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Impermanent echoes, sketches, and scratches for various Idiomdrottning components and libraries can be found here.

2024-08-31 09:20

Gjorde misstaget att kolla pĂ„ PolitikbyrĂ„n pĂ„ SVT. Det Ă€r sĂ„ bakvĂ€nda vĂ€rlden att höra dom sitta och sĂ€ga typ “ja S verkar ju ha fĂ„tt för sig att SD skulle utgöra nĂ„n sorts hot mot demokratin”. Öh
 Ja?! SD Ă€r inte ett normalt parti!

Och sen sitta och hacka pÄ att S funderar pÄ förslag som skulle kosta miljarder. NÀr nu dom blÄbruna faktiskt i dagarna har klubbat igenom att ge bensinindustrin nÀstan fyra miljarder i subvention.

Jag Àr inget fan av S som pÄ mÄnga sÀtt Àr en ganska konstigt och spretig organisation men sluta dalta med extremhögern, SVT!

False balance - Wikipedia

2024-08-31 07:55

Oj hjĂ€lp det var fel tĂ€nkt av dom!! Jag hatar spottan men öppna RSS-poddar enligt den traditionella standanden Ă€r ju jĂ€ttebra för alla och att det nĂ„r dom som Ă€r fjĂ€ttrade i Spotify-helvetet Ă€r ju bara bra, det kan ju bli ett sĂ€tt att nĂ„ dom speciellt om man i sina program ocksĂ„ tar upp hur fel Spotify Ă€r och att det finns andra alternativ. Det gĂ„r vĂ€l i vĂ€rsta fall att göra nĂ„n sorts ofri licens (materialet Ă€r ju redan inte speciellt CC-vĂ€nligt) dĂ€r det stĂ„r “alla fĂ„r anvĂ€nda det utom Spotify”.

Min gamla dumbphone har FM-radio som jag ofta lyssnar pÄ P1 via, men eftersom jag FOMO-shoppade en light phone i somras (som inte kommer komma förrÀn nÀsta Är), den har ingen radio men den har poddar sÄ dÄ tÀnkte jag att jag var lugn ÀndÄ eftersom P1 har poddar (och dessutom kan jag lyssna pÄ LibriVox för dom har ocksÄ RSS-flöden sÄ det blir bÀttre Àn radio). Men om SRs poddar försvinner blir det kasst!

Och givetvis Àr alla tillgÀnglighetsproblem och infrastruktursdemokratriproblem som tas upp i trÄden pÄ ett förvÄnansvÀrt föredömligt sÀtt för att vara Svolternet Ànnu starkare argument:

behall-era-podcastfloden-for-sommar-i-p1-med-flera at Kundo

2024-08-31 07:13

Threads didn’t really federate fully, right? It’s a subset?

It’s like if an email server had a “check here if you want this to work with other email servers” in a deeply buried checkbox.

2024-08-31 07:01

Ja jag ville slÀnga 99% av mina brÀdspel i vÄras men Simon stoppade mig. Fast det Àr kanske dags att lyfta den frÄgan igen. Tycker det rÀcker med vanliga spelkort och kanske ett go och sÄ kan man ju spela Yatzy och liknande med rollspelstÀrningarna för rollspelen ville jag inte slÀnga.

2024-08-31 06:37

Re: @skf 2024-08-30 10:20 CET

Att Tidöpartierna vill döda oss och sig sjĂ€lva det kan man aldrig Ă€ndra pĂ„, men att SVT skriver sĂ„ slarvigt om det Ă€r fel. Det framstĂ„r som om “oj dom har höjt till vad det, nu fick vi dom i att svika ett vallöfte” vilket dom kan skratta Ă„t Ă€nda till banken för dom har ju inte alls höjt till vad det var, bara en pyttebrĂ„kdel. Dessutom Ă€r deras nya variant med en skattesĂ€nkning, det Ă€r ju de facto en subvention av bensinen. Det hĂ€r Ă€r ocksĂ„ varför jag efter mĂ„nga Ă„r som trogen V-röstare bytte till MP för nĂ„gra Ă„r sen. Bensinpopulismen.

2024-08-30 06:08

Oh, it’s a new Famicom Detective Club game. That’s why they sent it, because I bought the first one. But it was too scary đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž

2024-08-29 17:34

Forget Alien vs Predator. I wanted to see Gremlins vs Aliens!

2024-08-29 17:21

UtslÀppen frÄn svensk ekonomi ökade med 6,7 procent under första kvartalet 2024 jÀmfört med samma period i fjol, enligt ny statistik frÄn SCB.
UtslÀppen ökar framför allt frÄn hushÄllens personbilar, jordbruket, vÀgtransporter och byggbranschen.
»2024 har de största utslÀppen för ett förstakvartal sedan 2020«, sÀger Fredrik Kanlén, analytiker pÄ SCB.
VÀxthusgasutslÀppen för kvartalet uppgÄr till 12,9 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter, upp frÄn 12,1 miljoner ton samma period förra Äret.

