💾 Archived View for seydaneen.nahtgards.de › leuchtturm › dwemerartefakte › SailfishOS › Page_4.4.0.… captured on 2024-08-31 at 14:01:33.

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import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import Sailfish.Silica.private 1.0 as Private

Private.SilicaMouseArea {
    id: page

    // The status of the page. One of the following:
    //      PageStatus.Inactive - the page is not visible
    //      PageStatus.Activating - the page is transitioning into becoming the active page
    //      PageStatus.Active - the page is the current active page
    //      PageStatus.Deactivating - the page is transitioning into becoming inactive
    readonly property int status: __stack_container ? __stack_container.status : PageStatus.Inactive

    property bool backNavigation: true
    property bool showNavigationIndicator: true
    property bool forwardNavigation: _belowTop
    property bool canNavigateForward: forwardNavigation
    property int navigationStyle: PageNavigation.Horizontal
    readonly property bool _horizontalNavigationStyle: navigationStyle === PageNavigation.Horizontal
    property Item pageContainer
    property Item __stack_container

    property color backgroundColor: Theme.rgba(palette.overlayBackgroundColor, 0)
    property Component background: {
        if (backgroundColor.a !== 0) {
            return backgroundComponent
        } else if (pageContainer) {
            return pageContainer.pageBackground
        } else {
            return null

    property bool highContrast

    property int allowedOrientations: __silica_applicationwindow_instance._defaultPageOrientations
    property int orientation: orientationState.orientation

    property alias orientationTransitions: orientationState.transitions
    property alias defaultOrientationTransition: orientationState.defaultTransition
    property bool orientationTransitionRunning

    property bool isPortrait: (orientation === Orientation.Portrait || orientation === Orientation.PortraitInverted || orientation === Orientation.None)
    property bool isLandscape: (orientation === Orientation.Landscape || orientation === Orientation.LandscapeInverted)

    readonly property int _navigation: __stack_container ? __stack_container.navigation : PageNavigation.NoNavigation
    readonly property int _navigationPending: __stack_container ? __stack_container.navigationPending : PageNavigation.NoNavigation
    readonly property int _direction: __stack_container ? __stack_container.direction : PageNavigation.NoDirection

    property int _allowedOrientations: {
        var allowed = allowedOrientations & __silica_applicationwindow_instance.allowedOrientations
        if (!allowed) {
            // No common supported orientations, let the page decide
            allowed = allowedOrientations

				if (
					__silica_applicationwindow_instance.hasOwnProperty("preventOrientationsOverride") &&
	    	) {
	    		return allowed 
				return defaultAllowedOrientations
    property alias _windowOrientation: orientationState.pageOrientation

    property int _horizontalDimension: (pageContainer && _exposed && parent) ? parent.width : Screen.width
    property int _verticalDimension: (pageContainer && _exposed && parent) ? parent.height : Screen.height

    property var _forwardDestination
    property var _forwardDestinationProperties
    property int _forwardDestinationAction: PageStackAction.Push
    property Item _forwardDestinationInstance
    property var _forwardDestinationReplaceTarget
    property int _depth: parent && parent.hasOwnProperty("pageStackIndex") ? parent.pageStackIndex : -1

    property alias _windowOpacity: page.opacity

    property bool _opaqueBackground: background !== null && background != backgroundComponent
    readonly property bool _exposed:  pageContainer
                && __stack_container
                && pageContainer.visible
                && ((pageContainer._currentContainer === __stack_container)
                    || (pageContainer._currentContainer !== null && (pageContainer._currentContainer === __stack_container.transitionPartner)))
    readonly property bool _belowTop: pageContainer
                && __stack_container
                && pageContainer._currentContainer === __stack_container
                && __stack_container.attachedContainer !== null
    property bool _clickablePageIndicators: true

    property int __silica_page

    rotation: orientationState.rotation
    visible: __stack_container && __stack_container.visible
    focus: true
    // This unusual binding avoids a warning when the page is destroyed.
    anchors.centerIn: page ? parent : null

    width: orientationState.width
    height: orientationState.height

    opacity: orientationTransitionRunning, 1
    scale: orientationTransitionRunning, 1

