bindery Object ID") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name 06h N BYTEs object's name SeeAlso: #01926,#02184 Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Object ID" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01926) 00h WORD (call) 0036h (length of following buffer space) 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID 06h WORD (big-endian) type of object 08h 48 BYTEs object name SeeAlso: #01925,#02184 at AX=F217h/SF=35h --------N-21E3--SF36------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - GET BINDERY OBJECT NAME AH = E3h subfn 36h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01928) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01929) Return: AL = status (see #01927) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX the requesting workstation must be logged into the file server with read access to the bindery object SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=35h,AH=E3h/SF=44h,AX=F217h/SF=36h (Table 01927) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 96h server out of memory EFh invalid name F0h wildcard not allowed FCh no such object FEh server bindery locked FFh bindery failure SeeAlso: #01920,#01933 Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Object Name" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01928) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 36h (subfunction "Get Bindery Object Name") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID SeeAlso: #01929,#02185 at AX=F217h/SF=36h Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Object Name" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01929) 00h WORD (call) 0036h (length of following buffer space) 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID 06h WORD (big-endian) type of object 08h 48 BYTEs object name SeeAlso: #01928,#02185 --------N-21E3--SF37------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - SCAN BINDERY OBJECT AH = E3h subfn 37h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01930) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01931) Return: AL = status (see #01927) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX the requesting workstation must be logged into the file server with read access to the bindery object SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=33h,AH=E3h/SF=38h,AH=E3h/SF=3Ch SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=37h Format of NetWare "Scan Bindery Object" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01930) 00h WORD length of following data (max 37h) 02h BYTE 37h (subfunction "Scan Bindery Object") 03h DWORD (big-endian) last object ID 07h WORD (big-endian) type of object 09h BYTE length of object's name 0Ah N BYTEs object's name SeeAlso: #01931,#02186 Format of NetWare "Scan Bindery Object" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01931) 00h WORD (call) 0039h (length of following buffer space) 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID FFFFFFFFh for first call 06h WORD (big-endian) type of object 08h 48 BYTEs object name (counted string) 38h BYTE object flag (00h static, 01h dynamic) 39h BYTE object's security levels 3Ah BYTE object properties flag (00h no, FFh yes) SeeAlso: #01930,#02186 --------N-21E3--SF38------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - CHANGE BINDERY OBJECT SECURITY AH = E3h subfn 38h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01932) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01935) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,F0h,F1h,FBh,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01933) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=3Bh,AX=F217h/SF=38h Format of NetWare "Change Bindery Object Security" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01932) 00h WORD length of following data (max 34h) 02h BYTE 38h (subfunction "Change Bindery Object Security") 03h BYTE new security levels 04h WORD (big-endian) type of object 06h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 07h N BYTEs object name Note: the object type may not be WILD (FFFFh) SeeAlso: #01935 --------N-21E3--SF39------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - CREATE PROPERTY AH = E3h subfn 39h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01934) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01935) Return: AL = status (see #01933) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=3Bh,AX=F217h/SF=39h (Table 01933) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 96h server out of memory EDh property already exists EFh invalid name F0h wildcard not allowed F1h invalid bindery security level F6h not permitted to delete properties F7h not permitted to create properties FBh no such property FCh no such object FEh server bindery locked FFh bindery failure SeeAlso: #01927,#01937 Format of NetWare "Create Property" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01934) 00h WORD length of following data (max 45h) 02h BYTE 39h (subfunction "Create Property") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object's name BYTE property flags BYTE property security levels BYTE length of property's name (01h-0Fh) N BYTEs property's name SeeAlso: #01935 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01935) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #01932,#01935,#01936 --------N-21E3--SF3A------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - DELETE PROPERTY AH = E3h subfn 3Ah DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01936) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01935) Return: AL = status (see #01933) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=32h,AH=E3h/SF=39h,AX=F217h/SF=3Ah Format of NetWare "Delete Property" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01936) 00h WORD length of following data (max 43h) 02h BYTE 3Ah (subfunction "Delete Property") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object's name BYTE length of property's name (01h-0Fh) N BYTEs property's name SeeAlso: #01935 --------N-21E3--SF3B------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - CHANGE PROPERTY SECURITY AH = E3h subfn 3Bh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01938) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01935) Return: AL = status (see #01937) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=38h,AX=F217h/SF=3Bh (Table 01937) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 96h server out of memory F0h wildcard not allowed F1h invalid bindery security level FBh no such property FCh no such object FEh server bindery locked FFh bindery failure SeeAlso: #01933,#01941 Format of NetWare "Change Property Security" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01938) 00h WORD length of following data (max 44h) 02h BYTE 3Bh (subfunction "Change Property Security") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object name BYTE new property security levels BYTE length of property's name N BYTEs property name Note: the object type may not be WILD (FFFFh) --------N-21E3--SF3C------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - SCAN PROPERTY AH = E3h subfn 3Ch DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01939) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01940) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,F1h,FBh,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01937) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=37h,AH=E3h/SF=3Bh,AX=F217h/SF=3Ch Format of NetWare "Scan Property" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01939) 00h WORD length of following data (max 47h) 02h BYTE 3Ch (subfunction "Scan Property") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object name DWORD (big-endian) sequence number FFFFFFFFh for first call BYTE length of property's name (01h-0Fh) N BYTEs property's name SeeAlso: #01940,#02187 Format of NetWare "Scan Property" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01940) 00h WORD (call) 0018h (length of following results buffer) 02h 16 BYTEs property name 12h BYTE property flags 13h BYTE property security levels 14h DWORD (big-endian) sequence number 18h BYTE property value flag (00h no, FFh yes) 19h BYTE more properties (00h no, FFh yes) SeeAlso: #01939,#02187 --------N-21E3--SF3D------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - READ PROPERTY VALUE AH = E3h subfn 3Dh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01942) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01943) Return: AL = status (see #01941) Desc: retrieve one 128-byte segment of the specified property's value Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=39h,AH=E3h/SF=3Ch,AH=E3h/SF=3Eh,AX=F217h/SF=3Dh (Table 01941) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 96h server out of memory E8h not item property ECh no such segment F0h wildcard not allowed F1h invalid bindery security level F8h not permitted to write property F9h not permitted to read property FBh no such property FCh no such object FEh server bindery locked FFh bindery failure SeeAlso: #01937,#01946 Format of NetWare "Read Property Value" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01942) 00h WORD length of following data (max 44h) 02h BYTE 3Dh (subfunction "Read Property Value") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object name BYTE segment number (01h on first call, increment until done) BYTE length of property's name (01h-0Fh) N BYTEs property name SeeAlso: #01943,#02188 Format of NetWare "Read Property Value" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01943) 00h WORD (call) 0082h (length of following results buffer) 02h 128 BYTEs property's value 82h BYTE more segments (00h no, FFh yes) 83h BYTE property's flags SeeAlso: #01942,#02188 --------N-21E3--SF3E------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - WRITE PROPERTY VALUE AH = E3h subfn 3Eh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01944) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01945) Return: AL = status (see #01941) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=39h,AH=E3h/SF=3Ch,AH=E3h/SF=3Dh,AX=F217h/SF=3Eh Format of NetWare "Write Property Value" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01944) 00h WORD length of following data (max C5h) 02h BYTE 3Eh (subfunction "Write Property Value") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object name BYTE segment number (01h on first call, increment until done) BYTE erase remaining segments (00h no, FFh yes) BYTE length of property's name (01h-0Fh) N BYTEs property name 128 BYTEs property value segment SeeAlso: #01945 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01945) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #01944,#01947 --------N-21E3--SF3F------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - VERIFY BINDERY OBJECT PASSWORD AH = E3h subfn 3Fh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01947) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01945) Return: AL = status (see #01946) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=40h,AX=F217h/SF=3Fh (Table 01946) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 96h server out of memory F0h wildcard not allowed FBh no such property FCh no such object FEh server bindery locked FFh bindery failure: no such object, bad password, no password for object, or invalid old password SeeAlso: #01941,#01950 Format of NetWare "Verify Bindery Object Password" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01947) 00h WORD length of following data (max 133h) 02h BYTE 3Fh (subfunction "Verify Bindery Object Password") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object name BYTE length of password (00h-7Fh) N BYTEs password SeeAlso: #01945 --------N-21E3--SF40------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - CHANGE BINDERY OBJECT PASSWORD AH = E3h subfn 40h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01948) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01949) Return: AL = status (see #01946) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=3Fh,AH=E3h/SF=41h,AX=F217h/SF=40h Format of NetWare "Change Bindery Object Password" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01948) 00h WORD length of following data (max 133h) 02h BYTE 40h (subfunction "Change Bindery Object Password") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object name BYTE length of old password (00h-7Fh) N BYTEs old password BYTE length of new password (00h-7Fh) N BYTEs new password SeeAlso: #01949,#02195 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01949) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #01948,#01951 --------N-21E3--SF41------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - ADD BINDERY OBJECT TO SET AH = E3h subfn 41h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01951) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01949) Return: AL = status (see #01950) Desc: add the specified object to an object's group property Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=40h,AH=E3h/SF=42h,AH=E3h/SF=43h,AX=F217h/SF=41h (Table 01950) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful 96h server out of memory E9h member already exists EAh member does not exist EBh not a group property F0h wildcard not allowed F8h can't write property F9h not permitted to read property FBh no such property FCh no such object FEh server bindery locked FFh bindery failure SeeAlso: #01946,#01961 Format of NetWare "Add Bindery Object to Set" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01951) 00h WORD length of following data (max 75h) 02h BYTE 41h (subfunction "Add Bindery Object to Set") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name 06h N BYTEs object name BYTE length of property name (01h-0Fh) N BYTEs property name WORD (big-endian) type of member object BYTE length of member object's name N BYTEs member object's name SeeAlso: #01949 --------N-21E3--SF42------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - DELETE BINDERY OBJECT FROM SET AH = E3h subfn 42h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01952) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01953) Return: AL = status (see #01950) Desc: delete the specified object from a set property Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=40h,AH=E3h/SF=42h,AH=E3h/SF=43h,AX=F217h/SF=42h Format of NetWare "Delete Bindery Object from Set" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01952) 00h WORD length of following data (max 75h) 02h BYTE 42h (subfunction "Delete Bindery Object from Set") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name 06h N BYTEs object name BYTE length of property name (01h-0Fh) N BYTEs property name WORD (big-endian) type of member object BYTE length of member object's name N BYTEs member object's name SeeAlso: #01953 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01953) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #01952,#01954,#01955,#01956 --------N-21E3--SF43------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - IS BINDERY OBJECT IN SET AH = E3h subfn 43h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01954) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01953) Return: AL = status (see #01950) Desc: determine whether the specified object is a member of the given set property Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX the caller must have read access to the property SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=41h,AH=E3h/SF=42h,AX=F217h/SF=43h Format of NetWare "Is Bindery Object in Set?" