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<title>FAFO Report 151</title>

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<H2>Supply of Labour; Labour Force Participation</H2>

The size of the labour force refers to the amount of labour available in
the economy. For macro-economic needs, focus is thus naturally placed on
the composition of the labour force. A living conditions survey, however,
should be as much concerned with persons not working. Because involuntary
non-activity represents a serious welfare problem, the possible reasons
for a person's inactivity must be investigated.

<B>Labour Force Participation - an International Comparison<a href="7_notes.html#6"><SUP>6</SUP></a></B><BR>
Labour force participation is influenced, of course, by numerous economic,
political and cultural factors, working together in a complex interplay.
It may thus be instructive to compare labour force participation in the
occupied territories with other countries and population groups. Figure
7.2 shows labour force participation as percentage of total population,
percentage of adults, adult males and adult females for the occupied territories,
for Israeli Jews and &quot;Non-Jews&quot; and for Norway. The share of the
total population below 15 years is also indicated in the figure<a href="7_notes.html#7"><sup>7</sup></a>. (Note
that labour force participation usually is expressed in per cent of the
&quot;working age population&quot;, i.e. persons 15 years or older).

<i>Figure 7.2 International comparison of labour force participation ratios</i><br>

<img src="bilder/72.gif">

Figure 7.2 clearly illustrates the inverse relation between the share of
the total population in the labour force and the share of the population
below 15 years of age. The very young age structure in the occupied territories
is thus a major explanation of the relatively low labour force participation
as per cent of the total population<a href="7_notes.html#8"><sup>8</sup></a>.

In addition to the effect of the population's age structure, the estimates
for labour force participation ratio are determined by three main factors:<BR>
First, as is the case in all surveys, measurement methods and definitions
are likely to have a strong influence. Respondents tend to understand work
as regular employment, which frequently leads to under-reporting of many
kinds of labour activity typical of developing countries. Casual work, unpaid
work, and work rewarded in kind are often omitted, even when explicitly
considered as &quot;work&quot; in line with survey definitions. Under-reporting
of labour activity is usually higher for women than for men, in particular
in developing countries. Married women are customarily regarded as &quot;housewives&quot;
in Palestinian culture, and their labour activity is normally not considered
as &quot;employment&quot;<a href="7_notes.html#9"><sup>9</sup></a>.

Second, socio-cultural factors play a decisive role in shaping labour force
participation. In contrast to Western countries, Middle Eastern culture
regards labour activity primarily as a household affair<a href="7_notes.html#10"><sup>10</sup></a>. There are relatively
strong cultural norms governing the places and types of work that can be
considered &quot;acceptable&quot; according to sex, age and social status.
The cultural dimension is particularly important when explaining Palestinian
women's lack of (formal) labour activity.

Third, the political and economic situation obviously influences the extent
and character of actual labour force participation. The occupied territories
are subject to rather exceptional political and economic conditions, having
been under military rule for 25 years. In a situation characterized by legal
restrictions, strikes and curfews, the local economy, and hence employment
opportunities, are by necessity constrained. The integration into the Israeli
economy and infrastructure which has taken place during the years of occupation,
has profoundly changed the labour markets of the occupied territories. While
new employment opportunities have opened up for certain social strata, other
groups have experienced an erosion of employment possibilities.

Labour Force Participation - Regional Variations within the Occupied Territories<a href="7_notes.html#11"><sup>11</sup></a><BR>
Figure 7.3 (as also figure 7.2) shows labour force participation as percentage
of total population, percentage of adults, adult males and adult females
for the occupied territories in total and for the three main regions separately.
The regional shares of total population below 15 years are also included
in the figure.

<i>Figure 7.3 Regional comparison of labour force participation ratios</i><br>

<img src="bilder/73.gif">

Only one out of every four persons in the occupied territories belongs to
the labour force. Figure 7.3 shows, however, that this result disguises
substantial regional variations. The proportion of the total population
who are labour force members is as much as 50% greater in the West Bank
and Arab Jerusalem than in Gaza. As is the case when accounting for dissimilarities
in labour activity between the occupied territories and other countries,
regional variations in age structure go some way towards explaining this
difference. Controlling for the high share of persons younger than 15 years
in Gaza, the ratio with which adult labour force participation in the West
Bank and Arab Jerusalem exceeds that of Gaza, drops to about 1/3.