Ja jo. Det blir sÄ nÀr folket röstar in en klimatsinkande allians som ökar andelen fossila brÀnslen i bilarna. Obegripligt. Alla som röstade pÄ dom verkar ju vilja dö. Surt bara att dom tar oss andra med sig. SkÀrpning nÀsta val. In fact skÀrpning, Tidöpartier dom tvÄ Är ni har kvar. Varje minut rÀknas. Och skÀrpning ocksÄ SVT för er rapportering om reduktionpliktshöjningen var kass:

För mycket fokus pĂ„ â€œĂ„h det kommer bli sĂ„ dyrt att tanka” ja jo det kommer bli billigt pĂ„ askhögen sen nĂ€r det blir Ă„ttahundra grader. Och nĂ€stan inget fokus pĂ„ att dom bara ökade pyttelite till 10%. LĂ„ngt mindre Ă€n dom 30% det var innan dom slemkravlade upp sig pĂ„ tronen.

2024-08-29 17:10

Dammit Nintendo! They just sent a newsletter with a gruesome murder story behind no warning that started out as something nice and uplifting (“I can give you a smile”) that later became a horror story! Heck no to that! I don’t like horror movies but at least when I watch a horror movie I know what I’m in for. Not so much when I get an email from a game company!

You were already still in the doghouse for the Yuze lawsuit and now this!

2024-08-29 17:04

It drives me a li’l crazy when people don’t even take one glance at the “files changed” tab in GitHub:

Quote example URLs if they have question marks by snan · Pull Request #14848 · HabitRPG/habitica · GitHub

This is what forges hath wrought compared to patches.

2024-08-29 11:41

Margaret Thatcher used this phrase in the 1980s: “The ANC is a typical terrorist organisation
 Anyone who thinks it is going to run the government in South Africa is living in cloud-cuckoo land.”

Don’t give up on the dream. South Africa was eventually overturned.

Cloud cuckoo land - Wikipedia

2024-08-28 20:46

Way worse than bamboo or real wood since it’s still 20% plastic which, even if there’s a recycling loop, sheds micros. But, might it measure up to painted wood
? Some paints are bad.

RE-Wood: A New Material for Board Game Components -

2024-08-28 17:37

A super common theme in board games these past few years have been “rebuild society cozily and easily after some minor setbacks”.

But maybe there won’t even be any humans. I get so stressed by these games since I’m scared it’ll make people complacent. Yeah, yeah, fear can also lead to inaction but the hope I wanna focus on is how we beat this thing, not “lol collapsing is a good thing because we can build something better on the cinder”. If that’s gonna be the attitude I wish good luck to whatever lichen or algae manage to survive because the doom I want us to stave off concerns all humans and many other species also.

Extinction event - Wikipedia

When the world needed doomers

2024-08-27 06:30


Same, I’ve been playing Spiderette with physical cards. Although now that I’ve beaten it I’m gonna switch to some other solitaire game, maybe one of Parlett’s creations, or Simple Simon or I’ll get a second deck and learn to play 40 Thieves.

I liked how Spiderette looked like classic Klondyke but felt like Spider (while actually being harder than two deck Spider). Single deck solitaire games are great. There’s a clunkiness to needing a second deck.

2024-08-27 06:20

Prospect writes:

He makes buses roll from Texas towns whose emergency managers sometimes give officials at their intended destinations 24-hour warnings, but sometimes not. Migrants are dropped off in the middle of the night in random spots; they arrive soiled, in wet clothes, shivering from disease. Once, a little girl died along the way.

World: Nie wieder. đŸ›€ïž

Greg Abbott: Hold my beer.

Just some heads up notice would make a huge difference.

Maybe they wanna simulate how they don’t get any heads up notice on their own border, but human beings aren’t playing pawns for such games. You can make at least a token effort to coordinate with the recipient cities.

2024-08-26 21:14

I saw some blog post just now talking about a project that wanted to build “Cargo, for Python”.


Cargo is the only build system that’s even worse than Python!

2024-08-26 14:15

It’s been time a while now. We’ve been living in the infocalypse for almost a decade. Half the country already get completely made up propaganda in lieu of news. There’s a party running on a climate denialist platform. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž

2024-08-26 06:38

Re: @skf 2024-08-25 17:20 CET

Att vara i en tyst miljö och somna utan lurar funkar för mig mycket bÀttre, jag somnar en eller tvÄ timmar tidigare, men det finns ju inte alltid en tyst miljö att tillgÄ Àr problemet.

2024-08-24 16:18

In Nitro’s group (the “military” guy) there’s a player, Stevil, who is the one character that’s sometimes difficult for me to read; he’s a bully towards Gordo and Newt, and his bullying and pranking is often sexist.

The epynomous group “Knights of the Dinner Table” is great! The group doesn’t do what the DM expect but many of the campaigns end up amazing because of that. The comic got better once those stories get a li’l meatier.

The first couple of issues tended to be “BA has prepped something”, “Knights suspect the questgiving NPC and waste him with a crossbow”, “BA complains that the campaign is wrecked”, “The End”. But these days the what-they-do-instead-of-the-intended-quest is usually pretty interesting and involved! Like they let loose hundreds of dogs on Fangaerie and have to deal with the fallout from that over several issues.

2024-08-24 14:32

Nu fÄr jag dÄligt samvete att jag aldrig tipsat om det för jag anvÀnder ripgrep hela tiden eller ja jo jag har iofs bloggat om det sÄ jag behöver inte ha sÄ dÄligt samvete:

mg — Muine-style Grep

Jag har anvÀnt det sÄ lÀnge (anvÀnde silver searcher vÀldigt lÀnge först) att en gÄng behövde jag nÄn feature som bara vanliga grep har och det tog mig flera minuter att komma pÄ att aha ja jo jag kan ju fortfarande anvÀnda grep till just dethÀr, allt mÄste inte vara rg.

