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<title>FAFO Report 151</title>

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<H2>Under-utilization of Labour</H2>
The nature and evolution of under-utilization of labour do not lend themselves
to easy description. Clearly, exact measurements of the occurence of this
phenomenon at a given point in time is bound to be difficult. For such reasons,
we have deemed it necessary to discuss the theoretical and conceptual aspects
of under-utilization of labour at some length.

First it is worth noting that under-utilization of labour here refers to
involuntary lack of work. Many persons, for example housewives, students
and sick or elderly people, may not want, or seek, full-time or even part-time
work. Voluntary lack of labour activity should not be considered to be a
welfare loss. Thus, it is important to investigate whether or not a person's
lack of labour activity is of an involuntary nature<a href="7_notes.html#17"><sup>17</sup></a>.

Surprisingly, to many observers, the (Israeli) CBS unemployment ratio for
the occupied territories has fluctuated between 1% and 5% during the 25
years of Israeli occupation. By comparison, the unemployment ratio in Israel
during the same period, has varied between 3% and 9%, on average surpassing
the occupied territories by 3%. The unemployment level estimated by the
CBS is roughly confirmed in the FAFO living conditions survey, which recorded
a 1992 unemployment ratio in the occupied territories of 7%.

What are the reasons for the low level of recorded unemployment in the occupied
territories<a href="7_notes.html#18"><sup>18</sup></a>? The labour force framework described in the first part of
the chapter was originally developed to record any labour activity, as opposed
to complete non-activity, in keeping with macro-economic statistical needs.
Use of such labour force definitions in a living conditions, however, can
easily be misleading. It should be stressed that the concept of &quot;unemployment&quot;
in the labour force framework means total lack of work<a href="7_notes.html#19"><sup>19</sup></a>. A person classified
as &quot;employed&quot; does not necessarily carry out a sufficient amount
of labour activity to cover his or his household's economic needs. A major
aim of this chapter is thus to show how under-utilization of labour can
be found not only among the unemployed, but in all three main groups in
the labour force framework. As a reference for the discussion, Figure 7.6
gives a schematic overview of different types of under-utilization of labour,
based on the classifications in figure 7.1.

<i>Figure 7.6 Types of labour under-utilization</i><br>

<img src="bilder/76.gif">

<B>Unemployed Workers<a href="7_notes.html#20"><SUP>20</SUP></a></B><BR>
This section is concerned with &quot;classical&quot; unemployment, (box
1 in figure 7.6). Figure 7.7 shows regional variations in the FAFO living
conditions survey unemployment ratio. The pattern of unemployment seems,
perhaps, somewhat perplexing. Otherwise different regions like Gaza and
Arab Jerusalem, have in fact about the same level of unemployment, which
turns out to be higher than that of the West Bank.

<i>Figure 7.7 Unemployed persons as percentage of the labour force by gender and region</i><br>

<img src="bilder/77.gif">

Contrary to what may be expected, unemployment does not decrease with increasing
education. A possible explanation of this result is that two different effects
may be at work simultaneously:

The first effect (which resembles mechanisms that will be described in the
discussion of &quot;discouraged workers&quot; below), may be pinpointed
as the &quot;unemployment as luxury&quot; phenomenon. Well educated persons
from urban, wealthy households tend to be more selective as to types and
places of work. Instead of accepting any low status jobs which may be available
to them, these individuals may prefer to stay unemployed for some period
of time while looking for an &quot;acceptable&quot; job. It is reasonable
to believe that the relatively high unemployment ratios in Arab Jerusalem
and among those most highly educated, may, in part, be attributable to the
&quot;unemployment as luxury&quot; effect.

Poor persons, on the contrary, cannot afford to be unemployed. In societies
without regular unemployment insurance arrangements, as is the case in the
occupied territories, such persons must accept almost any kind of work offered
to them in order to survive. The high unemployment in Gaza, particularly
in the southern parts and among refugees, is most probably related to a
high prevalence of part-time work rather than the &quot;unemployment as
luxury&quot; effect<a href="7_notes.html#21"><sup>21</sup></a>. Low job stability over time among large groups of
the labour force make for relatively high unemployment ratios at specific
points in time.

