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All Butterfly Discoveries



This table covers all butterfly species across all locations, including additional areas outside the main zones.

All Butterflies Throughout The Years



The following table covers all species by year. (last updated: 19 September, 2024)

| FAMILY      | SPECIES                 | 2022     | 2023      | 2024 |
| Hesperiidae | Carcharodus alceae      |          |           |  x   |
|             | Erynnis tages           |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Ochlodes sylvanus       |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Pyrgus malvae           |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Thymelicus acteon       |    x     |           |  x   |
|             | Thymelicus lineola      |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Thymelicus sylvestris   |    x     |    x      |  x   |
| Lycaenidae  | Aricia agestis          |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Celastrina argiolus     |    x     |           |  x   |
|             | Cupido argiades         |          |           |  x   |
|             | Cupido minimus          |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Lycaena phlaeas         |          |           |  x   |
|             | Plebejus argus          |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Polyommatus bellargus   |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Polyommatus coridon     |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Polyommatus icarus      |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Satyrium pruni          |          |    x      |      |
|             | Satyrium w-album        |    x     |           |      |
|             | Thecla betulae          |    x     |    x      |      |
| Nymphalidae | Aglais io               |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Aglais urticae          |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Aphantopus hyperantus   |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Araschnia levana        | f. prosa | f. levana | both |
|             | Argynnis paphia         |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Boloria dia             |          |           |  x   |
|             | Coenonympha arcania     |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Coenonympha pamphilus   |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Issoria lathonia        |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Lasiommata megera       |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Maniola jurtina         |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Melanargia galathea     |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Melitaea athalia        |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Nymphalis antiopa       |    x     |           |      |
|             | Nymphalis polychloros   |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Pararage aegeria        |    x     |           |      |
|             | Polygonia c-album       |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Vanessa atalanta        |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Vanessa cardui          |          |           |  x   |
| Riodinidae  |       Hamearis lucina has yet to be observed.         |
| Papilonidae | Papilio machaon         |    x     |           |  x   |
| Pieridae    | Anthocharis cardamines  |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Colias sp. +            |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Gonepteryx rhamni       |          |    x      |  x   |
|             | Pieris brassicae        |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Pieris napi             |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Pieris rapae            |    x     |    x      |  x   |
|             | Pontia edusa            |          |           |  x   |

All Butterflies By Location

Location Index

The following table covers all species by location. Please keep in mind that this covers all species ever observed at each location and thus does not highlight species that have migrated to other spots, may have disappeared over time or happen to be temporary guests. (last updated: 19 September, 2024)

