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<title>FAFO Report 166</title>

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<small>(Chapter 3)</small><p>

<b><font size=+1> Household income-generating activities<BR>
as adaptation strategy<BR>

<i><a href="apx4_1.html">See table 3.1 to 3.18 in appendix 4 for references to this section.</a></i>

The relation between household income-generating activities and individual
<i>labour activity</i> has already been discussed in the employment chapter. We
will now complete the picture by turning to the <i>economic</i> significance of
such activities.

Household income-generating activities are, as we noted, characterized by
their essentially supplementary nature, rather than for example by the fact
that they are usually carried out in a domestic setting. Such activities
may still yield important economic benefits for households, through sale
or barter of products, and in particular through saving on household consumption

It is reasonable to expect households to try to increase their income-generating
activities to compensate for the reduction in income from formal employment
after the border closure. Contrary to expectations, we found that neither
persons outside the labour force, nor the "under-utilized", nor those
who lost employment in Israel between 1992 and 1993 are more involved in
household production than the average population. For <i>individuals</i>, engaging
in household production thus seem to be a supplement rather than an alternative
to formal labour activity.

One explanation could be that the reservation wage of many of those who
fail to obtain formal employment is higher than the income level which can
be expected from household activities. The employment chapter showed that
income-generating household activities primarily are conducted by middle-aged
or elderly women. Because formal labour activity among these groups is very
low, their reservation wage may be expected to be lower than for those (males)
who aspire to formal jobs. One possible hypothesis is thus that <i>other</i> household
members (with lower reservation wages) have increased their involvement
in household production so as to compensate for the overall loss of formal
labour income in the household.

To investigate this "intra-household compensation" hypothesis, we asked
respondents about changes in the household's output of various income-generating
activities since the summer of 1992. Figure 3.1 presents a regional picture
of changes in the output of those activities conducted by at least 5% of
the households in the sample.

<I>Figure 3.1 Household production changes, by main geographical area. Percentage 
of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/031.gif">

Figure 3.1 does not support the "intra-household compensation" hypothesis.
On the contrary, activities even show a declining tendency with regard to
activity for crafts, and especially in the West Bank refugee camps. (There
may, however, be a tendency for respondents to report "no change".)

Breaking down results for Gaza by refugee status and type of locality does
not reveal significant differences in this pattern. Nor could we find any
systematic influence from household size or the household head's individual
characteristics (gender, age and education).

Investigation of prevalence of income-generating activities specifically
in households comprising "discouraged workers", under-utilized workers,
or households where the head or other members lost employment in Israel,
further confirms that the "intra-household compensation" hypothesis
can be rejected.

Figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 do not show a higher prevalence of income-generating
activities in households including "discouraged workers" or members
who lost employment in Israel, or under-utilized workers.

<I>Figure 3.2 Household production, by discouraged workers in household. Percentage 
of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/032.gif">

<I>Figure 3.3 Household production, by workers who lost employment in Israel in 
household. Percentage of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/033.gif">

<I>Figure 3.4 Household production, by under-utilized workers in household. Percentage 
of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/034.gif">

Figure 3.8 (concerning household size and production) shows that the share
of households engaged in such production increases with increasing household
size. As shown by figure 3.5 the share of households with one or more discouraged
or under-utilized worker(s), or person(s) who lost employment in Israel
do, however, also increases with household size. The somewhat higher prevalence
of household production in households with under-utilized workers is most
likely due to effects of household size.

<I>Figure 3.5 Labour force categories for household members, by household size. Percentage 
of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/035.gif">

Household production thus does not seem to play any (short-term) compensatory
role, <i>neither</i> at the individual nor at the household level. The "intra-household
compensation" hypothesis must be rejected.

Why have household income-generating activities not shown an increase in
response to the drop in income after the border closure? Rejection of the
"intra-household compensation" hypothesis does not, after all, necessarily
imply that the primary agents in household activities, middle aged and older
women, also have too high reservation wages for this kind of production.

Bearing in mind that formal labour activity, and hence reservation wages,
are low among these persons, meagre revenues from household production may
only partly explain the lack of increase in output. Non-labour income, e.g.
support from UNRWA, could have been expected to raise the reservation wage
threshold for initiating low productivity production. Much UNRWA support,
however, is provided in kind; this means it may be used as input in for
example food processing, making it complementary rather than alternative
to at least some types of household production.

Another possible explanation for the lack of increase in household production
may be found in the <i>"constraints in production"</i> hypothesis. This hypothesis
assumes that household production is constrained by lack of land, water,
raw materials or manpower, or that some time must elapse before production
can be initiated or increased. The constraining factors must, of course,
be expected to vary with the type of activity in question.

To simplify the discussion, the various types of household activities have
been categorized into 5 groups: namely plant production, raising poultry
or other animals, food processing, crafts, and services and trade. Figure
3.6 shows the prevalence of each of the 5 groups by main geographical area.
(As mentioned in the chapter 2, the share of <i>households</i> engaged in a specific
activity is generally higher than the corresponding share of individuals.)

<I>Figure 3.6 Household production, by main geographical area. Percentage 
of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/036.gif">

For many activities the limiting factor in production may be access to raw
materials. Most agricultural activities  plant or animal production, for
example  require land, and are thus less suitable in over-crowded refugee
camps. Not surprisingly, figure 3.7 shows that the (land-owning) community
of Gaza non-refugees is more involved in agricultural production than the
(usually landless) camp refugees.

