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Hello, I am David Norris. I am an online teacher of English, mathematics, physics and electronics.

***Breaking News***


Also available here: finger davidn@dfdn.info (gopher does not support non ASCII charactors, HTTP is too public)... my plan to leave the "life of the living dead".

I think it is fair to say that the wait has been long and cruel. The CMS, other debt collectors and now the housing co-operative are making my position untenable. I am sick of the cat and mouse game of finding ever more innovative ways to ensure the survival of our families. And besides, we want to get on with our lives!!! In any event, I need to relaunch my career properly and I am not getting any younger. Those in my close circles say that I am brave to plan a new family at my age. (What do you think?) But then again, I am not a stereotypical downtrodden British man who is divorced, destined to be poor, lonely, miserable and impoverished until he passes away in a rubbish filled home, to be found by the postman, or neighbours who suddenly realise they have not seen them for quite some time, nor collected my mail as dead people do not collect their post. Or maybe by the police who force entry to find me dead. Unlike my mother before me, I will not go quietly into the night!!! It's not my way of doing things.

So, here's the plan. I have reason to believe I can finally leave the life of the living dead in the UK with its brutal, punitive living costs and begin a new life. I have some money saved in the DNBC Canada account (the executor money finally, converted into EUR and safe from the CMS). And the next Chinese exchange will get me another $2400. and add to that, or replace the cost of documentation still required. An updated DBS is shortly needed, not more than 6 months old as per Chinese regulations, notarised and apostilled (TEFL and degree certificates are notarised already). I have been waiting to renew it until the whole recruitment period is within the six-month window.

The exchange visits do not need a category Z visa (these need an easier to obtain X visa, as they are paid in USD from the USA). I am told there will be time for a Z visa to be obtained on return in June. (I am concerned about the medical examination for a Z visa - I hope it will be a cursory one and not say too much about the issues I do have; they pose no risk to others after all).

So - I take part in the next exchange visit in May/June. I boost my money from this and then focus on getting a job in China, requiring a Z visa. These last for 30 days, by then I will have a Chinese residence permit... this means I can come and go as I please, like a Chinese citizen... Meaning that visiting Burkina Faso in holidays is entirely possible!!!! So, NO RETURN TO THE UK, I am free of persecution from the CMS, debt collectors ETC. And ... I will work in China (UAE, Japan or South Korea are possible destinations also); and I will then be able to save for a PERMANENT RESIDENCE VISA in BURKINA FASO - I will oversee the process myself, and as the UK is not involved, (since I will not be in the UK nor returning it CANNOT BLOCK MY VISA as happened in 2023). And, we have other matters to attend to when I visit in the holidays too as you might expect...

I will change from the lip service and the yeah, maybe later... approach to debt collectors and treat them in the fashion I have wanting to all along. As they do not recognise me as an abuse victim, I will not be a nice guy!!! Those days will be gone, rest assured... And in fact, I have software to block all UK numbers except those on an exemption list . Eventually my UK number will be withdrawn, although I must ensure that I can be contacted by those in the UK needing to. These include family, friends, friends of family and those dealing with me ne (or my daughters) in a professional capacity; others on a 'need to have' basis. It will be IMPOSSIBLE​ for any debt collectors to contact me ever again! (My ex-wife can answer their questions if the debts are jointly owned!). So, I win by a knockout....

If we are vigilant and careful, one more cultural exchange coupled with the executor money which is safely stored in EUR, gets me to China, (OR UAE, Japan or Soth Korea are also worthy of consideration; I can be paid in their currencies already - Chinese Yuan needs a mainland China account which a residence permit will entitle me to open).

So in a nutshell, the executor money (converted to Euros, and one more exchange visit (for a modern 21st century man, converting GBP or USD to EUR is trivial; as would be AED, JPY or KRW; CNY is harder but not impossible) will get me out of the UK as soon as I have a job... And working there saves for me to come permanently to Burkina Faso, with visits in the school holiday periods as time and savings allow. So, all is revealed. As I have said for some years now, I am a fighter, not a quitter!

Any questions?

ps... Does any other man do this for orphaned African ladies?


Je pense qu'il est juste de dire que l'attente a été longue et cruelle. Le CMS, les autres agents de recouvrement et maintenant la coopérative d'habitation rendent ma position intenable. J’en ai assez du jeu du chat et de la souris consistant à trouver des moyens toujours plus innovants pour assurer la survie de nos familles. Et en plus, on a envie de continuer notre vie !!! Quoi qu’il en soit, j’ai besoin de bien relancer ma carrière et je ne rajeunis pas. Mes proches disent que j’ai le courage de planifier une nouvelle famille à mon âge. (Qu'en pensez-vous ?) Mais là encore, je ne suis pas un Britannique opprimé stéréotypé, divorcé, destiné à être pauvre, seul, misérable et appauvri jusqu'à ce qu'il décède dans une maison remplie d'ordures, que le facteur retrouve. ou des voisins qui réalisent soudain qu'ils ne les ont pas vus depuis un certain temps, et qu'ils n'ont pas non plus récupéré mon courrier car les morts ne récupèrent pas leur courrier. Ou peut-être par la police qui force l'entrée pour me retrouver mort. Contrairement à ma mère avant moi, je n'irai pas tranquillement dans la nuit !!! Ce n'est pas ma façon de faire les choses.

Alors, voici le plan. J'ai des raisons de croire que je peux enfin quitter la vie de mort-vivant au Royaume-Uni avec son coût de la vie brutal et punitif et commencer une nouvelle vie. J'ai de l'argent économisé sur le compte DNBC Canada (l'argent de l'exécuteur testamentaire finalement, converti en EUR et en sécurité depuis le CMS). Et le prochain échange chinois me rapportera 2 400 $ supplémentaires. et ajoutez à cela, ou remplacez le coût de la documentation encore requise. Un DBS mis à jour sera bientôt nécessaire, datant de moins de 6 mois selon la réglementation chinoise, notarié et apostillé (le TEFL et les diplômes sont déjà notariés). J'ai attendu de le renouveler jusqu'à ce que toute la période de recrutement soit dans le délai de six mois.

