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<title>FAFO Report 151</title>

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<H2>Religious Attitudes</H2>

Because of the small sample of Christians surveyed, survey results cannot
be reliably used to analyze attitudinal variations among Palestinian Christians
and, indeed, only certain comparisons between Muslims and Christians as
a whole can be made. Analysis of religious attitudes in this report will
focus, therefore, only on the Muslim part of the population.

Based on survey variables, a three point indicator of religiosity was constructed.
The variables included weekly (or more) attendance at a mosque and/or religious
study circle, visits to religious sites, Islam as an important political
attribute in a future Palestinian state and Islam as the primary focus of
personal loyalty. Some of these variables imply mainly religious belief
and practice, others have more political connotations. A score of 0, &quot;secular&quot;,
indicates that the individual is neither religiously observant nor expresses
any sort of religious political values. A score of 1, &quot;observant&quot;,
indicates religious belief and observance and a score of 2, &quot;activist&quot;,
indicates religious observance combined with political religious identity.
Thus the index attempts to measure the range of religiosity from the secular
to the religiously activist. Because the index is constructed in a manner
that is only applicable to the Muslim sector of the Palestinian population,
in the following analysis the Christian population has been removed from
the sample.

Following this index, the distribution of religiosity for the Palestinian
Muslim population, broken down by region and type of locality, is as illustrated
in figures 9.6 and 9.7.

<i>Figure 9.6 Religious index by region</i><br>

<img src="bilder/96.gif">


<i>Figure 9.7 Religious index by type of locality</i><br>

<img src="bilder/97.gif">

These results seem to challenge some of the more common notions concerning
Islamic activism in the occupied territories. They indicate that Islamicism
is not particularly associated with Gaza refugee camps, nor indeed with
Gaza at all, despite the long historical connection between Gaza and the
Egyptian based Muslim Brotherhood. Of the various types of localities surveyed,
Gaza camps, along with Arab Jerusalem, seem to be the most secular. To the
extent there is a regional concentration of Islamicist activism, it appears
to be more associated with the towns and camps of the West Bank. Moreover,
the general percentage of Palestinians who are secular, observant or activist
does not vary with their refugee status. Non-refugees and refugees, regardless
of whether they live inside camps or outside of them, appear to have broadly
the same religious profiles.

The survey results do indicate a certain correlation between religiosity
and economic position. Table 9.7 presents the economic background of the
secular, observant and activist inside the occupied territories.

<i>Table 9.7 Religiosity index by economic strata</i><br>

<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>

<tr align=center><td align=left></td><td>Secular</td><td>Observant</td><td>Activist</td></tr>
<tr align=center><td align=left>Lower third</td><td>29</td><td>35</td><td>36</td></tr>
<tr align=center><td align=left>Middle third</td><td>35</td><td>37</td><td>46</td></tr>
<tr align=center><td align=left>Upper third</td><td>36</td><td>29</td><td>34</td></tr>


The table shows that secular as well as observant Palestinians are drawn
more or less evenly from all economic levels inside Palestinian society.
The activists, however, tend to come more from the middle economic sectors.

<i>Figure 9.8 Religious index by age, for men</i><br>

<img src="bilder/98.gif">

There are also gender differences. Women tend to be more secular than men
(29% for women versus 20% for men) and men more religiously activist than
women (24% versus 12%).

In addition, age seems to affect the degree of religiosity and the impact
of age is somewhat different for men and women.

The trend among the youngest age groups of men is very similar to the trend
observed in relation to their attitudes to women. Among those aged 15 to
19, the group most affected by the street activism of the intifada, the
trend toward secularisation has suddenly reversed and there is a very sharp
jump in the portion who are observant Muslims or militants in relation to
the preceding age group. Also notable is the concentration of Islamicists
among those aged 50 to 59, the age group who experienced the 1948 war and
the subsequent massive dislocation of Palestinians at a young, impressionable

<i>Figure 9.9 Religious index by age, for women</i><br>

<img src="bilder/99.gif">

Among women there is a slight decrease in the number of observant Muslims
and a corresponding increase in the degree of secularisation among those
under 50 years of age. However, the proportion of women who profess sentiments
linked to political Islam seems fairly steady over the generations. The
only exception is, again, women currently in the age group of 50 to 59.

Education also seems to impact on the degree of religiosity and once more
the impact differs among men and women although the trends appear the same.

<i>Figure 9.10 Religiosity index by educational level, for men</i><br>

<img src="bilder/910.gif">

Figure 9.10 indicates that while education seems to produce a decline in
religious observance, the most educated male sectors of Palestinian society
are being to some extent polarised. On the one hand increased education
produces a steady drive toward secularization. On the other, among the most
educated a certain shift toward militancy is also noticeable.

Among women education is associated with the same drive towards secularization
and away from Islamic practice. It is only among those women who have post-secondary
education that an increase in the percentage of Islamic activists can be
observed. Among this group some 18% score highest on the index. However,
this group must be compared to the 41% of Palestinian women with post-secondary
educations who are secular.