| LOCATION      | SPECIES                                             | COUNT |
| Yard          | Aglais io, Aglais urticae, Aphantopus hyperantus,   |       |
|               | Gonepteryx rhamni, Issoria lathonia, Maniola        |       |
|               | jurtina, Melanargia galathea, Pieris brassicae,     |       |
|               | Pieris napi, Pieris rapae, Polygonia c-album,       |  15   |
|               | Polyommatus icarus, Thymelicus acteon, Vanessa      |       |
|               | atalanta, Vanessa cardui                            |       |
| Mixed Field   | Anthocharis cardamines, Araschnia levana,  Colias   |       |
|               | sp. +, Erynnis tages, Issoria lathonis, Melanargia  |       |
|               | galathea, Papilio machaon, Pieris brassicae, Pieris |  13   |
|               | napi, Pieris rapae, Polyommatus icarus, Pontia      |       |
|               | edusa, Vanessa atalanta                             |       |
| Zone I        | Aglais io, Aglais urticae, Anthocharis cardamines,  |       |
| ("Cherry      | Araschnia levana, Argynnis paphia, Aricia agestis,  |       |
| Hill")        | Boloria dia, Celastrina argiolus, Coenonympha       |       |
|               | arcania, Coenonympha pamphilus, Cupido minimus,     |       |
|               | Erynnis tages, Issoria lathonia,  Maniola jurtina,  |       |
|               | Melanargia galathea, Nymphalis polychloros, Pieris  |  27   |
|               | brassicae, Pieris napi, Pieris rapae, Polyommatus   |       |
|               | bellargus, Polyommatus coridon, Polyommatus icarus, |       |
|               | Thecla betulae, Thymelicus acteon, Thymelicus       |       |
|               | lineola, Thymelicus sylvestris, Vanessa atalanta    |       |
| Zone II       | Aglais io, Aglais urticae, Anthocaris cardamines,   |       |
| ("David's     | Aphantopus hyperantus, Araschnia levana, Argynnis   |       |
| Fields")      | paphia, Aricia agestis, Carcharodus alceae,         |       |
|               | Celastrina argiolus, Coenonympha arcania,           |       |
|               | Coenonympha pamphilus, Cupido argiades, Cupido      |       |
|               | minimus, Gonepteryx rhamni, Issoria lathonia,       |       |
|               | Lasiommata megera, Maniola jurtina, Melanargia      |       |
|               | galathea, Nymphalis antiopa, Melitaea athalia,      |       |
|               | Nymphalis polychloros, Papilio machaon, Pararge     |  39   |
|               | aegeria, Pieris brassicae, Pieris napi, Pieris      |       |
|               | rapae, Plebejus argus, Polygonia c-album,           |       |
|               | Polyommatus bellargus, Polyommatus coridon,         |       |
|               | Polyommatus icarus, Pyrgus malvae, Satyrium pruni,  |       |
|               | Thecla betulae, Thymelicus lineola, Thymelicus      |       |
|               | sylvestris, Vanessa atalanta, Vanessa cardui        |       |
| Zone III      | Aglais io, Aglais urticae, Anthocharis cardamines,  |       |
| ("Odrich's    | Aphantopus hyperantus, Araschnia levana, Aricia     |       |
| Pond")        | agestis, Celastrina argiolus, Coenonympha           |       |
|               | pamphilus, Cupido argiades, Cupido minimus, Erynnis |       |
|               | tages, Issoria lathonia, Maniola jurtina,           |       |
|               | Melanargia galathea, Nymphalis polychloros,         |  25   |
|               | Ochlodes sylvanus, Pieris brassicae, Pieris napi,   |       |
|               | Pieris rapae, Plebejus argus, Polyommatus           |       |
|               | bellargus, Polyommatus coridon, Polyommatus icarus, |       |
|               | Thymelicus lineola, Vanessa atalanta                |       |
| Car Repair    | Anthocharis cardamines, Melanargia galathea, Pieris |       |
|               | brassicae, Pieris napi, Pieris rapae, Polyommatus   |   8   |
|               | bellargus, Polyommatus icarus, Vanessa atalanta     |       |
| FFH "Bog      | Aglais io, Anthocharis cardamines, Coenonympha      |       |
| Hill"         | pamphilus, Colias sp. +, Erynnis tages, Gonepteryx  |       |
|               | rhamni, Issoria lathonia, Maniola jurtina, Melitaea |       |
|               | athalia, Ochlodes sylvanus, Pieris brassicae,       |       |
|               | Pieris napi, Pieris rapae, Plebejus argus,          |  23   |
|               | Polygonia c-album, Polyommatus bellargus,           |       |
|               | Polyommatus coridon, Polyommatus icarus, Pyrgus     |       |
|               | malvae, Thymelicus acteon, Thymelicus lineola,      |       |
|               | Thymelicus sylvestris, Vanessa atalanta             |       |
| Meisel        | Aglais io, Argynnis paphia, Celastrina argiolus,    |       |
|               | Coenonympha pamphilus, Lasiommata megera, Lycaena   |       |
|               | phlaeas, Maniola jurtina, Melanargia galathea,      |       |
|               | Pararge aegeria, Pieris brassicae, Pieris napi,     |       |
|               | Pieris rapae, Polyommatus coridon, Polyommatus      |  19   |
|               | icarus, Thymelicus acteon, Thymelicus lineola,      |       |
|               | Thymelicus sylvestris, Satyrium w-album, Vanessa    |       |
|               | atalanta                                            |       |
| Cemetery      | Coenonympha pamphilus, Celastrina argiolus, Issoria |       |
|               | lathonia, Pieris brassicae, Pieris napi, Pieris     |   8   |
|               | rapae, Vanessa atalanta, Vanessa cardui             |       |
| Front Yard    | Aglais io, Aglais urticae, Pieris rapae,            |       |
| Meadow        | Polyommatus icarus, Thymelicus sylvestris, Vanessa  |   6   |
|               | atalanta                                            |       |


+ Prior research conducted in my area lists both hyale and alfacariensis, however due to adults being indistinguishable from each other, I still am searching for caterpillars to properly identify the individuals.


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