Les visites d'échange ne nécessitent pas de visa de catégorie Z (celles-ci nécessitent un visa X plus facile à obtenir, car elles sont payées en USD depuis les États-Unis). On me dit qu'il sera temps d'obtenir un visa Z au retour en juin. (Je suis préoccupé par l'examen médical pour un visa Z - j'espère qu'il sera superficiel et ne dira pas trop sur les problèmes que j'ai ; ils ne présentent aucun risque pour les autres après tout).

Je participe donc à la prochaine visite d'échange en mai/juin. J'en profite pour augmenter mon argent et me concentrer ensuite sur l'obtention d'un emploi en Chine, nécessitant un visa Z. Celles-ci durent 30 jours, d'ici là j'aurai un permis de séjour chinois... cela me permet d'aller et venir à ma guise, comme un citoyen chinois... Ce qui veut dire que visiter le Burkina Faso en vacances, c'est tout à fait possible !!!! Donc, PAS DE RETOUR AU ROYAUME-UNI, je suis libre de persécution de la part du CMS, des agents de recouvrement, ETC. Et… je travaillerai en Chine (les Émirats arabes unis, le Japon ou la Corée du Sud sont également des destinations possibles) ; et je pourrai alors économiser pour un VISA DE RÉSIDENCE PERMANENTE au BURKINA FASO - je superviserai le processus moi-même, et comme le Royaume-Uni n'est pas impliqué (puisque je ne serai pas au Royaume-Uni et que je ne le retournerai pas, je NE PEUX PAS BLOQUER MON VISA comme c'est arrivé en 2023). Et nous avons également d'autres problèmes à régler lors de ma visite pendant les vacances, comme vous pouvez vous y attendre...

Je vais changer d'approche des agents de recouvrement et les traiter de la façon dont j'ai toujours voulu le faire. Comme ils ne me reconnaissent pas comme victime d'abus, je ne serai pas un gars sympa !!! Ces jours seront révolus, rassurez-vous... Et en fait, j'ai un logiciel pour bloquer tous les numéros britanniques, à l'exception de ceux figurant sur une liste d'exemption. Finalement, mon numéro britannique sera retiré, même si je dois m'assurer que je peux être contacté par les personnes britanniques qui en ont besoin. Il s'agit notamment de la famille, des amis, des amis de la famille et des personnes qui s'occupent de moi (ou de mes filles) à titre professionnel ; d'autres sur la base du « besoin d'avoir ». Il sera IMPOSSIBLE​ pour les agents de recouvrement de me recontacter ! (Mon ex-femme peut répondre à leurs questions si les dettes sont indivises !). Donc je gagne par KO....

Si nous sommes vigilants et prudents, un échange culturel supplémentaire couplé à l'argent de l'exécuteur testamentaire qui est stocké en toute sécurité en EUR, m'amène en Chine (ou les Émirats arabes unis, le Japon ou la Corée du Sud méritent également d'être pris en considération ; je peux déjà être payé dans leurs devises). - Le Yuan chinois a besoin d'un compte en Chine continentale qu'un permis de séjour me permettra d'ouvrir).

Donc, en un mot, l'argent de l'exécuteur testamentaire (converti en euros, et une visite de change supplémentaire (pour un homme moderne du 21e siècle, convertir GBP ou USD en EUR est trivial ; tout comme le serait l'AED, le JPY ou le KRW ; le CNY est plus difficile mais pas impossible). ) me fera quitter le Royaume-Uni dès que j'aurai un travail... Et y travailler m'évitera de venir définitivement au Burkina Faso, avec des visites pendant les périodes de vacances scolaires lorsque le temps et les économies le permettront. Comme je le dis depuis quelques années maintenant, je suis un combattant, pas un lâcheur !

Des questions?

ps... Est-ce qu'un autre homme fait ça pour des femmes africaines orphelines ?


Я вважаю справедливим сказати, що очікування було довгим і жорстоким. ЦМС, інші колектори, а тепер і житлово-будівельний кооператив роблять мою позицію неспроможною. Мені набридла гра в кішки-мишки щодо пошуку все більш інноваційних способів забезпечення виживання наших сімей. І крім того, ми хочемо жити далі!!! У будь-якому випадку мені потрібно правильно відновити свою кар'єру, і я не стаю молодшим. Ті, хто в моєму близькому оточенні, кажуть, що я сміливий планувати нову сім'ю в своєму віці. (Що ви думаєте?) Але знову ж таки, я не стереотипний пригнічений британець, який розлучився, йому судилося бути бідним, самотнім, жалюгідним і злиденним, поки він не помре в заповненому сміттям будинку, і його знайде листоноша, або сусіди, які раптом розуміють, що не бачили їх протягом тривалого часу, і не забирали мою пошту, оскільки мертві люди не забирають пошту. Або, можливо, через поліцію, яка силою проникає, щоб знайти мене мертвим. На відміну від мами раніше я не піду тихо в ніч!!! Це не мій спосіб робити речі.

Отже, ось план. У мене є підстави вірити, що я нарешті зможу залишити життя живих мерців у Великій Британії з його жорстокими, каральними витратами на життя та почати нове життя. У мене є збережені гроші на рахунку DNBC Canada (гроші виконавця, нарешті, конвертовані в євро та безпечні від CMS). А наступний китайський обмін принесе мені ще 2400 доларів. і додайте до цього або замініть вартість документації, яка все ще потрібна. Незабаром потрібен оновлений DBS, не старше 6 місяців згідно з китайськими правилами, нотаріально завірений і апостильований (TEFL і дипломи вже нотаріально завірені). Я чекав, щоб поновити його, поки весь період найму не підійде в межах шестимісячного вікна.

Для візитів по обміну не потрібна віза категорії Z (потрібна легша для отримання віза X, оскільки вони оплачуються в доларах США зі США). Мені сказали, що буде час для отримання візи Z після повернення в червні. (Я стурбований медичним оглядом для отримання візи Z – я сподіваюся, що він буде побіжним і не скаже зайвого про проблеми, які у мене є; зрештою, вони не становлять ризику для інших).