Unemployment in the occupied territories may to some degree be characterized
as being more &quot;evenly&quot; distributed than in Western countries,
where national unemployment insurance and other benefits may reinforce long-time
unemployment among marginal workers. The low unemployment in the West Bank
is probably due to the existence of a low-productivity agricultural sector
as an attainable and acceptable alternative to unemployment. This hypothesis
is supported by lower unemployment rates in rural than in urban West Bank

<B>&quot;Discouraged Workers&quot;<a href="7_notes.html#22"><SUP>22</SUP></a></B><BR>
To be classified as &quot;unemployed&quot; in the labour force framework,
a person must not only have had no labour activity during the determinant
week, but also actively have sought work. Originally developed for Western
labour market conditions, application of the &quot;seeking work&quot; criteria
is less straightforward in developing countries. A few general observations
should be sufficient to illustrate this point:

The absence of good and timely information on available jobs, the seasonal
nature of much work and the high proportion of self-employment all complicate
the meaning of &quot;seeking work&quot; in the context of developing economies.
Many unpaid family workers do not seek work outside the family enterprise,
even though they would like to work more. &quot;Seeking work&quot; is often
understood as seeking paid employment only. It may also be difficult to
draw the line between seeking work as self-employed and the activity of
actually being self-employed. To cope with these objections, ILO recommends
a less strict &quot;seeking work&quot; criterion<a href="7_notes.html#23"><sup>23</sup></a>. Persons not seeking
work for reasons of lack of hope or similar, may be classified separately
as &quot;discouraged workers&quot; in the &quot;not in labour force&quot;
category (box 2 in figure 7.6)<a href="7_notes.html#24"><sup>24</sup></a>.

In our discussion of the supply of labour, variations in labour force participation
ratios between regions and groups have been interpreted as indicating that
involuntary non-activity is due to economic and political constraints. Keeping
this hypothesis in mind, there is, however, a somewhat surprising lack of
variation in the share of discouraged workers over regions and socio-economic
groups. A possible explanation may be that discouragement sometimes is so
great that mechanisms of retrospective rationalization come into play.

The typical discouraged worker in the FAFO survey is a young educated woman<a href="7_notes.html#25"><sup>25</sup></a>.
The relatively high number of discouraged workers among the highly educated
is more likely to be caused by greater expectations and a more discriminating
attitude with respect to place and type of job than by inability to find
any kind of work at all.

&quot;Underemployment&quot; is, following ILO terminology, a phenonemon
which refers to the employed category only. By contrast to the extreme situation
defined as &quot;unemployment&quot;, &quot;underemployment&quot; refers
to situations of partial lack of work. Citing ILO, &quot;underemployment
exists when a person's employment is inadequate, in relation to specified
norms or alternative employment, taking into account the occupational skills
of the person&quot;<a href="7_notes.html#26"><sup>26</sup></a>. ILO distinguishes between two main types of underemployment,
visible and invisible underemployment, corresponding to boxes 3 and 4 in
figure 7.6 respectively. Visible underemployment refers to insufficiency
in the volume of employment. Invisible underemployment refers to mis-allocation
of labour resources, e.g. in the form of low productivity and under-utilization
of a worker's skills<a href="7_notes.html#27"><sup>27</sup></a>.<BR>


<b>Visible Underemployment<a href="7_notes.html#28"><sup>28</sup></a></b><br>

Statistical measurement of visible underemployment is highly problematic
in developing countries. A visibly underemployed person must both be working
less than normal duration, and seeking and being available for additional
work. Both normal weekly working hours in a person's usual type of activity,
as well as the time actually worked during the week, have to be estimated.
The tendency of self-employed and unpaid family workers to structure their
work by tasks at hand rather than by fixed work hours, makes the concept
of &quot;normal working hours&quot; ambiguous<a href="7_notes.html#29"><sup>29</sup></a>. The many possible reasons
for working less than normal hours also make it difficult to assess the
possible involuntary nature of such labour activity.