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01954) 00h WORD length of following data (max 75h) 02h BYTE 43h (subfunction "Is Bindery Object In Set") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of object 05h BYTE length of object's name 06h N BYTEs object's name BYTE length of property's name N BYTEs property's name WORD (big-endian) type of member object BYTE length of member object's name N BYTEs member object's name SeeAlso: #01953 --------N-21E3--SF44------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - CLOSE BINDERY AH = E3h subfn 44h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01955) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01953) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=45h,AX=F217h/SF=44h Format of NetWare "Close Bindery" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01955) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 44h (subfunction "Close Bindery") SeeAlso: #01953,#01956 --------N-21E3--SF45------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - OPEN BINDERY AH = E3h subfn 45h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01956) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01953) Return: AL = status 00h successful Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX the bindery may only be opened by the supervisor or an object with equivalent privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=44h,AX=F217h/SF=45h Format of NetWare "Open Bindery" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01956) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 45h (subfunction "Open Bindery") SeeAlso: #01953,#01955 --------N-21E3--SF46------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - BINDERY SERVICES - GET BINDERY ACCESS LEVEL AH = E3h subfn 46h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01957) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01958) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=46h Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Access Level" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01957) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 46h (subfunction "Get Bindery Access Level") SeeAlso: #01958,#02189 Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Access Level" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01958) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following buffer) 02h BYTE security levels 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID SeeAlso: #01957,#02189 --------N-21E3--SF47------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - DIRECTORY SERVICES - SCAN BINDERY OBJ TRUSTEE PATHS AH = E3h subfn 47h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01959) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01960) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,F0h,F1h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Desc: iterate through the directories to which an object is a trustee Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E2h/SF=0Ch,AH=E2h/SF=0Dh,AH=E2h/SF=0Eh,AX=F217h/SF=47h Format of NetWare "Scan Bindery Object Trustee Paths" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01959) 00h WORD 0008h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 47h (subfunction "Scan Bindery Object Trustee Paths") 03h BYTE volume number (00h-1Fh) 04h WORD (big-endian) last sequence number (FFFFh on first call) 06h DWORD (big-endian) object ID SeeAlso: #01960,#02190 Format of NetWare "Scan Bindery Object Trustee Paths" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01960) 00h WORD (call) length of following results buffer (max 107h) 02h WORD (big-endian) next sequence number 04h DWORD (big-endian) object ID 08h BYTE trustee directory rights (see #01849 at AH=E2h/SF=03h) 09h BYTE length of trustee path 0Ah N BYTEs trustee path SeeAlso: #01959,#02190 --------N-21E3--SF64------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - CREATE QUEUE AH = E3h subfn 64h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01962) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01963) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,99h,9Bh,9Ch,EDh-F1h,F5h,F7h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on a workstation with supervisor privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=65h,AH=E3h/SF=66h,AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Bh SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=64h (Table 01961) Values for NetWare function status: 00h (0) successful 96h (150) server out of memory 99h (153) directory full 9Bh (155) invalid directory handle 9Ch (156) invalid path D0h (208) queue error D1h (209) no such queue D2h (210) no server for queue D3h (211) no queue rights D4h (212) queue full D5h (213) no queue job D6h (214) no job rights D7h (215) queue servicing error D8h (216) queue not active D9h (217) station is not a server DAh (218) queue halted DBh (219) too many queue servers EDh (237) property already exists EEh (238) object already exists EFh (239) invalid name F0h (240) wildcard not allowed F1h (241) invalid bindery security level F5h (245) not permitted to create object F7h (247) not permitted to create property FCh (252) no such object FEh (254) server bindery locked FFh (255) bindery failure SeeAlso: #01950,#02002,#01680,#02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h Format of NetWare "Create Queue" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01962) 00h WORD length of following data (max ABh) 02h BYTE 64h (subfunction "Create Queue") 03h WORD (big-endian) queue type 05h BYTE length of queue's name (01h-2Fh) 06h N BYTEs queue's name BYTE directory handle or 00h BYTE length of path name (01h-76h) N BYTEs path name of directory in which to create queue subdirectory SeeAlso: #01963,#02198 Format of NetWare "Create Queue" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01963) 00h WORD (call) 0004h (size of following results buffer) 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue SeeAlso: #01962,#02198 --------N-21E3--SF65------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - DESTROY QUEUE AH = E3h subfn 65h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01964) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01969) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h,D1h,FFh) (see also AH=E3h/SF=64h) FFh hardware failure Desc: abort all active jobs, detach all job servers, remove all job entries, delete all job files, remove the queue object and its properties from the bindery, and delete the queue's subdirectory Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must have SUPERVISOR privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=64h,AH=E3h/SF=66h,AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=70h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=65h Format of NetWare "Destroy Queue" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01964) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 65h (subfunction "Destroy Queue") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue SeeAlso: #01969 --------N-21E3--SF66------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - READ QUEUE CURRENT STATUS (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 66h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01965) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01966) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D1h-D3h,F1h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a member of the queue's Q_USERS or Q_OPERATORS properties SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=64h,AH=E3h/SF=67h,AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=76h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=66h Format of NetWare "Read Queue Current Status (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01965) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 66h (subfunction "Read Queue Current Status") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue SeeAlso: #01966,#02199 at AX=F217h/SF=66h Format of NetWare "Read Queue Current Status (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01966) 00h WORD (call) 0085h (size of following results) 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 06h BYTE status of queue (see #01967) 07h BYTE number of jobs in queue (00h-FAh) 08h BYTE number of servers attached to queue (00h-19h) 09h 25 DWORDs list of object IDs of attached servers 6Dh 25 BYTEs list of attached servers' stations 86h BYTE (call) maximum number of servers to return SeeAlso: #01965,#02199 at AX=F217h/SF=66h Bitfields for NetWare queue status: Bit(s) Description (Table 01967) 0 operator disabled addition of new jobs 1 operator refuses additional job servers attaching 2 operator disabled job servicing SeeAlso: #01966,#01968 --------N-21E3--SF67------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - SET QUEUE CURRENT STATUS (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 67h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01968) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01969) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h,D1h,D3h,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must have operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=64h,AH=E3h/SF=66h,AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=76h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=67h Format of NetWare "Set Queue Current Status (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01968) 00h WORD 0006h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 67h (subfunction "Set Queue Current Status") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h BYTE queue status (see #01967) SeeAlso: #01969 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01969) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) --------N-21E3--SF68------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - CREATE QUEUE JOB AND FILE AH = E3h subfn 68h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01970) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01972) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,99h,9Ch,D0h-D4h,DAh,EDh,EFh-F1h,F7h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a member of the queue's Q_USER property SeeAlso: AX=B807h,AH=E0h"SPOOLING",AH=E3h/SF=69h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Eh SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=68h Format of NetWare "Create Queue Job and File" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01970) 00h WORD 0107h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 68h (subfunction "Close File and Start Queue Job") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h 256 BYTEs job structure (see #01971) SeeAlso: #01972,#02200 Format of NetWare old-style job structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01971) 00h BYTE client station 01h BYTE client task number 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of client 06h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of target server FFFFFFFh if any server acceptable 0Ah 6 BYTEs target execution time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) FFFFFFFFFFFFh to execute as soon as possible 10h 6 BYTEs job entry time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) 16h WORD (big-endian) job number 18h WORD (big-endian) job type 1Ah BYTE job position 1Bh BYTE job control flags (see #01980) 1Ch 14 BYTEs ASCIZ job file name 2Ah 6 BYTEs job file handle 30h BYTE server station 31h BYTE server task number 32h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of server 36h 50 BYTEs ASCIZ job description string 68h 152 BYTEs client record area SeeAlso: #01970,#02210 Format of NetWare "Create Queue Job and File" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01972) 00h WORD (call) 0036h (size of following results buffer) 02h BYTE client station 03h BYTE client task number 04h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of client 08h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of target server 0Ch 6 BYTEs target execution time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) 12h 6 BYTEs job entry time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) 18h WORD (big-endian) job number 1Ah WORD (big-endian) job type 1Ch BYTE job position 1Dh BYTE job control flags (see #01980) 1Eh 14 BYTEs ASCIZ job file name 2Ch 6 BYTEs job file handle 32h BYTE server station 33h BYTE server task number 34h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of server or 00000000h SeeAlso: #01970,#02200 --------N-21E3--SF69------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - CLOSE FILE AND START QUEUE JOB (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 69h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01973) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01974) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D3h,D5h,D6h,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on the workstation which created the job SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Eh,AX=F217h/SF=69h Format of NetWare "Close File and Start Queue Job (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01973) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 69h (subfunction "Close File and Start Queue Job") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number SeeAlso: #01974 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01974) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #01973,#01975 --------N-21E3--SF6A------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - REMOVE JOB FROM QUEUE (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 6Ah DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01975) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01974) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D5h,D6h,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must have created the job or be an operator SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Eh,AX=F217h/SF=6Ah Format of NetWare "Remove Job From Queue (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01975) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 6Ah (subfunction "Remove Job From Queue (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number --------N-21E3--SF6B------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - GET QUEUE JOB LIST (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 6Bh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01976) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01977) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h-D3h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a member of the Q_USERS or Q_OPERATORS properties SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Eh,AX=F217h/SF=6Bh Format of NetWare "Get Queue Job List (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01976) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 6Bh (subfunction "Get Queue Job List (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue SeeAlso: #01977 Format of NetWare "Get Queue Job List (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01977) 00h WORD (call) size of following results buffer (max 1F6h) 02h WORD (big-endian) job