    Component {
        id: backgroundComponent

        Rectangle {
            property color backgroundColor: page.backgroundColor

            onBackgroundColorChanged: {
                if (backgroundColor.a !== 0) {
                    color = backgroundColor

    StateGroup {
        id: orientationState

        property bool completed
        // Choose the orientation this page will have given the current device orientation
        property int pageOrientation: Orientation.None
        property int desiredPageOrientation: __silica_applicationwindow_instance._selectOrientation(page._allowedOrientations, __silica_applicationwindow_instance.deviceOrientation)
        property bool desiredPageOrientationSuitable: desiredPageOrientation & __silica_applicationwindow_instance.deviceOrientation

        // These are the state managed orientation derived properties. Normally the pages properties
        // of the same name are bound to these but just prior to the orientation state changing those
        // bindings will be broken so property changes due to state fast-forwarding aren't propagated.
        property real width: page.isPortrait ? page._horizontalDimension : page._verticalDimension
        property real height: page.isPortrait ? page._verticalDimension : page._horizontalDimension
        property real orientation:  Orientation.Portrait
        property real rotation

        onDesiredPageOrientationChanged: _updatePageOrientation()
        onDesiredPageOrientationSuitableChanged: _updatePageOrientation()

        function _updatePageOrientation() {
            if (pageOrientation !== desiredPageOrientation) {

                // Lock in the current values of the orientation properties, when the pageOrientation
                // property and the states which derive from it change the fast-forwarded values
                // will be the same as the
                page.orientation = page.orientation
                page.rotation = page.rotation
                page.width = page.width
                page.height = page.height

                pageOrientation = desiredPageOrientation

                // State fast forwarding is done, restore the bindings.
                page.orientation = Qt.binding(function() { return orientationState.orientation })
                page.rotation = Qt.binding(function() { return orientationState.rotation })
                page.width = Qt.binding(function() { return orientationState.width })
                page.height = Qt.binding(function() { return orientationState.height })

        state: 'Unanimated'
        states: [
            State {
                name: 'Unanimated'
                when: !page.pageContainer || !page._exposed || !completed
                PropertyChanges {
                    target: page
                    restoreEntryValues: false
                    // If a transition is interrupted part way through reset page constants a
                    // transition may have animated to fixed values and not finalised.
                    orientationTransitionRunning: false
            State {
                name: 'Portrait'
                when: orientationState.pageOrientation === Orientation.Portrait ||
                      orientationState.pageOrientation ===  Orientation.None
                PropertyChanges {
                    target: orientationState
                    restoreEntryValues: false
                    width: page._horizontalDimension
                    height: page._verticalDimension
                    rotation: 0
                    orientation: Orientation.Portrait
            State {
                name: 'Landscape'
                when: orientationState.pageOrientation === Orientation.Landscape
                PropertyChanges {
                    target: orientationState
                    restoreEntryValues: false
                    width: page._verticalDimension
                    height: page._horizontalDimension
                    rotation: 90
                    orientation: Orientation.Landscape
            State {
                name: 'PortraitInverted'
                when: orientationState.pageOrientation === Orientation.PortraitInverted
                PropertyChanges {
                    target: orientationState
                    restoreEntryValues: false
                    width: page._horizontalDimension
                    height: page._verticalDimension
                    rotation: 180
                    orientation: Orientation.PortraitInverted
            State {
                name: 'LandscapeInverted'
                when: orientationState.pageOrientation === Orientation.LandscapeInverted
                PropertyChanges {
                    target: orientationState
                    restoreEntryValues: false
                    width: page._verticalDimension
                    height: page._horizontalDimension
                    rotation: 270
                    orientation: Orientation.LandscapeInverted

        property Transition defaultTransition: Private.PageOrientationTransition {
            targetPage: page

        Component.onCompleted: {
            if (transitions.length === 0) {
                transitions = [ defaultTransition ]

    Component.onCompleted: {
        orientationState.completed = true
        orientation = orientationState.pageOrientation