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Digest of fuzz box building and other fuzzy articles
From: dam@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk (David Morning)
Newsgroups: alt.guitar
Subject: Fuzz Box From Hell (corrected version)
Date: 30 Sep 92 09:24:37 GMT
Organization: Glasgow University Computing Science Dept.
I knew I shouldn't have posted something which had been collecting dust
for years in my files. Oh well. My original version used 2 batteries to
provide a split rail supply. In my rush to post it, I bodged the battery
supply splitter. I wasn't convinced I'd got it right after I'd posted it
so a built it from scratch at the week-end. There are 2 connection errors
in the original, both the input resistor and the 680 ohm feedback resistor
should go to the V/2 rail and NOT the battery -ve.
Sorry folks. This one does the trick. Oh..and it's a 9 volt battery (small type)
Battery is 9 volts.
Op-amp is anything. 741 is noisy, TLO71/72 is less noisy, NE5534 is least
noisy but drains the battery.
--- Op-Amp
| \
| \
Inputo----||----------| + \
0.47u | | \ 0.47uF
| | >-----------------||------
| | / | | |
| ---| - / | ---\ -
- | | / - / \ ZD1 | |
| | | | / | | - | |100k
68k | | | | / 330k| | | -
- | --- - - |-------o Output
| | | \ / ZD2 |
| | | ---/ -
| | | | | |
| -------------------|------- | |2k2**
| | -
| - |
| | | |
| 680ohm | | |
| - |
| | |
------------------------------> V/2* |
Input | Output
Gnd o----------------------------------------------------------------o Gnd
Battery rail splitter
Batt +ve-----------------------------------------> To Op-Amp +Vs
| |220k
| |
-------|------------> To V/2*
| |
--- ++ -
100uF --- | | 200k
| | |
| -
| |
| |
Batt -ve -----o\o-------------------------------> To op-amp -Vs
Jack socket switch |
------> To Gnd
Jack socket switch wiring:-
| Sleeve Ring Tip |
Jack plug ---> | - - - |
goes in here | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
--| |---| |---| |--
From battery -----| | | | | |
-ve terminal - - -
-------------> To battery rail splitter
Inserting mono plug shorts sleeve and ring together and activates the
This it?
+9v---|1meg|----|1meg|----> Gnd
| |
- + 1uf
1meg | |
| |
10nf | | \ 741
In ----||---|10k|----|+ \ + 1uF
| | >-------||----|10k|-----
- -|- / | |
- 1nf | | / - |
| | | | 1meg |
| | - -
| -----------| | |
| | 10k| |<----- Out
| - 47nF | |
| - -
| | |
| - |
| | |4k7 |
| - |
| ----------| |
| | | |
| -------- - 500k |
| | | | |<- |
| 1N270 - 1N270--- | | | |
| \ / / \ - | |
| --- - |--- |
| | | | |
Newsgroups: alt.guitar
Subject: Re: MXR Distortion +
Organization: The University of New Brunswick
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1992 22:30:15 GMT
In article <Bvnp44.J05@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk> dam@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk (David Morning) writes:
>This it?
> +9v---|1meg|----|1meg|----> Gnd
> | |
> |----||---
> - + 1uf
> 1meg | |
> | |
> -
> |
> 10nf | | \ 741
>In ----||---|10k|----|+ \ + 1uF
> | | >-------||----|10k|-----
> - -|- / | |
> - 1nf | | / - |
> | | | | 1meg |
> | | - -
> | -----------| | |
> | | 10k| |<----- Out
> | - 47nF | |
> | - -
> | | |
> | - |
> | | |4k7 |
> | - |
> | ----------| |
> | | | |
> | -------- - 500k |
> | | | | |<- |
> | 1N270 - 1N270--- | | | |
> | \ / / \ - | |
> | --- - |--- |
> | | | | |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------Gnd
Just about.
The diodes are connected between the input to the "OUTPUT" volume
control, not the input to the "DRIVE/DISTORTION" control, and
ground. In response to queries sent to me, let me note that the +
terminal of the battery (i.e., +9vdc) is connected to pin 7 on the
op-amp, and the - terminal of the battery goes to pin 4 and ground.
Not all readers are aware of these implicit details. My apology for
ommitting them.
Mark Hammer
Newsgroups: alt.guitar
From: dnj@kauai.verity.com (Dave Johansen)
Subject: Re: Tube sound fuzz
Organization: Verity, Inc. 1550 Plymouth Ave, Mt. View, CA 94043
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 93 19:09:49 GMT
A word of note: Hendrix' Purple Haze was done with
a Fuzz Face, and a Roger Mayer Octavia (on the solo,
and outro solo) thru of course a Marshall 100w Super
PS you can buy all the Roger Mayer products from
North Star Audio, in Charlotte NC....
Newsgroups: alt.guitar
From: s0477311@let.rug.nl (M. Verhoef)
Subject: RAT schematics
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 08:55:52 GMT
Organization: Faculteit der Letteren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL
Hi All,
it took a long time but here it is.........