count 04h N WORDs (big-endian) list of job numbers by position in queue WORD maximum job numbers SeeAlso: #01976 --------N-21E3--SF6C------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - READ QUEUE JOB ENTRY (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 6Ch DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01978) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01979) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h-D3h,D5h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a member of the Q_USERS, Q_OPERATORS, or Q_SERVERS properties SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Eh,AX=F217h/SF=6Ch Format of NetWare "Read Queue Job Entry (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01978) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 6Ch (subfunction "Read Queue Job Entry (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number SeeAlso: #01979 Format of NetWare "Read Queue Job Entry (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01979) 00h WORD (call) 0100h (size of following results) 02h BYTE client station number 03h BYTE client task number 04h DWORD object ID of client 08h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of target server FFFFFFFFh if any server acceptable 0Ch 6 BYTEs target execution time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) FFFFFFFFFFFFh if serviced as soon as possible 12h 6 BYTEs job entry time (year,month,day,hour,minute,second) 18h WORD (big-endian) job number 1Ah WORD (big-endian) job type 1Ch BYTE job position 1Dh BYTE job control flags (see #01980) 1Eh 14 BYTEs ASCIZ job filename 2Ch 6 BYTEs job file handle 32h BYTE server station 33h BYTE server task number 34h DWORD object ID of server 38h 50 BYTEs ASCIZ job description string 6Ah 152 BYTEs client record area SeeAlso: #01978 Bitfields for NetWare job control flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01980) 3 job will be serviced automatically if connection broken 4 job remains in queue after server aborts job 5 client has not filled associated job file 6 User Hold--job advances, but cannot be serviced until this is cleared by user or operator 7 Operator Hold--job advances, but cannot be serviced until this is cleared by an operator SeeAlso: #01979 --------N-21E3--SF6D------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - CHANGE QUEUE JOB ENTRY (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 6Dh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01981) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01983) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D5h,D7h,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be an operator or the user who created the job SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Ch,AH=E3h/SF=6Eh SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=6Dh Format of NetWare "Change Queue Job Entry" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01981) 00h WORD 0105h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 6Dh (subfunction "Change Queue Job Entry") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h 256 BYTEs job structure (see #01971) SeeAlso: #01983 --------N-21E3--SF6E------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - CHANGE QUEUE JOB POSITION AH = E3h subfn 6Eh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01982) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01983) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D5h,D6h,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be an operator if the specified position is greater than the number of jobs in the queue, the job is placed at the end of the queue SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ah,AH=E3h/SF=6Ch,AH=E3h/SF=6Dh SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=6Eh Format of NetWare "Change Queue Job Position" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01982) 00h WORD 0008h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 6Eh (subfunction "Change Queue Job Position") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number 09h BYTE new position in queue (01h = first, FAh [250] = last position in full queue) SeeAlso: #01983 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01983) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #01981,#01982,#01984 --------N-21E3--SF6F------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - ATTACH QUEUE SERVER TO QUEUE AH = E3h subfn 6Fh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01984) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01983) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h,D1h,D3h,DAh,DBh,FEh,FFh) (see also AH=E3h/SF=64h) FFh bindery failure, or no such property, or no such member Desc: attach the calling job server to the specified queue Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ a queue may have up to 25 job servers attached the calling workstation must be security-equivalent to a member of the queue's Q_SERVERS property SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=70h,AH=E3h/SF=71h,AH=E3h/SF=72h,AH=E3h/SF=73h,AH=E3h/SF=76h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=6Fh Format of NetWare "Attach Queue Server to Queue" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01984) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 6Fh (subfunction "Attach Queue Server To Queue") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue SeeAlso: #01983,#01985 --------N-21E3--SF70------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - DETACH QUEUE SERVER FROM QUEUE AH = E3h subfn 70h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01985) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01983) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h,D1h,D2h,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Desc: remove the calling job server from the specified queue's list of servers Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the caller must have previously attached itself to the queue SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=72h,AH=E3h/SF=73h,AH=E3h/SF=76h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=70h Format of NetWare "Detach Queue Server From Queue" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01985) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 70h (subfunction "Detach Queue Server From Queue") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue SeeAlso: #01983,#01984 --------N-21E3--SF71------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - SERVICE QUEUE JOB AND OPEN FILE AH = E3h subfn 71h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01986) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01972) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h,D1h,D3h,D5h,D9h,DAh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a member of the queue's Q_USERS, Q_OPERATORS, or Q_SERVERS properties SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=72h,AH=E3h/SF=73h,AH=E3h/SF=76h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=71h Format of NetWare "Service Queue Job and Open File" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01986) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 71h (subfunction "Service Queue Job and Open File") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) target job type FFFFh any SeeAlso: #01972,#01987 --------N-21E3--SF72------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - FINISH SERVICING QUEUE JOB AND FILE AH = E3h subfn 72h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01987) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01989) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D6h) (see #01961) Desc: inform the Queue Management System (QMS) that the queue server has completed a job Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the caller must be a job server which has previously obtained a job for servicing SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=71h,AH=E3h/SF=73h,AH=E3h/SF=76h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=72h Format of NetWare "Finish Servicing Queue Job and File (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01987) 00h WORD 000Bh (length of following data) 02h BYTE 72h (subfunction "Finish Servicing Queue Job and File (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number 09h DWORD (big-endian) charge SeeAlso: #01989,#01986,#01998 --------N-21E3--SF73------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - ABORT SERVICING QUEUE JOB AND FILE AH = E3h subfn 73h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01988) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01989) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D6h,D9h) (see #01961) Desc: inform the Queue Management System (QMS) that the queue server is unable to service a previously-accepted job Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ this is an old version of the call (see AH=E3h/SF=84h) only a job server which previously accepted a job for servicing may call this function SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=71h,AH=E3h/SF=72h,AH=E3h/SF=76h,AH=E3h/SF=84h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=73h Format of NetWare "Abort Servicing Queue Job and File (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01988) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 73h (subfunction "Abort Servicing Queue Job and File (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number SeeAlso: #01989,#01987 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01989) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #01987,#01988,#01990,#01991 --------N-21E3--SF74------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - CHANGE TO CLIENT RIGHTS (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 74h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01990) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01989) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D5h,D9h) (see #01961) Desc: temporarily assume the login identity of the client submitting the job being serviced Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be a job server which has obtained a job for servicing SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=75h,AX=F217h/SF=74h Format of NetWare "Change to Client Rights (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01990) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 74h (subfunction "Change To Client Rights (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number SeeAlso: #01989,#01991 --------N-21E3--SF75------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - RESTORE QUEUE SERVER RIGHTS AH = E3h subfn 75h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01991) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01989) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h,D1h,D3h,D5h,D9h,DAh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Desc: restore server's own identity after assuming the login identity of the client submitting the job being serviced Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be a job server which has previously changed its identity SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=74h,AX=F217h/SF=75h Format of NetWare "Restore Queue Server Rights" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01991) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 75h (subfunction "Change To Client Rights") SeeAlso: #01989,#01990 --------N-21E3--SF76------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - READ QUEUE SERVER CURRENT STATUS OLD AH = E3h subfn 76h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01992) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01993) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D1h-D3h,F1h,FCh,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a member of the Q_USERS or Q_OPERATORS properties SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ch,AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=77h,AH=E3h/SF=78h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=76h Format of NetWare "Read Queue Server Current Status (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01992) 00h WORD 000Ah (length of following data) 02h BYTE 76h (subfunction "Read Queue Server Current Status (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of server 0Bh BYTE server station SeeAlso: #01993 Format of NetWare "Read Queue Server Current Status (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01993) 00h WORD (call) 0040h (size of following results) 02h 64 BYTEs server status record (format depends on server) first four bytes should contain estimated "price" for an average job SeeAlso: #01992,#02203 --------N-21E3--SF77------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - SET QUEUE SERVER CURRENT STATUS AH = E3h subfn 77h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01994) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01995) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,9Ch,D0h,D1h,FEh,FFh) (see #01961) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be a job server which has attached itself to the queue SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ch,AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=76h,AH=E3h/SF=78h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=77h Format of NetWare "Set Queue Server Current Status" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01994) 00h WORD 0045h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 77h (subfunction "Set Queue Server Current Status") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h 64 BYTEs server status record (format depends on server) first four bytes should contain estimated "price" for an average job SeeAlso: #01995 Format of NetWare "Set Queue Server Current Status" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01995) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #01994 --------N-21E3--SF78------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - GET QUEUE JOB'S FILE SIZE (OLD) AH = E3h subfn 78h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01996) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01997) Return: AL = status (see also #01961) 00h successful Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ caller must be on a workstation which is security-equivalent to a member of the queue's Q_USERS, Q_OPERATORS, or Q_SERVERS properties SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=68h,AH=E3h/SF=6Ch,AH=E3h/SF=71h,AX=F217h/SF=78h Format of NetWare "Get Queue Job's File Size (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01996) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 78h (subfunction "Get Queue Job's File Size (old)") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number SeeAlso: #01997,#02204 at AX=F217h/SF=78h Format of NetWare "Get Queue Job's File Size (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01997) 00h WORD (call) 000Ah (size of following results) 02h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 06h WORD (big-endian) job number 08h DWORD (big-endian) size of job file in bytes SeeAlso: #01996,#02204 at AX=F217h/SF=78h --------N-21E3--SF83------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - FINISH SERVICING QUEUE JOB AH = E3h subfn 83h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #01998) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #01999) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D6h,D9h) (see #01961) Desc: inform the Queue Management System (QMS) that the queue server has completed servicing a previously-accepted job Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 3.1+ this variant of Abort Servicing Queue Job allows use of the high connection byte in the NCP packet header, unlike AH=E3h/SF=73h SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=71h,AH=E3h/SF=72h,AH=E3h/SF=73h,AH=E3h/SF=84h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=83h Format of NetWare "Finish Servicing Queue Job" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01998) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 84h (subfunction "Abort Servicing Queue Job") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number 09h DWORD (big-endian) charge for job SeeAlso: #01999,#01987 Format of NetWare "Finish Servicing Queue Job" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01999) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #01998 --------N-21E3--SF84------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - QUEUE SERVICES - ABORT SERVICING QUEUE JOB AH = E3h subfn 84h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02000) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02001) Return: AL = status (00h,96h,D0h,D1h,D6h,D9h) (see #01961) Desc: inform the Queue Management System (QMS) that the queue server is unable to service a previously-accepted job Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 3.1+ this variant of Abort Servicing Queue Job allows use of the high connection byte in the NCP packet header, unlike AH=E3h/SF=73h SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=6Fh,AH=E3h/SF=71h,AH=E3h/SF=72h,AH=E3h/SF=73h,AH=E3h/SF=76h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=84h Format of NetWare "Abort Servicing Queue Job" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02000) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE 84h (subfunction "Abort Servicing Queue Job") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID of queue 07h WORD (big-endian) job number SeeAlso: #02001 Format of NetWare "Abort Servicing Queue Job" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02001) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #02000 --------N-21E3--SF96------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - ACCOUNTING SERVICES - GET ACCOUNT STATUS AH = E3h subfn 96h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02003) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02004) Return: AL = status (00h,C0h,C1h) (see #02002) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=97h,AH=E3h/SF=98h,AH=E3h/SF=99h,AX=F217h/SF=96h (Table 02002) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful C0h no account privileges C1h no account balance C2h credit limit exceeded C3h too many holds on account C6h no console rights SeeAlso: #01961 Format of NetWare "Get Account Status" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02003) 00h WORD length of following data (max 33h) 02h BYTE 96h (subfunction "Get Account Status") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of bindery object 05h BYTE length of object name (01h to 2Fh) 06h N BYTEs object name SeeAlso: #02004,#02224 at AX=F217h/SF=96h Format of NetWare "Get Account Status" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02004) 00h WORD (call) length of following buffer space 02h DWORD (big-endian) account balance 06h DWORD (big-endian) credit limit signed number indicating lowest allowable account balance 0Ah 120 BYTEs reserved 82h DWORD (big-endian) object ID, server 1 86h DWORD (big-endian) hold amount, server 1 ... F8h DWORD (big-endian) object ID, server 16 FCh DWORD (big-endian) hold amount, server 16 Note: the reply buffer lists the servers which have placed holds on a portion of the account balance, and the amount reserved by each SeeAlso: #02003,#02224 at AX=F217h/SF=96h --------N-21E3--SF97------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - ACCOUNTING SERVICES - SUBMIT ACCOUNT CHARGE AH = E3h subfn 97h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02005) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02007) Return: AL = status (00h,C0h-C2h) (see #02002) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=96h,AH=E3h/SF=98h,AX=F217h/SF=97h Format of NetWare "Submit Account Charge" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02005) 00h WORD length of following data (max 13Fh) 02h BYTE 97h (subfunction "Submit Account Charge") 03h WORD (big-endian) service type 05h DWORD (big-endian) amount to be charged to account 09h DWORD (big-endian) amount of prior hold to be cancelled 0Dh WORD (big-endian) type of bindery object 0Fh WORD (big-endian) type of comment 8000h-FFFFh reserved for experimental use 11h BYTE length of object's name 12h N BYTEs object name BYTE length of comment N BYTEs comment SeeAlso: #02007 --------N-21E3--SF98------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - ACCOUNTING SERVICES - SUBMIT ACCOUNT HOLD AH = E3h subfn 98h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02006) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02007) Return: AL = status (00h,C0h-C3h) (see #02002) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=96h,AH=E3h/SF=97h,AX=F217h/SF=98h Format of NetWare "Submit Account Hold" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02006) 00h WORD length of following data (max 37h) 02h BYTE 98h (subfunction "Submit Account Hold") 03h DWORD (big-endian) amount of account balance to reserve 07h WORD (big-endian) type of bindery object 09h BYTE length of object's name 0Ah N BYTEs object name SeeAlso: #02007 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02007) 00h WORD 0000h (no data returned) SeeAlso: #02005,#02006,#02008,#02009 --------N-21E3--SF99------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - ACCOUNTING SERVICES - SUBMIT ACCOUNT NOTE AH = E3h subfn 99h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02008) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02007) Return: AL = status (00h,C0h) (see #02002) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=96h,AX=F217h/SF=99h Format of NetWare "Submit Account Note" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02008) 00h WORD length of following data (max 137h) 02h BYTE 99h (subfunction "Submit Account Note") 03h WORD (big-endian) type of service 05h WORD (big-endian) type of bindery object 07h WORD (big-endian) type of comment 8000h-FFFFh reserved for experimental use 09h BYTE length of object's name 0Ah N BYTEs object name BYTE length of comment N BYTEs comment SeeAlso: #02007 --------N-21E3--SFC8------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - CHECK CONSOLE PRIVILEGES AH = E3h subfn C8h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02009) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02007) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02002) Desc: determine whether the caller is a console operator Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ NetWare determines console privileges by checking the file server's OPERATOR property for the caller's object ID SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C9h,AH=E3h/SF=D1h,AX=F217h/SF=C8h Format of NetWare "Check Console Privileges" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02009) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE C8h (subfunction "Check Console Privileges") SeeAlso: #02007 --------N-21E3--SFC9------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SERVER DESCRIPTION STRINGS AH = E3h subfn C9h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02010) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02011) Return: AL = status 00h successful Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must be attached to the file server SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=11h,AH=E3h/SF=CDh,AH=E3h/SF=E8h,AX=F217h/SF=C9h Format of NetWare "Get File Server Description Strings" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02010) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE C9h (subfunction "Get File Server Description Strings") SeeAlso: #02011,#02225 at AX=F217h/SF=C9h Format of NetWare "Get File Server Description Strings" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02011) 00h WORD (call) 0200h (size of following results buffer) 02h var ASCIZ name of company distributing this copy of NetWare var ASCIZ version and revision 9 BYTEs ASCIZ revision date (mm/dd/yy) var ASCIZ copyright notice SeeAlso: #02010,#02225 at AX=F217h/SF=C9h --------N-21E3--SFCA------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - SET FILE SERVER DATE AND TIME AH = E3h subfn CAh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02012) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02014) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02002) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=2Bh"DATE",AH=2Dh"TIME",AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E7h"Novell",AX=F217h/SF=CAh SeeAlso: AX=F214h Format of NetWare "Set File Server Date and Time" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02012) 00h WORD 0007h (length of following data) 02h BYTE CAh (subfunction "Set File Server Date And Time") 03h BYTE year (00-79 = 2000-2079, 80-99 = 1980-1999) 04h BYTE month (1-12) 05h BYTE day (1-31) 06h BYTE hour (0-23) 07h BYTE minute 08h BYTE second SeeAlso: #02014,#02106 at AX=F214h --------N-21E3--SFCB------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - DISABLE FILE SERVER LOGIN AH = E3h subfn CBh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02013) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02014) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02002) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=CCh,AH=E3h/SF=D3h,AX=F217h/SF=CBh Format of NetWare "Disable File Server Login" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02013) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE CBh (subfunction "Disable File Server Login") SeeAlso: #02014,#02015 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02014) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #02012,#02013,#02015 --------N-21E3--SFCC------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - ENABLE FILE SERVER LOGIN AH = E3h subfn CCh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02015) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02014) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02002) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=CBh,AX=F217h/SF=CCh Format of NetWare "Enable File Server Login" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02015) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE CCh (subfunction "Enable File Server Login") SeeAlso: #02014 --------N-21E3--SFCD------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SERVER LOGIN STATUS AH = E3h subfn CDh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02016) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02017) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02002) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=CBh,AH=E3h/SF=CCh Format of NetWare "Get File Server Login Status" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02016) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE CDh (subfunction "Get File Server Login Status") SeeAlso: #02017,#02226 at AX=F217h/SF=CDh Format of NetWare "Get File Server Login Status" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02017) 00h WORD (call) 0001h (size of following results buffer) 02h BYTE login state (00h disabled, 01h enabled) SeeAlso: #02016,#02226 at AX=F217h/SF=CDh --------N-21E3--SFCE------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVICES - PURGE ALL ERASED FILES AH = E3h subfn CEh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02018) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02020) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02002) Desc: all files marked for deletion on the file server are purged, regardless of which workstation actually erased them Notes: this function is supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=13h,AH=E2h/SF=10h,AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AX=F217h/SF=CEh,AX=F244h Format of NetWare "Purge All Erased Files" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02018) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE CEh (subfunction "Purge All Erased Files") SeeAlso: #02020 --------N-21E3--SFCF------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - DISABLE TRANSACTION TRACKING AH = E3h subfn CFh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02019) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02020) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02002) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=D0h Format of NetWare "Disable Transaction Tracking" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02019) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE CFh (subfunction "Disable Transaction Tracking") SeeAlso: #02020,#02021 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02020) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #02018,#02019,#02021 --------N-21E3--SFD0------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - ENABLE TRANSACTION TRACKING AH = E3h subfn D0h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02021) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02020) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Desc: restart transaction tracking after being stopped either explicitly by AH=E3h/SF=CFh or automatically due to a full transaction volume Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=CFh,AX=F217h/SF=D0h Format of NetWare "Enable Transaction Tracking" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02021) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D0h (subfunction "Enable Transaction Tracking") SeeAlso: #02020,#02019 --------N-21E3--SFD1------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - SEND CONSOLE BROADCAST AH = E3h subfn D1h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02022) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02024) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges the broadcast message will not be received by workstations which have disabled broadcasts with AH=E1h/SF=02h SeeAlso: AH=E1h/SF=02h,AH=E1h/SF=09h,AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=D3h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=D1h Format of NetWare "Send Console Broadcast" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02022) 00h WORD length of following data (max A2h) 02h BYTE D1h (subfunction "Send Console Broadcast") 03h BYTE number of connections to receive message 00h = all, else specific list below 04h N BYTEs connection list BYTE length of message (max 3Ch) N BYTEs message SeeAlso: #02024 --------N-21E3--SFD2------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - CLEAR CONNECTION NUMBER AH = E3h subfn D2h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02023) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02024) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Desc: close the open files and release all file locks for a connection, abort transactions if a TTS file server, and detach from the file server Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the