In a society in which hierarchical gender relations are an important organising
principle with both social and religious legitimation, it can be assumed
that religious beliefs help to shape attitudes toward women. If men's attitudes
to women's roles are examined, there appears a clear correlation between
increased religiosity and an attitude that women should be largely confined
to the domestic sphere. While 50% of secular men feel that it is acceptable
for women to work outside the home, only 42% of observant Muslims and 37%
of activist Muslims share this view. This pattern is repeated when men are
asked about the most appropriate behaviour for married women. While 48%
of non-religious men feel that women should stay at home, take care of their
children and not indulge in money generating activities of any sort, 59%
of religious activists express this view. In short, for men religious radicalism
seems to reinforce social conservatism.

<i>Table 9.8 Percentage who feel western dress acceptable by religiosity index</i><br>

<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>

<tr align=center><td align=left></td><td>Secular</td><td>Observant</td><td>Activist</td></tr>
<tr align=center><td align=left>Men</td><td>42</td><td>16</td><td>13</td></tr>
<tr align=center><td align=left>Women</td><td>45</td><td>26</td><td>19</td></tr>


Among women, however, the attitudes of secular women and activists concerning
women's roles share somewhat the same profile. The trend is weak, but consistent.
For instance, while 64% of non-religious women expressed the attitude that
women should give priority to child care, but could otherwise work outside
the home, 66% of activist women stated the same view. In contrast, only
57% of religiously observant, but not activist, women gave this reply. Activist
women seem to be marginally more accepting of day care facilities for children
than either their secular or observant counterparts.

Religious beliefs also appear to have an impact on the degree of parental
authority that is deemed fitting for women. For instance, concerning the
choice of a woman's husband, 60% of non-religious men stated it was the
woman's, rather than the father's, choice, while only 48 - 49% of observant
and activist men shared this opinion.

Among women on this issue, the same pattern of a correspondence of views
between secular and activist women seems to emerge. Both these groups have
slightly more liberal attitudes with regard to women's roles and prerogatives
than observant women. However, the vast majority regardless of religious
persuasion (range 79% to 85%) felt that it was mainly the daughter's, rather
than parents', choice.

<i>Figure 9.11 Degree of women's perceived influence in percent by religiosity index</i><br>

<img src="bilder/911.gif">

While disparities in religious attitudes among men also translate into conflicting
notions concerning appropriate roles for women, first and foremost, these
differing religious attitudes impact on notions as to how women should dress.
In this case the pattern is equally clear for both men and women.<BR>
Opinions are also clear with regard to head scarfs for women and the trend
is the same. Among men, 37% of non-religious men state they would be insulted
if a female member of their household appeared in public without a head
scarf, but 83% of activist men share this view. Among women, the figures
are 35% for secular women, 61% for observant women and 56% for activist
However, in the more detailed replies that were possible in relation to
the survey question on head scarfs, another factor emerges. This is what
could be termed the &quot;fear factor&quot;. Among activist men only 8%
state that they are concerned with what other people might say or do to
a women who appeared publicly without a head scarf, but almost a full quarter,
24%, of secular men have this primary anxiety.<a href="9_notes.html#2"><sup>2</sup></a>

Among women, it appears to be the activists who are most fearful. For instance,
21% of activist women in the West Bank compared to 9% of secular West Bank
women seem to fear the consequences of appearing in public without a head
scarf. Telling, a full 33% of West Bank women who actually wear head scarfs
seem to fear the consequences of not doing so. This trend is present in
all three regions.

The previous chapter on education indicates that a sense of influence within
Palestinian society is critically affected by age, gender and household
position. A crucial issue concerning religious attitudes is whether or not
strong religious conviction also enhances the individual's sense of influence.
Does a sense of certainty that frequently accompanies intense religious
belief and purpose, translate into a sense of power within the household,
neighbourhood, country or in respect to the Arab-Israeli conflict? Does
religiosity affect the individual's self-assessment of the importance of
his or her place within society? Certain, somewhat unexpected, trends seem
to exist.

For men religious militancy does not seem to provide a greater sense of
control or dominance. Indeed, to the extent a relation exists, it seems
slightly negative. For instance, with regard to influence within their village
or on the Arab-Israeli conflict somewhat more religious activists than non-religious
men express complete powerlessness.

However, with regard to women, the pattern is reversed and the trend is
stronger and consistent. In every sphere militantly religious women express
a greater sense of influence and empowerment than their non-religious or
observant counterparts.

The impression of female empowerment through religious involvement is reinforced
when attitudes to the force of destiny, as determinant of the individual's
future, are examined. While 33% of activist men and about the same percentage
of the observant believe in the determining power of fate, only 21% of the
non-religious men agree. For women, however, the equations seem reversed.
Increased religious identity tends to correlate with a decreased belief
in the control of fate. While 18% of secular women give credit to the force
of fate, only 13% of women religious activists concur.<BR>
The explanation of the different impact religious militancy has on men and
women's sense of empowerment could relate to the different aims they pursue
through religion. Within the constraints of their social environment, by
taking on the ideology and attributes of piety, women can gain leverage
and manoeuvrability. Their ability to move in public, for instance, is much
less threatening to their families because they are &quot;protected&quot;
by their dress. Moreover, many women activists are currently attending religious
study groups which represents a major break with former practice. Historically
women have been denied the right to participate actively in the discussion
and reading of religious texts.<a href="9_notes.html#3"><sup>3</sup></a> In short, for women religious activism
can assist them in entering into the spheres of life dominated by men.



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