Отже – я беру участь у наступному обмінному візиті у травні-червні. Я заробляю на цьому свої гроші, а потім зосереджуюсь на тому, щоб отримати роботу в Китаї, для чого потрібна віза Z. Вони тривають 30 днів, до того часу я матиму дозвіл на проживання в Китаї... це означає, що я можу приїжджати та йти, як заманеться, як громадянин Китаю... Це означає, що відвідування Буркіна-Фасо під час свят цілком можливо!!!! Отже, НЕ ПОВЕРНЕННЯ ДО ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНІЇ, я вільний від переслідувань з боку CMS, колекторів ТОЩО. І ... я буду працювати в Китаї (ОАЕ, Японія або Південна Корея також можливі місця призначення); і тоді я зможу заощаджувати кошти на ВІЗУ ПОСТІЙНОГО ПРОЖИВАННЯ в БУРКІНА-ФАСО - я буду контролювати процес сам, і оскільки Велика Британія не залучена (оскільки я не буду у Великобританії та повертаю її НЕ МОЖУ ЗАБЛОКУВАТИ МОЮ ВІЗУ, як це сталося у 2023 році). І, як ви могли б очікувати, у нас є інші справи, якими ми повинні зайня��ися, коли я приїду на свята...

Я перейду з на словах і так, можливо, пізніше... підходу до колекторів і поводжуся з ними так, як мені хотілося весь час. Оскільки вони не визнають мене жертвою насильства, я не буду хорошим хлопцем!!! Ті дні минуть, будьте впевнені... І справді, у мене є програмне забезпечення для блокування всіх номерів Великобританії, окрім тих, які перебувають у списку винятків. Зрештою мій номер у Великобританії буде вилучено, хоча я повинен переконатися, що зі мною можуть зв’язатися ті у Великобританії, кому це потрібно. До них належать сім’я, друзі, друзі сім’ї та ті, хто має справу зі мною (або моїми доньками) у професійній якості; інші на основі «потрібно мати». Жодним колекторам буде НЕМОЖЛИВО зв’язатися зі мною знову! (Моя колишня дружина може відповісти на їхні запитання, якщо борги є спільною власністю!). Отже, я перемагаю нокаутом...

Якщо ми будемо пильними та обережними, ще один культурний обмін у поєднанні з грошима виконавця, які надійно зберігаються в євро, доставить мене до Китаю (АБО ОАЕ, Японія чи Південна Корея також заслуговують на увагу; мені вже можна платити в їхніх валютах - Для китайських юанів потрібен рахунок у материковому Китаї, на який я маю право відкрити дозвіл на проживання).

Отже, у двох словах, гроші виконавця (конвертовані в євро та ще один візит для обміну (для сучасної людини 21-го століття конвертація фунтів стерлінгів або доларів США в євро є тривіальною; як це було б у дирхамах ОАЕ, ієні чи корейських вонах; юані важче, але не неможливо). ) вивезе мене з Великобританії, щойно я знайду роботу... І робота там заощаджує для мене можливість приїхати назавжди до Буркіна-Фасо, з візитами під час шкільних канікул, якщо це дозволить час і економія. Отже, все розкрито. Як я казав уже кілька років тому, я боєць, а не той, хто здався!

Які-небудь питання?

ps... Хтось інший чоловік робить це для осиротілих африканських жінок?


Penso che sia giusto dire che l'attesa è stata lunga e crudele. Il CMS, altri esattori e ora la cooperativa edilizia rendono la mia posizione insostenibile. Sono stufo del gioco del gatto e del topo che consiste nel trovare modi sempre più innovativi per garantire la sopravvivenza delle nostre famiglie. E poi vogliamo andare avanti con le nostre vite!!! In ogni caso ho bisogno di rilanciare bene la mia carriera e non sto ringiovanendo. Le persone che mi circondano dicono che sono coraggioso nel progettare una nuova famiglia alla mia età. (Cosa ne pensi?) Ma ancora una volta, non sono lo stereotipo dell'uomo britannico oppresso, divorziato, destinato a essere povero, solo, miserabile e impoverito finché non morirà in una casa piena di spazzatura, per essere trovato dal postino, o i vicini che all'improvviso si rendono conto di non vederli da molto tempo, né di ritirare la mia posta come i morti non ritirano la posta. O forse dalla polizia che forza l'ingresso per trovarmi morto. A differenza di mia madre prima di me, non andrò in silenzio nella notte!!! Non è il mio modo di fare le cose.

Quindi, ecco il piano. Ho motivo di credere che potrò finalmente abbandonare la vita dei morti viventi nel Regno Unito con i suoi costi della vita brutali e punitivi e iniziare una nuova vita. Ho dei soldi risparmiati sul conto DNBC Canada (i soldi dell'esecutore testamentario finalmente, convertiti in EUR e al sicuro dal CMS). E il prossimo cambio cinese mi farà guadagnare altri 2400 dollari. e aggiungere a ciò o sostituire il costo della documentazione ancora richiesta. A breve serve un DBS aggiornato, non più vecchio di 6 mesi come da normativa cinese, autenticato e apostillato (TEFL e certificati di laurea sono già autenticati). Ho aspettato per rinnovarlo finché l'intero periodo di reclutamento non rientrerà nella finestra di sei mesi.

Le visite di scambio non necessitano di un visto di categoria Z (queste necessitano di un visto X più facile da ottenere, poiché si pagano in USD dagli USA). Mi dicono che ci sarà tempo per ottenere il visto Z al rientro a giugno. (Sono preoccupato per la visita medica per un visto Z - spero che sarà superficiale e non dirà troppo sui problemi che ho; dopotutto non rappresentano alcun rischio per gli altri).

Allora, parteciperò alla prossima visita di scambio a maggio/giugno. Aumento i miei soldi con questo e poi mi concentro sulla ricerca di un lavoro in Cina, richiedendo un visto Z. Durano 30 giorni, poi avrò il permesso di soggiorno cinese... questo vuol dire che posso andare e venire come voglio, come un cittadino cinese... Vuol dire che visitare il Burkina Faso in vacanza è assolutamente possibile!!!! Quindi, NESSUN RITORNO NEL REGNO UNITO, sono libero da persecuzioni da parte del CMS, degli esattori ETC. E... lavorerò in Cina (anche Emirati Arabi Uniti, Giappone o Corea del Sud sono possibili destinazioni); e potrò quindi risparmiare per un VISTO DI RESIDENZA PERMANENTE in BURKINA FASO - supervisionerò personalmente il processo e poiché il Regno Unito non è coinvolto (poiché non sarò nel Regno Unito né lo restituirò NON POSSO BLOCCARE IL MIO VISTO come è successo nel 2023). E abbiamo anche altre questioni di cui occuparci quando verrò a trovarmi durante le vacanze, come potresti aspettarti...