2024-08-24 14:26

Where I am right now, just over 200 issues in, Knights of the Dinner Table covers a couple of different game groups and game styles. I really like it.

I dunno what you mean by “players like that”; at this point in the comic, it for the most part aligns with how I love playing. Paper-before-rock principle, prep heavy, gloracle over DM

Some of the characters are jerks and some of the horror stories shown are real horror stories. Often relatable ones. I feel like the comic gradually developed a lot of heart.

2024-08-24 10:23

I don’t know if this is right:

The Renaissance Troll: Knights of the Dinner Tables take the Crown!

Since Knights of the Dinner Table is written by a team. I have been reading older issues. Fun fun fun♄ Can’t wait to catch up so I can start reading new issues.

2024-08-24 05:44

Infrastruktur ska vara demokratisk. Det Àr helt vansinnigt att Lunarstorm, MySpace, Facebook, X, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube etc har fÄtt sÄ stort fÀste.

2024-08-24 05:41

Jag mÄste ha en app som stÀnger av efter ett tag. DÄ kan det funka ibland. Jag har inget helsÀkert sÀtt att somna.

En lite konstig sak Ă€r att jag gĂ€rna tar samma avsnitt igen och igen—helst inte tvĂ„ nĂ€tter i rad men det finns en del trotjĂ€nare, poddavsnitt och ljudböcker som jag har hört hundra gĂ„nger.

Podd, ljudbok, naturljud, musik, brus—allt funkar ungefĂ€r lika bra/dĂ„ligt.

2024-08-23 14:42

I have the companion book to Legends of Anglerre and now I’ve gotten a loaner copy of the core book as well. I can mine them for ideas if I do manage to get a Crashing Beasts & Crumbling Halls game going. There’s not a lot that directly applies but it’s still a fun read.

2024-08-23 13:42

I wish Crashing Beasts & Crumbling Halls was available in print. I’ve been wanting to give Fate another serious go ever since Condensed came out a few years ago. Especially now that D&D 5.2 excises so many of the Fate-isms (like ideals, bonds, and how advantage was mostly reserved for diegetical positioning and conditions) I loved.

I like CBCH because it assembles stuff from various other takes on fantasy Fate and brings it under one roof so to speak, without overly reinventing the wheel. And it’s well presented and easy to follow.

2024-08-23 10:19

Den Ă€r en jĂ€ttefrustrerande och skrĂ€mmande situation. Jag hoppas hoppas hoppad att Trump förlorar—jag Ă€r livrĂ€dd att han inte kommer göra det—men jag Ă€r ocksĂ„ rĂ€dd att det inte kommer rĂ€cka.

Jag lÀser Sagan om Ringen nu och det Àr ju fiktion men det Àr en bok som Àr bra pÄ att ge hopp nÀr allt Àr tungt. HÀr vid alla tings Ànde.

2024-08-23 06:49

This “Kamala is just normal” ad is a li’l misguided since the status quo is so scary and bad:

Kamala Harris is “Just Normal” - Narrated By Jason Bateman | The Daily Show - YouTube

Not happy that she’s running on tax cuts instead of real climate action (and ending the weapon deliveries to IDF).

But I’m deathly afraid of Trump and his gang winning since they’re running on an explicitly climate denying platform.

2024-08-23 06:06

This situation sucks! ♄ to Meg:


2024-08-23 06:00

Great follow up to the man or bear story:

Empathy is a Survival Skill — Laura Killingbeck

2024-08-22 17:40

Set the hitter’s apex skill to one step above the PCs’ highest-rated skill


I’ll dump all my skill values if enemies like these are about.

2024-08-21 12:46

How in the heck did they make a non-free standard?! I apologize for linking to it! It’s like that dumb “Same Page Tool” where it says (after you’ve read it) that it’s super non-free and super copyrighted.

Except this is way worse:

This system is not in public domain nor free licensed and it’s copyrighted. Usage must be licensed by the for-profit private company Miguel Neiva & Associados - design gráfico, Lda. and fees are not public. According to ColorADD “license fee is adjusted to the partner’s profile”. There is a pro bono model only for schools and universities managed by the nonprofit NGO ColorADD.Social.

I think they made the right choice (at least for games) with the retro pigment primaries (red, yellow and blue) as opposed to other systems like additive RGB or subtractive CMY. I love De Stijl♄

But there should be a truly free system that doesn’t have the rotational issues and isn’t so ugly. Maybe line circle triangle. So Red looks like the symbol for Fire and Orange looks like Air. And purple is a triangle in a ring. I dunno. That’s just topomadoming it.

2024-08-21 12:20

These symbols aren’t exactly thought-through:

ColorADD - ColorADD code as a color identification tool for color blind people.

Since they’re way too similar to each other and also rotationally symmetric. But maybe a bad standard is better than no standard and board game dev can use these? There’s already an UNO edition that uses them.

2024-08-21 11:16

british-iphone-challenger-nothing-calls-staff-back-into-the-office-5-days-a-week-suggesting-those-who-disagree-should-leave at Fortune

Also phones from that brand are hard to repair.

2024-08-21 05:49


Video Showing Harris Saying She Will ‘Snatch’ Patents Lacks Context | Snopes.com

Patents are another example of how market capitalism hasn’t adapted to template production. Patents and patent enforcement is government intervention, and it’s a backwards system since it helps the richest, most powerful. If we’re gonna step in and regulate we can do it better in a more fair way, like with collective research and funding which is exactly what has happened with these federally developed drugs. It was wack that those patents were even granted in the first place.