- ***************************** PROCO RAT ***************************************
this should be connected to 'distortion' (part below)
(+) (+/2)
| |
| |
__|d |
| R7 |\ + / C3
o----+- C1 - R2 -->|g FET | |3 \| / /
| |__ s | | 7 \ /1 /
o R1 |__ (+)C2 __ R4 __|___| \ /8
| | | | | >---------- + C11 - --- R11 ------------- A
| | | | | 6/ | |
| | R3 C5 | 4 /| | |
V V | | |-|2 / V | -------
V V | |/ | | |
| | D1 D2
|----- - C8 + ---- | |
| distortionpot | ---------
|------150k log--- |
| \ | |
----------------- \__| V
| |
R5 R6
| |
+ +
C6 C7
- -
| |
V V (+)
____ |
/ \ ____d
/ | |
A----- -100k log+ ------ R12 ------ C12 -------|g FET
filterpot | | |____s
| | |____ + C14 - ___________
C13 R13 | | | ___________o
| | R14 R15 + / OUT
| | | | 10k log o
V +/2 V V - levelpot |
| |
The distortion part:
(+)------ R10 ------------------------------------------------------(+)
| | | |
+ --- R8 |
C10 D3 |________ C4
- | | + |
| | R9 C9 |
| | | | |
C1 : 22n R1 : 1 M FETS: 2x BF 245A
C2 : 1m * R2 : 1 K _____________
C3 : 30p R3 : 1 K \ . . . /
C4 : 100n R4 : 1 K \ G S D /
C5 : 1n R5 : 47 Ohm \___/
C6 : 2m2 * R6 : 560 Ohm gate source drain
C7 : 4m7 * R7 : 100 K
C8 : 100p R8 : 33 K
C9 : 47m * R9 : 33 K IC: LM 308
C10: 100m * R10: 47 Ohm + nc
C11: 4m7 * R11: 1 K __|__|__|__|__
C12: 22n R12: 1 K 5 | 8 7 6 5 |
C13: 3n3 R13: 1 M |\ |
C14: 10m * R14: 1 K |/ |
R15: 10 K | 1 2 3 4 |
Diodes: 2x 1N4007
2x 1N4148
- watch the +/- connection!!!!!! elco's!!!!!!!
Distortion: 150 K log
Level : 10 K log
Filter : 100 K log
This version of the RAT has been modified since it was intended to be used in a
rack mounting. It has no 'battery saving', though you could easily do that
yourself (check out 'electronic projects fo musicians' by Graig Anderton). It
works very well, just like a 'real' RAT. Experiment with the resistance of the
distortion pot, you might find a 220 K sounding a bit more fuzzier (like I did).
The more resistance the more fuzz you get. Good Luck! Btw, officially this
schematics shouldn't be on the net so just use it for your own purposes, don't
let me be responsible for PROCO going bankrupt :-).
From: bew4568@zeus.tamu.edu (Bruce E.)
Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.builders
Subject: Simple Distortion circuit schematic
Date: 14 May 1994 13:18 CDT
Organization: Texas A&M University OpenVMScluster
Here is a little distortion circuit that I kinda like. It's very easy to
build and sounds amazingly like an Ibanez tube screamer. With the exception
of the diodes it is the circuit for the Electra Power Overdrive module (the
one that went inside the guitar--another relic of the '70's). It's important
to use Germanium diodes to get the right sound. The voltage out is .4 volts.
If you need more power and less distortion use Silicon diodes, for 1.4 volts
output (you can change the values of the 4.7K and 470 ohm resistors to get
more distortion if you need. Just tell your electronics friend that it's an
emitter follower and you need more gain).
B+= 9v
/ 4.7K
2.3M | | |
/\/\/\/\-o | |
| o-------| |--------o-------o---> Out
| / | | | |
| | /C | | | |
| | | | / ----- -----
| | | |/ 0.1 mfd /^\ \./ Both Ge-type
In >-----| |------o----| 2N3904 ----- -----
| | B |\ | |
| | | \ | |
0.1 mfd | \E |---o---|
\| |
| |
| ----------
| -------
/ ---
\ -
\ 470
Now for all you electronics types who just said, "Heck, that just hard-clips
the signal. It'll sound horrible", you should realize that the gain of the
transistor is changing with the signal level, and has the effect of rounding
out the upper lobes of the undistorted wave. If you don't believe me just put
it in your PCSPICE program and watch what it does. I don't claim credit for
the circuit--the Electra people came up with the amp, and I was just fiddling
with it and found that this worked well--later on I figured out why. If you
want an uninverted signal (if you think there is a difference) take the signal
off the emitter instead of the collector. It might not sound the same,
however. I didn't test it.
Have fun with it. Should cost about $10 from Radio Shack components,
including jacks.
Ask me about it if you really really really need to.
From: bernards@ecnsun.ECN.NL (Marcel Bernards)
Subject: Re: Schemata - speaker load boxes, Fuzz; re: tube screamer posts
Date: 29 Apr 1994 09:18:19 +0200
Organization: Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN)
I have the service manual of the original TS-9, it's nothing special really..
just a 4558 OpAmp with two antiparallel MA150 Diodes and a small tone circuit.
and a input and output transistor buffer (emittor followers)
It's too complex for making an ASCII drawing :-)
I am surprised that this thing is causing such a hype on r.m.m.g.