Camminerò dal servizio formale e dall'approccio sì, forse più tardi... agli esattori e li tratterò nel modo che ho sempre desiderato. Dato che non mi riconoscono come vittima di abusi, non sarò un bravo ragazzo!!! Quei giorni se ne andranno, stai tranquillo... E infatti, ho un software per bloccare tutti i numeri del Regno Unito tranne quelli presenti in un elenco di esenzioni. Alla fine il mio numero nel Regno Unito verrà ritirato, anche se devo assicurarmi di poter essere contattato da coloro nel Regno Unito che ne hanno bisogno. Questi includono la famiglia, gli amici, gli amici di famiglia e coloro che hanno a che fare con me (o con le mie figlie) a titolo professionale; altri in base alla "necessità di avere". Sarà IMPOSSIBILE per qualsiasi esattore contattarmi mai più! (La mia ex moglie può rispondere alle loro domande se i debiti sono di proprietà congiunta!). Quindi vinco per KO....

Se siamo vigili e attenti, un ulteriore scambio culturale abbinato al denaro dell’esecutore testamentario depositato al sicuro in EUR, mi porterà in Cina (o anche negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, in Giappone o in Corea del Sud sono degni di considerazione; posso già essere pagato nelle loro valute) - Lo Yuan cinese necessita di un conto nella Cina continentale che un permesso di soggiorno mi autorizzerà ad aprire).

Quindi, in poche parole, il denaro dell'esecutore testamentario (convertito in euro e un'altra visita di cambio (per un uomo moderno del 21° secolo, convertire GBP o USD in EUR è banale; come lo sarebbero AED, JPY o KRW; CNY è più difficile ma non impossibile ) mi farà uscire dal Regno Unito non appena avrò un lavoro... E lavorare lì mi risparmia di venire permanentemente in Burkina Faso, con visite durante i periodi di vacanze scolastiche quando il tempo e i risparmi lo consentono. Quindi, tutto è rivelato. Come dico ormai da alcuni anni, sono un combattente, non uno che molla!

Qualsiasi domanda?

ps... Qualcun altro uomo fa questo per le donne africane orfane?


我认为可以公平地说,等待是漫长而残酷的。 CMS、其他收债人以及现在的住房合作社都让我的立场站不住脚。 我厌倦了寻找更多创新方法来确保我们家庭生存的猫鼠游戏。 此外,我们想要继续我们的生活! 无论如何,我需要重新开始我的职业生涯,而且我已经不再年轻了。 我身边的人都说我有勇气在这个年纪计划组建新家庭。 (你觉得呢?) 但话又说回来,我不是一个典型的受压迫的英国男人,他离婚了,注定贫穷、孤独、悲惨和贫穷,直到他在一个充满垃圾的家里去世,被邮递员发现, 或者邻居突然意识到他们已经很长一段时间没有见到他们了,也没有收集我的邮件,因为死人不会收集他们的邮件。 或者也许是警察强行进入发现我死了。 与我之前的母亲不同,我不会安静地走进黑夜! 这不是我做事的方式。

所以,这是计划。 我有理由相信我终于可以离开英国的活死人生活及其残酷、惩罚性的生活成本,开始新的生活。 我在 DNBC 加拿大账户中存了一些钱(执行人的钱最终转换成欧元,可以从 CMS 安全地获取)。 下一次中国交易所将给我另外 2400 美元。 并添加或替换仍然需要的文档成本。 很快就需要更新的 DBS,根据中国法规,不超过 6 个月,并经过公证和海牙认证(TEFL 和学位证书已经经过公证)。 我一直在等待续签,直到整个招聘期在六个月的窗口内。

交流访问不需要 Z 类签证(这些需要更容易获得 X 签证,因为它们是从美国以美元支付的)。 我听说六月份回国时会有时间获得Z签证。 (我担心 Z 签证的体检 - 我希望这只是一次粗略的体检,不要过多谈论我确实存在的问题;毕竟它们不会对其他人构成风险)。

所以 - 我参加了五月/六月的下一次交流访问。 我从中增加了钱,然后专注于在中国找工作,需要 Z 签证。 为期30天,届时我将获得中国居留证...这意味着我可以像中国公民一样来去自如...意味着假期访问布基纳法索是完全可能的! 所以,不要返回英国,我不会受到 CMS、收债人等的迫害。 而且......我将在中国工作(阿联酋、日本或韩国也是可能的目的地); 然后我将能够存钱以获取布基纳法索的永久居留签证 - 我将亲自监督整个过程,并且由于英国不参与其中(因为我不会在英国,也不会返回它,因此不能像发生的那样阻止我的签证) 2023 年)。 而且,正如您所期望的那样,当我在假期访问时,我们还有其他事项需要处理......

我将改变口头上的服务,是的,也许稍后......对待收债人的方式,并以我一直想要的方式对待他们。 因为他们不承认我是虐待受害者,所以我不会成为一个好人! 那些日子将会过去,请放心......事实上,我有软件可以阻止除豁免名单上的所有英国号码。 最终我的英国号码将被撤销,尽管我必须确保英国境内有需要的人可以联系到我。 其中包括家人、朋友、家人的朋友以及以专业身份与我(或我的女儿)打交道的人; 其他则基于“需要”。 任何收债人都不可能再联系我了! (如果债务是共同拥有的话,我的前妻可以回答他们的问题!)。 所以,我以淘汰赛获胜......

如果我们保持警惕和小心,再进行一次文化交流,再加上以欧元安全存储的执行人资金,我就可以去中国,(或者阿联酋、日本或韩国也值得考虑;我已经可以用他们的货币付款了) - 人民币需要一个中国大陆账户,居住证将使我有权开设该账户)。

简而言之,执行人的钱(兑换成欧元,再进行一次交流访问(对于21世纪的现代人来说,将英镑或美元兑换成欧元是微不足道的;迪拉姆、日元或韩元也可以;人民币更难,但并非不可能) )一旦我找到工作,我就会离开英国......在那里工作可以节省我永久来到布基纳法索的费用,并在时间和储蓄允许的情况下在学校假期期间进行访问。所以,一切都已揭晓。 正如我多年来所说,我是一个斗士,而不是一个放弃者!




As of January 2024, I am offering an alternative to Preply for long term, trustworthy and committed students.