The FAFO living conditions survey has used the distribution of employed
persons by full-time and part-time work as an empirical indicator for visible
underemployment<a href="7_notes.html#30"><sup>30</sup></a>. Some groups, e.g. students and women, voluntarily choose
to work part-time. Thus, we cannot conclude that all part-time workers are
under-employed. Cultural norms in Palestinian society, however, hold that
men from 25 to 59 years of age should work full-time.

<i>Figure 7.8 Full-time/ part-time employment in percent of male labour force 20-59 years of age by region</i><br>

<img src="bilder/78.gif">

Figure 7.8 reveals great regional variations in the distribution of employed
middle-aged men in respect to full-time and part-time work. Full-time work
is rare in Gaza, particularly in the southern part. Within the West Bank,
full-time work is much more prevalent in the central areas than elsewhere.
The full-time/part-time distribution of the central West Bank resembles
that of Arab Jerusalem, which has the highest prevalence of full-time work
of all regions. Variations in the prevalence of full-time workers according
to refugee status are small both in Gaza and the West Bank as compared to
the regional differences.

It would not be reasonable to assume that the low prevalence of full-time
work in Gaza is a reflection of less need for such work here than in other
regions. Rather than a result of freely taken individual decisions, the
low number of full-time workers is probably rooted in the generally difficult
labour market situation in Gaza. When lack of full-time work is a result
of structural factors outside the control of the individual, it may be deemed
visible under-employment. The involuntary character of part-time work may
thus validate claims that it represents a deprivation of welfare and living

The hypothesis of lack of full-time work as a living condition problem,
is further supported by the fact that full-time work is more frequent among
high status than among low status groups. The well educated, members of
wealthy households and professionals usually hold full-time jobs. Figure
7.9 illustrates how the prevalence of full-time employment increases with
increasing education.

<i>Figure 7.9 Full-time and part-time employed persons as percentage of male labour force by education</i><br>

<img src="bilder/79.gif">

Individuals from poor households and persons doing unskilled or agricultural
work, on the other hand, usually work part-time. Part-time workers have
not been asked specifically about reasons for working less than full-time.
The degree of voluntariness cannot, therefore, be determined exactly. Still,
the variational pattern in full-time and part-time work shown above, is
a clear indication that many part-time workers actually are under-employed.<BR>

<B>Invisible Underemployment</B><BR>
Measuring invisible underemployment in developing countries is even more
challenging. Invisible underemployment characterized by low productivity,
is probably the most typical form of labour under-utilization found in the
occupied territories. Measurement requires, however, information on the
economic productivity of individual economic units. Further, such data must
be augmented by information on the characteristics of individual workers<a href="7_notes.html#31"><sup>31</sup></a>.
Thresholds below which income is considered abnormally low, skills under-utilized,
or productivity insufficient, must be established. This is generally so
demanding that statisticians, even after several years of experimentation,
have been forced to give up their efforts<a href="7_notes.html#32"><sup>32</sup></a>.

<B>Labour Under-utilization  - Concluding Remarks</B><BR>
By way of conclusion, it should be emphasized that unemployment ratios should
be supplemented with other statistics for labour under-utilization. In spite
of problems of measurement and interpretation, the number of part-time workers
- and the labour force participation ratio - are useful indicators of involuntary
lack of employment. Particularly variations for adult men over regions and
socio-economic groups may provide useful supplementary information. The
indicators used in this chapter clearly point to Gaza refugees as being
the most deprived socio-economic group in terms of employment in the occupied
territories<a href="7_notes.html#33"><sup>33</sup></a>. Residents in Arab Jerusalem and the central parts of the
West Bank, and especially the well educated, seem to be the groups which
face the least severe employment problems.



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