2024-08-20 06:58

IPv6 is a separate, incompatible internet. Good luck with that. Maybe some of these transition mechanisms will help:

IPv6 transition mechanism - Wikipedia

2024-08-19 14:57


Last week, student protesters in Detroit interrupted Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign speech at an airport hangar, chanting, “Kamala, Kamala, you can’t hide; we won’t vote for genocide.” What made news was her move to cut them off after initially entertaining the interruption. “If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that,” she said.

“We won’t vote for genocide” “oh so you want Trump to win” implies you’re genocide đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž

I’m in a glass house when it comes to gaffes. I misspeak all the time. But we wanna see better policy, please.

“We are deeply afraid of Trump and Vance winning,” Shahid said. “Our understanding of Donald Trump’s plan for Palestinians is to accelerate violence against Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank.”
Voters aren’t as aware of Trump’s positions, though, because Trump isn’t currently in the White House, Shahid said. “I am surprised by how little people know about Trump’s positions on some of this stuff or Trump’s history on some of this stuff.”

True. Trump term 2 would be a disaster. He would be even worse but the dems still need to do a lot better. American bombs did this.

2024-08-19 05:00

Re: @siiky 2024-08-18 13:16 +0100

Did they survive?

2024-08-18 21:08

I hate this (from Silhouette Core Rules):

Designation of Product Identity:
Nothing in this book except for material in Chapter 8 features Open Gaming Content.

A product identity designation in fine print separated from the license page by 247 pages. Ouch.

2024-08-18 16:47

In the countmail shell script from the bsdgames package replacing from | wc -l with notmuch count tag:inbox makes it work with notmuch ♄

2024-08-17 09:34

I guess using !g instead of !gu would’ve made a lot of sense. I didn’t think of that.

2024-08-17 08:56

I just added this into my custom-bangs.js for Just Bangs:

  "t": "gu",
  "u": "https://www.google.com/search?q={{{s}}}&udm=14"

It replaces DDG’s site index of The Guardian, which I never use.

Not that I expect to use this new bang a lot either, since I don’t use Google Search very often.

Now this one, on the hand:

  "t": "l",
  "u": "https://ln.ht/?query={{{s}}}"

I should’ve put that in a long time ago. That’s gonna be great.

2024-08-16 20:48

I’m putting on my prediction hat here and might have to eat that hat later (figuratively speaking. Eat plants!) but I’m making the guess that the new weapon mastery system in D&D 5.2 will end up making the game more samey, less varied as every rogue wants vex and nick etc. There will be more of a “this is the best weapon and chosing other weapons are build traps” 3e mentality. Or like the infamous deadhorse, “Hunt Prey / Hunted Shot / Strike” which has been talked to death in the PF2e world. (Or for that matter, Twin Strike in D&D 4e.)

I wanna be wrong about this— I hope I’m wrong about it so I can get down with the sickness and the new edition. I haven’t tried it yet either so it really is just a guess. It’s just that every time I see a 5.2 video and they mention this stuff I’m like “bonds and ideals died for this

2024-08-16 08:51

Several of our Rules Cyclopedia characters have died in character creation by rolling 1 for hitpoints with a -1 con. Moget! Dying in a life path, push-your-luck system like Traveller is another story but that’s not what’s happening here. I instituted a house rule that if that happened, you can optionally get 1 hp but no-one took me up on that since that character would still be low con. I got a li’l sad since I’m low con in real life. “More of a con artist” as Dina Hashem would say.

2024-08-16 08:38

Here are my currently open questions for #WindWraith as of August 16.

I’m not just looking for official answers, anyone can chime in with homebrew answers and rulings like if you solved a similar problem when running Yoon-Suin or Veins of the Earth or your own conconctions.

1. How do cleric get spell if the deities are dead?

2. What is the range of a standard d4 cannon? Weirdo super cannons vary from 250â€Č to 400â€Č.

3. There’s a -3 shark armor. We use descending AC. Does that mean 9 - 3 = 6, or does it mean -3 total?

4. It says you get XP for value of resources when traded or treasure when spent. So question 4a: how can I best figure out those values, and 4b: do I also add treasure from OSE/RC or do I stick to the more limited treasure from Wind Wraith itself?

(Already received an answer to: which classes are OK: Use the new aquatic elf instead of wood elves, the other classes are fine. There’s a new wind mage but normal magic-users exist also. Goblins are common in the setting, use the Halfling class for them (and use that class for Halflings also which are just as common). Our group has an entomologist character which is awesome, so many choices even at low levels, a really flexible and powerful class.)

And then the fifth question I can kinda guess the answer to: there are rules for what happens when you end the session in a dungeon but there aren’t any dungeons. Conclusion: I’m allowed to add in some dungeons to this thing! đŸ•łïž

2024-08-15 20:01

Spent lots of time prepping #WindWraith today. Fun. I made one sea with 26 islands and started detailing one of them. I’m realizing I’m gonna need a separate bestiary section in the bujo for the generated monsters. This notebook has a lined section and a squared section, which is great. I’m really enjoying the hexes-on-squares hack I came up with a while back. That makes it easy to sail in the cardinal directions while still using hex-based island placement, but the main point is to get to use this notebook—had I a hex note book I woulda used that instead.