This is because of the unethical, exploitative and predtary behaviour of this company.

Due to the fact that I am likely to be forced to continue on Preply for some time, and the fact that they ***BAN***

teachers who discuss leaving the platform to take their lessons privately or on other platforms, this MUST NOT be

discussed on their platform. They can detect this! So if you wish to consider the alternative of direct (private)

tuition (cheaper) or LiveXP if unable to pay directly. I am trialling migration policy. The need to be discrete means

that I am currently discussing this only on Gemini. See links below if you are interested. The 'typical person' has

a web browser and essentially nothing else; so I will introduce on Gemini until I am up to 'critical mass' and losing

Preply will be no big deal! Amazingly, even 'computer science students' are often unaware of the existence of Gopher

(forgivable for the younger generation) which is making a comeback, and Gemini (a new protocol). The perception is that

'the web' and the internet are synonymous - they are not!

http://dfdn.info/downloads - Gemini and Gopher clients listed here.

gemini://dfdn.info/livexp/ Information about LiveXP

gemini://dfdn.info/dfdn/preply.gmi Reasons why you might want to migrate away from Preply

https://livexp.com/DavidNorris-3cf791 My LiveXP profile

gemini://dfdn.info/livexp/livexp-6-15-0.apk LiveXP app for Android

gemini://dfdn.info/dfdn/private.gmi For private options see here, including supported currencies.

gemini://dfdn.info/livexp/David-Norris.png My business card including contact detsils

Direct calls, WhatsApp and Zello are secure means of communication. Any questions please?

My teaching material is being added to on Gemini; see gemini://dfdn.info/teaching

For you serious students, how would you like to be able to talk to each other and share ideas? By 'serious' I mean capable

of communicating in language which is respectful and courtious, not using the kind of language I do not teach in my lessons(!),

of respecting an 'old English gentleman' and those from other faiths, cultures and so forth. The server is not restricted

during the testing and trial stage, and if possible I wish it to stay that way please! You will need a Usenet reader as NNTP

is used (For firewalls, port 119 TCP) - I can recommend clients for your OS.

Please in the interests of all users avoid discussions of topics such as politics and religion, as well as profanity, or any

behaviour which could be considered 'Discriminatory or Harassing'.

A word for would-be abusers. I have sophosticated detection tools and all my equipment is NTP synchronised. It logs all IP

addresses and abuse complaints are trivially easy to file.... abuse@privider.com after a whois lookup - whois NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN ..

gemini://dfdn.info/justice/usenet.gmi Ready to take the plunge? Details are here. Any questions or issues? You know where I am!

gemini://dfdn.info/dfdn/smallinternet.gmi For reasons why the 'small internet' is making a comeback...

Install a Gemini browser - I recommend Lagrange for Windows which supports Gopher also, and I give 100%

assurance it is free of cookies and interigation about accepting them, tracking, privacy invasions,

door slams (go away unless you subscribe, etc) autoplaying videos and data swallowing due to all the above.

You will not regret. Paying by the MB? Gopher and Gemini are for you!


Well, I have just returned from my second visit to China on a cultural exchange.

In theory I will be eligible each as an opportunity at a Chinese university if

I complete a third such exchange - so I am told by the organiser of the exchanges.

In the meantime, I will consider my options for English teaching.

If I can manage to get a position doing so, then I can work in a place

where living costs are low.

In the meantime, students who are among my regular core of long term students,

who have been unable to take lessons while I was in China should take advantage

of the opportunity to catch up, and I will have Christmas and new year available.

In the Christmas/New Year period in what should (I hope!) be my last in the UK.

For younger students, you have school holidays so what are you waiting for?

Older students have time off work in the majority of cases also. And when I

have reason to celebrate Christmas again, I will want time off myself. But not

this year. Strike while the iron is hot, as the saying goes! There is a story

behind this..

I have carried out an analysis of which countries pay English or engineering

teachers well? I came down to...

• South Korea;

• Japan;

• China;

• United Arab emirates.

And my conclusions?

After a long and in-depth analysis of which countries paid well, I conducted

extensive analysis of their living costs and demographics.

United Arab Emirates has high living costs, so I will struggle to save.

Japan and South Korea also have fairly high living costs, and initial interviews

in the summer of 2023 revealed a lot of competition;

China stands out as it combines low living costs with good pay for teaching

staff. And - it has the added attraction in that I have now taught (at a

Chinese University!) in person on two separate occasions now; - online on

two occasions back in the days when COVID-19 made it difficult or impossible

to visit in person.

I vitally need to be in a position to relocate and save for the business I plan

to launch in West Africa. See:

http://dfdn.info/africa for details!

So... I am likely to teach for one term in 2024, visit Burkina Faso in the

summer break, and complete a year in 2024/2025 to save. I think this will

suffice. I will review this in 2025. Those who know me well know my motto..

"If a vital job needs to be done, do not procrastinate. Give me the

opportunity and the resources, and I will get the job done. No excuses!"

Any questions anyone? David, December 2023

Please stand by for further updates...


Chronology of the next few years

The future begins to take shape.... I really wish I had known the importance of overseas work to our plans. But I seek to

set foot on Burkinabe soil within a year.

Here are the permutations expected over the next 2 years...

I feel I am making slow but steady progress. It is not easy to reinvent myself after all I have gone through, after so many years.

Yet I am a sensitive but shrewd man. Personality tests would suggest my official personality type is guardian protector.

More on this later. More to the point, I am showing a growing international prowess and seeking to abandon the past and move into a new future.

I am cautious but confident by nature. This is a feature of the above personality type.

That said, the lingering problems of my old life, given that I am without family support, is stubborn and entrenched. It will take

some dislodging.

2023 Goes out with a bang

We have a little over two months of the year left to run.

October has not been easy at all times. But the cultural exchange takes place later this year. Teaching is 27th November to

18th December. But it is worth noting that it will be for not two weeks but three and not two courses but three. That's an

additional $1200. That'll help! I am back in time for the brutal Christmas period. But it is the last as we know it. I will

want extra work for this period. Nothing to celebrate this year. But think of Christmas's of the future.

New year 2024

Little Change at first...

It is a familiar enough start. But the wind of change will soon begin to blow.