caller must have SUPERVISOR privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C9h,AH=E3h/SF=D1h,AX=F217h/SF=D2h,AX=F217h/SF=FEh Format of NetWare "Clear Connection Number" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02023) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D2h (subfunction "Clear Connection Number") 03h BYTE connection number SeeAlso: #02024,#02277 Format of NetWare reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02024) 00h WORD (call) 0000h (no results returned) SeeAlso: #02022,#02023,#02026 --------N-21E3--SFD3------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - DOWN FILE SERVER AH = E3h subfn D3h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02026) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02024) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h,FFh) (see #02025) Desc: take down the file server Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have SUPERVISOR privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=CBh,AH=E3h/SF=CFh,AH=E3h/SF=D1h (Table 02025) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful C6h no console rights FFh files open SeeAlso: #02002,#02053 Format of NetWare "Down File Server" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02026) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D3h (subfunction "Down File Server") 03h BYTE flag: force down even if files open if nonzero SeeAlso: #02024 --------N-21E3--SFD4------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SYSTEM STATISTICS AH = E3h subfn D4h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02027) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02028) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Eh,AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=D9h,AH=E3h/SF=E7h,AH=E3h/SF=E8h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=D4h Format of NetWare "Get File System Statistics" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02027) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D4h (subfunction "Get File System Statistics") SeeAlso: #02028,#02227 at AX=F217h/SF=D4h Format of NetWare "Get File System Statistics" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02028) 00h WORD (call) 0028h (size of following results buffer) 02h DWORD clock ticks since system started 06h WORD maximum open files set by configuration 08h WORD maximum files open concurrently 0Ah WORD current number of open files 0Ch DWORD total files opened 10h DWORD total file read requests 14h DWORD total file write requests 18h WORD current changed FATs 1Ah WORD total changed FATs 1Ch WORD number of FAT write errors 1Eh WORD number of fatal FAT write errors 20h WORD number of FAT scan errors 22h WORD maximum concurrently-indexed files 24h WORD current number of indexed files 26h WORD number of attached indexed files 28h WORD number of indexed files available Note: all fields except the first are big-endian SeeAlso: #02027,#02227 at AX=F217h/SF=D4h --------N-21E3--SFD5------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET TRANSACTION TRACKING STATISTICS AH = E3h subfn D5h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02029) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02030) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=CFh,AH=E3h/SF=D0h,AH=E3h/SF=E8h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=D5h Format of NetWare "Get Transaction Tracking Statistics" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02029) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D5h (subfunction "TTS Get Statistics") SeeAlso: #02030,#02228 at AX=F217h/SF=D5h Format of NetWare "Get Transaction Tracking Statistics" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02030) 00h WORD (call) length of following results buffer (max 1BCh) 02h DWORD (big-endian) clock ticks since system started 06h BYTE transaction tracking supported if nonzero (all following fields are invalid if zero) 07h BYTE transaction tracking enabled 08h WORD (big-endian) transaction volume number 0Ah WORD (big-endian) maximum simultaneous transactions configured 0Ch WORD (big-endian) maximum simultaneous transactions since startup 0Eh WORD (big-endian) current transactions in progress 10h DWORD (big-endian) total transactions performed 14h DWORD (big-endian) total write transactions 18h DWORD (big-endian) total transactions backed out 1Ch WORD (big-endian) number of unfilled backout requests 1Eh WORD (big-endian) disk blocks used for transaction tracking 20h DWORD (big-endian) blocks allocated for tracked-file FATs 24h DWORD (big-endian) number of file size changes during a transaction 28h DWORD (big-endian) number of file truncations during a transaction 2Ch BYTE number of records following 2Dh Active Transaction Records [array] Offset Size Description 00h BYTE logical connection number 01h BYTE task number SeeAlso: #02029,#02228 at AX=F217h/SF=D5h --------N-21E3--SFD6------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET DISK CACHE STATISTICS AH = E3h subfn D6h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02031) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02032) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=D5h,AH=E3h/SF=D8h,AH=E3h/SF=D9h,AH=E3h/SF=E6h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=D6h Format of NetWare "Get Disk Cache Statistics" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02031) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D6h (subfunction "Get Disk Cache Statistics") SeeAlso: #02032,#02229 at AX=F217h/SF=D6h Format of NetWare "Get Disk Cache Statistics" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02032) 00h WORD (call) 004Eh (length of following results buffer) 02h DWORD clock ticks since system started 06h WORD number of cache buffers 08h WORD size of cache buffer in bytes 0Ah WORD number of dirty cache buffers 0Ch DWORD number of cache read requests 10h DWORD number of cache write requests 14h DWORD number of cache hits 18h DWORD number of cache misses 1Ch DWORD number of physical read requests 20h DWORD number of physical write requests 24h WORD number of physical read errors 26h WORD number of physical write errors 28h DWORD cache get requests 2Ch DWORD cache full write requests 30h DWORD cache partial write requests 34h DWORD background dirty writes 38h DWORD background aged writes 3Ch DWORD total cache writes 40h DWORD number of cache allocations 44h WORD thrashing count 46h WORD number of times LRU block was dirty 48h WORD number of reads on cache blocks not yet filled by writes 4Ah WORD number of times a fragmented write occurred 4Ch WORD number of cache hits on unavailable block 4Eh WORD number of times a cache block was scrapped Note: all fields except the first are big-endian SeeAlso: #02031,#02229 at AX=F217h/SF=D6h --------N-21E3--SFD7------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET DRIVE MAPPING TABLE AH = E3h subfn D7h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02033) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02034) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=D6h,AH=E3h/SF=D9h,AH=E3h/SF=E6h,AH=E3h/SF=E9h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=D7h Format of NetWare "Get Drive Mapping Table" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02033) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D7h (subfunction "Get Drive Mapping Table") SeeAlso: #02034,#02230 at AX=F217h/SF=D7h Format of NetWare "Get Drive Mapping Table" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02034) 00h WORD (call) 00ECh (length of following results buffer) 02h DWORD (big-endian) clock tick elapsed since system started 06h BYTE fault tolerance (SFT) level 07h BYTE number of logical drives attached to server 08h BYTE number of physical drives attached to server 09h 5 BYTEs disk channel types (00h none, 01h XT, 02h AT, 03h SCSI, 04h disk coprocessor drive, 32h-FFh value-added drive types) 0Eh WORD (big-endian) number of outstanding controller commands 10h 32 BYTEs drive mapping table (FFh = no such drive) 30h 32 BYTEs drive mirror table (secondary physical drive, FFh = none) 50h 32 BYTEs dead mirror table (last drive mapped to, FFh if never mirrored) 70h BYTE physical drive being remirrored (FFh = none) 71h BYTE reserved 72h DWORD (big-endian) remirrored block 76h 60 BYTEs SFT error table (internal error counters) SeeAlso: #02033,#02230 at AX=F217h/SF=D7h --------N-21E3--SFD8------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET PHYSICAL DISK STATISTICS AH = E3h subfn D8h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02035) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02036) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=D9h,AH=E3h/SF=E9h,AX=F217h/SF=D8h Format of NetWare "Get Physical Disk Statistics" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02035) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D8h (subfunction "Get Physical Disk Statistics") 03h BYTE physical disk number SeeAlso: #02036,#02231 at AX=F217h/SF=D8h Format of NetWare "Get Physical Disk Statistics" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02036) 00h WORD (call) 005Dh (size of following results record) 02h DWORD (big-endian) clock ticks since system started 06h BYTE physical disk channel 07h BYTE flag: drive removable if nonzero 08h BYTE physical drive type 09h BYTE drive number within controller 0Ah BYTE controller number 0Bh BYTE controller type 0Ch DWORD (big-endian) size of drive in 4K disk blocks 10h WORD (big-endian) number of cylinders on drive 12h BYTE number of heads 13h BYTE number of sectors per track 14h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ drive make and model 54h WORD (big-endian) number of I/O errors 56h DWORD (big-endian) start of Hot Fix table 5Ah WORD (big-endian) size of Hot Fix table 5Ch WORD (big-endian) number of Hot Fix blocks available 5Eh BYTE flag: Hot Fix disabled if nonzero SeeAlso: #02035,#02231 at AX=F217h/SF=D8h --------N-21E3--SFD9------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET DISK CHANNEL STATISTICS AH = E3h subfn D9h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02037) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02038) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02025) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=D8h,AH=E3h/SF=E6h,AH=E3h/SF=E9h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=D9h Format of NetWare "Get Disk Channel Statistics" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02037) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE D9h (subfunction "Get Disk Channel Statistics") 03h BYTE channel number SeeAlso: #02038,#02232 at AX=F217h/SF=D9h Format of NetWare "Get Disk Channel Statistics" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02038) 00h WORD (call) 00A8h (size of following results record) 02h DWORD (big-endian) clock ticks since system started 06h WORD (big-endian) channel run state (see #02039) 08h WORD (big-endian) channel synchronization state (see #02040) 0Ah BYTE driver type 0Bh BYTE major version of driver 0Ch BYTE minor version of driver 0Dh 65 BYTEs ASCIZ driver description 4Eh WORD (big-endian) first I/O address used 50h WORD (big-endian) length of first I/O address 52h WORD (big-endian) second I/O address used 54h WORD (big-endian) length of second I/O address 56h 3 BYTEs first shared memory address 59h 2 BYTEs length of first shared memory address 5Bh 3 BYTEs second shared memory address 5Eh 2 BYTEs length of second shared memory address 60h BYTE first interrupt number in-use flag 61h BYTE first interrupt number used 62h BYTE second interrupt number in-use flag 63h BYTE second interrupt number used 64h BYTE first DMA channel in-use flag 65h BYTE first DMA channel used 66h BYTE second DMA channel in-use flag 67h BYTE second DMA channel used 68h BYTE flags 69h BYTE reserved 6Ah 80 BYTEs ASCIZ configuration description SeeAlso: #02037,#02232 at AX=F217h/SF=D9h (Table 02039) Values for channel run state: 0000h running 0001h being stopped 0002h stopped 0003h nonfunctional SeeAlso: #02038,#02040 (Table 02040) Values for channel synchronization state: 0000h not in use 0002h used by NetWare, no other requests 0004h used by NetWare, other requests 0006h in use, not needed by NetWare 0008h in use, needed by NetWare 000Ah channel released, NetWare should use it SeeAlso: #02038,#02039 --------N-21E3--SFDA------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET CONNECTION'S TASK INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn DAh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02041) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02042) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DBh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh,AH=E3h/SF=E1h,AH=E3h/SF=E5h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=DAh Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Task Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02041) 00h WORD 0003h (length of following data) 02h BYTE DAh (subfunction "Get Connection's Task Information") 03h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number SeeAlso: #02042,#02233 at AX=F217h/SF=DAh Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Task Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02042) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh) 02h BYTE lock status of connection (see #02043) 03h var Lock Status Information (see #02044) N BYTE number of records following N+1 Active Task Information Records [array] Offset Size Description 00h BYTE task number (01h-FFh) 01h BYTE task state 01h in TTS explicit transaction 02h in TTS implicit transaction 04h shared fileset lock active SeeAlso: #02041,#02233 at AX=F217h/SF=DAh (Table 02043) Values for lock status of connection: 00h no locks 01h waiting on physical record lock 02h waiting on file lock 03h waiting on logical record lock 04h waiting on semaphore SeeAlso: #02042,#02044 Format of Lock Status Information: Offset Size Description (Table 02044) ---lock status 00h--- no fields ---lock status 01h--- 00h BYTE number of waiting task 01h DWORD start address 05h DWORD end address 09h BYTE volume number 0Ah WORD directory entry number 0Ch 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename ---lock status 02h--- 00h BYTE number of waiting task 01h BYTE volume number 02h WORD directory entry number 04h 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename ---lock status 03h--- 00h BYTE number of waiting task 01h BYTE length of record name 02h N BYTEs ASCIZ record name ---lock status 04h--- 00h BYTE number of waiting task 01h BYTE length of semaphore's name 02h N BYTEs ASCIZ semaphore name SeeAlso: #02042,#02043 --------N-21E3--SFDB------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET CONNECTION'S OPEN FILES (OLD) AH = E3h subfn DBh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02045) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02046) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E2h/SF=1Ah,AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DAh,AH=E3h/SF=DCh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=E1h,AX=F217h/SF=DBh Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Open Files (old)" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02045) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE DBh (subfunction "Get Connection's Open Files") 