One thing I miss is clearer guidande for treasure amounts, treasure placement (is it as per OSE? I assume less b/c scarcity, but then how much?), and prices (for things like ships). In #GhostsOfSaltmarsh and #GoldenVoyages it’s clear to see when players can get a particular ship class—when they can afford it. Here, not so much.

Oh, how I’m Ă€lting hexes and squares

2024-08-15 07:34

“Rön” is a good Swedish word. It’s used to mean “science’s best current guesses, current understanding, with full awareness that that might change completely if we learn more”. I’m not too fond of even weak Sapir-Whorf but maybe that one word is pretty good and maybe I’m pretty glad I got to grow up with it as core vocab.

2024-08-14 19:38

We started playing a #WindWraith campaign! It requires some prep work as a DM but there is an intro adventure to get started right away even as the book arrived just hours before game night. We’re wrestling with some meta issues like “how many retainers should we have?” RC suggests up to five retainers for a party that has a char 14 character, which I think is good for this starting island “funnel”. We only have two players!?! My group has dwindled horribly. So it sounds good to me that they have some hired help.

RC also suggests the DM run these retainers and that’s what they do on Knights on the Dinner Table but that’s not how we did it in the old Lab Lord / LotFP group I was a player in before I started my own group. The players ran the retainers there, which is what I prefer.

I’m loving the system. We’re using the Suldokar’s Wake method for THAC0 which is lightning fast: roll THAC0 or higher, ior AC or under, to hit, i.e. “roll extremes” is good, and middling rolls are misses.

2024-08-14 06:13

Re: @siiky 2024-08-13 11:21 +0100

Sam Harris: Democracy + Capitalism + Political freedom are the drivers for wealth and creativity.

It’s sad that people still believe that although I get why they might. Capitalism created illusory wealth by stealing from the future and exploiting the workers. Now that future is here and we’re getting cooked.

2024-08-13 20:32

The studio spent an estimated $86 million on prints and advertisements for the film.

The movie cost $17 million to make. And $86 million to sell. Our economic system so busted.

A Quiet Place - Wikipedia

2024-08-13 19:13

/r/LightPhone is all like “No devs, do not open it up! But put WhatsApp on there”. People just don’t intuitively get the fundamental FOSS tenets and why anyone would care.

Cyberpunk corporate dystopia came true. Same goes for climate change and labor exploitation.

2024-08-13 09:43

Moget, Google:

will_there_be_a_foss_rcs_messaging_app_im_not at Reddit

2024-08-12 21:28

Ihabunek pointed out this pull request:

Add support for converting pyproject.toml-based Python3 packages. by amdei · Pull Request #1982 · jordansissel/fpm · GitHub

2024-08-12 20:37

(And like my own music collection, the gain is all over the place on some of those episodes, making me reach for the volume dial for almost every song.)

2024-08-12 20:16

The radio app I use can’t find all their channels, like one great one that’s missing is Sheet Music, but it can play them anyway if I snarf the URL from the web page’s source.

The only remaining problem I have is to find episode links for Field Recordings—it seems easy enough for the other channels, so I don’t know what’s up.

2024-08-12 20:09

I’m new to NTS—I’d never heard about it until lettuce mentioned it in their gemlog four months ago but it’s already one of my fave things online. I almost can’t believe it exists. It works with any radio app including mpd out of the box, and for when I’m on the go and away from my modem I can listen to some fave episodes pirated with this gem:

Lettuce gemlog: Streaming ambient music

GitHub - everdrone/nts: NTS Radio downloader and metadata parser

I hope it always keeps working for ever.

Memory Lane has been one of my fave ways to find new-to-me music but I almost like it even more when it finds stuff straight outta my own collection, like this yé-yé hour:

HUNG, DRAWN & QUARTERED w/ Curley - French Special 8th April 2021 | Listen on NTS

Or when it was playing Townes Van Zandt the other night.

2024-08-12 19:54

Here’s an issue we were talking about on Libera Chat today:

Add suppport for pip’s new `pyproject.toml` ? · Issue #1873 · jordansissel/fpm · GitHub

As a quick and dirty heroin fix I copied over a setup.py from an older version (bless you, git, for honoring the ancestors’ bones) in order to build.

This is the dark side of Python, how hard it is to install stuff from it. A far cry from the old days of chmod +x foo.pl

2024-08-12 19:48

I’m such a sucker for this hippie shit:

NTS Guide To: The Unbroken Circle 10th April 2023 | Listen on NTS

This compilation made me really happy.♄

2024-08-12 13:58

The fourth doesn’t have a web page as far as I know. It’s Megan McKay.

2024-08-12 09:17

Gavin on Solar Opposites cracking the reins for the twentieth time, that’s wrong, people with horses please don’t do that! It hurts them. Normally a cartoon does this once and it bugs me but this guy’s been doing it forty thousand times. And it drove me crazy. I’m crazy now. Just for watching a cartoon.

2024-08-11 13:39

I ws chasing down the noise issue with my guitar setup and I finally found it so here’s a note to self (although I must write this down in my paper notebook as well because I’m more likely to look there).

1. On the SmplTrek, don’t have both Monitor and Ext Src on. One is enough, the latter is best.

2. Set the gain on the rec source screen to low! Any higher sucks and is super noisy with single coil. I add gain or level with a send effect, that sounds much better, and with the input knob, I can even crank the guitar’s volume knob or the fish drive’s volume knob up. The poison turned out to be the gain setting on the rec source screen.