February 2024 will be a transitional month. I expect to be making a more extended return to China. I expect to be there for

a school term, maybe late February to Mid July. And - please lord I ***DO NOT*** wish to spend the intervening period in the

UK. Instead I will need yet another visa. Why? To set foot on Burkinabe soil for the first time! For these weeks a visitor visa

would suffice. And - we need to set up a UBA account in this time. And there will be plenty to celebrate! I need not fill in the details.

I get the distinct feeling that I am not exactly the kind of man they are used to in Burkina Faso. But then again, I have a history of taking

people by surprise wherever I go. I am certain Ouagadougou will be no exception.

Late 2024

Well - a complete academic year in China is needed for financial reasons. But visits at Christmas or Chinese new year will be

affordable by then - and I may need leave from work during this time anyhow. Enough said!

And I am hopeful that we can plan for the business.


Well, if we can begin the business this year, I will be resident in Burkina Faso. But I must be responsible both financially

and otherwise.

There may be some amendments to this timetable. At this stage confidence is moderate to high on the overall timeline, but

low on the detail.


Could I feel more like a family man again?

Notice for students - updated 18th September 2023

Last year, the lack of work around the Christmas and new year period forced me to take agency work around this time. Christmas is something I will celebrate when I next have reason to; In the meantime is it just a source of stress, disruption, lost income and nothing to celebrate right now. And whereas income vanishes at this time, living costs do not!

Since I have got another project to raise money for (upfront costs in readiness to teach in China); I will mention how it affects my online teaching operation below); I have decided to implement these measures early this year. This will inevitably result in some rescheduling of lessons in daytime hours (in the UK); whereas this is regrettable but currently the vast majority of lessons are in UK evening hours, the agency work mainly daytime hours.

Unfortunately Preply ties the profile position to hourly rate, effectively penalising those from “rip off countries” such as the UK and allows you to be undercut by those teachers fortunate enough to come from countries where living costs are considerably lower. Whereas I would be happy to give students discounts where appropriate (obviously students from Pakistan, Myanmar, Cambodia or Senegal, for example, could not pay as much as a student from say Germany or Sweden), I would rather be able to exercise this discression rather than being globally restricted. Since this prevents me from saving the money I need, I therefore have no alternative but to take additional work. The teaching operation in China is required for me to move ahead and build the future I feel I have long fought for.

I will of course try to keep rescheduling to a minimum; however there is no way to avoid it entirely. Rescheduled lessons will be forward shifted in time (to give the student time to check the revised time and advise if not suitable). Note: it is the fault of Preply’s policy, not my policy!!!

After arriving in China in February, I will be producing a revised timetable for online students; I do need to maintain an online student base also.

Any questions or issues, please get in contact as soon as possible. I am known nowadays for my strategic planning skills – however this depends crucially on the necessary resources being available!

Timezone note: The UK is UTC+0 (UTC+1 during british summer time ending October 29th this year); China is UTC+8 and Burkina Faso – my final destination happens to be on UTC+0 like the UK!).

And – a full detail of my current schedule – which can be adjusted for your timezone – can be found here: http://dfdn.info/teaching/schedule.html

With regards, David

Sent from Mail for Windows

Avviso agli studenti - aggiornato al 18 settembre 2023

L'anno scorso, la mancanza di lavoro nel periodo di Natale e Capodanno mi ha costretto ad accettare lavori tramite agenzia in questo periodo. Il Natale è qualcosa che celebrerò la prossima volta che ne avrò motivo; Nel frattempo è solo una fonte di stress, disagi, perdita di reddito e niente da festeggiare in questo momento. E mentre il reddito in questo momento svanisce, il costo della vita no!

Dal momento che ho un altro progetto per cui raccogliere fondi (costi iniziali per essere pronti a insegnare in Cina); Menzionerò di seguito come influisce sulla mia attività di insegnamento online); Ho deciso di attuare queste misure all’inizio di quest’anno. Ciò comporterà inevitabilmente una riprogrammazione delle lezioni nelle ore diurne (nel Regno Unito); sebbene ciò sia deplorevole, ma attualmente la stragrande maggioranza delle lezioni si svolgono in orario serale nel Regno Unito, l'agenzia lavora principalmente in orario diurno.

Sfortunatamente Preply lega la posizione del profilo alla tariffa oraria, penalizzando di fatto quelli provenienti da “paesi truffa” come il Regno Unito e permettendoti di essere indebolito da quegli insegnanti abbastanza fortunati da provenire da paesi in cui il costo della vita è notevolmente più basso. Mentre sarei felice di concedere sconti agli studenti, se del caso (ovviamente gli studenti provenienti da Pakistan, Myanmar, Cambogia o Senegal, ad esempio, non potrebbero pagare tanto quanto uno studente, ad esempio, dalla Germania o dalla Svezia), preferirei poter esercitare questa discrezionalità piuttosto che essere limitato a livello globale. Dato che questo mi impedisce di risparmiare i soldi di cui ho bisogno, non ho altra alternativa che accettare un lavoro aggiuntivo. L’attività di insegnamento in Cina mi è necessaria per andare avanti e costruire il futuro per il quale sento di aver combattuto a lungo.

Cercherò ovviamente di ridurre al minimo la riprogrammazione; tuttavia non c'è modo di evitarlo del tutto. Le lezioni riprogrammate verranno anticipate nell'orario (per dare tempo allo studente di verificare l'orario riprogrammato e avvisare se non idoneo). Nota: è colpa della policy di Preply, non della mia!!!

Dopo essere arrivato in Cina a febbraio, produrrò un orario rivisto per gli studenti online; Ho bisogno anche di mantenere una base di studenti online.

Per qualsiasi domanda o problema, contattaci il prima possibile. Oggi sono conosciuto per le mie capacità di pianificazione strategica, ma ciò dipende in modo cruciale dalla disponibilità delle risorse necessarie!

Nota sul fuso orario: il Regno Unito è UTC+0 (UTC+1 durante l'ora legale britannica che termina il 29 ottobre di quest'anno); La Cina è UTC+8 e il Burkina Faso – la mia destinazione finale sembra essere UTC+0 come il Regno Unito!).