03h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 05h WORD (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call) SeeAlso: #02046,#02234 at AX=F217h/SF=DBh Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Open Files (old)" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02046) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh) 02h WORD next request record (place in "last record" field on next call) 0000h if no more records 04h BYTE number of records following 05h var array of File Information Records (see #02047) SeeAlso: #02045,#02234 at AX=F217h/SF=DBh Format of NetWare File Information Record: Offset Size Description (Table 02047) 00h BYTE task number 01h BYTE lock flags (see #02048) 02h BYTE access flags (see #02049) 03h BYTE lock type 00h no lock FEh file lock FFh locked by Begin Share File Set 04h BYTE volume number (00h-1Fh) 05h WORD (big-endian) directory entry number 07h 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename SeeAlso: #02046 Bitfields for lock flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02048) 0 file is locked 1 file opened Shareable 2 logged 3 file opened Normal 6 TTS holding lock 7 Transaction Flag set on file SeeAlso: #02047,#02049 Bitfields for access flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02049) 0 file open for reading by calling station 1 file open for writing by calling station 2 deny reads by other stations 3 deny writes by other stations 4 file detached 5 TTS Holding Detach 6 TTS Holding Open SeeAlso: #02047,#02048 --------N-21E3--SFDC------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET CONNECTIONS USING A FILE AH = E3h subfn DCh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02050) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02051) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DAh,AH=E3h/SF=DBh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh,AH=E3h/SF=E1h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=DCh Format of NetWare "Get Connections Using a File" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02050) 00h WORD length of following data (max 104h) 02h BYTE DCh (subfunction "Get Connections Using a File") 03h WORD (big-endian) last record (0000h on first call) 05h BYTE directory handle 06h BYTE length of file path 07h N BYTEs ASCIZ file path SeeAlso: #02051,#02235 at AX=F217h/SF=DCh Format of NetWare "Get Connections Using a File" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02051) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh) 02h WORD (big-endian) count of tasks which have opened or logged file 04h WORD (big-endian) count of tasks which have opened file 06h WORD (big-endian) count of opens for reading 08h WORD (big-endian) count of opens for writing 0Ah WORD (big-endian) deny read count 0Ch WORD (big-endian) deny write count 0Eh WORD next request record (place in "last record" field on next call) 0000h if no more records 10h BYTE locked flag 00h not locked exclusively else locked exclusively 11h BYTE number of records following 12h var array of File Usage Information Records (see #02052) SeeAlso: #02050,#02235 at AX=F217h/SF=DCh Format of NetWare File Usage Information Record: Offset Size Description (Table 02052) 00h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 02h BYTE task number 03h BYTE lock flags (see #02048) 04h BYTE access flags (see #02049) 05h BYTE lock type 00h no lock FEh file lock FFh locked by Begin Share File Set --------N-21E3--SFDD------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS BY CONN&FILE AH = E3h subfn DDh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02054) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02055) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h,FFh) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DEh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh,AX=F217h/SF=DDh (Table 02053) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful C6h no console rights FFh file not open SeeAlso: #02025,#02094 Format of NetWare "Get Phys Record Locks by Conn and File" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02054) 00h WORD 0016h (length of following data) 02h BYTE DDh (subfunction "Get Physical Record Locks by Connection and File") 03h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 05h WORD (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call) 07h BYTE volume number (00h-1Fh) 08h WORD (big-endian) directory handle 0Ah 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename SeeAlso: #02055,#02236 at AX=F217h/SF=DDh Format of NetWare "Get Phys Record Locks by Conn and File" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02055) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh) 02h WORD next request record (place in "last record" on next call) 0000h if no more records 04h BYTE number of physical record locks 05h BYTE number of records following 06h var array of Physical Record Lock Info records (see #02056) SeeAlso: #02054,#02236 at AX=F217h/SF=DDh Format of NetWare Physical Record Lock Info: Offset Size Description (Table 02056) 00h BYTE task number 01h BYTE lock status (see #02057) 02h DWORD (big-endian) starting offset of record in file 06h DWORD (big-endian) ending offset of record in file SeeAlso: #02055 Bitfields for lock status: Bit(s) Description (Table 02057) 0 exclusive lock 1 shareable lock 2 logged 6 lock held by TTS SeeAlso: #02056 --------N-21E3--SFDE------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET PHYSICAL RECORD LOCKS BY FILE AH = E3h subfn DEh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02058) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02059) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h,FFh) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DDh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh,AX=F217h/SF=DEh Format of NetWare "Get Physical Record Locks by File" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02058) 00h WORD length of following data (max 104h) 02h BYTE DEh (subfunction "Get Physical Record Locks by File") 03h WORD (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call) 05h BYTE directory handle 06h BYTE length of filename 07h N BYTEs ASCIZ filename SeeAlso: #02059,#02237 at AX=F217h/SF=DEh Format of NetWare "Get Physical Record Locks by File" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02059) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh) 02h WORD next request record (place in "last record" on next call) 0000h if no more records 04h BYTE number of physical record locks 05h BYTE number of records following 06h var array of Physical Record Lock Info records (see #02060) SeeAlso: #02058,#02237 at AX=F217h/SF=DEh Format of NetWare Physical Record Lock Info: Offset Size Description (Table 02060) 00h WORD (big-endian) number of tasks logging record 02h WORD (big-endian) number of tasks with shareable lock 04h DWORD (big-endian) starting offset of record in file 08h DWORD (big-endian) ending offset of record in file 0Ch WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 0Eh BYTE task number 0Fh BYTE lock type 00h none FEh file lock FFh Begin Share File Set lock SeeAlso: #02059 --------N-21E3--SFDF------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET LOGICAL RECORDS BY CONNECTION AH = E3h subfn DFh DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02061) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02062) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DDh,AH=E3h/SF=E0h,AH=E3h/SF=E2h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=DFh Format of NetWare "Get Logical Records by Connection" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02061) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE DFh (subfunction "Get Logical Records By Connection") 03h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 05h WORD (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call) SeeAlso: #02062,#02238 at AX=F217h/SF=DFh Format of NetWare "Get Logical Records by Connection" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02062) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh) 02h WORD next request record (place in "last record" field on next call) 0000h if no more locked records 04h BYTE number of records following 05h var array of Logical Lock Information Records (see #02063) SeeAlso: #02061,#02238 at AX=F217h/SF=DFh Format of NetWare Logical Lock Information Record: Offset Size Description (Table 02063) 00h BYTE task number 01h BYTE lock status (see #02057) 02h BYTE length of logical lock's name 03h N BYTEs logical lock's name SeeAlso: #02062 --------N-21E3--SFE0------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET LOGICAL RECORD INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn E0h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02064) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02065) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DDh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh,AH=E3h/SF=E2h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=E0h Format of NetWare "Get Logical Record Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02064) 00h WORD length of following data (max 67h) 02h BYTE E0h (subfunction "Get Logical Record Information") 03h WORD (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call) 05h BYTE length of logical record's name 06h N BYTEs logical record's name SeeAlso: #02065,#02239 at AH=E3h/SF=E0h Format of NetWare "Get Logical Record Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02065) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 200h) 02h WORD (big-endian) number of logical connections logging the record 04h WORD (big-endian) number of logical connections with shareable lock 06h WORD (big-endian) next request record (place in "last record" field on next call) 08h BYTE locked exclusively if nonzero 09h BYTE number of records following 0Ah var array of Task Information Records (see #02066) SeeAlso: #02064,#02239 at AH=E3h/SF=E0h Format of NetWare Task Information Record: Offset Size Description (Table 02066) 00h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 02h BYTE task number 03h BYTE lock status (see #02057) SeeAlso: #02065 --------N-21E3--SFE1------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET CONNECTION'S SEMAPHORES AH = E3h subfn E1h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02067) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02068) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DBh,AH=E3h/SF=DFh,AH=E3h/SF=E2h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=E1h Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Semaphores" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02067) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE E1h (subfunction "Get Connection's Semaphores") 03h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 05h WORD (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call) SeeAlso: #02068,#02240 at AX=F217h/SF=E1h Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Semaphores" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02068) 00h WORD (call) size of following results record (max 1FEh) 02h WORD next request record (place in "last record" field on next call) 04h BYTE number of records following 05h var array of Semaphore Information Records (see #02069) SeeAlso: #02067,#02240 at AX=F217h/SF=E1h Format of NetWare Semaphore Information Record: Offset Size Description (Table 02069) 00h WORD (big-endian) open count 02h BYTE semaphore value (-128 to 127) 03h BYTE task number 04h BYTE lock type 05h BYTE length of semaphore's name 06h N BYTEs semaphore's name 14 BYTEs filename SeeAlso: #02068 --------N-21E3--SFE2------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET SEMAPHORE INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn E2h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02070) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02071) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=E1h,AX=F217h/SF=E2h Format of NetWare "Get Semaphore Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02070) 00h WORD length of following data (max 83h) 02h BYTE E2h (subfunction "Get LAN Driver's Configuration Information") 03h WORD (big-endian) last record seen (0000h on first call) 05h BYTE length of semaphore's name (01h-7Fh) 06h N BYTEs semaphore's name SeeAlso: #02071,#02241 at AX=F217h/SF=E2h Format of NetWare "Get Semaphore Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02071) 00h WORD (call) size of following results buffer (max 1FEh) 02h WORD next request record (place in "last record" on next call) 0000h if no more 04h WORD (big-endian) number of logical connections opening semaphore 06h BYTE semaphore value (-127 to 128) 07h BYTE number of records following 08h var array of Semaphore Information records (see #02072) SeeAlso: #02071,#02241 at AX=F217h/SF=E2h Format of NetWare Semaphore Information: Offset Size Description (Table 02072) 00h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number 02h BYTE task number SeeAlso: #02071 --------N-21E3--SFE3------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET LAN DRIVER'S CONFIGURATION INFO AH = E3h subfn E3h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02073) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02074) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ the calling workstation must have console operator privileges SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=E7h,AH=E3h/SF=E8h,AX=F217h/SF=E3h Format of NetWare "Get LAN Driver's Configuration Info" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02073) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE E3h (subfunction "Get LAN Driver's Configuration Information") 03h BYTE LAN board (00h-03h) SeeAlso: #02074,#02242 at AX=F217h/SF=E3h Format of NetWare "Get LAN Driver's Configuration Info" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02074) 00h WORD (call) 00ACh (size of following results buffer) 02h 4 BYTEs network number 06h 6 BYTEs node number 0Ch BYTE LAN driver installed (00h no--remaining fields invalid) 0Dh BYTE option number selected at configuration time 0Eh 160 BYTEs configuration text ASCIZ hardware type ASCIZ hardware settings SeeAlso: #02073,#02242 at AX=F217h/SF=E3h --------N-21E3--SFE5------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET CONNECTION'S USAGE STATISTICS AH = E3h subfn E5h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02075) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02076) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ one must have console operator privileges to get statistics for logical connections other than one's own SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=DAh,AH=E3h/SF=DBh,AH=E3h/SF=E1h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=E5h Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Usage Statistics" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02075) 00h WORD 0003h (length of following data) 02h BYTE E5h (subfunction "Get Connection's Usage Statistics") 03h WORD (big-endian) logical connection number SeeAlso: #02076,#02243 at AX=F217h/SF=E5h Format of NetWare "Get Connection's Usage Statistics" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02076) 00h WORD (call) 0014h (size of following results record) 02h DWORD (big-endian) clock ticks since server started 06h 6 BYTEs bytes read 0Ch 6 BYTEs