After trying all the other places it could’ve been (guitar volume knob, tone knob, fish drive one of five settings, and in the SmplTrek it could be one of seven places, turned out that the issue was only one of those fourteen places. That’s a relief, usually with a single coil guitar every single volume knob is a minefield with few sweet spots (that’s normally the tradeoff with single coil) but here there was only one that was bad. With that set to low I have lots of room to play around with the other settings.

This record is gonna suck and will probably never be released. It’s gonna go straight to /dev/null. But I do wanna try to finish it. As a learning exercise.

2024-08-10 08:40

Right! That’s one reason why I feel the “oh it sucks, oh it sucks” argument is so dangerous because to the extent that these might end up being actually useful tools, it’d suck if they’re owned and controlled by and rented out by huge corporations. It’s a means-of-production–concentration the likes of which the world has never seen.

Additionally, as you’re using this tool to crank out more gov forms per hour, are you still needing to work 40h/w or no? If yes, then that’s great! I worry that that’s not gonna be true for everyone since because of the way our labor market is set up there’s no inherent mechanism that turns increased tool efficiency into more spare time and that’s also something I’d like to see more gov’ts addressing seriously.

2024-08-08 22:21

I improv like crazy but I’m coloring inside the lines of the gloracle. For example the prep might say “There are 1d6 orcs here but they have 2HD instead of 1” and in the actual play I might be like “OK [roll roll, rolls a 4] her red scarf is ragged and torn, and she seems to be freezing, she’s blowing on her hands to warm them up. Her battleaxe, with the markings of the Hyllweth orc tribe, hangs from a loop in her belt. It seems like she’s standing a bit apart from her three comrades. They’re all guys. One of them have boots from the flamesea wizards uniform but the rest of his outfit is that of a warrior. Another one of the guys turns to look at you. What do you do?” or whatever.

I like improvising. I like improvising a li’l too much so I came up with the blorb to tie me to the mast so I don’t get as carried away as I used to (“Four beholders bite you!! Take 40000 damage everyday! All our times have come! Like Romeo and Juliet!”).

2024-08-08 20:32

And of course I forgot to use the coupon code I had đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž

2024-08-08 20:29

I ended up ordering His Majesty the Worm now that it’s back in stock but I feel I-don’t-know about it since after my hype died down a lot because of my nitpicks, my hype for the Rules Cyclopedia + Wind Wraith combo went way up.

His Majesty the Worm, zeroeth (before first) impressions

2024-08-08 15:58

I accidentally mentioned on IRC how in my teens the first thing I did when I first started Emacs was remapping C-h (with the help of some tutorial) and of course that started five rants on “people shouldn’t use tech if they don’t want to learn it the way it is” until by the sweet merciful grace of GuānyÄ«n someone mentioned LSP so the two-minute hate found a new target đŸ’đŸ»â€â™€ïž

2024-08-08 15:08

A bonus session #trippeludden! Session four-point-five!

Last sesh the dorks had schlepped a mage to a cruel tower but then parted ways and bolted once they learned that he didn’t wanna give them any more share of the loot (“I already gave you two thousand gold coins for disabling that blasted lantern!”). And I wasn’t sure what his fate would be in there so I recruited Simon (who isn’t in the campaign normally) to portray him in there! Fun fun fun!♄

I also got a chance to use the spell points (“MP” like in video game RPGs—yes, I know that the slot system is also from a video game, Wizardry) from the 2014 DMG p288. It was great! I remember raging at it back in the day because it just adds a layer of complexity on top of what would be a simple system. But what I realized was that it doesn’t really start to be complicated until level 11, until then it’s easier than the slots system (especially for people coming from a video game background). I wish I had realized that a long time ago because we could’ve had lots of spell points fun!

2024-08-07 21:33

I prefer Haggis over Bacon (talking about the card games here! Eat plants!) by a huge margin but that’s mostly because of how with Bacon’s bombs the game becomes all about the quads. The 3579 is so good because it’s orthogonal to what would otherwise be a good hand. Whereas in Bacon it feels pretty arbitrary/​unfair/​flavorless that some combos (that look otherwise normal) are bomby. You basically need the player aid to help you separate combos from specials. Many of y’all might remember that my fave climbing game is The Great Dalmuti and growing up on that, I’m not used to any bombs at all, I love how that makes all cards good basically since there’s strength in numbers, although maybe the bombs are part of the secret to how well Haggis works at two.

The joker bombs especially give the same “secretary problem” feel that Mindbug is built upon—actually Haggis feels very similar to Mindbug in that regard!

2024-08-07 21:18

I just checked and the “Liminal Spirits Oracle” cards are way bigger than Dixit cards and look out of place. The Morgan-Greer cards are same height but narrower; they can work.

I keep Stella in the Odyssey box right here in the apt, and the Stella box (containing just the score tally sheet) in storage, but I’m tempted to switch their lids actually, so that it’s the Stella variant that can grace my shelf. I mean, if it fits of course, I’d have to test that first. The Odyssey insert is way better since it fits all the components for both games easily along with plenty of cards, so I’d just switch the lid is the idea.

2024-08-07 20:49

I bumped my Stella rating to a 10 on BGG; it and Zendo are the only 3P games I’ve rated ten on there, and it and Parade are the only card games I’ve rated ten there. The other games are 2P games: Ghosts, Focus, Go and two of its variants Snorkels and Meridians.