It is really a very common schematic of a signal clipper published in
several electronic magazines etc. I have made such circuits many times, and
I could not hear very much difference between them and an original TS9.
Marcel Bernards, UNIX & Net sysadm ECN - Netherlands Energy Research Foundation
Facilities Dept. - Group Computer & Network Management: E-Mail: Bernards@ECN.NL
SnailMail: P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten Phone: (+31 /0)2246 4579 Fax: (+31 /0)2246 1864
SCREAMNet : AAAAAARGHH!HUH?? : Disclaimer: "The AntiChrist is the Computer !"
From bew4568@zeus.tamu.edu Mon May 16 17:52:42 1994
From: bew4568@zeus.tamu.edu (Bruce E.)
Newsgroups: rec.music.makers.guitar
Subject: Simple Distortion Circuit v0.2
Date: 16 May 1994 14:29 CDT
Organization: Texas A&M University OpenVMScluster
Distribution: world
NNTP-Posting-Host: zeus.tamu.edu
News-Software: OpenVMS/VAX VNEWS 1.41
[Ed. Note: This is properly attributed to Bruce, but the header and
date may be wrong. TJS]
Here's the new, improved file. The circuit is correct. I've included some of
the voltages and currents you should be seeing. The only difference I've seen
between the parts list and mine is the value of Cc (which I've changed to 1.0
mfd to give better bass response with low-impeadance amps) and the use of
Radio Shack's MPS3904 transistor rather than my National 2N3904. The
transistor difference shouldn't matter, though. They both have the same
Here is a little distortion circuit that I kinda like. It's very easy to
build and sounds amazingly like an Ibanez TubeScreamer. With the exception
of the diodes it is the circuit for the Electra Power Overdrive module (the
one that went inside the guitar--another relic of the '70's). It's important
to use Germanium diodes to get the right sound. The voltage out is .4 volts.
If you need more power and less distortion use Silicon diodes, for 1.4 volts
output (to get more distortion use the mod listed below, use Ra = 100 and
Ca = 8 mfd for a gain of 45). By the way, this is a common-emitter amplifier.
For those of you needing an exact duplicate of the TubeScreamer, you'll need
to add 2 more parts, indicated as Ra and Ca. These are added to lower the
A.C. gain below the cutoff frequency (f = 1/(2*pi*Ca*Ra)) to duplicate the
TubeScreamer bass roll-off. Ra should be 270 to 330 ohm, and Ca
selected to give the proper cutoff frequency, I guess around 200 Hz. I'll try
to find it exactly. I haven't tried this mod. Good luck.
/ Rc=4.7K
Rb=2.3M | (Xout=5K)
/\/\/\/\-o | |
| o-------| |--------o-------o---> Out
| | | | | |
| /C | |
(Xin=50K) | | / Cc=1.0 mfd -----D1 -----
| | | |/ /^\ \./ Both Ge-type
In >-----| |------o----| 2N3904 ----- D2-----
| | B |\ (NPN:gen. purps, | |
| \ small signl.) | |
Cb=0.1 mfd \E |---o---|
\| |
| |
o---------. -----
R S # | | ---
Q: 2N3904 276-2016 / \ -
D1,D2: 1N34A 276-1123 \ / Ra
Cb: 0.1 mfd 272-1069 / \
Cc: 1.0 mfd 272-1434 \ Re=470 / Vb = 0.8 - 0.9V
Re: 470 271-019 / | Vc = 7.0V
Rc: 4.7K 271-030 \ ----- Ve = 0.1 - 0.2V
Rb: 2.2M 271-061 | ----- Ca Ic = 0.5mA
9V jack 270-325 | |
Perfboard 276-149? ----- -----
Box 270-235? --- ---
Jacks(2) 274-252? - -
Switch 275-011?
Now for all you electronics types who just said, "Heck, that just hard-clips
the signal. It'll sound horrible", you should realize that the gain of the
transistor is changing with the signal level, and has the effect of rounding
out the upper lobes of the undistorted wave. If you don't believe me just put
it in your PCSPICE program and watch what it does. I don't claim credit for
the circuit--the Electra people came up with the amp, and I was just fiddling
with it and found that this worked well--later on I figured out why. If you
want an uninverted signal (if you think there is a difference) take the signal
off the emitter instead of the collector. It might not sound the same,
however. I didn't test it. Connect the left-hand side of Cc to the emitter
to do this.
I've noted that the Screamer mixes some of the original signal in with the
distorted signal, and the mix seems constant mo matter how distored the signal
gets--the setting of the distortion knob effects only the distorted signal
drive. This may be wrong, but that's what it sounds like to me. If you want
to do this, you'll need to take the signal off the collector, otherwise you'll
get some wicked bass phase cancellation when you mix the signal with the
Have fun with it. Should cost about $20 from Radio Shack components,
including jacks, box and a footswitch.
Ask me about it if you need to.