bytes written 12h DWORD (big-endian) total request packets SeeAlso: #02075,#02243 at AX=F217h/SF=E5h --------N-21E3--SFE6------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET BINDERY OBJECT DISK SPACE LEFT AH = E3h subfn E6h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02077) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02078) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ one must have console operator privileges to get the free space for other bindery objects SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=C8h,AH=E3h/SF=E8h,AH=E3h/SF=E9h Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Object Disk Space Left" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02077) 00h WORD 0005h (length of following data) 02h BYTE E6h (subfunction "Get Bindery Object Disk Space Left") 03h DWORD (big-endian) object ID SeeAlso: #02078,#02244 at AX=F217h/SF=E6h Format of NetWare "Get Bindery Object Disk Space Left" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02078) 00h WORD (call) 000Fh (size of following results buffer) 02h DWORD (big-endian) clock ticks elapsed since server started 06h DWORD (big-endian) object ID 0Ah DWORD (big-endian) 4K disk blocks available to user 0Eh BYTE restrictions (00h enforced, FFh not enforced) SeeAlso: #02077,#02244 at AX=F217h/SF=E6h --------N-21E3--SFE7------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SERVER LAN I/O STATISTICS AH = E3h subfn E7h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02079) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02080) Return: AL = status 00h successful Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Eh,AH=E3h/SF=11h,AH=E3h/SF=D3h,AH=E3h/SF=E8h SeeAlso: AH=E7h"Novell",AX=F217h/SF=E7h Format of NetWare "Get File Server LAN I/O Statistics" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02079) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE E7h (subfunction "Get File Server LAN I/O Statistics") SeeAlso: #02080,#02245 at AX=F217h/SF=E7h Format of NetWare "Get File Server LAN I/O Statistics" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02080) 00h WORD (call) 0042h (size of following results buffer) 02h DWORD clock ticks since system started 06h WORD total routing buffers 08h WORD maximum routing buffers used 0Ah WORD current routing buffers used 0Ch DWORD total file service packets 10h WORD number of file service packets buffered 12h WORD number of invalid connection packets 14h WORD packets with bad logical connection numbers 16h WORD number of packets received during processing 18h WORD number of requests reprocessed 1Ah WORD packets with bad sequence numbers 1Ch WORD number of duplicate replies sent 1Eh WORD number of acknowledgements sent 20h WORD number of packets with bad request types 22h WORD requests to attach to ws for which a request is being processed 24h WORD requests to attach from ws which is already attaching 26h WORD number of forged detach requests 28h WORD detach requests with bad connection number 2Ah WORD requests to detach from ws for which requests pending 2Ch WORD number of cancelled replies 2Eh WORD packets discarded due to excessive hop count 30h WORD packets discarded due to unknown net 32h WORD incoming packets discarded for lack of DGroup buffer 34h WORD outgoing packets discarded due to lack of buffer 36h WORD received packets destined for B,C, or D side drivers 38h DWORD number of NetBIOS packets propagated through net 3Ch DWORD total number of non-file-service packets 40h DWORD total number of routed packets Note: all fields except the first are big-endian SeeAlso: #02080,#02245 at AX=F217h/SF=E7h --------N-21E3--SFE8------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SERVER MISC INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn E8h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02081) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02082) Return: AL = status (00h,C6h) (see #02053) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=0Eh,AH=E3h/SF=11h,AH=E3h/SF=CDh,AH=E3h/SF=E7h SeeAlso: AX=F217h/SF=E8h Format of NetWare "Get File Server Misc Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02081) 00h WORD 0001h (length of following data) 02h BYTE E8h (subfunction "Get File Server Misc Information") SeeAlso: #02082,#02246 at AX=F217h/SF=E8h Format of NetWare "Get File Server Misc Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02082) 00h WORD (call) size of following results buffer (max 0048h) 02h DWORD (big-endian) clock ticks since system started 06h BYTE CPU type 00h Motorola 68000 01h Intel 8086, 8088, or V20 02h Intel 80286+ 07h BYTE reserved 08h BYTE number of service processes in server 09h BYTE server utilization in percent 0Ah WORD (big-endian) maximum bindery objects set by configuration 0000h = unlimited 0Ch WORD (big-endian) maximum number of bindery objects used 0Eh WORD (big-endian) current number of bindery objects in use 10h WORD (big-endian) total server memory in KB 12h WORD (big-endian) wasted server memory in KB normally 0000h 14h WORD number of records following (01h-03h) 16h var array of Dynamic Memory Information records (see #02083) SeeAlso: #02081,#02246 at AX=F217h/SF=E8h Format of NetWare Dynamic Memory Information: Offset Size Description (Table 02083) 00h DWORD (big-endian) total dynamic space 04h DWORD (big-endian) maximum dynamic space used 08h DWORD (big-endian) current dynamic space usage --------N-21E3--SFE9------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - DIRECTORY SERVICES - GET VOLUME INFORMATION AH = E3h subfn E9h DS:SI -> request buffer (see #02084) ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02085) Return: AL = status 00h successful Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.1+ SeeAlso: AH=DAh,AH=E2h/SF=15h,AX=F217h/SF=E9h Format of NetWare "Get Volume Information" request buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02084) 00h WORD 0002h (length of following data) 02h BYTE E9h (subfunction "Get Volume Information") 03h BYTE directory handle SeeAlso: #02085,#02247 at AX=F217h/SF=E9h Format of NetWare "Get Volume Information" reply buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02085) 00h WORD (call) 0028h (length of following results buffer) 02h DWORD (big-endian) elapsed system time 06h BYTE volume number 07h BYTE logical drive number 08h WORD (big-endian) sectors per block 0Ah WORD (big-endian) starting block 0Ch WORD (big-endian) total blocks on volume 0Eh WORD (big-endian) blocks available on volume 10h WORD (big-endian) total directory slots 12h WORD (big-endian) directory slots available 14h WORD (big-endian) maximum directory entries actually used 16h BYTE flag: volume hashed if nonzero 17h BYTE flag: volume cached if nonzero 18h BYTE flag: volume removable if nonzero 19h BYTE flag: volume mounted if nonzero 1Ah 16 BYTEs NUL-padded volume name SeeAlso: #02084,#02247 at AX=F217h/SF=E9h --------N-21E4------------------------------- INT 21 O - Novell NetWare - SET FILE ATTRIBUTES (FCB) AH = E4h CL = file attributes (see #02086) DX:DX -> FCB (see #01345 at AH=0Fh) Return: AL = error code Note: this function was added in NetWare 4.0, but was removed some time prior to Advanced NetWare 2.15, and is no longer listed in current Novell documentation SeeAlso: AX=4301h Bitfields for NetWare file attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 02086) 0 read only 1 hidden 2 system 7 shareable --------v-21E4------------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Anarkia" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = E4h Return: AH = 04h if resident SeeAlso: AH=E1h"VIRUS",AH=E7h"VIRUS" --------T-21E400----------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - INSTALLATION CHECK/PROGRAM STATUS AX = E400h Return: AL = program status 00h if DoubleDOS not present 01h if running in visible DoubleDOS partition 02h if running in the invisible DoubleDOS partition SeeAlso: AH=E5h"DoubleDOS",AX=F400h --------E-21E400----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - CHAIN TO REAL-MODE HANDLER AX = E400h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? --------E-21E402----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - SET PROTECTED-MODE TASK GATE AX = E402h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=E403h --------E-21E403----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - REMOVE PROTECTED-MODE TASK GATE AX = E403h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=E402h --------N-21E5------------------------------- INT 21 O - Novell NetWare - UPDATE FILE SIZE (FCB) AH = E5h DS:DX -> FCB (see #01345 at AH=0Fh) Return: AL = (unreliable) return code Notes: this function was added in NetWare 4.0, but was removed some time prior to Advanced NetWare 2.15, and is no longer listed in current Novell documentation on success, NetWare sets AL to zero; on errors it restores AL --------T-21E5------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - OTHER PROGRAM STATUS AH = E5h Return: AL = status 00h no program in other partition 01h program in other partition is running 02h program in other partition is suspended SeeAlso: AX=E400h"DoubleDOS",AH=F5h"DoubleDOS" --------E-21E500----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - HEAP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AX = E500h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=E501h --------E-21E501----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - FORCE HEAP COMPACTION AX = E501h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=E500h --------N-21E6------------------------------- INT 21 O - Novell NetWare - COPY FILE TO FILE (FCB) AH = E6h CX:DX = number of bytes to copy DS:SI -> opened source FCB ES:DI -> opened destination FCB Return: AL = error code CX = ??? DX = ??? Note: this function was added in NetWare 4.0, but was removed some time prior to Advanced NetWare 2.15, and is no longer listed in current Novell documentation --------E-21E6------------------------------- INT 21 P - OS/286, OS/386 - ISSUE REAL PROCEDURE SIGNAL FROM PROTECTED MODE AH = E6h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=E2h"OS/286" --------N-21E7------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - FILE SERVER - GET FILE SERVER DATE AND TIME AH = E7h DS:DX -> date/time buffer (see #02087) Return: AL = error code 00h successful FFh unsuccessful Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, Alloy NTNX, and Banyan VINES SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AH=2Ch,AX=5FC0h,AH=E3h/SF=CAh,AX=F214h Format of NetWare date/time buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02087) 00h BYTE year (80-99 = 1980-1999, 0-79 = 2000-2079) 01h BYTE month (1=Jan) 02h BYTE day 03h BYTE hours 04h BYTE minutes 05h BYTE seconds 06h BYTE day of week (0 = Sunday) (Novell and NTNX only) SeeAlso: #02106 --------E-21E7------------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - CREATE CODE SEGMENT AH = E7h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=E8h"OS/286",AH=E9h"OS/286",AH=EAh"OS/286" --------v-21E7------------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Spyer"/"Kiev" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = E7h Return: AH = 78h if resident SeeAlso: AH=E4h"VIRUS",AX=EC59h --------N-21E8------------------------------- INT 21 O - Novell NetWare, Alloy NTNX - SET FCB RE-OPEN MODE AH = E8h DL = mode 00h no automatic re-open 01h auto re-open Return: AL = error code Desc: provided backward compatibility with a bug in CP/M and early DOS vers Note: this function was added in NetWare 4.6, but was removed some time prior to Advanced NetWare 2.15, and is no longer listed in current Novell documentation --------E-21E8------------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - SEGMENT CREATION AH = E8h AL = type 00h data segment 01h data window/alias 02h real segment 03h real window/alias CX:DX = size in bytes SI:BX -> start of desired memory block Return: AX = selector 06h shareable segment ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=E7h"OS/286",AH=E9h"OS/286" --------T-21E8------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - SET/RESET KEYBOARD CONTROL FLAGS AH = E8h AL = program for which to set flags (00h this program, 01h other) DX = keyboard control flags (see #02088) Return: DX = previous flags Notes: disabling Ctrl-PrtSc will allow the program to intercept the keystroke; disabling any of the other keystrokes disables them completely identical to AH=F8h SeeAlso: AH=E1h"DoubleDOS",AH=E2h"DoubleDOS",AH=E3h"DoubleDOS" SeeAlso: AH=F8h"DoubleDOS" Bitfields for DoubleDOS keyboard control flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02088) 0 menu 1 exchange 2 entire keyboard enable/disable 3 Ctrl-C 4 Ctrl-PrtSc 5 Alt/Erase 6 Ctrl-Break 7 Ctrl-NumLock 8 shift-PrtSc 9-13 undefined 14 cancel key (clear keyboard buffer) 15 suspend key Note: setting a enables the corresponding key or operatin, clearing a disables it --------E-21E9------------------------------- INT 21 P - OS/286, OS/386 - CHANGE SEGMENTS AH = E9h AL = function 01h change code segment parameters 02h change data segment parameters 05h adjust segment limit 06h change segment base address ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=E7h"OS/286",AH=E8h"OS/286",AH=EAh"OS/286",AH=EDh"OS/286" SeeAlso: INT 31/AX=0007h,INT 31/AX=0008h --------T-21E9------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - SET TIMESHARING PRIORITY AH = E9h AL = new priority (see #02089) Return: AL = priority setting if AL=05h on entry Note: identical to AH=F9h SeeAlso: AH=EAh"DoubleDOS",AH=EBh"DoubleDOS",AH=F9h"DoubleDOS" (Table 02089) Values for DoubleDOS timesharing priority: 00h visible program gets 70%, invisible gets 30% (default) 01h visible program gets 50%, invisible gets 50% 02h visible program gets 30%, invisible gets 70% 03h Top program gets 70%, bottom program gets 30% 04h Top program gets 30%, bottom program gets 70% 05h get current priority --------N-21E900----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - DIRECTORY SERVICES - GET DIRECTORY HANDLE AX = E900h DX = drive number to check (0 = A:, ..., 25 = Z:, 26 ... 