<I>Figure 3.7 Household production, by refugee status. Percentage 
of all households in respective groups</I><br>

<img src="bilder/037.gif">

Food processing is to a significant degree dependent on raw materials from
agricultural production. Because some food processing is carried out in
almost all households, and because the absolute level of output is not measured,
factors that may possibly limit food processing cannot be identified. Both
food processing and plant production may be expected to show strong seasonal

In contrast to agricultural-related activities, craft production requires
little space or land, and may thus be better suited to refugee camp households.
Figure 3.7 shows that both craft production and trade and services are more
prevalent in West Bank refugee camps than in the Gaza Strip.

While craft production is more common among refugee camp households, locality
of residence and refugee status do not seem to affect the prevalence of
trade and services in Gaza. Because many non-agricultural household activities
are dependent on raw materials bought in markets, UNRWA support in training
and in the provision of raw materials may help to explain the higher level
of craft production in the refugee camps.

Does the amount of available manpower constrain household production? Figure
3.8 shows that household income-generating activities (except plant production
and food processing) tend to increase with household size. On the other
hand, this may equally well be due to the fact that the potential for saving
consumption expenditures increases with total household size, because large
households include more potential producers.

<I>Figure 3.8 Household production, by household size. Percentage 
of all households in respective groups</I><br>

<img src="bilder/038.gif">

The prevalence of food processing is high regardless of household size.
For plant production, the lack of increase with increasing household size
may indicate that land rather than manpower is the limiting factor.

A final variant of the "constraints in production" hypothesis is that
some activities can, by their very nature, be initiated or substantially
increased only over a period of time. Aiming to capture such effects, we
asked households about their <i>plans</i> to initiate various household income-generating
activities. Figure 3.9 shows the regional proportions of households that
answered that they planned to initiate at least one activity within the
five main groups of activities noted above, and the proportion of these
planning to initiate <i>some</i> kind of household income-generating activity.

<I>Figure 3.9 Household production plans, by main geographical area. Percentage 
of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/039.gif">

In Gaza only 1 out of 8 households stated that they plan to start up new
household income-generating activities, while the corresponding figure in
West Bank refugee camps is 1 out of 3 households.

A regional break-down of plans for new activities reveals only minor differences
by refugee status, region and locality of residence in Gaza. In West Bank
refugee camps, however, almost twice as many households in the Northern
camps as in the Southern camps plan to start up new activities. Many of
these households plan to start up services and trade, activities already
more prevalent in this region than elsewhere in the survey population.

Neither household size and composition nor individual characteristics of
the head of household seem to affect plans for starting up new household
income-generating activities.

The distributional pattern of income-generating household activities across
socio-economic groups facing various limiting factors does <i>not</i> give us reason
to discard the "constraints in production" hypothesis to explain the
lack of change in household production.

The time-lags necessary for changing the level of production may be particularly
important. Because the duration and magnitude of the negative effects from
the border closure on the Palestinian economy became apparent on the household
level only after some time, initiating compensatory measures like household
production may have been delayed. At least for the West Bank refugee camps,
the relatively large number of households planning to start up such activities
may indicate a possible increase of household activities in the long term.

A final explanation for the lack of increase in household production following
the border closure can be termed the <i>"marginal role"</i> hypothesis. Here
the assumption is that income-generating household activities play only
an insignificant, supplementary role in the overall household economy. Figure
3.10 would seem to support this hypothesis: We note that the large majority
of households in both main survey areas neither sell nor give away their
products, but produce exclusively for own consumption.

<I>Figure 3.10 Household production use, by main geographical area. Percentage 
of all households in each area</I><br>

<img src="bilder/310.gif">

There are, however, two reasons for rejecting the "marginal role" hypothesis.
Firstly, the strong correlation between increase in household production
and increasing household size indicates that the principal economic significance
of household income-generating activities is saving on consumption expenditures,
rather than involvement in market transactions.

Furthermore actual marketing of household production may be related to the
locality of the household. The higher prevalence of services and trade in
the West Bank refugee camps may be due to higher demand for such services
in the West Bank and Arab Jerusalem than in Gaza. Thus, lack of purchasing
power, just as much as features of the households or low value of household
production, may explain why so few households market their products.

Summing up, income-generating household activities do not seem to play any
compensatory role in the short term, <i>neither</i> at the individual <i>nor</i> at the
household level. Because of the low level of formal labour activity, and
hence reservation wages among the primary agents in household activities,
middle-aged and older women, meagre revenues from household production may
only to a limited extent explain the lack of increase in production output.

The prevalence of household production increases with household size. This
finding indicates that these activities may play an important role in household
economy by reducing consumption expenditures, despite of low involvement
in market transactions. The survey interviewing was conducted in October/
November 1993, only about half a year after the border closure. We cannot
rule out various constraints in initiating or increasing household production
as an explanation of its apparent stability.

Changes in household production are also obviously linked to expectations
about future employment prospects. At the time of the interviewing there
were relatively high expectations about an imminent Israeli withdrawal from
Gaza and Jericho. As such withdrawal was expected to be followed by considerable
foreign aid to all of the Occupied Territories, this may have acted to restrain
an augmentation of household production.<p>

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