I noted that that rating is with our house rules, but since we do use our houserules, I can’t not give it a ten.

It’s insane that this completely dumb and bad and underdeved boardgame, this sorta pale shadow of Codenames and Dixit, this “captcha clicking in card form”, is something that makes me so viscerally happy and joyful to experience.

2024-08-07 20:34

â€œđŸ’‡đŸ»â€â™€ïžâ€ was finally home after being away for summer! I love her so much!♄♄♄♄♄♄

We met up and played Haggis; we played a traditional long game of 350 points, not really utilizing the “bet” rules, and using the new reckoning of one point per captured card instead of some cards 0, some 1, some 2, some 3 and some 5. The game was really fun; I had a huge lead and then she had a clean sweep almost catching up but I ended up winning. I also managed to use both laser bombs and rainbow bombs! This was our first time with the new reckoning so let me review that real quick! That’s right, fam, you get game reviews tangled up in the sesh reps in this 🐝!


1. The new reckoning plays much better, faster, breezier for pretty much the same results

2. The new reckoning is much easier to remember, teach, and explain

3. The new reckoning is much friendlier for ordinary playing cards compared to using the specially printed cards that had the point values

I’m definitively gonna keep using the new reckoning and it makes Haggis shoot up as one of my fave 2p card games. I was kvetching that I don’t like that it doesn’t use the aces (one reason I have such a sweet spot for Color Gin is that it uses the entire French deck fully; suits matter, ranks matter, sets matter, sequences matter and all 52 cards are in use, whereas Haggis hits the first three of those four [and is way more interactive than Color Gin]. It uses a very unusual deck composition 2–10 in four suits, or five suites for 3p. But â€œđŸ’‡đŸ»â€â™€ïžâ€ was into it! She said it was easier, there’s already enough to juggle, you don’t need to worry about card rankings etc, this was great. She made a great case for Haggis’ deck design!

We used one of my fave decks from when I used to collect Bicycle decks. This deck is well worn by now.

But now on to the cons with the new reckoning!

She agreed that one point per card is better!

This is a strength of Sean’s game dev chops; he ruthlessly realizes when a rule doesn’t really change the outcome of a game. There’s probably less than one game out of forty where the fiddly card point differences changed who won a game, probably less than one out of five where it changed who even won one round. So the new reckoning is way way better but it curiously shows traces of the games’ evolution since if it had been one point per card from the start the “capturing” wouldn’t’ve evolved in this way or been phrased that way!

Then after I had said au revoir to her and returned home, who did I find waiting outside my door? My beloved D&D dorks! And D&D was really really fun today! We could play outside! It was the opposite of last time (where it was stomp-and-stare until we found a “Trilemma” adventure location); this time the random encounters were fun! I was using the rule that stuff on the NE Strielund table that we’ve already seen a couple of times, instead I roll something off of Dungeonesque’s tables (in the blue book).

So we got some flavorful and weird Strielund stuff followed by first a chimera! It was a scared and frozen chimera that didn’t wanna fight but “M”‘s character Tófa hates the world so he started throwing javs! With disastrous results, everyone in the party spent their guardian acorns and barely escaped.

So that later in the afternoon same day they were more vulnerable and they ran into two nobles (high lords from Sisteborg [“Lastfort”]) and their five retainers. The nobles demanded 90% of the party’s possessions. @Halo’s character Visan (he’s playing a Wildfire druid
 that has taken every single chef feat in the book! + herbalism!) offered to cook up a meal, the nobles said “Well, that’s a start! You’re right that we’re quite hungry. We can divide the rest of your stuff after dinner.” (they had been treading in the snow) but Visan slipped them a sick dose of psilocybin ‘shrooms! Which was great because I then got to describe how they turned into wolves! (I did a detailed & gory description inspired by The Dreamers by Stephen King which I read the other day.) All seven of them—the whole “nobles and retainers” was just a disguise; rather than lycantrophized nobles they were really bandit werewolves who had stolen those outfits! They had the poisoned condition which made it easier to hide from them (which the party remembered) and defend from them (which they forgot). So everyone got infected by lycantropy which was moot in Tófa’s case because he died! But that was a good thing because “M” seemed way more stoked for his new char! He’s been not entirely positive to the #trippeludden campaign and even less for the campaigns I’ve been thinking of running (#trippeludden is kind of a stopgap or filler campaign as I’m working on the next. Our #boatmode campaign isn’t destroyed, it’s properly bookmarked & stashed in case I wanna return to it, which I don’t anytime soon even though I can understand why the players would want to!) so we’re all hoping that his new character will turn things around!

What I’ve been doing with the Trippeludden setting is that they were pretty restricted in terms of character options at first but as they run into weird creatures, those creatures have been unlocked as character options. So at first they could only be humans but now they can be gnomes, Martoi remnants (using reskinned “Shadar-Kai” stats for them), orcs (of the Aggal blight variety), half-demon (that is to say half-orc, half-demon, using “Tiefling” stats for them), and Seree automations (using reskinned “Warforged” stats for them). Players don’t decrypt: Gurl jrer nyfb ernyyl ernyyl pybfr gb zrrgvat n bar-bss neznqvyyb perngher, juvpu, vs gurl qb, gurl pna cynl xva bs jvgu Gnfun’f havdhr yvarntr ehyrf. Gurl whfg qvqa’g tb vagb gung ebbz!.