31) Return: AL = directory handle AH = flags (drive not mapped if none set) bit 0: permanent handle bit 1: temporary handle bit 7: mapped to local drive Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.0+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E2h/SF=00h,AH=E2h/SF=01h,AH=E2h/SF=0Ah --------v-21E900----------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Dark End" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = E900h Return: AX = 1234h if resident SeeAlso: AX=DEFEh"VIRUS",AX=EC27h"VIRUS" --------N-21E905----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare shell 3.01 - MAP A FAKE ROOT DIRECTORY AX = E905h BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, ...) DS:DX -> ASCIZ path for fake root (may include server name or be empty) Return: CF set on error AL = error code (03h,0Fh,11h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Note: if drive is not currently mapped, a drive mapping will be created SeeAlso: AX=E906h --------N-21E906----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare shell 3.01 - DELETE FAKE ROOT DIRECTORY AX = E906h BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, ...) Return: AL = completion code Note: drive remains mapped SeeAlso: AX=E905h --------N-21E907----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare shell 3.01 - GET RELATIVE DRIVE DEPTH AX = E907h BL = drive number (0=default, 1=A:, ...) Return: AL = number of directories below the fake root FFh if no fake root assigned SeeAlso: AX=E905h --------N-21E908BL00------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare shell 3.01 - SET SHOW DOTS AX = E908h BL = 00h don't return '.' or '..' during directory scans = nonzero directory scans will return '.' or '..' entries Return: BL = previous show-dots setting --------N-21E909----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - NetWare shell - CONVERT DOS FILE HANDLE TO NETWARE AX = E909h BX = DOS file handle Return: AX = 0000h if successful BX:CX:DX = NetWare file handle Notes: this function is partially a reverse of "AttachHandle" (AH=B4h) many NetWare 3.x functions use a four-byte file handle, which appears to be the high four bytes of the six-byte NetWare handle SeeAlso: AH=B4h"NetWare" --------N-21EA------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare, Alloy NTNX - RETURN SHELL VERSION AH = EAh AL = return version environment string 00h don't return string nonzero get environment string ES:DI -> 40-byte buffer for string Return: buffer filled with three null-terminated entries: major operating system version hardware type Return: AH = operating system (00h = MS-DOS) AL = hardware type 00h IBM PC 01h Victor 9000 BH = major shell version BL = minor shell version CH = (v3.01+) shell type 00h conventional memory 01h expanded memory 02h extended memory CL = shell revision number Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.6 and Advanced NetWare 1.0+ SeeAlso: INT DF"Victor" --------T-21EA------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - TURN OFF TASK SWITCHING AH = EAh Return: task switching turned off SeeAlso: AH=E9h"DoubleDOS",AH=EBh"DoubleDOS",AH=FAh"DoubleDOS" SeeAlso: INT FA"DoubleDOS" --------E-21EA------------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - ALLOCATE HUGE SEGMENT AH = EAh ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AH=E7h"OS/286",AH=E8h"OS/286",AH=E9h"OS/286" --------N-21EB------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - SYNCHRONIZATION SERVICES - LOG FILE AH = EBh DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename if function C6h lock mode 01h: AL = flags 00h log file only 01h lock as well as log file BP = lock timeout in timer ticks (1/18 second) 0000h = don't wait if file already locked Return: AL = status (see #02090) Desc: add the location and size of the specified file to the log table and optionally lock the file Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.6+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=BCh"NetWare",AH=CAh,AH=D0h,AH=ECh"NetWare",AH=EDh"NetWare" (Table 02090) Values for NetWare status: 00h successful 96h no dynamic memory for file FEh timed out FFh failed SeeAlso: #02053 --------T-21EB------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - TURN ON TASK SWITCHING AH = EBh Return: task switching turned on SeeAlso: AH=E9h"DoubleDOS",AH=EAh"DoubleDOS",AH=FBh"DoubleDOS" SeeAlso: INT FB"DoubleDOS" --------E-21EB00----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - GET A PAGE TABLE ENTRY BY LINEAR ADDRESS AX = EB00h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=EB02h,AX=EB04h,INT 31/AX=0506h --------E-21EB02----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - GET A PAGE TABLE ENTRY BY 16-BIT SEGMENT:OFFSET AX = EB02h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=EB00h,AX=EB04h --------E-21EB03----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - FREE MAPPED PAGES AX = EB03h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=EB05h,INT 31/AX=0801h --------E-21EB04----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - GET A PAGE TABLE ENTRY BY 32-BIT SEGMENT:OFFSET AX = EB04h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=EB00h,AX=EB02h --------E-21EB05----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - MAP PAGES AX = EB05h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=EB03h,INT 31/AX=0800h --------E-21EB06----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - LOCK PAGES IN MEMORY AX = EB06h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=EB07h,INT 31/AX=0600h --------E-21EB07----------------------------- INT 21 - OS/386 VMM - UNLOCK MEMORY PAGES AX = EB07h ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AX=EB06h,INT 31/AX=0601h --------N-21EC------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - SYNCHRONIZATION SERVICES - RELEASE FILE AH = ECh DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh file not found Desc: unlock the specified file but retain it in the log table Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.6+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=CDh,AH=EBh"NetWare",AH=EDh"NetWare" --------T-21EC------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - GET VIRTUAL SCREEN ADDRESS AH = ECh Return: ES = segment of virtual screen Desc: determine the address of the virtual screen to which the program should write instead of the actual video memory, so that the multitasked programs do not interfere with each other's output Notes: screen address can change if task-switching is on! identical to AH=FCh SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=FEh,AH=FCh"DoubleDOS",INT FC"DoubleDOS" --------E-21EC------------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - BLOCK TRANSFER AH = ECh ??? Return: ??? --------v-21EC27----------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Halloween.1839" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = EC27h Return: AX = 4A52h ("JR") if resident SeeAlso: AH=E7h"VIRUS",AX=E900h"VIRUS",AX=EC59h"VIRUS" --------v-21EC59----------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Terror" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = EC59h Return: BP = EC59h if resident SeeAlso: AX=EC27h"VIRUS",AH=EEh"VIRUS" --------N-21ED------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - SYNCHRONIZATION SERVICES - CLEAR FILE AH = EDh DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh no files found Desc: unlock the file and remove it from the log table Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.6+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=CBh"NetWare",AH=CEh,AH=CFh,AH=EBh"NetWare",AH=ECh"NetWare" --------E-21ED------------------------------- INT 21 - OS/286, OS/386 - GET SEGMENT OR WINDOW DESCRIPTOR AH = EDh ??? Return: ??? Note: protected mode only??? SeeAlso: AH=E9h"OS/286" --------N-21EE------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - GET PHYSICAL STATION ADDRESS AH = EEh Return: CX:BX:AX = six-byte physical address Note: this function is supported by NetWare 4.6+, Advanced NetWare 1.0+, and Alloy NTNX SeeAlso: AH=E3h/SF=13h --------T-21EE------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - GIVE AWAY TIME TO OTHER TASKS AH = EEh AL = number of 55ms time slices to give away Return: returns after giving away time slices SeeAlso: AH=FEh"DoubleDOS",INT FE"DoubleDOS" --------v-21EE------------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Jerusalem-G", "Pregnant", "Barrotes" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = EEh Return: AX = 0300h if "Jerusalem-G" resident AL = 05h if "Pregnant" resident AL = FEh if "Barrotes" resident SeeAlso: AH=DDh"VIRUS",AX=EC59h,AX=EEE7h"VIRUS" --------v-21EEE7----------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "GingerBread" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = EEE7h Return: AX = D703h if installed SeeAlso: AH=EEh"VIRUS",AH=EFh"VIRUS" --------v-21EF------------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Mabuhay"/"June 12th" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = EFh Return: AX = 025Bh if resident SeeAlso: AX=EC27h"VIRUS",AH=EEh"VIRUS",AH=F0h"VIRUS" --------N-21EF00----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET DRIVE HANDLE TABLE AX = EF00h Return: ES:SI -> network shell's 32-byte drive handle table AX = 0000h Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ each byte in the drive handle table contains the directory handle for the corresponding drive, or 00h if not mapped to a directory SeeAlso: AX=EF01h,AX=EF02h,AX=EF03h,AX=EF04h --------N-21EF01----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET DRIVE FLAG TABLE AX = EF01h Return: ES:SI -> network shell's 32-byte drive flag table (see #02091) AX = 0000h Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ each byte in the drive flag table corresponds to a drive SeeAlso: AX=EF00h,AX=EF02h,AX=EF03h (Table 02091) Values in NetWare drive flag table: 00h drive is not mapped 01h permanent network drive 02h temporary network drive 80h mapped to local drive 81h local drive used as permanent network drive 82h local drive used as temporary network drive --------N-21EF02----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET DRIVE CONNECTION ID TABLE AX = EF02h Return: ES:SI -> network shell's 32-byte drive conection ID table AX = 0000h Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ each byte in the connection ID table corresponds to a drive and contains either the connection ID (1-8) of the server for that drive or 00h if the drive is not mapped to a file server SeeAlso: AX=EF01h,AX=EF03h,AX=F002h --------N-21EF03----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET CONNECTION ID TABLE AX = EF03h Return: ES:SI -> network shell's connection ID table (see #02092) AX = 0000h Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ SeeAlso: AX=EF00h,AX=EF02h,AX=EF04h,AX=F002h Format of NetWare connection ID table [one entry of eight-element array]: Offset Size Description (Table 02092) 00h BYTE in-use flag E0h AES temporary F8h IPX in critical section FAh processing FBh holding FCh AES waiting FDh waiting FEh receiving FFh sending 01h BYTE order number assigned to server (1-8) 02h DWORD (big-endian) file server's network address 06h 6 BYTEs (big-endian) file server's node address 0Ch WORD (big-endian) socket number 0Eh WORD (big-endian) base receive timeout in clock ticks 10h 6 BYTEs (big-endian) preferred routing node 16h BYTE packet sequence number 17h BYTE connection number (FFh = no connection) 18h BYTE connection status (00h if active) 19h WORD (big-endian) maximum receive timeout in clock ticks 1Bh WORD connection number (if > FAh) 1Dh BYTE major version of NetWare 1Eh BYTE minor version of NetWare 1Fh BYTE server flags bit 0: server is burst enabled --------N-21EF04----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET FILE SERVER NAME TABLE AX = EF04h Return: ES:SI -> network shell's file server name table (see #02093) AX = 0000h Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ SeeAlso: AX=EF03h Format of file server name table: Offset Size Description (Table 02093) 00h 48 BYTEs ASCIZ server name for first entry in connection ID table 30h 48 BYTEs ASCIZ server name for second entry in connection ID table ... 150h 48 BYTEs ASCIZ server name for eighth entry in connection ID table --------T-21F0------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - MENU CONTROL AH = F0h AL = subfunction 01h exchange tasks 73h resume invisible job if suspended 74h kill other job 75h suspend invisible job Note: identical to AH=E0h SeeAlso: AH=E0h"DoubleDOS" --------v-21F0------------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Frere Jacques" - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = F0h Return: AX = 0300h if resident SeeAlso: AH=EEh"VIRUS",AX=F078h"VIRUS" --------N-21F000----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - SET PREFERRED CONNECTION ID AX = F000h DL = connection ID of prefered file server (1-8) or 00h for none Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ the preferred connection ID is set to 00h by the shell on EOJ SeeAlso: AH=D6h,AX=EF03h,AX=F001h,AX=F002h,AX=F005h --------N-21F001----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET PREFERRED CONNECTION ID AX = F001h Return: AL = connection ID of preferred file server (1-8), 00h if not set Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ the preferred connection ID is set to 00h by the shell on EOJ SeeAlso: AH=D6h,AX=EF03h,AX=F000h,AX=F002h,AX=F005h --------N-21F002----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET DEFAULT CONNECTION ID AX = F002h Return: AL = connection ID of current default file server (1-8) (see AX=EF03h) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ SeeAlso: AX=EF03h,AX=F000h,AX=F004h --------N-21F003----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - PRINT SERVICES - GET LPT CAPTURE STATUS AX = F003h Return: AH = status 00h not active FFh active AL = connection ID (01h-08h) Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ SeeAlso: AX=B800h,AX=B804h,AH=DFh/DL=00h,AH=DFh/DL=04h --------N-21F004----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - SET PRIMARY CONNECTION ID AX = F004h DL = connection ID of primary file server (1-8) or 00h for none Note: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.0+ SeeAlso: AH=D6h,AX=EF03h,AX=F000h,AX=F002h,AX=F005h --------N-21F005----------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - WORKSTATION - GET PRIMARY CONNECTION ID AX = F005h Return: AL = connection ID of primary file server (1-8), 00h if not set Notes: this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 2.0+ by default, the primary file server is the one from which the login script executed; it is set to 00h if the workstation is not logged in and when it detaches from its primary file server SeeAlso: AH=D6h,AX=EF03h,AX=F000h,AX=F002h,AX=F004h --------v-21F078----------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Burgler/H" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = F078h Return: AX = 0000h if installed SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VIRUS",AH=F1h"VIRUS" --------N-21F1------------------------------- INT 21 - Novell NetWare - CONNECTION SERVICES - FILE SERVER CONNECTION AH = F1h AL = subfunction 00h attach to file server DL = preferred file server (01h-08h) 01h detach from file server DL = connection ID 02h logout from file server DL = connection ID Return: AL = status (see #02094) Note: these functions are supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+ SeeAlso: AH=D7h"NetWare",AH=E3h/SF=14h (Table 02094) Values for NetWare function status: 00h successful F8h already attached to server F9h connection table full FAh no more server slots FCh unknown file server FEh server bindery locked FFh no response from server, or connection does not exist SeeAlso: #02053,#02350 --------T-21F1------------------------------- INT 21 - DoubleDOS - CLEAR KEYBOARD BUFFER FOR CURRENT JOB AH = F1h SeeAlso: AH=E1h"DoubleDOS",AH=F2h"DoubleDOS",AH=F3h"DoubleDOS" SeeAlso: AH=F8h"DoubleDOS" --------v-21F1------------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "F1-337" - ??? AH = F1h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VIRUS",AX=F1E9h --------v-21F1E9----------------------------- INT 21 - VIRUS - "Tremor" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = F1E9h Return: AX = installation state CADEh installed, and calling program is infected F100h not installed (normal DOS return value) else installed, but calling program is not infected SeeAlso: AH=F1h"VIRUS",AX=F2AAh --------!---Section--------------------------