Inoltre, un dettaglio completo del mio programma attuale, che può essere modificato in base al tuo fuso orario, può essere trovato qui: http://dfdn.info/teaching/schedule.html

Con saluti, David

Inviato da Mail per Windows

Avis aux étudiants - mis à jour le 18 septembre 2023

L'année dernière, le manque de travail pendant la période de Noël et du nouvel an m'a obligé à travailler en agence à cette période. Noël est quelque chose que je célébrerai la prochaine fois que j'en aurai une raison ; En attendant, c'est juste une source de stress, de perturbations, de perte de revenus et rien à célébrer pour le moment. Et même si les revenus disparaissent à l’heure actuelle, le coût de la vie ne disparaît pas !

Depuis que j'ai un autre projet pour lequel collecter des fonds (coûts initiaux liés à la préparation à enseigner en Chine) ; Je mentionnerai ci-dessous comment cela affecte mes opérations d'enseignement en ligne ); J'ai décidé de mettre en œuvre ces mesures au début de cette année. Cela entraînera inévitablement une certaine reprogrammation des cours pendant la journée (au Royaume-Uni) ; Bien que cela soit regrettable, mais qu'actuellement, la grande majorité des cours se déroulent le soir au Royaume-Uni, l'agence travaille principalement pendant la journée.

Malheureusement, Preply lie le poste de profil au taux horaire, pénalisant ainsi ceux originaires de « pays frauduleux » comme le Royaume-Uni et vous permettant d'être sous-coté par les enseignants qui ont la chance de venir de pays où le coût de la vie est considérablement inférieur. Alors que je serais heureux d'accorder des réductions aux étudiants le cas échéant (évidemment, les étudiants du Pakistan, du Myanmar, du Cambodge ou du Sénégal, par exemple, ne pourraient pas payer autant qu'un étudiant d'Allemagne ou de Suède, par exemple), je préférerais pouvoir exercer cette discrétion. plutôt que d’être limité à l’échelle mondiale. Comme cela m’empêche d’économiser l’argent dont j’ai besoin, je n’ai donc d’autre choix que de prendre du travail supplémentaire. L'opération d'enseignement en Chine est nécessaire pour que je puisse avancer et construire l'avenir pour lequel je sens que je me bats depuis longtemps.

J’essaierai bien sûr de limiter les reprogrammations au minimum ; cependant, il n'y a aucun moyen de l'éviter complètement. Les cours reprogrammés seront décalés dans le temps (pour donner à l'étudiant le temps de vérifier l'heure révisée et de l'informer si cela ne lui convient pas). Remarque : c'est la faute de la politique de Preply, pas de ma politique !!!

Après mon arrivée en Chine en février, je rédigerai un emploi du temps révisé pour les étudiants en ligne ; Je dois également maintenir une base d’étudiants en ligne.

Pour toute question ou problème, veuillez nous contacter dès que possible. Je suis aujourd’hui connu pour mes compétences en planification stratégique – mais cela dépend essentiellement des ressources nécessaires disponibles !

Remarque sur le fuseau horaire : le Royaume-Uni est UTC+0 (UTC+1 pendant l'heure d'été britannique se terminant le 29 octobre de cette année) ; La Chine est en UTC+8 et le Burkina Faso – ma destination finale se trouve être en UTC+0 comme le Royaume-Uni !).

Et – un détail complet de mon emploi du temps actuel – qui peut être ajusté en fonction de votre fuseau horaire – peut être trouvé ici : http://dfdn.info/teaching/schedule.html

Cordialement, David

Envoyé depuis Mail pour Windows

学生须知 - 更新于 2023 年 9 月 18 日

去年,圣诞节和新年期间缺乏工作,迫使我在这个时候接受代理工作。 圣诞节是我下次有理由庆祝的事情; 与此同时,这只是压力、干扰、收入损失的根源,现在没什么值得庆祝的。 虽然此时收入消失了,但生活成本却没有!

因为我还有另一个项目需要筹集资金(准备在中国教书的前期费用); 我会在下面提到它对我的在线教学运作有何影响); 我已决定在今年年初实施这些措施。 这将不可避免地导致一些白天课程的重新安排(在英国); 虽然这令人遗憾,但目前绝大多数课程都在英国晚上进行,该机构主要在白天工作。

不幸的是,Preply 将个人资料位置与小时费率挂钩,有效地惩罚了那些来自英国等“诈骗国家”的教师,并让���被那些幸运地来自生活成本低得多的国家的教师所削弱。 虽然我很乐意在适当的情况下给学生折扣(例如,显然来自巴基斯坦、缅甸、柬埔寨或塞内加尔的学生无法支付与来自德国或瑞典的学生一样多的费用),但我宁愿能够行使这种自由裁量权 而不是受到全球限制。 由于这使我无法存下所需的钱,因此我别无选择,只能做额外的工作。 在中国的教学工作需要我继续前进,建设我认为我长期以来为之奋斗的未来。

我当然会尽量减少重新安排时间; 然而,没有办法完全避免它。 重新安排的课程将及时提前(以便学生有时间检查修改后的时间并在不合适时提出建议)。 注意:这是 Preply 政策的错误,而不是我的政策!

2月份抵达中国后,我将为在线学生制定修订的时间表; 我确实还需要维护一个在线学生群。

如有任何疑问或问题,请尽快联系。 如今,我因我的战略规划技能而闻名——但这很大程度上取决于可用的必要资源!

时区说明:英国为UTC+0(今年10月29日结束的英国夏令时为UTC+1); 中国是UTC+8,布基纳法索——我的最终目的地恰好是UTC+0,就像英国一样!)。

并且 – 我当前日程安排的完整详细信息 – 可以根据您的时区进行调整 – 可以在这里找到:http://dfdn.info/teaching/schedule.html


If you have any questions, feel free to email me: davidn@dfdn.line.pm - when in Burkina Faso, I will

be using the domain .dfdn.org.bf domain, not this temporary DNS. In order to do this you need to provide

proof of residence and pay 450 USD - not cheap.

And the business? I intend to launch a Photovoltaic (solar) powered electronics business. Feel free to

leave me a message!

***Breaking News***

According to Gloria my own country has stopped my visa. We are devestated. I am working on an alternative plan.

When tears give way to anger as they do with me, some bad publicity is in order!!! This is, after all, the very

reason I want to leave here!!!! I am sick to the back teeth of this country and its bureaucracy meddling and

interfering in my life!