Figure 7.3 also shows that women in the occupied territories generally have
a very low participation ratio compared to men in all three areas. Female
labour force participation ratio, further, is particularly low in Gaza.
While the generally low labour activity of women to some extent may be explained
by specific difficulties in measuring women's employment accurately, this
is not a credible explanation of regional differences in female labour force
participation. Such differences are most probably caused by regional differences
in female employment opportunities. There may, however, also be stronger
cultural inhibitions against female employment in Gaza than in the other

Regarding the group of adult males only, figure 7.3 still shows a lower
labour force participation ratio in Gaza than in the West Bank and Arab
Jerusalem. Further analysis confirms that the West Bank has higher labour
force participation among adult males than Gaza, regardless of socio-economic
group<a href="7_notes.html#12"><sup>12</sup></a>. Figure 7.4 illustrates the regional differences by presenting age-specific
labour force participation ratios for adult males in Gaza and the West Bank
separately<a href="7_notes.html#13"><sup>13</sup></a>.

<i>Figure 7.4 Male labour force participation ratios by age</i><br>

<img src="bilder/74.gif">

How, then, can regional variations in adult male labour force participation
be explained? Differences in age composition has been considered of great
importance when looking at labour force participation as a percentage of
the total population. Looking exclusively at the adult male population,
regional differences in age structure turn out to be relatively small. The
only exception is Arab Jerusalem, which has a somewhat older population
than the other regions. The total effect of the various age structures is
further weakened because labour force participation is low both for the
oldest and youngest age groups.

Gender specific measurement problems may as already mentioned above explain
some of the gender difference in labour force participation. Measurement
problems do not, however, provide a plausible explanation for the observed
regional differences in adult male labour force participation.<BR>
As for measurement problems, cultural norms cannot explain the regional
differences in male labour activity satisfactorily either. While the cultural
norms influencing women's labour activity may vary among regions, there
are no restrictive norms in respect to the labour activity for adult males.
On the contrary, adult males regardless of area of residence, are explicitly
expected to generate economic resources for their families through labour

It is reasonable, therefore, to think that overall differences in male labour
force participation between regions and socio-economic groups are due to
economic and political factors, rather than age composition, measurement
problems and cultural factors. While economic and political factors hardly
can be measured directly, there are many indicators which support this hypothesis.
Variations in male labour force participation are very similar to the variations
in household wealth, as pointed out and discussed in the household economy
chapter. In Arab Jerusalem and the central parts of the West Bank, employment
opportunities are relatively good (outside camps)<a href="7_notes.html#14"><sup>14</sup></a>. The local economy seems
to be able to absorb most individuals seeking work. The reasons for non-activity
among males, it transpires, are primarily education, i.e. lack of work compatible
with training and status, sickness and old age. Labour activity is found
to be at its lowest in Gaza and in refugee camps, i.e. the environments
most strongly affected by the Israeli occupation<a href="7_notes.html#15"><sup>15</sup></a>. Figure 7.5 illustrates
the effect of refugee status on adult male labour force participation. In
Gaza labour force participation among refugees is low, regardless of whether
they live inside or outside camps. In the West Bank, by contrast, labour
force participation is higher and there are small variations in labour force
participation according to refugee status.

<i>Figure 7.5 Male labour force participation ratios by refugee status</i><br>

<img src="bilder/75.gif">

In Gaza, traditional industries like agriculture seem to have been unable
to absorb the huge number of refugees<a href="7_notes.html#16"><sup>16</sup></a>. The development of alternative
economic activities has been checked by unfavourable conditions such as
military regulations, curfews and strikes. In particular, urban refugee
camps lack an independent economic base. Limited local demand for labour
has led to, as will be discussed later, a high number of Gaza workers commuting
to Israel for employment on a daily basis. After the outbreak of the intifada,
and especially in the period since the Gulf War, employment in Israel has
become less secure and tenable. Strikes, curfews, and, most importantly,
new Israeli restrictions (as well as stricter enforcement of existing regulations)
have seriously weakened employment opportunities in Israel as a viable alternative
to local employment. The observed greater differences between Gaza and the
West Bank for young and old men, rather than for the middle-aged (figure
7.4), may also be explained by the fact that the difficult economic situation
in Gaza squeezes out the least attractive age groups from the labour market.



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