Also we were using initiative cards! A little fiddly and slower compared to our normal home made deterministic initiative system but pretty fun and dynamic and easy on the brains for me as DM. I really had looked forward to using those cards ever since I got the Essentials Kit many years ago (they were still on their performated sheet, I separated them for the first time for last sessions but that session didn’t have any fights). I made a couple of mistakes with the cards but “M” help me sort that out. We could also use the cards to partially help keep track of which werewolves had been hidden from and which had not been.

Now, normally on a weeknight we don’t play boardgames after, the way we might on a weekend (maybe as fillers before the game). But since we had a char death, we had time to play Stella! It’s such a dumb game but I love it!!! It just makes me feel really really happy when I play it! And the best part is, “M” loves it too! Things have been a li’l tense since his pet char died in #boatmode so it’s good that he’s been grooving on Stella. He thinks it’s way better than Dixit; although all three of us are in pretty much lockstep sync agreement about the pros and cons of Dixit and Stella. Halo asked if we could play good old Dixit too sometimes and we said yes. I think the 3P variant does work well for Dixit.

I finally managed to explain how the original scoring system works and they agreed how dumb and bad and fiddly and time-consuming and book-keeping it was. Our houserules are isomorphic but just work faster. “Normally even the ‘in the dark’ player would get two points for every match and one extra for every super spark, but they would then retroactively lose one of those points if they fall, and everyone’s points would be tracked using these stars, and then between each round those scores would be transfered to a score sheet that comes with the game, I don’t have it anymore, and then after the game the scores are summed”. It’s just so dumb!! Instead we use the bunnies and the score track from Odyssey and people get their scores immediately: one if you’re in the dark (which makes sense since the in-the-dark token only shows one star), two if you’re not, and one extra if you spark, and if the in-the-dark player doesn’t fall, which so far hasn’t happen to us, they’d get bonus points equal to as many they marked (a.k.a. their position on the lantern track). So unlike upstream Stella you never have to “backtrack” and there’s no “score transfer” or “score summing” book-keeping steps.

Now, I believe that one reason they went with that cockamamie Rube Goldberg scoring procedure was to make the game feel more different from Dixit! And one other reason is that they just borked it in the dev process (I mean, the two-star/one-star sides on the lantern tokens are an echo of how scoring perhaps worked differently at an earlier stage in the process).

Now I mentioned the other day that I think I need new glasses already but it works OK when I pick up the cards. Stella is “kind” in that way since it uses fewer cards per game. (Although Stella games are shorter than Dixit, we had time to play it twice in 40 minutes tonight.) And getting to look at these cards is such a delight and such a reason why I love these two games!

I’ve been frank in how much I can’t stand some of Dixit’s expansions (“Journey”, “Mirrors”, there are some other ones I also really don’t like. Journey’s images would be cool for a picture book but they’re frustrating for Dixit because unlike Dixit, they’re often just “one thing”, each card is one story or one pun, whereas Dixit’s original three sets (“Dixit”, “Quest”, and “Odyssey”—Journey was called Dixit 3 at one point even though it’s the fourth set) I can come up with a dozen things for each card. But come to think of it, maybe Journey’s cards would work well with the Stella ruleset actually! The Stella word card system affords us to look at every card in a new light! Although nothing can fix that Asterix-style card in “Mirrors”! The Tintin rocket in Odyssey is bad enough!) but please let me then counterweigh that by saying how much I love the card sets of Odyssey, Stella and Revelations! BGG has all card images for all set I really do feel like I’ve picked my three fave ones (in that order: my old fave Odyssey now surpassed by Stella and by my new fave Revelations)!

After a long streak of expansions I don’t like, the Stella cards actually are great! I know that the new rules and components were one big reason why I wanted to get the Stella box but those components can be replaced by scrap paper; as long as you have Dixit cards you can play with the Stella rules, just draw a five by three grid with six lines on a note paper or something. But I really really love this card set! Warm and soft and rich in imagery. Bringing back a lot of what I loved from Dixit which a lot of the other sets have lost. (“Dixit” and “Quest” I’d place as my fourth and fifth favorite; as I said the other day, Halo has them so I’m not gonna get them since we can play with them with his set when we get nostalgic for them. Instead, I’d be more likely to mix in divination cards from my Morgan-Greer or Laura’s Liminal Spirits Oracle deck.)

Color Gin

Guardian Acorn

5e initiative cards

Group by Group Initiative

My Dixit houserules and practices

Isomorphic hangup

2024-08-07 10:10

Den högerextreme politikern Rasmus Paludan Ätalas för hets mot folkgrupp och förolÀmpning.

Fucking Àntligen! Gud det var uppochnervÀnda vÀrlden nÀr hela det socialdemokratiska etablissemangent (ihop med en instÀmmande opposition) höll honom om ryggen och hyllade honom som om han vore nÄn sorts fyrbÄk för den demokrati och öppenhet han gör allt för att förstöra.

2024-08-06 22:10

Never mind. 😭

Even though I’ve had an account on Kobold Press’ webshop for ages they now require Cloudflare’s impassible captcha just to log in.

2024-08-06 21:42

Your takes on Tales of the Valiant?

2024-08-06 08:22

This is also why I might be a better tabletop game dev than a table top game designer. I can pick out the underlying probabilities and make a more sanded down, less fiddly, less cumbersome interface to those probabilities, and as those probabilities are more starkly presented they might be a more tunable knob for playtesters to pay attention to.