2023-03-15 On Hold Package on Hold, Contact Supplier

Shipment Information


Burkina Faso




On Hold


United Kingdom



Type of Shipment:

Air Freight



Shipment Mode:

Air Freight

Carrier Reference No.:



Visa Documents ( CONFIDENTIAL )



Payment Mode:


Total Freight:


Expected Delivery Date:


Departure Time:

11:00 am

Pick-up Date:


Pick-up Time:

10:00 am




Qty. Piece Type Description Length(cm) Width(cm) Height(cm) Weight (kg)

1 Others Visa Documents ( CONFIDENTIAL ) 5 4 6 5

Total Volumetric Weight : 0.02kg.

Total Volume : 0.00012cu. m.

Total Actual Weight : 5.00kg.

Shipment History

Date Time Location Status Updated By Remarks

2023-02-22 Burkina Faso In Transit flashglobalinc Package left for London, UK

2023-02-22 Burkina Faso Picked up flashglobalinc Package registered and labelled for delivery

2023-02-22 Burkina Faso In Transit flashglobalinc Departed Sort Facility

2023-03-15 On Hold flashglobalinc Package on Hold, Contact Supplier

Sender is British Embassy Burkina Faso

Thevénoud, 900 Ouagadougou 01

Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou

Burkina Faso, 00000 Burkina Faso


I am asking Gloria to invstigate. Why do I fail in all I do!!!!!

After recent events I have decided that I wish to work overseas at the earliest opportunity.

As my visa for Burnina Faso was stopped inexplicably, (and I am considering making a freedom

of information request to find out why), given the ever increasing living costs here and given

that I feel the urge to make a new start, I have decided the time has come for me to work

overseas until such time as I can join Gloria.

I have two options. One is to work online in a place where living costs are low (e.g Gambia,

Philippines), the second is to work somewhere wages are high (e.g China, Unided Arab Emirates).

I have to weigh up my options here. My situation here is far from secure and I have personal

reasons for wanting to live and work overseas. The economic situation here in the UK is getting

worse and worse, I cannot save any money to move on with my life and furthermore, I am not

getting any younger.

I also feel the need to 'go and see the world' and working overseas is a good way for a

divorced man to do so.

I am curently following up some leads regarding three possible candidates – China,

United Arab Emirates and the Gambia.

Further updates will be issued later.


Feel free in the meantime to check out http://dfdn.line.pm (co-hosted on https) and also the gopher service at gopher://dfdn.line.pm:70/

For students, the teaching materials can be found at http://dfdn.line.pm/teaching/teaching.html

I am intending to schedule the Outschool class "Introduction to Electronics" shortly!

On arrival I will be issuing new contact details. My email and WhatsApp details will remain unchanged; my telephone number will change

(the country code is +226).

See https://outschool.com/classes/a-young-persons-introduction-to-electronics-GWjPdgaN?sectionUid=d94b883b-1549-4a53-b595-50d1e43bfd02&showDetails=true

for schedule. New for 2023.

P.S Gloria says my visa will be issued soon. Full details will appear here, on the web and on gopher also. Watch this space!!!

Further updates will appear here later.

Thankyou for fingering me. With regards


Why it's the end of the road for the old family life....

The big worry for my family is about me working overseas.

But the real question they should be asking is, “what future does the family have if

they don't go international”?

That's because my plans are going to send the old family life and habbits into a

death spiral 1 in the next year or two.

Why? Because the ever increasing, brutal living costs, lack of job security, the

isolation of the UK in business circles, post Brexit (and vastly increased costs

forthwith) and lack of genuinely afforable housing are going to make living,

working -and in my case starting a business , overseas - an ever more attractive


While meanwhile, the souring living costs, lack of affordable places to live and job

security back in the uk will make survival ever more difficult.

This is why I called it a death spiral. The only relatives I have close to me see this as

madness - on the face of it. But in reality their view is more the result of a stick in the

mud attitide ("this is how the family have always done it") and lack of

understanding of the modern world.

My plan, if they don't mind (or even if they do!) is to embark on a ruthless program

to modernise the family, as well as saving myself from a lonely, miserible,

impoverished demise. (Having worked in hospitals I know only too well how many

elderly people end their days, dying alone, with nobody even noticing for weeks -

maybe to be found by the postman who suddenly notices that they have not

collected their mail for some time...

And I also have plans to bring the family (and - it would seem others too) a future

they would not otherwise have. I intend to leave a legacy of modernisation

behind – and be remembered as the saviour of my own (and other) familes.

I am now teaching online as an interim measure, so I can leave the UK with a

source of income I can take anywhere. I am being asked if I can teach English to

students in Iran and Electronic Engineering to students in China, among others.

But ultimately, my goal is to establish an electronics business in Western Africa,

which will be mainly solar powered and based on the microcontroller. This will be a

family based business to which I wish to invite my existing daughters – to begin a

career that will be free of graduate debt totalling tens of thousands of pounds.

(My policy is to treat them and further children equally, whoever their mother is).

And it is a business with the potential to change the lives of others too.

I already have multi-currency accounts in which I can be paid in a number of

currencies - and also a number of providers of teaching services – this is to provide

1 A death spiral is where an aircraft enters a spiraling nose dive from which recovery

is almost impossible (bail out!).

(backup and fault tollerance (there is safety in redundancy, as we computer

science graduates will know – this is so that there is no single point of failure).)

And these are already in place for starting the business too!

I have no siblings. And a few years time, I will have no close surviving relatives

remaining at all.

I know now that I stand at a crossroads. Of needing to choose between two fates.

One of which has a future, the other does not.

One sees me as head of a new, rejevinated, and modern extended family, the

other sees me dying cold and alone - to be honest it really is this simple and brutal

a choice.

My family I have said that I am mad to go ahead with my plans!!! You see, the real

difference stems from the fact that they meekly resign themselves to fate – in a

way that I do not. And they also have no vision for the future if I am honest.

But seen in context, and against this backdrop, who has really lost their mind? I let

you decide. Or put another way, I can choose two courses of action, one of two

rolls... One sees my future as a 'mummy's boy', the other as a man. So - which

choice would you prefer? I will be interested to hear your verdict.

Let us build a family, business and future in which we can all be proud!


i I currently have the facilities to accept payment in the following: UK Pound (GBP), United States Dollar (USD),

Euro (EUR), Australian dollar (AUD) and Philippine Peso (PHP). And others will be needed later, such as the West

African CFA Franc (XOF) and te Gambian Dalasi (GMD).